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《论坛记实一》                                                    (Notes from Forum 1)
主要學習:                                                       Key Take-Aways:
 ? 每一網友行為後面有不同的層次,故所提的各種行為因素應要                              * Various factors behind each behavior, thus various
   交叉運用。                                                    behavioral factors should be cross applied.
 ? 社會變革團體也用 SNS 來聯合其他團體,支持其他團體工作,                           * Social change groups also use SNS to form alliance
   用來投票,用來驗證真正的支持者規模。                                       with other groups, to support their work, to vote, and
 ? SNS 給傳統社會學新的舞台,讓社會學更豐富,資深社會學者                            to verify the actual scale of their supporters.
   改變社會資本的論點。                                               * SNS provide a new stage for traditional sociology.
 ? SNS 上展開許多參與的可能性,如表達,學習參與,參與和                             Senior scholars are changing their theses.
   懶人的行動主義。                                                 * SNS rolls out the multiple ways of participation,
 ? 眾多粉絲裡仍是分眾的結構。                                           ie. expression, learn to participate, participate and
 ? 團體使用 SNS 像是經營一個品牌-注意溝通方式,強化組織                            slackitism.
   背後的支援,要有行動計劃來維持行動力,更重要的是                                 * The demassified structure among fans.
   要思考組織的關鍵發展問題。                                            * Social change groups ought to use SNS as effort of
                                                            branding – pay attention to the way of communication,
                                                            strengthen ground support, have action plans to
                                                            maintain activeness, and most important of all,
                                                            consider the essential problem about organizational

Subject 法鼓公益論壇/網路星期二座談:「未來的連結 - 社交網路                     Outreach Activity of “FutureConnect: Social Networking
                                                         Today, Tomorrow and Beyond”, Focusing on Taiwan
Why     將這份完成的報告”FutureConnect”作為主題性的工具,在  Use the completed report (FutureConnect) as a topical tool to
                                           crowd-source across the various sectors in Taiwan toward
                                           understanding social networking sites through the discussion
        社會變革團體(公益團體)的參與,以及其他參與者所關注並 about individual behaviors on SNS, social change groups'
        提出的主題,共同思索了解社交網絡。(關於 FutureConnect engagement and all other topics concerned and raised by the
                                           participants. (See “Organization Bio” below for details about
                                           the research report “FutureConnect”)
Who     ? 開拓基金會東南亞計劃主任高子景                                 ? Facilitated by Ann T.C. Kao, Program Director
                                                            Frontier Foundation and report contributor.
        ? 「網路星期二」籌辦組織:
                                                          ? Net Tuesday (Taiwan): A periodic gathering co-organised
          網絡行動科技公司、開拓基金會、法鼓大學籌備處                            by NETivism Company, Frontier Foundation and the
                                                            Preparatory Office of Dhama Drum University.
Where   台北市延平南路 77 號法鼓大學籌備處七樓講堂                          7F, Preparatory Office, Dhama Drum University
                                                         No. 77, Yenping South Road, Taipei, Taiwan
When    2010 年 4 月 17 日週六 13:30 – 15:20                  13:30-15:20, Saturday, April 17, 2010

How     論壇:由開拓基金會東南亞計劃主任高子景利用                            Forum Discussion - the introduction of the research report
                                                         “FutureConnect” was accepted as the topic of the month by
                                                         “Net Tuesday”, a serial event initiated by netsquared.org. Ann
        ”FutureConnect”,並與現場約 20 位參加者進行討論。               T.C. Kao introduced the report and facilitated the discussion
                                                         among other 20 participants. She is the Southeast Asian
                                                         Program Director of Frontier Foundation.
What    (1) Briefing the Report “Future Connect”         (1)未來的連結 FutureConnect 摘要報告
        ? 開場介紹 Ann 以及在研究項目「未來的連結」的角色,                     ? Introduced the birth of the report “FutureConnect”, Ann's
          以及延伸活動(即此論壇)的目的。                                  involvement as a contributor based in Thailand, and
                                                            structure of the forum.
        ? (開始介紹「未來的連結」)                                   ? (Begin the slides about the research “FutureConnect”)
                                                            About “aids2031” - a scenario-building about HIV/AIDS
          關於 aids2031:此專案項目是以目前的狀況來建立
                                                            in another 25 years but grounded in the current situations.
          艾滋病可能的光景,有了像社交網這種新的溝通科技,                          With newer communication technology like social
          我們要做怎樣的準備。                                        networking sites, what kind of preparation we should have
                                                            vis-a-vis the projected future scenario.
        ? 15~25 聯結的世代,網路是在他們成長階段一件最重要                     ? For the connected generation aged 15 to 25 years old, the
          的事情。                                              internet is one of the most important thing during their
        ? SNS 對組織 中對外溝通的人(公關)可能是一個新的挑                       maturity.
          戰,也是新的機會。                                       ? The new challenges and new opportunities for
                                                            communicators (including public relations).

? 介紹各國 SNS 運用狀況。                       ? Scanning the use of SNS in various countries.
? 在研究報告中提到,SNS 在開發中國家的發展路徑,將           ? According to the research, the way SNS are used and
 會跟已開發國家的相似,他們也負擔的起。                       developed in underdeveloped countries is the same as
? 不同國家的 SNS,也會因應他們族群的需求,而有不同               developed ones. People can afford the use.
  的樣貌,應用上也有不同的可能性。                     ?   SNS in various countries, due to the need of the
? 擁有權力與要不要使用 SNS 沒有直接的相關,反而越是              communities, will have different appearance and possibly
  弱勢的族群更會想要使用 SNS 來發聲。                     different applications.
? 在比較貧窮的國家,SNS 除了在交友方面,他們會使用           ?   The possession of power is not directly related with the
  SNS 來得知選舉的資訊,參加節目的活動和                    adoption of SNS. The more disadvantaged the groups, the
  得知物品市價。                                  more they would want to use SNS to voice.
                                       ?   SNS in underdeveloped countries are used, other than
                                           social activities, to get information about election, to
                                           participate program activities and acquire commodity
                                           market price.
                                       ?   In the topic about HIV/AIDS, we should consider how to
? 在愛滋病的議題上,我們應該想的是如何由傳播的角
                                           change people's behavior through the angle of
  度,去改變人的行為,人改 變他的行為之後,才會有所                communication. Social change occur after people change
  謂的社會變革。                                  our behaviors.
? 三個驅動力來改變 SNS:科技的 創新、商業的獲利行
                                       ?    3 drivers for social networking sites: technology
                                           innovation, profitability and behavior.
? 我們很難想像社會行為可以被數據化,透過 SNS 這些
                                       ?   The numeric /digitized social behaviors couldn't be
                                           imagined before. Human inherent social behaviors are
                                           “surfaced” by tools like SNS.
? 摘要介紹研究裡所整理出來在 SNS 上的行為。              ?   Summarized the individual behaviors that are identified by
 (行為表格裡留有一些空格讓討論者來填補,此活動細                  this research. (And leave some cells of the behavior tables
 節在下一點。)                                   for discussants to fill. This exercise is detailed next.)
                                       ?   Summarized the ways of engagement social change groups
? 摘要介紹社會變革團體(或 NPO)在 SNS 目前已經嘗試            have tried and used via SNS. (And leave some cells of the
 和運用的接觸方式。(表格裡留有一些空格讓討論者來                  behavior tables for the audience to fill. This exercise is
 填補,此活動細節在下一點。)                            detailed next.)
? 比較二張表可以看到社會變革團體(或 NPO)要運用            ?   Compared these two tables, it shows social change groups
 SNS 來接觸人群還有很多的嘗試空間。                       can do much more experiments to engage people via SNS.

(2) 討論                                (2) Discussion
● 焦點習作一:請參加者一起思考討論並填補 SNS 網友           ● Focus Assignment 1: I made the behaviors on SNS (as
  行為表裡的空格,以下是我們增加的行為種類。                    mentioned in the report) into a table and left some cells
                                           empty, and invited participants to fill them out. Together
                                           we added the following individual behaviors:

  1. 取得市場和消費相關資訊。                          1. Get information about market and purchase.
  2. 分享。                                   2. Share.
  3. 獲得情感支持(提供支持)。                         3. Gain emotional support (and provide support).
  4. 號召更多人表達不滿,並議論。                        4. Call for more expression of discontent and argue.
  5. 求助(提供幫助)。                             5. Ask for help (and provide help).
                                           There are more than one factors behind each behavior, thus
  要交叉運用,例如有網友先用交朋友的方式,目的是                  the behavioral factors in the table should be cross applied.
  銷售。                                      For example, some SNS users make friends first with the
                                           intention of selling.

● 焦點習作二-請參加者一起思考討論並填補社會變革              ● Focus Assignment 2: I made the kinds of work taken by
  組織透過 SNS 所進行之溝通工作的空格,我們增加的                social change groups via SNS (as mentioned in the report)
                                            into a table and left some cells empty, and invited
  工作種類有:                                    participants to fill them out. Together we added the
                                            following work:
                                           1. Raise fund and resources, for example, Typhoon Morak
                                              and aid, volunteers for magazine Big Issue Taiwan.
  1. 募款和募集資源(莫拉克颱風, Big Issue 街友雜誌的        2. Share and support other organizations' work, e.g. NPO
     志工)                                      IT Forum.
  2. 共享,支持他組織的活動(NPO 資訊交流討論區)              3. Provide help to those in need.
  3. 提供幫助/求助的管道。                           4. Make organization's ideas known, provide information
  4. 表達組織的想法,提供信息知識,或者進行倡議。                   and knowledge, or conduct advocacy.

5. 組織/尋求聯盟,聯合。                                  5. Organize, seek and form alliances.
 6. 投票決定要不要進行一些社會行動,尋求共識。                        6. Vote for social actions to be taken, seek consensus.
 7. 相互證實,驗證真實的支持。                                7. Verify the real scale of support (or cross examine).

● 主題: SNS,用是不用                                 ● Topic: Use SNS or use not

 SNS 帶來流量已經超過主要網站,未來的流量將來自 Traffic via SNS has exceeded which via portal web-sites and
                           future traffic will be from mobile use, of which SNS
 手機,其中將有更多 SNS Content,行業當中的專業
                           contents will prevail. Professional conferences and
 會議討論(如 2010 年博物館與網路)1/3 的議程是關
 於社交媒體,公選出最佳網站”太陽風暴”用各種 SNSdiscussions, e.g. Museum and the Web 2010, made one third
 來完成這科學報導,英美幾乎所有的社會變革團體都有  of its program social media related, the selected “the best of
                           web” went to SolarWatch which adopted various SNS for
 Facebook Page,簡言之,SNS 已經以最快的速度成
                           this scientific monitoring. Almost all social change groups
 為一項非常重要的互動溝通平台,以及知識工作的工具。 in the U.S. and U.K. own a Page at Facebook. In sum,
                           SNS have become a very important interactive
                           communicative platform and a knowledge working tool
                           within the shortest possible time.

● 主題: SNS 與社會學的想像                              ● Topic: SNS and Sociological Imagination

 網絡行動的花:「人是不是有些需求是因網路才發生?」 Netivism asked if SNS give birth to some of our needs.
 SNS 給傳統社會學(如 Marslo 需求理論)一個新的舞 SNS have given a new stage to and enriched conventional
 台,讓社會學更豐富,人目前的需求超出基本需求。        sociological theories, e.g. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Our
                                current needs may have way exceeded human's basic needs.

 聯勸的文良:「Putman 改變他社會資本消失的理論。」                  United Way Taiwan brought reference from Robert
 Robert Putnam 名著《Bowling Along》中提出美國的         Putnam who has modified his thesis about the declined
 社會資本速減,但是他近來改變觀念,認為新的                         social capital. In his book renowned “Bowling Alone“ he
 溝通科技形成一種「網絡合金」。                               stated the declined social capital in America, but he changed
                                               his ideas lately and showed increased in the “alloyed
   Putman:「有趣的是要如何運用(互聯網)來促成                   networks” fortified by new communication technologies.
   電子郵件。」(2007 年 7 月 18 日的衛報)                       Putman “What is interesting is how it can be used to
                                                    encourage 'alloyed networks' - which are both cyber
                                                    and face to face - like email.” (The Guardian, 18 July
                                                    2007 )

● 主題: SNS,參與和行動論                               ● Topic: SNS, Participation and Activism

 子景:「動機到行為的中間有很多障礙,點點滑鼠也是                      There are multiple barriers between motivation and actions.
 種支持行為嗎?」                                      Ann asked if mouse-clicking qualified as act of support.

 淑芳:「從 88 水災和 Big Issue 的經驗看到 SNS 上有許          Frontier Foundation drew experience from August 8 flood
 多參與的可能性。」                                     and Big Issue Taiwan and stated the participation to various
                                               extent being rolled out on SNS.

 1. 表達意見:                                      1. On Expression:
 網絡行動的花擔憂網友用「讚」和「不讚」表達,就                       Netivism was worried that SNS users expressed with “like”
 沒有下一個動作了。淑芳認為對於一些不善於表達的人                      and “dislike” and nothing further (I.e. lack of real actions).
 SNS 提供了一個學習表達的機會,來傳達自己的想法。                    Frontier Foundation appreciated that SNS offered
                                               opportunities of learning to express for those who were not
                                               at ease with expressing.

 2. 學習參與:                                      2. On Learning to Participate
 淑芳認為 SNS 社群提供不同層面的參與,可以相互學                    Frontier observed various communities on SNS provided
 習不同的參與方式。                                     participation at different level, so they learnt different ways
                                               of participation from one another.

 3. 參與:                                        3. On participation
 e 惠社的尹旭表示 SNS 把工作拆成小的部分,讓更多人                  e-Causes (from China) stated that SNS broke work down to
 可以從事不同層次的參與。聯勸的文良提出 Obama 競                   small parts so that many people could participate at different
 選大使最後都找到事情讓粉絲們做。                              level. United Way Taiwan used example of Obama
                                               campaign's “Ambassadors” who found actual work for the

4. 懶蟲與懶漢行動主義                          4. On Slackers and Slacktivism
            e 惠社的尹旭問:「線上活動的參與者,能化為                e-Causes asked if online fans can be converted to
            實體活動的參與者嗎?」                           supporters in actual events.
            Ilya 說「懶漢一點都不懶。」淑芳認為縱有三萬個粉絲,          Ilya didn't find slackers lazy. Frontier Foundation
            其實他們還是分眾的,所以會本人出現的只有 15-20 人。         emphasized the demassification among the 30,000
                                                  fans, which resulted in the turn-up of only 15-20

            尹旭提出結合設計線上下活動的預估量:                    e-Causes further shared the estimate ratio when
            線上活動是 1%的人提供原創 Content,9%回應,          designing online and off-line events:
            90%閱讀瀏覽;而線下活動是 1%現身參與,9%在 SNS         While 1% of community created contents online, 9%
            上參與,而 90%遠遠觀看。                        would respond and other 90% just read. During off-lie
                                                  events, 1% would turn up, 9% participate online and
                                                  the other 90% remain on-lookers.

          ● 主題: SNS 與組織的工作                        ● Topic: SNS and Organizational Work

            中信慈善基金會:「使用 SNS 像是經營一個品牌」             Chinatrust Charity Foundation ”using SNS as an act of
            號召上萬的粉絲後的行動計劃和如何維持行動力,才是              branding” – more attention to be paid to the action plans
            挑戰,因為粉絲會關心活動/組織後續的發展。基金會              and continuity after recruiting “fans”, that's the real
            用加入粉絲就捐 100 元的方式找粉絲,不到一個月即募           challenge because “fans” will follow up on the development
            得 2 萬人,捐出 200 萬,網友已經習慣這種溝通方式,         of events and of organization. The foundation recruited
                                                  20,000 fans within less than 30 days by matching $3
                                                  donation when one person becomes their 'fan'. SNS users
                                                  are used to this kind of communication and the way human
            聯合勸募:在 SNS 動員人力、資源時,原本後方的             network is extended.
                                                  United Way Taiwan emphasized the necessity for
            尹旭提醒 SNS 是溝通的工具,不是傳播而已,Obama          background support to catch up with the mobilization of
            團隊回跟粉絲,是與 Cliton 團隊不同之處 。             human and other resources on SNS.

            Ann 利用泰國案例提到新舊組織發展的 SNS 分界因素,         E-Causes reminded that SNS was a tool of communication,
            新組織 OpenMind Projects 以及香港公民黨的公投運動    not broadcasting. The difference between Obama team and
            因 SNS 而發展加速,艾滋運動老招牌 PATH 面對年輕時        Clinton's was that the former followed back its fans.
                                                  Ann pointed the SNS-related division between new and old
                                                  organizations. New organizations like Openmind Projects
                                                  and new movement like Hongkong Civic Party's referendum
                                                  movement have got dramatic development because of SNS,
                                                  while the older AIDS organization PATH can't shake off its
                                                  role of advisor and facilitator vis-a-vis the younger
Organi-   ? 網絡行動科技公司
zation     提供行動網路諮詢與導入服務,促成所有部門善用資訊
          ? 開拓基金會
          ? 法鼓大學籌備處
          ? 社會變革溝通聯盟
          ? 艾滋 2031

Resour 活動新聞稿                                     Event Announcement:

ces        (中文)http://net2.netivism.tw/events/2010/04/194          (English)
           活動照片 Photos (page 1~3, til IMG1441):


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  • 1. 《论坛记实一》 (Notes from Forum 1) 主要學習: Key Take-Aways: ? 每一網友行為後面有不同的層次,故所提的各種行為因素應要 * Various factors behind each behavior, thus various 交叉運用。 behavioral factors should be cross applied. ? 社會變革團體也用 SNS 來聯合其他團體,支持其他團體工作, * Social change groups also use SNS to form alliance 用來投票,用來驗證真正的支持者規模。 with other groups, to support their work, to vote, and ? SNS 給傳統社會學新的舞台,讓社會學更豐富,資深社會學者 to verify the actual scale of their supporters. 改變社會資本的論點。 * SNS provide a new stage for traditional sociology. ? SNS 上展開許多參與的可能性,如表達,學習參與,參與和 Senior scholars are changing their theses. 懶人的行動主義。 * SNS rolls out the multiple ways of participation, ? 眾多粉絲裡仍是分眾的結構。 ie. expression, learn to participate, participate and ? 團體使用 SNS 像是經營一個品牌-注意溝通方式,強化組織 slackitism. 背後的支援,要有行動計劃來維持行動力,更重要的是 * The demassified structure among fans. 要思考組織的關鍵發展問題。 * Social change groups ought to use SNS as effort of branding – pay attention to the way of communication, strengthen ground support, have action plans to maintain activeness, and most important of all, consider the essential problem about organizational development. Subject 法鼓公益論壇/網路星期二座談:「未來的連結 - 社交網路 Outreach Activity of “FutureConnect: Social Networking Today, Tomorrow and Beyond”, Focusing on Taiwan 的今天,明天和更遠的未來」(聚焦台灣) Why 將這份完成的報告”FutureConnect”作為主題性的工具,在 Use the completed report (FutureConnect) as a topical tool to crowd-source across the various sectors in Taiwan toward 台灣廣集不同部門眾人之力,透過討論網路上個人的行為, understanding social networking sites through the discussion 社會變革團體(公益團體)的參與,以及其他參與者所關注並 about individual behaviors on SNS, social change groups' 提出的主題,共同思索了解社交網絡。(關於 FutureConnect engagement and all other topics concerned and raised by the participants. (See “Organization Bio” below for details about 研究報告,請見下方的「組織介紹」) the research report “FutureConnect”) Who ? 開拓基金會東南亞計劃主任高子景 ? Facilitated by Ann T.C. Kao, Program Director Frontier Foundation and report contributor. ? 「網路星期二」籌辦組織: ? Net Tuesday (Taiwan): A periodic gathering co-organised 網絡行動科技公司、開拓基金會、法鼓大學籌備處 by NETivism Company, Frontier Foundation and the Preparatory Office of Dhama Drum University. Where 台北市延平南路 77 號法鼓大學籌備處七樓講堂 7F, Preparatory Office, Dhama Drum University No. 77, Yenping South Road, Taipei, Taiwan When 2010 年 4 月 17 日週六 13:30 – 15:20 13:30-15:20, Saturday, April 17, 2010 How 論壇:由開拓基金會東南亞計劃主任高子景利用 Forum Discussion - the introduction of the research report “FutureConnect” was accepted as the topic of the month by 「網路星期二」系列活動的四月場次介紹報告 “Net Tuesday”, a serial event initiated by netsquared.org. Ann ”FutureConnect”,並與現場約 20 位參加者進行討論。 T.C. Kao introduced the report and facilitated the discussion among other 20 participants. She is the Southeast Asian Program Director of Frontier Foundation. What (1) Briefing the Report “Future Connect” (1)未來的連結 FutureConnect 摘要報告 ? 開場介紹 Ann 以及在研究項目「未來的連結」的角色, ? Introduced the birth of the report “FutureConnect”, Ann's 以及延伸活動(即此論壇)的目的。 involvement as a contributor based in Thailand, and structure of the forum. ? (開始介紹「未來的連結」) ? (Begin the slides about the research “FutureConnect”) About “aids2031” - a scenario-building about HIV/AIDS 關於 aids2031:此專案項目是以目前的狀況來建立 in another 25 years but grounded in the current situations. 艾滋病可能的光景,有了像社交網這種新的溝通科技, With newer communication technology like social 我們要做怎樣的準備。 networking sites, what kind of preparation we should have vis-a-vis the projected future scenario. ? 15~25 聯結的世代,網路是在他們成長階段一件最重要 ? For the connected generation aged 15 to 25 years old, the 的事情。 internet is one of the most important thing during their ? SNS 對組織 中對外溝通的人(公關)可能是一個新的挑 maturity. 戰,也是新的機會。 ? The new challenges and new opportunities for communicators (including public relations). 1/5
  • 2. ? 介紹各國 SNS 運用狀況。 ? Scanning the use of SNS in various countries. ? 在研究報告中提到,SNS 在開發中國家的發展路徑,將 ? According to the research, the way SNS are used and 會跟已開發國家的相似,他們也負擔的起。 developed in underdeveloped countries is the same as ? 不同國家的 SNS,也會因應他們族群的需求,而有不同 developed ones. People can afford the use. 的樣貌,應用上也有不同的可能性。 ? SNS in various countries, due to the need of the ? 擁有權力與要不要使用 SNS 沒有直接的相關,反而越是 communities, will have different appearance and possibly 弱勢的族群更會想要使用 SNS 來發聲。 different applications. ? 在比較貧窮的國家,SNS 除了在交友方面,他們會使用 ? The possession of power is not directly related with the SNS 來得知選舉的資訊,參加節目的活動和 adoption of SNS. The more disadvantaged the groups, the 得知物品市價。 more they would want to use SNS to voice. ? SNS in underdeveloped countries are used, other than social activities, to get information about election, to participate program activities and acquire commodity market price. ? In the topic about HIV/AIDS, we should consider how to ? 在愛滋病的議題上,我們應該想的是如何由傳播的角 change people's behavior through the angle of 度,去改變人的行為,人改 變他的行為之後,才會有所 communication. Social change occur after people change 謂的社會變革。 our behaviors. ? 三個驅動力來改變 SNS:科技的 創新、商業的獲利行 ? 3 drivers for social networking sites: technology 為、個人(網友)的行為之間的交互作用。 innovation, profitability and behavior. ? 我們很難想像社會行為可以被數據化,透過 SNS 這些 ? The numeric /digitized social behaviors couldn't be 檯面下的社會行為都將浮現出來。 imagined before. Human inherent social behaviors are “surfaced” by tools like SNS. ? 摘要介紹研究裡所整理出來在 SNS 上的行為。 ? Summarized the individual behaviors that are identified by (行為表格裡留有一些空格讓討論者來填補,此活動細 this research. (And leave some cells of the behavior tables 節在下一點。) for discussants to fill. This exercise is detailed next.) ? Summarized the ways of engagement social change groups ? 摘要介紹社會變革團體(或 NPO)在 SNS 目前已經嘗試 have tried and used via SNS. (And leave some cells of the 和運用的接觸方式。(表格裡留有一些空格讓討論者來 behavior tables for the audience to fill. This exercise is 填補,此活動細節在下一點。) detailed next.) ? 比較二張表可以看到社會變革團體(或 NPO)要運用 ? Compared these two tables, it shows social change groups SNS 來接觸人群還有很多的嘗試空間。 can do much more experiments to engage people via SNS. (2) 討論 (2) Discussion ● 焦點習作一:請參加者一起思考討論並填補 SNS 網友 ● Focus Assignment 1: I made the behaviors on SNS (as 行為表裡的空格,以下是我們增加的行為種類。 mentioned in the report) into a table and left some cells empty, and invited participants to fill them out. Together we added the following individual behaviors: 1. 取得市場和消費相關資訊。 1. Get information about market and purchase. 2. 分享。 2. Share. 3. 獲得情感支持(提供支持)。 3. Gain emotional support (and provide support). 4. 號召更多人表達不滿,並議論。 4. Call for more expression of discontent and argue. 5. 求助(提供幫助)。 5. Ask for help (and provide help). 每一行為後面有不同的層次,故表格中的行為因素應 There are more than one factors behind each behavior, thus 要交叉運用,例如有網友先用交朋友的方式,目的是 the behavioral factors in the table should be cross applied. 銷售。 For example, some SNS users make friends first with the intention of selling. ● 焦點習作二-請參加者一起思考討論並填補社會變革 ● Focus Assignment 2: I made the kinds of work taken by 組織透過 SNS 所進行之溝通工作的空格,我們增加的 social change groups via SNS (as mentioned in the report) into a table and left some cells empty, and invited 工作種類有: participants to fill them out. Together we added the following work: 1. Raise fund and resources, for example, Typhoon Morak and aid, volunteers for magazine Big Issue Taiwan. 1. 募款和募集資源(莫拉克颱風, Big Issue 街友雜誌的 2. Share and support other organizations' work, e.g. NPO 志工) IT Forum. 2. 共享,支持他組織的活動(NPO 資訊交流討論區) 3. Provide help to those in need. 3. 提供幫助/求助的管道。 4. Make organization's ideas known, provide information 4. 表達組織的想法,提供信息知識,或者進行倡議。 and knowledge, or conduct advocacy. 2/5
  • 3. 5. 組織/尋求聯盟,聯合。 5. Organize, seek and form alliances. 6. 投票決定要不要進行一些社會行動,尋求共識。 6. Vote for social actions to be taken, seek consensus. 7. 相互證實,驗證真實的支持。 7. Verify the real scale of support (or cross examine). ● 主題: SNS,用是不用 ● Topic: Use SNS or use not SNS 帶來流量已經超過主要網站,未來的流量將來自 Traffic via SNS has exceeded which via portal web-sites and future traffic will be from mobile use, of which SNS 手機,其中將有更多 SNS Content,行業當中的專業 contents will prevail. Professional conferences and 會議討論(如 2010 年博物館與網路)1/3 的議程是關 於社交媒體,公選出最佳網站”太陽風暴”用各種 SNSdiscussions, e.g. Museum and the Web 2010, made one third 來完成這科學報導,英美幾乎所有的社會變革團體都有 of its program social media related, the selected “the best of web” went to SolarWatch which adopted various SNS for Facebook Page,簡言之,SNS 已經以最快的速度成 this scientific monitoring. Almost all social change groups 為一項非常重要的互動溝通平台,以及知識工作的工具。 in the U.S. and U.K. own a Page at Facebook. In sum, SNS have become a very important interactive communicative platform and a knowledge working tool within the shortest possible time. ● 主題: SNS 與社會學的想像 ● Topic: SNS and Sociological Imagination 網絡行動的花:「人是不是有些需求是因網路才發生?」 Netivism asked if SNS give birth to some of our needs. SNS 給傳統社會學(如 Marslo 需求理論)一個新的舞 SNS have given a new stage to and enriched conventional 台,讓社會學更豐富,人目前的需求超出基本需求。 sociological theories, e.g. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Our current needs may have way exceeded human's basic needs. 聯勸的文良:「Putman 改變他社會資本消失的理論。」 United Way Taiwan brought reference from Robert Robert Putnam 名著《Bowling Along》中提出美國的 Putnam who has modified his thesis about the declined 社會資本速減,但是他近來改變觀念,認為新的 social capital. In his book renowned “Bowling Alone“ he 溝通科技形成一種「網絡合金」。 stated the declined social capital in America, but he changed his ideas lately and showed increased in the “alloyed Putman:「有趣的是要如何運用(互聯網)來促成 networks” fortified by new communication technologies. 「網絡合金」,可以是網路上和面對面的,好比 電子郵件。」(2007 年 7 月 18 日的衛報) Putman “What is interesting is how it can be used to encourage 'alloyed networks' - which are both cyber and face to face - like email.” (The Guardian, 18 July 2007 ) ● 主題: SNS,參與和行動論 ● Topic: SNS, Participation and Activism 子景:「動機到行為的中間有很多障礙,點點滑鼠也是 There are multiple barriers between motivation and actions. 種支持行為嗎?」 Ann asked if mouse-clicking qualified as act of support. 淑芳:「從 88 水災和 Big Issue 的經驗看到 SNS 上有許 Frontier Foundation drew experience from August 8 flood 多參與的可能性。」 and Big Issue Taiwan and stated the participation to various extent being rolled out on SNS. 1. 表達意見: 1. On Expression: 網絡行動的花擔憂網友用「讚」和「不讚」表達,就 Netivism was worried that SNS users expressed with “like” 沒有下一個動作了。淑芳認為對於一些不善於表達的人 and “dislike” and nothing further (I.e. lack of real actions). SNS 提供了一個學習表達的機會,來傳達自己的想法。 Frontier Foundation appreciated that SNS offered opportunities of learning to express for those who were not at ease with expressing. 2. 學習參與: 2. On Learning to Participate 淑芳認為 SNS 社群提供不同層面的參與,可以相互學 Frontier observed various communities on SNS provided 習不同的參與方式。 participation at different level, so they learnt different ways of participation from one another. 3. 參與: 3. On participation e 惠社的尹旭表示 SNS 把工作拆成小的部分,讓更多人 e-Causes (from China) stated that SNS broke work down to 可以從事不同層次的參與。聯勸的文良提出 Obama 競 small parts so that many people could participate at different 選大使最後都找到事情讓粉絲們做。 level. United Way Taiwan used example of Obama campaign's “Ambassadors” who found actual work for the fans. 3/5
  • 4. 4. 懶蟲與懶漢行動主義 4. On Slackers and Slacktivism e 惠社的尹旭問:「線上活動的參與者,能化為 e-Causes asked if online fans can be converted to 實體活動的參與者嗎?」 supporters in actual events. Ilya 說「懶漢一點都不懶。」淑芳認為縱有三萬個粉絲, Ilya didn't find slackers lazy. Frontier Foundation 其實他們還是分眾的,所以會本人出現的只有 15-20 人。 emphasized the demassification among the 30,000 fans, which resulted in the turn-up of only 15-20 people. 尹旭提出結合設計線上下活動的預估量: e-Causes further shared the estimate ratio when 線上活動是 1%的人提供原創 Content,9%回應, designing online and off-line events: 90%閱讀瀏覽;而線下活動是 1%現身參與,9%在 SNS While 1% of community created contents online, 9% 上參與,而 90%遠遠觀看。 would respond and other 90% just read. During off-lie events, 1% would turn up, 9% participate online and the other 90% remain on-lookers. ● 主題: SNS 與組織的工作 ● Topic: SNS and Organizational Work 中信慈善基金會:「使用 SNS 像是經營一個品牌」 Chinatrust Charity Foundation ”using SNS as an act of 號召上萬的粉絲後的行動計劃和如何維持行動力,才是 branding” – more attention to be paid to the action plans 挑戰,因為粉絲會關心活動/組織後續的發展。基金會 and continuity after recruiting “fans”, that's the real 用加入粉絲就捐 100 元的方式找粉絲,不到一個月即募 challenge because “fans” will follow up on the development 得 2 萬人,捐出 200 萬,網友已經習慣這種溝通方式, of events and of organization. The foundation recruited 20,000 fans within less than 30 days by matching $3 及人脈網絡的延伸方式。 donation when one person becomes their 'fan'. SNS users are used to this kind of communication and the way human 聯合勸募:在 SNS 動員人力、資源時,原本後方的 network is extended. 支援還是必須要跟上的。 United Way Taiwan emphasized the necessity for 尹旭提醒 SNS 是溝通的工具,不是傳播而已,Obama background support to catch up with the mobilization of 團隊回跟粉絲,是與 Cliton 團隊不同之處 。 human and other resources on SNS. Ann 利用泰國案例提到新舊組織發展的 SNS 分界因素, E-Causes reminded that SNS was a tool of communication, 新組織 OpenMind Projects 以及香港公民黨的公投運動 not broadcasting. The difference between Obama team and 因 SNS 而發展加速,艾滋運動老招牌 PATH 面對年輕時 Clinton's was that the former followed back its fans. 代反而離不開指導開導的角色。 Ann pointed the SNS-related division between new and old organizations. New organizations like Openmind Projects and new movement like Hongkong Civic Party's referendum movement have got dramatic development because of SNS, while the older AIDS organization PATH can't shake off its role of advisor and facilitator vis-a-vis the younger generation. Organi- ? 網絡行動科技公司 zation 提供行動網路諮詢與導入服務,促成所有部門善用資訊 Bio 傳播科技、採取行動,改變個人、組織與世界的經濟與 社會。 ? 開拓基金會 「協助弱勢族群與網路間連結」以及「協助非營利性組 織善用網路」為使命,主要工作包括政策研究、社區人 才培訓、媒體觀察、協力打造資訊化社會。 ? 法鼓大學籌備處 法鼓大學以碩、博士教育為主,以前瞻之思維與世界一 流之教育建構國際教育村,營造多元學習環境,創新學 術研究,為台灣及全世界培育慈悲、智慧兼具之領導 者,建立全球淨化之典範與共識。 ? 社會變革溝通聯盟 ? 艾滋 2031 Resour 活動新聞稿 Event Announcement: 4/5
  • 5. ces (中文)http://net2.netivism.tw/events/2010/04/194 (English) 活動照片 Photos (page 1~3, til IMG1441): http://www.flickr.com/photos/frontierfoundation Partici- pants 5/5