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Welcome to the February 2011
             Community Information Briefing

                      Chief, Plans Branch, DPTMS

Our Mission: To provide the Army the installation capabilities and
services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent
conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families
commensurate with their service.

                                    UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011


Planning, Analysis and Integration

Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011

Ash Wednesday,
          March 9th

        CATHOLIC Masses ~
         Good Shepherd Chapel
           11:30 am and 5:00 pm

        Protestant service ~
            friendship chapel
                12:00 noon

                      Call 706-791-5653.
Scripture Readings and
          Devotional Guides

Available free from
  the Religious Education Center,
  the Post Chapels, and
  the Religious Support Office.
                          Call 706-791-4703.
                  BIBLE STUDY
              following the Torah portion of the week

Fridays at 12:00, Noon,
Ikes Caf辿, 3rd Floor DDEAMC,
Conference Room near the windowed area.

   Brown bag lunch forum. Books provided.
                All Welcome!!
                  For more information, call the Jewish Distinctive Faith
                  Group Leader at 787-1353.
Fort Gordon Chapter of AUSA

Greater Augusta  Ft. Gordon Chapter of AUSA
                   Breakfast & Briefings
                          Thursday, February 24, 2011 from 7:30AM  9:00AM
                                      Gordon Club at Fort Gordon
Gives Civilians and Ft. Gordon service members an opportunity to interact with the Ft. Gordon leadership and learn about
               the military missions and training at Fort Gordon from the leaders who direct those activities.
                                                Enjoy a full breakfast buffet
                                Interact with others in the business and military community
                         Learn how the presence of Fort Gordon can positively affect your business

                                           This Months Speaker
Brigadier General W. Bryan Gamble of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medical Center will present:
              The Eisenhower Medical Center Mission  Today and Tomorrow
 The cost (including breakfast) is only $8.00 for AUSA members or $10.00 for non-members.
                                 Make your reservation today:
                                        Call 706-821-1312
            (Reservations must be received no later than Tuesday, February 22nd.)

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
                        Augusta-Fort Gordon Chapter
Judge Advocate Office

Fort Gordon Tax Center
                        OPEN NOW AT THE COURTYARD



                       Monday  Friday: 0900-1800
                       Saturday: 0900-1300

       Military ID Cards
       Social Security Cards
       W2s, 1099s, etc.
       Powers of Attorneys
       Receipts for Deductible Expenses and Home/Car Purchases
       Direct Deposit Info.
       2008 Returns

   TAX CENTER: 787-1040

           OSJA, Legal Assistance Division  (706) 791-7812
513th MI BDE

The Augusta Chapter of the Military
    Intelligence Corps Association is
 hosting a 10k Trail Run/5k Walk on 12
       March 2011 at Fort Gordon.
  ****A Portion of the proceeds will be
   donated to the Fort Gordon Fisher
Entry fee is $30 for the 10k and $25 for
the 5k. All participants will receive a t-
   shirt and a bag with gifts from our
 For more information and to register
             visit our website:
Directorate of Logistics

Directorate of Logistics (DOL)

 Operation Clean Sweep is in effect through 30 Sep 11. All Army
  units must inventory and identify any excess property. An
  OPORD and other supporting documents have been disseminated
  through command and logistical channels. POC can be reached
  at 791-2675/4239.

 Units must submit ammunition requirements three working
  days in advance. Requests for exception to policy must be
  approved by the first O-6 in the chain of command.

 The Ammunition Supply Point will be closed for inventory
  from 21- 25 March 11. Request that units plan
  accordingly. POC can be reached at 791-3476.
Directorate of Logistics (DOL)

 Effective February 2011 Fort Gordon will implement
  TRADOCs Soldier Fueling Initiative (SFI) in all IET
  DFACs except DFAC 11 (Bldg 21709).

 Soldier Fueling is a program designed to implement more
  nutritional menu standards and eliminate high caloric food
  items such as soda, hotdogs, cakes, etc.

 The transition will happen in two phases: Phase I -NLT Feb
  fully transition the program in DFACs 4 & 8. Phase II -
  NLT Mar transition DFACs 1 & 2.
Directorate of Logistics (DOL)

 Effective 28 February 2011, the Central Issue Facility
  hours of operation are as follows:

 Normal week day:
 Monday  Thursday 0630  1600, Friday 0730-1130

 Holiday on Monday:
 Tuesday  Thursday 0630-1600, Friday 0630  1130

 Holiday on Friday:
 Monday  Thursday 0730-1600
Directorate of Logistics (DOL)


 Was your shipment scheduled in DPS? You havent heard from
  the carrier? Please contact the carrier no later than 72 hrs prior to
  your scheduled pick up date.

 The Transportation Office only gets involved with DPS
  shipments when the carriers are not able to pick up your
  shipment on the actual pick up date or on a later date.

 Carriers are not required to remove electronics off the wall.

                  For more information call 791-4241
Directorate of Logistics (DOL)

 Once your Household Goods are delivered, youre entitled to be
  partially or fully unpacked by the carrier.

 You will be contacted and visited at your residence by a Quality
  Assurance Inspector the morning of your move to address any
  concerns you may have during your move. If you are not
  contacted, and you require assistance, please do not hesitate to
  contact the Quality Assurance Lead Inspector at 706-791-7337.

 Be prepared for your move? Visit http://www.move.mil.

                 For more information call 791-4241
Directorate of Logistics (DOL)

 As part of Operations Clean Sweep, many customers will need to
submit equipment for TI. We ask that each POC coordinate directly
with the Maintenance Division POC, at 706-791-6024 before
submitting work requests.

 Currently scheduling on-site SAMS-E (March 2011) and PBUSE
(18-29 April 2011) training. Those interested in attending should
contact 706-791-6024 for additional information.

 The Acting Chief for the Maintenance Division until further
notice can be reached at 706-791-6024.

DOL website is: http://www.gordon.army.mil/dol
Balfour Beatty Communities

Office/Operating Hours
   Community Management Office
     Open Monday through Friday
        Business Hours 7:30 a.m.  4:30 p.m.
        Limited staff 4:30 p.m.  6:00 p.m.
        Community Corner Room Hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
             Rental of Community Corner Room requires reservation and rental contract
        Fitness Room Hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
   If you are experiencing a problem, have a question/concern or need
    more information regarding your Balfour Beatty Communities home or
    neighborhood, please contact the following offices:
     Balfour Beatty Communities Community Management Office
     Balfour Beatty Communities Facilities Office  for Maintenance Related Issues
Important Information
   Upcoming Office Closures
      Monday February 21st  Presidents Day  Offices Closed

   Voice Broadcast System
      We would like to remind residents of the importance of having correct phone
        numbers on file at the Community Management office. This is especially
        important when we utilize our voice broadcast system for emergencies. We
        have notified our families of power and water outages, community events,
        office closures, town hall meetings and even on post fires. When you received
        a voice broadcast message the number that appears on caller id will be DCS
        800-679-0847. Program this number into your phone as BBC Voice
        Broadcast so that when the call comes through you know there is an important
        resident message being relayed!
Highlighted February Events

    Balfour Bodies Fitness Club
       Every Thursday  10am to 11am & 5:30pm to 6:30pm
       Independent BeachBody Coach, Chas Kear (www.beachbodycoach.com/chaskear) will lead our
        group in a variety of fitness routines featured in the P90X workout program.
       Fitness club meets in the Community Corner of the Community Management Office
       Dont forget to bring water and a yoga mat
    Field Trip  Columbia County Library
         Friday February 25th  meet @ the Community Management Office by 10:15am
         Lunch will follow at Mellow Mushroom
         There will not be transportation for this event.
         This is a FREE event for our residents!
         Space is limited, must RSVP by 2/18
Staying Connected
   The Balfour Beatty Communities at Ft. Gordon website is your go-to spot for:
      Upcoming Events
      Balfour Beatty Communities in the news
      Submitting online work orders
      Add www.ftgordonfamilyhousing.com to your favorites link for your quick click
        to all things Balfour Beatty!
   Any questions regarding todays slide can be directed to the Lifeworks Coordinator
Fort Gordon Federal
        Credit Union

Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011
Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011
You are Cordially
Invited to Fort Gordon Federal Credit Unions
              Annual Meeting!

   Find out What Your Credit Union is
             Doing for You!

           Meeting will be Held
              March 24, 2011
               at 4:00 P at
         Fort Gordons Gordon Club
           in the Victoria Room

       Refreshments and Door Prizes
             will be Available.
Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011

You save, we give back!

Community Connection
            CIB, February 2011
Ways to Save!
Sign up for Ft Gordons Buddy List for exclusive savings, promotions and special
offers. Only at www.shopmyexchange.com
also available to register in Main Exchange

Receive money saving offers via text message! Use your mobile phone to follow
these easy steps:

           Step 1: Text the keyword EXCHANGE to 95613
           Step 2: Receive your WELCOME message
           Step 3: Take advantage of your exclusive Exchange offers by showing
           message to cashier or entering promo code during checkout at
Military Star速 Card Savings

Military Star速 Card Fragrance Promotion
 4-17 February 2011
 $399 Minimum Purchase
 Use your MILITARY STAR Card and receive a $10 Exchange Gift Card.

Military Star速 Card Jewelry Promotion
 4-17 February 2011
$199 Minimum Purchase
 Use your MILITARY STAR Card and receive a $25 Exchange Gift Card.

Now available on Take It Home Today速
Personal desktop, notebook or netbook computers and iPads (where available) are
now eligible for purchase with the TAKE IT HOME TODAY! (THT) credit card. Visit
your Exchange PowerZone for more details!
Military Star速 Card Savings

Military Star速 Card Outdoor Living Promotion
11-24 February 2011
 $299 Minimum Purchase
 Six Months, No Interest until September 2011. 180 DAYS SAME AS CASH!

Now available on Take It Home Today速
Personal desktop, notebook or netbook computers and iPads (where available) are
now eligible for purchase with the TAKE IT HOME TODAY! (THT) credit card. Visit
your Exchange PowerZone for more details!
Shoppettes Convert to E10 Fuel
Gate 1 & 5 Shoppettes no longer                 Price concerns?
sell Conventional Fuel as of 2                  Fuel prices for E10 is competitively
February 2011.                                  priced with Conventional Fuel
Fuel Terminal and Suppliers in the              Your Exchange Surveys twice a
GA and SC area are no longer                    day and sometimes more to
supplying Conventional Fuel as of               secure competitive pricing at the
15 February 2011.                               pump
Surveyed 25 Gas stations and 95%                Survey 8 Gas Stations in the
of the gas stations sold E10 or E85.            surrounding Ft Gordon area daily
Why? Meet Federal/EPA Quotas:
    EPA (RFS) Renewable Fuel Standard
    Program (2006)
    Energy Independence and Security Act
States are mandated to sell a
specific amount of renewable fuel.
Cost prohibitive to Fuel Suppliers
to store both types of fuel

Free Movie!
     The Signal Theater will be offering a
     Free Appreciation Advance
     Screening of the upcoming comedy
     Hall Pass, starring Owen Wilson and
     Christina Applegate.

     Stop by the Signal Theater on 20
     February 2011 at 1830 to view this
     comedy before it is released in
     commercial theaters!

Thank You!
Army Community Service

Join New Parent Support (NPSP) &
                                                                           Family Advocacy Program (FAP) for fun
                                                                            filled events planned for Child Abuse
                                                                                      Awareness Month
                                                                                 5 April, Blue Ribbon Kickoff,
                                                                                    Commissary 1000-1400
                                                                              11 April, Blue Ribbon Outreach at
                                                                                  The Exchange 1000-1400

                                                                                   18 April, Blue Ribbon at
                                                                                     DDEAMC 1100-1400
                                                                                25 April, Open House, Building
                                                                                  27 April, Parenting From The
                                                                                 Heart Presentation at the FOC

New Parent Support Program (NPSP)
is an integral part of Family Advocacy (FAP), which
works with individuals and Families to promote safety,
give support and educate the military community.

            Call ACS (New Parent Support Program) at 706-791-3579 for more information
Please join Army Community Service Financial Readiness Office in celebrating Military
Saves Week, part of the nationwide America Saves Campaign, from 20-27 February
2011. Military Saves is a program that encourages service members to make saving a
priority. Embrace the vision of building wealth, not debt. Create a sound financial plan
that includes a realistic standard of living, wise use of credit, and a commitment to
regularly paying yourself. Youll be one step closer to long term financial stability!
Join others in making the commitment. Log in to www.militarysaver.org and take the
military saver pledge.

                    For more information, contact (706) 791-3371 .
Family Outreach Center
                     16 March 2011
                       1130 - 1300
Free childcare is available by calling 791-3579, 10 days prior to the event
          Questions? Contact 706-791-0793
Equal Opportunity Office

Fort Gordon  Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command

     U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and Fort Gordons

                                              African American
                                                Black History
                                             Command Program
                                       African Americans and the
                                                 Civil War
                                     Date/time: 24 February 2011, 1330
                                          Location: Alexander Hall

                                                 Guest Speaker:
                                                   Corey Rogers
                                       Lucy Craft Laney Museum Historian

                                       Responsible Agency: 35th SIG BDE

       POC can be reached at (706)791-9371
Fort Gordon  Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command

     U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and Fort Gordons

                                           Womens History
                                          Command Program
                                      Our History is Our Strength
                                      Date/time: 28 March 2011, 1330
                                         Location: Alexander Hall

                                              Sponsored by:
                                              706th MI Group

       POC: can be reached at (706)791-0912
Fort Gordon  Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command

  Upcoming Program/Training:
  Month: May                     Program Date: TBD
  Dates: 1-7 May 2011            Theme: Justice and Accountability in the Face of
                                          Genocide: What Have We Learned?
  Observance: Days of Remembrance
  Authority/comment: Public Law 96-388, Oct 1980
  Responsible Agency: 7th Signal Command

  Month: May                      Program Date: TBD
  Dates: 1-31 May 2011            Theme: TBD
  Observance: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
  Authority/comment: Public Law 101-283, May 1990
  Responsible Agency: 15th Signal Brigade

  Senior Leaders Workshop: 19-21 April 2011

            Next Training Date: 19-21 July 2011

  EO Leaders Course: 14-25 March 2011 (Cass Full)

            Next Training Date: 6-17 June 2011

        POC can reached at (706)791-2014
Fort Gordon  Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command

Directorate of Family and Morale,
     Welfare and Recreation

Building 36708, Brainard Ave.
                               (706) 910-1200


Southern Comfort Food

Cafeteria style serving

Family owned!
Signal Towers
                 Building 29808, Chamberlain Ave.
                 (706) 267-4700  (706) 910-1600


All-you can-eat Buffet
4:00-7:30 p.m.

On post delivery service

New Caribbean inspired
Conference and           Building 18402, 19th St.
Catering Center     (706) 791-6780  (706) 791-2205


    Black History Month Celebration
    Every Tuesday in the month of February, Gordons
    Conference and Catering Center will feature a
    Soul Food Buffet

    National Wedding Month
    February is National Wedding Month. Every
    patron that books a wedding in Feb will receive a
    FREE wedding planning guide.
Building 36708, Brainard Ave.
                             (706) 910-1044


Morale Call
Come enjoy free food, music, and a chance to
win great door prizes. Wednesday, February 16
and March 16, 4:00  7:00 p.m.

Salsa Ya!
Featuring DJ Rodriguez Productions. Dress to
impress! $3 for ladies and $5 for gentlemen.
Every Saturday from 9:00 p.m.  until.
Hilltop Riding              Building 509, North Range Rd.
                                   (706) 791-4864

     Family Fun Day
     Parents pay half price! February 19, Trail rides
     begin at 1:30 and 3:00 p.m.

     Volunteer Classes
     Suitable for ages 14 and older. March 12 and 13,
     8:00 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Outdoor                      Building 00445, Carter Rd.
                   (706) 791-5078  (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834

     Machine Gun Shoot
     Come out and see vintage WWI to modern .50
     caliber machine guns and automatic firearms.
     Open to all ID cardholders and their guests for
     viewing. February 19, 10:00 a.m.  5:00 p.m.

     3-D Archery Tournament
     Open to the public, age 5 to adult. 1st, 2nd &
     3rd place trophies awarded in 12 classes.
     $15.00 per person, $7.50 FGSC members.
     February 20, 10:00 a.m.
Outdoor                      Building 00445, Carter Rd.
                   (706) 791-5078  (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834

     Iron Man Shooting Competition
     The Iron Man Competition will consist of Skeet,
     Trap and Sporting Clay events. For more
     information please contact David McCoy at
     (706) 791-5078. February 26 and 27.

     Bass Tournament
     $20.00 per person, $10.00 FGSC members with
     a $5.00 Big Fish Pot, $100.00 awarded to first
     place; $50.00 to second place. Butler Reservoir,
     February 27 and March 6, Daylight - Noon
Outdoor                      Building 00445, Carter Rd.
                   (706) 791-5078  (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834

     Pheasant Hunt
     All participants must have a Hunter Education
     Certificate. Cost for this hunt is $60.00 FGSC
     members, $120.00 for nonmembers. Training
     Area 23, March 12, 10:00 a.m.  5:00 p.m.

     Crappie Fishing Tournament
     $20.00 per person, $10.00 FGSC members with
     a $5.00 Big Fish Pot, $100.00 awarded to first
     place; $50.00 to second place. Butler Reservoir,
     March 20, Daylight - Noon
Gordon Lanes                Building 33200, 3rd Ave.
                                 (706) 791-3446
Bowling Center

    Presidents Day Special
    Get 3 games of bowling plus shoes for only $7.50
    per person! February 21, 9:00 a.m.  11:00 p.m.

    St. Patricks Day Special
    Get 3 games of bowling plus shoes for only $7.50
    per person! March 17, 9:00 a.m.  5:00 p.m.
Woodworth                      Building 3350, Rice Rd.
 Library                  (706) 791-7323  (706) 791-6993


 The Princess Book Club
 Read original fairy tales and fables. Then compare
 them to the modern day versions while your
 toddlers play tea party! February 22, 1:00 p.m.

 Books on Tap
 Enjoy the comforts of Teresas as you discuss the
 monthly book selection. Februarys is Everything is
 Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. February 28,
 5:45 p.m.
Woodworth                      Building 3350, Rice Rd.
 Library                  (706) 791-7323  (706) 791-6993


 Books for Buccaneers
 Aargh! Parents come read your favorite pirate
 treasures and let the lads and lasses play
 buccaneer! March 8, 1:00 p.m.

 Fancy Nancy Tea Party
 Come to the library for a storytime reading of a
 Fancy Nancy story. Then play dress up and tea
 party! Open to children of all ages. March 10, 3:45
Gordon Lakes                  Building 537, Range Rd.
                                  (706) 791-2433
 Golf Club
    Hook a Retiree on Golf
    A free hour golf with PGA instructor Dallas Cooke for
    all Retiree Service Members and their spouses.
    Range balls and golf club will be provided by the
    staff. Every Wednesday starting March 2, 11:00 a.m.
     12:00 p.m.

    Hook a Service Member on Golf
    A free hour golf with PGA instructor Dallas Cooke for
    all Service Members and their families. Range balls
    and golf club will be provided by the staff. Every
    Saturday starting March 5, 11:00 a.m.  12:00 p.m.
Gordon Lakes                  Building 537, Range Rd.
                                  (706) 791-2433
 Golf Club

     Fisher House Golf Tournament
     Gather your team to help raise money for the
     Fisher House! Entry fee is $75 per player and $300
     per team. Register by March 11. March 18, 12:30

     Spring Trifecta
     $35 for Members $50 for Non-Members. Includes
     green fees, cart fee, lunch, range balls and prizes.
     March 19, 8:30 a.m.
BOSS                        Barnes Ave.
                          (706) 791-8489


Gaming Tournament
Come join the BOSS Program as we host a Call
of Duty Black Ops Tournament. We will be using
both XBOX 360 and PS3. Grand prize is $300.
$10 entry fee for participants. Please pre-
register no later than March 1. Visit Facebook
and do a search for Ft. Gordon BOSS or contact
Sean at (706) 791-3025. March 5, AIT Soldiers
8:00 - 11:30 a.m. All other gamers 12:00 -3:30
Get Outdoors             Building 29719, Barnes Ave.
                               (706) 791-2556

   Paddle and Ride Augusta Canal
   Paddle up the Augusta Canal then switch to bikes
   and ride down the towpath. All gear included. $15
   authorized users and $20 general public. March 12,
   8:00 a.m.

   Paddle and Ride Savannah River
   Paddle up the Savannah River then switch to bikes
   and ride down the trails. All gear included. $15
   authorized users and $20 general public. March 13,
   8:00 a.m.
Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011
Building 32100, 3rd Ave.
                               (706) 793-8552


Anything Goes
The age-old tale of Boy-Meets-Girl with all its
ups and downs and no musical comedy puts it
on stage better! February 25, 26, March 4, 5, 10,
11, and 12. Dinner, 7:00 p.m. and Show, 8:00

Beckys New Car Auditions
A thoroughly original comedy with serious
overtones, a devious and delightful romp down
the road not taken. 4 men and 3 women
needed. March 1 and 2, 7:30 p.m.
Alexander Hall
Special Events                   (706) 791-4389


         Tops in Blue
         Great music and fun for the entire family.
         Admission is free! March 10, 7:00 p.m.

         Anderson Senior Follies
         Star Spangles Delight is a powerhouse of fun
         through song, dance and comedy honoring the
         stars of Broadway, the stairs on mainstreet and
         most importantly, the stars of the United States 
         the men and women of our armed forces!
         Admission is free! March 16, 7:00 p.m.
Before & Afterschool
     Pre-k/Kindergarten Program

          Before school care: 0515-0745 at Bldg 44401
     Freedom Park and CYSS GA Pre-K children walk to school
         Transportation available to some off-post schools!

          After school care: 1500-1800 at Bldg 45400
   Freedom Park and CYSS GA Pre-K children walk from school
       Transportation available from some off-post schools!

   Children must be entering Pre-k or Kindergarten in the Fall.

                            Please call
Parent Central Services 791-4722 for CYSS registration information.
           Or 791-1306/1398 for Program Information
                         4  8 APRIL
                   BLDG 45400 46TH Street

         Fieldtrips and lot of fun filled daily activities are planned.
                           USDA approved meals.
         (Please note that all fieldtrips are included in your fees)

                                Putt-Putt Golf
                                Riding Stable

            Children must be registered with Child, Youth & School Services.
    To be eligible, children must be entering Kindergarten or First Grade in the Fall.
Please call 791-4722 for registration information and 791-1306 for program information

The Fort Gordon School Age Program has openings for
 children in grades 1st -5th for Before and After School!
Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011
Directorate of Plans, Training,
       Mobilization and Security

        CIB 際際滷s available at: http://www.gordon.army.mil

l                                   UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Upcoming CIBs/Town Halls:
20 April, 18 May, 20 July, 17 August, 19
   October, and 16 November 2011,
              Gordon Club
            Town Halls:
   1830-1930, 15 March,15 June, 21
    September 2011, 21 December
           Alexander Hall
                     UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY TOWN HALL   091800(R)December2010
Community Town Hall

                    Welcome to Fort Gordon's first ever Facebook Town Hall
                    1830-1930, 15 MAR 11, on Fort Gordon's Official Facebook

                    Fort Gordon's Garrison Commander and Directors from
                    across the installation will be on hand to answer questions
                    you might have about this great installation we call home.

   So...what kind of things are we going to talk about?
Living on Fort Gordon, Moving, PCSing, Youth Services, Elementary School
Local Area, Housing, Whats up at the Gates, How to put in a work order to get
something fixed in your house, Places to get information online, traffic,
construction, Signal School updates.

                                            UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Community Town Hall

                  So...how is this going to work?

At 6:30 p.m. we will post to our wall the first message welcoming everyone to the
town hall. COL Kennedy will then invite you to ask a question, post a concern or
compliment by hitting 'comment'. Please DO NOT POST QUESTIONS TO THE
WALL. Only post your question, concern or compliment by hitting 'comment' on
COL Kennedy's original post.

Fort Gordon's Leadership cares deeply about providing our Military Members
and Families with the best quality of life possible. However, when we have
problems or challenges along the way We want to use this forum as a way
to turn those challenges into positives. Please let us know if something is
frustrating you, but please try to do it in a constructive way.

                                            UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Community Town Hall

                      Conversation screening....
Remember that this is our first time using Facebook for a forum like this. There is
a good chance that we may get a lot of folks joining in on the conversation. So
we may have to remove comments or posts that are not relevant or are
redundant or germane to the discussion. This does not mean we will censor; it
means we will screen the conversations to maximize the value of the discussion.

                          Need more privacy?
You can send us an issue sheet using the template at www.gordon.army.mil,
under NOTICES; Town Hall. Email the form to
GORD.BEHEARD@conus.army.mil. We need to receive your email by 3 p.m.
EST in order to get it addressed at the Town Hall. (We will not be able to monitor
email during the discussion.) Any emails we receive after 3 p.m. EST will be sent
to the appropriate agency for action after 15 March 2011

                                             UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Community Town Hall

                   So...what are the other rules?
 We appreciate and invite your honest comments. Tell us whats working, what
needs improvement, and what services are exceptional.
 We want you to be honest, but we need the conversations to be constructive.
Lets use these conversations to solve problems, not create more. We will
remove any posts that are abusive or use profanity.
 The subject matter experts that well have answering questions or providing
information will only have an hour to spend with us.
 This is a new effort, so we may experience some growing pains along the way.
Please be patient with us. Some questions we can answer on the spot, some
well have to look into and get you the answers.

                                           UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Community Town Hall

              So...what are the other rules? (CONT)

Get the Word out
 Expect to see fliers, signs at high traffic areas i.e. PX, Commissary, Gyms
Command Information- IOC Emails, FYI, Signal Newspaper Local Media
Social Media- Town Hall tab created on Facebook Fan page-provides an
overview and intent of the Town Hall

                                             UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Fort Gordon Master Events Calendar

         As of 16 February 2011


February 2011
   16 15th RSB Mass Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Signal Theater
   16 Community Information Brief, 1130, Gordon Club
   16 CG Promotion Reception, 1500, Leitner Lake
   16 Morale Call, 1600, Teresa's
   16 ASU Military Appreciation 2011, 1630, Augusta, GA
   17 National Prayer Breakfast, 0630, Gordon Club
   17 IOC LNO Training, 0730, IOC
   17 HEAT I/O Training, 0800, Bldg 81100
   17 Arbor Day Observance, 1100, Heritage Park
   17 DDEAMC Decontamination Exercise, 1200, DDEAMC
 19 Machine Gun Shoot, 0800-1800, Range 16
 21-25 IEDES/Crew II, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100

                                               UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011

February 2011 (CONT)
 22-25 Combat Lifesaver Course, 0730, Bldg 40705
 22 Military Performer of the Year Ceremony, 1330, Olmstead Hall
 22 2nd Quarter EQCC Meeting
   23-25 Department of Labor TAP Employment Workshop, 0800-1600, Bldg 33800
   23 WEBEOC Staff Training, 0800, IOC
   23 15th RSB Mass Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Signal Theater
   23 MOI/Events In-Progress Review, 1330, DH RM 229
   23 ARFORGEN IPR, 1430, Darling Hall Room 307
   24 EST 2000 I/O Class, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100
   24-25 Annual Save a Life Tour, 0800-1600, Gym 3
   24 African-American/ Black History Month Command Program, 1330, Alexander Hall
   24 AER Annual Fundraising Campaign 2011, 1400-1530, Bldg 33512
 25 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402
 25 SAMC Induction Ceremony, 1530, Alexander Hall
 25 U.S. Army Dental Activity Ball, 1800, Augusta, GA

                                              UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011

February 2011 (CONT)
 26 YCA Orientation for New Students, 0800, Alexander Hall
 28 Feb- 4 Mar FORSCOM IG Visit
 28 DES Arms Room Inspection, 1430, 442nd SIG BN

                                             UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011

March 2011
 1 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402
 1 Mar-15 May Installation AER Campaign Donation Drive
 1-31 Installation Spring Cleanup, Installation
 2 CGSC/ILE Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Alexander
 2 LTG Caslen Visit, 1230-1600, Olmstead Hall
   3 HEAT I/O Training, 0800, Bldg 81100
   3-4 Quarterly ICS 300-400 course, 0800-1600, Griffith Hall
   3 Ringling Brother Circus, 1700, Augusta, GA
   3 Signal Corps Band Recital Series, 1900, Columbia County Library
 4 Marine Detachment Graduation, 0900-1100, Olmstead Hall
 4 Fisher House Reopening, 1300-1500, Bldg 280
 4 USA Signal Corps Brass Band Concert (w/ Wycliffe Gordon), 1900, Alexander Hall
 5 Evans High School JROTC, 0800, Evans, GA
 6-10 Signal Corps Band's Participation in Mardi Gras

                                                UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011

March 2011 (CONT)
   7-10 Combat Lifesaver Course, 0730, Bldg 40705
   7 FA53A/ISM Graduation Ceremony, 0800-1000, Olmstead Hall
   7-11 Call For Fire Training, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100
   7 SCCC Graduation, 1000, Alexander Hall
   8 Hot Spots Tour, 1300, CSRA
   8 RD Gillem Enclave IPR, 1300, GCR
   8 EQCC and CFT Meeting, 1330, Bldg 14600 Conference Room
   8 POSH Training (Employees), 1330-1500, Alexander Hall
   8- 29 Warrior Leaders Course, Fort Stewart, GA
   9 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402
   9-11 Department of Labor TAP Employment Workshop, 0800-1600, Bldg 33800
   9 MOI/Events In-Progress Review, 1330, DH RM 229
   9 ARFORGEN IPR, 1430, Darling Hall Room 307

                                                UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011

March 2011 (CONT)
   10 WTB Town Hall MTG, 0800, Alexander Hall
   10 EST 2000 I/O Class, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100
   10 ISCTC, 1300, Olmstead Hall
   10 Active Shooter/AT Level 1 Training, 1300-1530, Signal Theater
   10 TOPS IN BLUE Tour, 1930, Alexander Hall
 11 CSM Clark's Relinquishment of Responsibility Ceremony, 1500, Barton Field
 12-25 RTS-MED Extended Combat Training
 14 BOLC Graduation, 1300-1500, Alexander Hall
 14-25 EO Leaders Course, Bldg 39713
 15-16 CNO/CAO Training , 0800-1600, Darling Hall Room 229B
 15 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, RNCOA, CSM Ray. D Lane, Room, Bldg 24402
 15 Community Town Hall Forum, 1830-1930, IOC
 16 Morale Call, 1600, Teresa's
 16 Anderson Senior Follies Patriotic Salute, 1900, Alexander Hall

                                                UNCLASSIFIED   USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB)   161130(R)FEB2011
Next Community Information Brief

 Wednesday, 1130, 20 April 2011

        North Ballroom

       The Gordon Club


More Related Content

Fort Gordon_CIB USAG_February 2011

  • 1. Welcome to the February 2011 Community Information Briefing Chief, Plans Branch, DPTMS 791-8264 Our Mission: To provide the Army the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict, and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service. UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 3. Planning, Analysis and Integration Office l UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 6. Ash Wednesday, March 9th CATHOLIC Masses ~ Good Shepherd Chapel 11:30 am and 5:00 pm Protestant service ~ friendship chapel 12:00 noon Questions? Call 706-791-5653.
  • 7. Scripture Readings and Devotional Guides for Available free from the Religious Education Center, the Post Chapels, and the Religious Support Office. Call 706-791-4703.
  • 8. JEWISH FAITH BIBLE STUDY following the Torah portion of the week Fridays at 12:00, Noon, Ikes Caf辿, 3rd Floor DDEAMC, Conference Room near the windowed area. Brown bag lunch forum. Books provided. All Welcome!! For more information, call the Jewish Distinctive Faith Group Leader at 787-1353.
  • 10. Greater Augusta Ft. Gordon Chapter of AUSA Presents Breakfast & Briefings Thursday, February 24, 2011 from 7:30AM 9:00AM Gordon Club at Fort Gordon Gives Civilians and Ft. Gordon service members an opportunity to interact with the Ft. Gordon leadership and learn about the military missions and training at Fort Gordon from the leaders who direct those activities. Enjoy a full breakfast buffet Interact with others in the business and military community Learn how the presence of Fort Gordon can positively affect your business This Months Speaker Brigadier General W. Bryan Gamble of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medical Center will present: The Eisenhower Medical Center Mission Today and Tomorrow The cost (including breakfast) is only $8.00 for AUSA members or $10.00 for non-members. Make your reservation today: Call 706-821-1312 (Reservations must be received no later than Tuesday, February 22nd.)
  • 12. Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Augusta-Fort Gordon Chapter
  • 14. Fort Gordon Tax Center OPEN NOW AT THE COURTYARD WALK-INS WELCOME! HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday Friday: 0900-1800 Saturday: 0900-1300 DO NOT FORGET: Military ID Cards Social Security Cards W2s, 1099s, etc. Powers of Attorneys Receipts for Deductible Expenses and Home/Car Purchases Direct Deposit Info. 2008 Returns TAX CENTER: 787-1040 OSJA, Legal Assistance Division (706) 791-7812
  • 16. The Augusta Chapter of the Military Intelligence Corps Association is hosting a 10k Trail Run/5k Walk on 12 March 2011 at Fort Gordon. ****A Portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Fort Gordon Fisher House*** Entry fee is $30 for the 10k and $25 for the 5k. All participants will receive a t- shirt and a bag with gifts from our sponsors. For more information and to register visit our website: www.mica10krun.com
  • 18. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) SUPPLY: Operation Clean Sweep is in effect through 30 Sep 11. All Army units must inventory and identify any excess property. An OPORD and other supporting documents have been disseminated through command and logistical channels. POC can be reached at 791-2675/4239. Units must submit ammunition requirements three working days in advance. Requests for exception to policy must be approved by the first O-6 in the chain of command. The Ammunition Supply Point will be closed for inventory from 21- 25 March 11. Request that units plan accordingly. POC can be reached at 791-3476.
  • 19. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) SUPPLY: Effective February 2011 Fort Gordon will implement TRADOCs Soldier Fueling Initiative (SFI) in all IET DFACs except DFAC 11 (Bldg 21709). Soldier Fueling is a program designed to implement more nutritional menu standards and eliminate high caloric food items such as soda, hotdogs, cakes, etc. The transition will happen in two phases: Phase I -NLT Feb fully transition the program in DFACs 4 & 8. Phase II - NLT Mar transition DFACs 1 & 2.
  • 20. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) SUPPLY: Effective 28 February 2011, the Central Issue Facility hours of operation are as follows: Normal week day: Monday Thursday 0630 1600, Friday 0730-1130 Holiday on Monday: Tuesday Thursday 0630-1600, Friday 0630 1130 Holiday on Friday: Monday Thursday 0730-1600
  • 21. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) TRANSPORTATION: Was your shipment scheduled in DPS? You havent heard from the carrier? Please contact the carrier no later than 72 hrs prior to your scheduled pick up date. The Transportation Office only gets involved with DPS shipments when the carriers are not able to pick up your shipment on the actual pick up date or on a later date. Carriers are not required to remove electronics off the wall. For more information call 791-4241
  • 22. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) Once your Household Goods are delivered, youre entitled to be partially or fully unpacked by the carrier. You will be contacted and visited at your residence by a Quality Assurance Inspector the morning of your move to address any concerns you may have during your move. If you are not contacted, and you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Quality Assurance Lead Inspector at 706-791-7337. Be prepared for your move? Visit http://www.move.mil. For more information call 791-4241
  • 23. Directorate of Logistics (DOL) MAINTENANCE/SASMO: As part of Operations Clean Sweep, many customers will need to submit equipment for TI. We ask that each POC coordinate directly with the Maintenance Division POC, at 706-791-6024 before submitting work requests. Currently scheduling on-site SAMS-E (March 2011) and PBUSE (18-29 April 2011) training. Those interested in attending should contact 706-791-6024 for additional information. The Acting Chief for the Maintenance Division until further notice can be reached at 706-791-6024. DOL website is: http://www.gordon.army.mil/dol
  • 25. Office/Operating Hours Community Management Office Open Monday through Friday Business Hours 7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Limited staff 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Community Corner Room Hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Rental of Community Corner Room requires reservation and rental contract Fitness Room Hours 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you are experiencing a problem, have a question/concern or need more information regarding your Balfour Beatty Communities home or neighborhood, please contact the following offices: Balfour Beatty Communities Community Management Office 706-772-7041 Balfour Beatty Communities Facilities Office for Maintenance Related Issues 706-772-9562
  • 26. Important Information Upcoming Office Closures Monday February 21st Presidents Day Offices Closed Voice Broadcast System We would like to remind residents of the importance of having correct phone numbers on file at the Community Management office. This is especially important when we utilize our voice broadcast system for emergencies. We have notified our families of power and water outages, community events, office closures, town hall meetings and even on post fires. When you received a voice broadcast message the number that appears on caller id will be DCS 800-679-0847. Program this number into your phone as BBC Voice Broadcast so that when the call comes through you know there is an important resident message being relayed!
  • 27. Highlighted February Events Balfour Bodies Fitness Club Every Thursday 10am to 11am & 5:30pm to 6:30pm Independent BeachBody Coach, Chas Kear (www.beachbodycoach.com/chaskear) will lead our group in a variety of fitness routines featured in the P90X workout program. Fitness club meets in the Community Corner of the Community Management Office Dont forget to bring water and a yoga mat Field Trip Columbia County Library Friday February 25th meet @ the Community Management Office by 10:15am Lunch will follow at Mellow Mushroom There will not be transportation for this event. This is a FREE event for our residents! Space is limited, must RSVP by 2/18
  • 28. Staying Connected The Balfour Beatty Communities at Ft. Gordon website is your go-to spot for: Upcoming Events Photos Balfour Beatty Communities in the news Submitting online work orders Add www.ftgordonfamilyhousing.com to your favorites link for your quick click to all things Balfour Beatty! Any questions regarding todays slide can be directed to the Lifeworks Coordinator at: 706-772-7041
  • 32. You are Cordially Invited to Fort Gordon Federal Credit Unions Annual Meeting! Find out What Your Credit Union is Doing for You! Meeting will be Held March 24, 2011 at 4:00 P at .M. Fort Gordons Gordon Club in the Victoria Room Refreshments and Door Prizes will be Available.
  • 35. You save, we give back! Community Connection CIB, February 2011
  • 36. Ways to Save! Sign up for Ft Gordons Buddy List for exclusive savings, promotions and special offers. Only at www.shopmyexchange.com also available to register in Main Exchange Receive money saving offers via text message! Use your mobile phone to follow these easy steps: Step 1: Text the keyword EXCHANGE to 95613 Step 2: Receive your WELCOME message Step 3: Take advantage of your exclusive Exchange offers by showing message to cashier or entering promo code during checkout at shopmyexchange.com
  • 37. Military Star速 Card Savings Military Star速 Card Fragrance Promotion 4-17 February 2011 $399 Minimum Purchase Use your MILITARY STAR Card and receive a $10 Exchange Gift Card. Military Star速 Card Jewelry Promotion 4-17 February 2011 $199 Minimum Purchase Use your MILITARY STAR Card and receive a $25 Exchange Gift Card. Now available on Take It Home Today速 Personal desktop, notebook or netbook computers and iPads (where available) are now eligible for purchase with the TAKE IT HOME TODAY! (THT) credit card. Visit your Exchange PowerZone for more details!
  • 38. Military Star速 Card Savings Military Star速 Card Outdoor Living Promotion 11-24 February 2011 $299 Minimum Purchase Six Months, No Interest until September 2011. 180 DAYS SAME AS CASH! ADVERTISING & SALES WILL BE IN STORE ONLY. Now available on Take It Home Today速 Personal desktop, notebook or netbook computers and iPads (where available) are now eligible for purchase with the TAKE IT HOME TODAY! (THT) credit card. Visit your Exchange PowerZone for more details!
  • 39. Shoppettes Convert to E10 Fuel Gate 1 & 5 Shoppettes no longer Price concerns? sell Conventional Fuel as of 2 Fuel prices for E10 is competitively February 2011. priced with Conventional Fuel Fuel Terminal and Suppliers in the Your Exchange Surveys twice a GA and SC area are no longer day and sometimes more to supplying Conventional Fuel as of secure competitive pricing at the 15 February 2011. pump Surveyed 25 Gas stations and 95% Survey 8 Gas Stations in the of the gas stations sold E10 or E85. surrounding Ft Gordon area daily Why? Meet Federal/EPA Quotas: EPA (RFS) Renewable Fuel Standard Program (2006) Energy Independence and Security Act (2007) States are mandated to sell a specific amount of renewable fuel. Cost prohibitive to Fuel Suppliers to store both types of fuel 39
  • 40. Free Movie! The Signal Theater will be offering a Free Appreciation Advance Screening of the upcoming comedy Hall Pass, starring Owen Wilson and Christina Applegate. Stop by the Signal Theater on 20 February 2011 at 1830 to view this comedy before it is released in commercial theaters! 40
  • 43. Join New Parent Support (NPSP) & Family Advocacy Program (FAP) for fun filled events planned for Child Abuse Awareness Month 5 April, Blue Ribbon Kickoff, Commissary 1000-1400 11 April, Blue Ribbon Outreach at The Exchange 1000-1400 18 April, Blue Ribbon at DDEAMC 1100-1400 25 April, Open House, Building 1905A 1000-1400 27 April, Parenting From The Heart Presentation at the FOC 1000-1200 New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is an integral part of Family Advocacy (FAP), which works with individuals and Families to promote safety, give support and educate the military community. Call ACS (New Parent Support Program) at 706-791-3579 for more information
  • 44. Please join Army Community Service Financial Readiness Office in celebrating Military Saves Week, part of the nationwide America Saves Campaign, from 20-27 February 2011. Military Saves is a program that encourages service members to make saving a priority. Embrace the vision of building wealth, not debt. Create a sound financial plan that includes a realistic standard of living, wise use of credit, and a commitment to regularly paying yourself. Youll be one step closer to long term financial stability! Join others in making the commitment. Log in to www.militarysaver.org and take the military saver pledge. For more information, contact (706) 791-3371 .
  • 45. Family Outreach Center 16 March 2011 1130 - 1300 Free childcare is available by calling 791-3579, 10 days prior to the event Questions? Contact 706-791-0793
  • 47. Fort Gordon Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and Fort Gordons African American Black History Command Program Theme: African Americans and the Civil War Date/time: 24 February 2011, 1330 Location: Alexander Hall Guest Speaker: Corey Rogers Lucy Craft Laney Museum Historian Responsible Agency: 35th SIG BDE POC can be reached at (706)791-9371
  • 48. Fort Gordon Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and Fort Gordons Womens History Command Program Theme: Our History is Our Strength Date/time: 28 March 2011, 1330 Location: Alexander Hall Sponsored by: 706th MI Group POC: can be reached at (706)791-0912
  • 49. Fort Gordon Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command Upcoming Program/Training: Month: May Program Date: TBD Dates: 1-7 May 2011 Theme: Justice and Accountability in the Face of Genocide: What Have We Learned? Observance: Days of Remembrance Authority/comment: Public Law 96-388, Oct 1980 Responsible Agency: 7th Signal Command Month: May Program Date: TBD Dates: 1-31 May 2011 Theme: TBD Observance: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Authority/comment: Public Law 101-283, May 1990 Responsible Agency: 15th Signal Brigade Senior Leaders Workshop: 19-21 April 2011 Next Training Date: 19-21 July 2011 EO Leaders Course: 14-25 March 2011 (Cass Full) Next Training Date: 6-17 June 2011 POC can reached at (706)791-2014
  • 50. Fort Gordon Home of Signal Corps, Voice of the Command QUESTIONS?
  • 51. Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 52. Building 36708, Brainard Ave. (706) 910-1200 www.fortgordon.com Southern Comfort Food Cafeteria style serving Family owned!
  • 53. Signal Towers Building 29808, Chamberlain Ave. (706) 267-4700 (706) 910-1600 www.fortgordon.com All-you can-eat Buffet 4:00-7:30 p.m. On post delivery service New Caribbean inspired menu!
  • 54. Gordons Conference and Building 18402, 19th St. Catering Center (706) 791-6780 (706) 791-2205 www.fortgordon.com Black History Month Celebration Every Tuesday in the month of February, Gordons Conference and Catering Center will feature a Soul Food Buffet National Wedding Month February is National Wedding Month. Every patron that books a wedding in Feb will receive a FREE wedding planning guide.
  • 55. Building 36708, Brainard Ave. (706) 910-1044 www.fortgordon.com Morale Call Come enjoy free food, music, and a chance to win great door prizes. Wednesday, February 16 and March 16, 4:00 7:00 p.m. Salsa Ya! Featuring DJ Rodriguez Productions. Dress to impress! $3 for ladies and $5 for gentlemen. Every Saturday from 9:00 p.m. until.
  • 56. Hilltop Riding Building 509, North Range Rd. (706) 791-4864 Stable www.fortgordon.com Family Fun Day Parents pay half price! February 19, Trail rides begin at 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. Volunteer Classes Suitable for ages 14 and older. March 12 and 13, 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
  • 57. Outdoor Building 00445, Carter Rd. (706) 791-5078 (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834 Recreation www.fortgordon.com Machine Gun Shoot Come out and see vintage WWI to modern .50 caliber machine guns and automatic firearms. Open to all ID cardholders and their guests for viewing. February 19, 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 3-D Archery Tournament Open to the public, age 5 to adult. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies awarded in 12 classes. $15.00 per person, $7.50 FGSC members. February 20, 10:00 a.m.
  • 58. Outdoor Building 00445, Carter Rd. (706) 791-5078 (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834 Recreation www.fortgordon.com Iron Man Shooting Competition The Iron Man Competition will consist of Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clay events. For more information please contact David McCoy at (706) 791-5078. February 26 and 27. Bass Tournament $20.00 per person, $10.00 FGSC members with a $5.00 Big Fish Pot, $100.00 awarded to first place; $50.00 to second place. Butler Reservoir, February 27 and March 6, Daylight - Noon
  • 59. Outdoor Building 00445, Carter Rd. (706) 791-5078 (706) 791-3317(706) 833-2834 Recreation www.fortgordon.com Pheasant Hunt All participants must have a Hunter Education Certificate. Cost for this hunt is $60.00 FGSC members, $120.00 for nonmembers. Training Area 23, March 12, 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Crappie Fishing Tournament $20.00 per person, $10.00 FGSC members with a $5.00 Big Fish Pot, $100.00 awarded to first place; $50.00 to second place. Butler Reservoir, March 20, Daylight - Noon
  • 60. Gordon Lanes Building 33200, 3rd Ave. (706) 791-3446 Bowling Center www.fortgordon.com Presidents Day Special Get 3 games of bowling plus shoes for only $7.50 per person! February 21, 9:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. St. Patricks Day Special Get 3 games of bowling plus shoes for only $7.50 per person! March 17, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
  • 61. Woodworth Building 3350, Rice Rd. Library (706) 791-7323 (706) 791-6993 www.fortgordon.com The Princess Book Club Read original fairy tales and fables. Then compare them to the modern day versions while your toddlers play tea party! February 22, 1:00 p.m. Books on Tap Enjoy the comforts of Teresas as you discuss the monthly book selection. Februarys is Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. February 28, 5:45 p.m.
  • 62. Woodworth Building 3350, Rice Rd. Library (706) 791-7323 (706) 791-6993 www.fortgordon.com Books for Buccaneers Aargh! Parents come read your favorite pirate treasures and let the lads and lasses play buccaneer! March 8, 1:00 p.m. Fancy Nancy Tea Party Come to the library for a storytime reading of a Fancy Nancy story. Then play dress up and tea party! Open to children of all ages. March 10, 3:45 p.m.
  • 63. Gordon Lakes Building 537, Range Rd. (706) 791-2433 Golf Club www.fortgordon.com Hook a Retiree on Golf A free hour golf with PGA instructor Dallas Cooke for all Retiree Service Members and their spouses. Range balls and golf club will be provided by the staff. Every Wednesday starting March 2, 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Hook a Service Member on Golf A free hour golf with PGA instructor Dallas Cooke for all Service Members and their families. Range balls and golf club will be provided by the staff. Every Saturday starting March 5, 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
  • 64. Gordon Lakes Building 537, Range Rd. (706) 791-2433 Golf Club www.fortgordon.com Fisher House Golf Tournament Gather your team to help raise money for the Fisher House! Entry fee is $75 per player and $300 per team. Register by March 11. March 18, 12:30 p.m. Spring Trifecta $35 for Members $50 for Non-Members. Includes green fees, cart fee, lunch, range balls and prizes. March 19, 8:30 a.m.
  • 65. BOSS Barnes Ave. (706) 791-8489 www.fortgordon.com Gaming Tournament Come join the BOSS Program as we host a Call of Duty Black Ops Tournament. We will be using both XBOX 360 and PS3. Grand prize is $300. $10 entry fee for participants. Please pre- register no later than March 1. Visit Facebook and do a search for Ft. Gordon BOSS or contact Sean at (706) 791-3025. March 5, AIT Soldiers 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. All other gamers 12:00 -3:30 p.m.
  • 66. Get Outdoors Building 29719, Barnes Ave. (706) 791-2556 Gordon www.fortgordon.com Paddle and Ride Augusta Canal Paddle up the Augusta Canal then switch to bikes and ride down the towpath. All gear included. $15 authorized users and $20 general public. March 12, 8:00 a.m. Paddle and Ride Savannah River Paddle up the Savannah River then switch to bikes and ride down the trails. All gear included. $15 authorized users and $20 general public. March 13, 8:00 a.m.
  • 68. Building 32100, 3rd Ave. (706) 793-8552 www.fortgordon.com Anything Goes The age-old tale of Boy-Meets-Girl with all its ups and downs and no musical comedy puts it on stage better! February 25, 26, March 4, 5, 10, 11, and 12. Dinner, 7:00 p.m. and Show, 8:00 p.m. Beckys New Car Auditions A thoroughly original comedy with serious overtones, a devious and delightful romp down the road not taken. 4 men and 3 women needed. March 1 and 2, 7:30 p.m.
  • 69. Alexander Hall Special Events (706) 791-4389 www.fortgordon.com Tops in Blue Great music and fun for the entire family. Admission is free! March 10, 7:00 p.m. Anderson Senior Follies Star Spangles Delight is a powerhouse of fun through song, dance and comedy honoring the stars of Broadway, the stairs on mainstreet and most importantly, the stars of the United States the men and women of our armed forces! Admission is free! March 16, 7:00 p.m.
  • 70. Before & Afterschool Pre-k/Kindergarten Program Before school care: 0515-0745 at Bldg 44401 Freedom Park and CYSS GA Pre-K children walk to school Transportation available to some off-post schools! After school care: 1500-1800 at Bldg 45400 Freedom Park and CYSS GA Pre-K children walk from school Transportation available from some off-post schools! Children must be entering Pre-k or Kindergarten in the Fall. Please call Parent Central Services 791-4722 for CYSS registration information. Or 791-1306/1398 for Program Information
  • 71. PRE-K/KINDERGARTEN SPRING CAMP 4 8 APRIL BLDG 45400 46TH Street 0515-1800 Fieldtrips and lot of fun filled daily activities are planned. USDA approved meals. (Please note that all fieldtrips are included in your fees) Bowling Putt-Putt Golf Riding Stable Zoo Children must be registered with Child, Youth & School Services. To be eligible, children must be entering Kindergarten or First Grade in the Fall. Please call 791-4722 for registration information and 791-1306 for program information
  • 72. SCHOOL AGE CENTER The Fort Gordon School Age Program has openings for children in grades 1st -5th for Before and After School!
  • 74. Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security CIB 際際滷s available at: http://www.gordon.army.mil l UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 75. Upcoming CIBs/Town Halls: CIBs: 20 April, 18 May, 20 July, 17 August, 19 October, and 16 November 2011, Gordon Club Town Halls: 1830-1930, 15 March,15 June, 21 September 2011, 21 December Alexander Hall UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY TOWN HALL 091800(R)December2010
  • 76. Community Town Hall Welcome to Fort Gordon's first ever Facebook Town Hall 1830-1930, 15 MAR 11, on Fort Gordon's Official Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Fort-Gordon- Garrison/153690448019215?sk=app_4949752878). Fort Gordon's Garrison Commander and Directors from across the installation will be on hand to answer questions you might have about this great installation we call home. So...what kind of things are we going to talk about? Living on Fort Gordon, Moving, PCSing, Youth Services, Elementary School Local Area, Housing, Whats up at the Gates, How to put in a work order to get something fixed in your house, Places to get information online, traffic, construction, Signal School updates. UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 77. Community Town Hall So...how is this going to work? At 6:30 p.m. we will post to our wall the first message welcoming everyone to the town hall. COL Kennedy will then invite you to ask a question, post a concern or compliment by hitting 'comment'. Please DO NOT POST QUESTIONS TO THE WALL. Only post your question, concern or compliment by hitting 'comment' on COL Kennedy's original post. Remember... Fort Gordon's Leadership cares deeply about providing our Military Members and Families with the best quality of life possible. However, when we have problems or challenges along the way We want to use this forum as a way to turn those challenges into positives. Please let us know if something is frustrating you, but please try to do it in a constructive way. UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 78. Community Town Hall Conversation screening.... Remember that this is our first time using Facebook for a forum like this. There is a good chance that we may get a lot of folks joining in on the conversation. So we may have to remove comments or posts that are not relevant or are redundant or germane to the discussion. This does not mean we will censor; it means we will screen the conversations to maximize the value of the discussion. Need more privacy? You can send us an issue sheet using the template at www.gordon.army.mil, under NOTICES; Town Hall. Email the form to GORD.BEHEARD@conus.army.mil. We need to receive your email by 3 p.m. EST in order to get it addressed at the Town Hall. (We will not be able to monitor email during the discussion.) Any emails we receive after 3 p.m. EST will be sent to the appropriate agency for action after 15 March 2011 UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 79. Community Town Hall So...what are the other rules? KEEP IT REAL We appreciate and invite your honest comments. Tell us whats working, what needs improvement, and what services are exceptional. "KEEP IT CLEAN We want you to be honest, but we need the conversations to be constructive. Lets use these conversations to solve problems, not create more. We will remove any posts that are abusive or use profanity. KEEP IT TO AN HOUR The subject matter experts that well have answering questions or providing information will only have an hour to spend with us. KEEP IT IN MIND This is a new effort, so we may experience some growing pains along the way. Please be patient with us. Some questions we can answer on the spot, some well have to look into and get you the answers. UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 80. Community Town Hall So...what are the other rules? (CONT) Get the Word out Expect to see fliers, signs at high traffic areas i.e. PX, Commissary, Gyms Command Information- IOC Emails, FYI, Signal Newspaper Local Media Social Media- Town Hall tab created on Facebook Fan page-provides an overview and intent of the Town Hall UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 81. Fort Gordon Master Events Calendar As of 16 February 2011 UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 82. Calendar February 2011 16 15th RSB Mass Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Signal Theater 16 Community Information Brief, 1130, Gordon Club 16 CG Promotion Reception, 1500, Leitner Lake 16 Morale Call, 1600, Teresa's 16 ASU Military Appreciation 2011, 1630, Augusta, GA 17 National Prayer Breakfast, 0630, Gordon Club 17 IOC LNO Training, 0730, IOC 17 HEAT I/O Training, 0800, Bldg 81100 17 Arbor Day Observance, 1100, Heritage Park 17 DDEAMC Decontamination Exercise, 1200, DDEAMC 19 Machine Gun Shoot, 0800-1800, Range 16 21-25 IEDES/Crew II, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100 UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 83. Calendar February 2011 (CONT) 22-25 Combat Lifesaver Course, 0730, Bldg 40705 22 Military Performer of the Year Ceremony, 1330, Olmstead Hall 22 2nd Quarter EQCC Meeting 23-25 Department of Labor TAP Employment Workshop, 0800-1600, Bldg 33800 23 WEBEOC Staff Training, 0800, IOC 23 15th RSB Mass Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Signal Theater 23 MOI/Events In-Progress Review, 1330, DH RM 229 23 ARFORGEN IPR, 1430, Darling Hall Room 307 24 EST 2000 I/O Class, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100 24-25 Annual Save a Life Tour, 0800-1600, Gym 3 24 African-American/ Black History Month Command Program, 1330, Alexander Hall 24 AER Annual Fundraising Campaign 2011, 1400-1530, Bldg 33512 25 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402 25 SAMC Induction Ceremony, 1530, Alexander Hall 25 U.S. Army Dental Activity Ball, 1800, Augusta, GA UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 84. Calendar February 2011 (CONT) 26 YCA Orientation for New Students, 0800, Alexander Hall 28 Feb- 4 Mar FORSCOM IG Visit 28 DES Arms Room Inspection, 1430, 442nd SIG BN UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 85. Calendar March 2011 1 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402 1 Mar-15 May Installation AER Campaign Donation Drive 1-31 Installation Spring Cleanup, Installation 2 CGSC/ILE Graduation Ceremony, 1000, Alexander 2 LTG Caslen Visit, 1230-1600, Olmstead Hall 3 HEAT I/O Training, 0800, Bldg 81100 3-4 Quarterly ICS 300-400 course, 0800-1600, Griffith Hall 3 Ringling Brother Circus, 1700, Augusta, GA 3 Signal Corps Band Recital Series, 1900, Columbia County Library 4 Marine Detachment Graduation, 0900-1100, Olmstead Hall 4 Fisher House Reopening, 1300-1500, Bldg 280 4 USA Signal Corps Brass Band Concert (w/ Wycliffe Gordon), 1900, Alexander Hall 5 Evans High School JROTC, 0800, Evans, GA 6-10 Signal Corps Band's Participation in Mardi Gras UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 86. Calendar March 2011 (CONT) 7-10 Combat Lifesaver Course, 0730, Bldg 40705 7 FA53A/ISM Graduation Ceremony, 0800-1000, Olmstead Hall 7-11 Call For Fire Training, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100 7 SCCC Graduation, 1000, Alexander Hall 8 Hot Spots Tour, 1300, CSRA 8 RD Gillem Enclave IPR, 1300, GCR 8 EQCC and CFT Meeting, 1330, Bldg 14600 Conference Room 8 POSH Training (Employees), 1330-1500, Alexander Hall 8- 29 Warrior Leaders Course, Fort Stewart, GA 9 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, Bldg 24402 9-11 Department of Labor TAP Employment Workshop, 0800-1600, Bldg 33800 9 MOI/Events In-Progress Review, 1330, DH RM 229 9 ARFORGEN IPR, 1430, Darling Hall Room 307 UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 87. Calendar March 2011 (CONT) 10 WTB Town Hall MTG, 0800, Alexander Hall 10 EST 2000 I/O Class, 0800-1530, Bldg 81100 10 ISCTC, 1300, Olmstead Hall 10 Active Shooter/AT Level 1 Training, 1300-1530, Signal Theater 10 TOPS IN BLUE Tour, 1930, Alexander Hall 11 CSM Clark's Relinquishment of Responsibility Ceremony, 1500, Barton Field 12-25 RTS-MED Extended Combat Training 14 BOLC Graduation, 1300-1500, Alexander Hall 14-25 EO Leaders Course, Bldg 39713 15-16 CNO/CAO Training , 0800-1600, Darling Hall Room 229B 15 RNCOA Graduation, 1000, RNCOA, CSM Ray. D Lane, Room, Bldg 24402 15 Community Town Hall Forum, 1830-1930, IOC 16 Morale Call, 1600, Teresa's 16 Anderson Senior Follies Patriotic Salute, 1900, Alexander Hall UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011
  • 88. Next Community Information Brief Wednesday, 1130, 20 April 2011 North Ballroom The Gordon Club UNCLASSIFIED USAG-FT GORDON COMMUNITY INFORMATION BRIEF CIB) 161130(R)FEB2011