The document discusses the development of the Resource Disco and Forward projects at the University of Wisconsin. Resource Disco was an experiment to develop a discovery layer for UW System collections, resulting in Forward which provides a single search interface for the UW System catalog, digital collections, and other resources. It describes Forward's features and use of open source software. Next steps may include expanding content, getting user feedback, and releasing a beta interface.
Beyond the Encylcopedia: The Frontiers of Free KnowledgeErikMoeller
The document discusses opportunities for expanding free knowledge and culture on Wikimedia projects and beyond. It analyzes the characteristics of successful free culture efforts like appropriate technology, small work units, and volunteer gratification. Wikimedia projects are assessed in terms of these factors, finding opportunities but also difficulties to overcome through improvements to technology, processes, funding, and inclusion. New projects are proposed to address gaps in structured data, real-time tools, physical spaces, and content types like designs and practices.
A case study of the BBC engagement with and implementation of Linked Data. Presented at a British Library Linked Data Workshop in London 27th May 2010.
This document provides an overview of the architecture of the Forward system, which includes batch processing of library data, indexing the data using Solr, and the web application frontend. It discusses how raw data from the ILS and digital collections is extracted, merged, parsed and indexed to build the Solr search index. It also outlines the technologies used in the Ruby on Rails-based web application such as campus affiliation detection, the results display, and features like the BookReader for viewing full text books.
This recipe calls for thinly sliced lemons arranged in an X pattern on a plate and topped with sugar and lemon peel. To make it, wash and dry 4 large lemons before using a peeler to remove strips of peel and slice the lemons thinly. Remove any seeds and lay the slices in an X shape, sprinkling sugar over top and garnishing with reserved peel.
The BibApp is a web application created by Eric Larson to populate institutional repositories. It allows users to import citations and associated files from reference managers. Currently it includes over 4,500 citations from the College of Engineering and School of Nursing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The BibApp was created using open source tools like Ruby on Rails and uses APIs to check copyright and generate metadata. Its goal is to increase the number of items in UW-Madison's institutional repository. Partnerships with the library and campus IT department aim to expand the BibApp to more departments.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited roles and faced much oppression. They were expected to handle household tasks while also facing persecution during events like the Inquisition. Some notable women included healers, who were often accused of witchcraft, and minstrels, who helped transmit culture through oral traditions but faced social restrictions. A few exceptional women, such as Christine de Pisan and Joan of Arc, were able to gain more prominence through their skills and accomplishments.
A Webquest is an inquiry-based activity where students interact with online resources provided by the teacher to research a topic and complete a project. Webquests guide students through a process using structured online resources without open searching, promoting skills like collaboration, technology use, and creative thinking. They are useful for differentiating instruction and motivating independent and group work. A successful Webquest contains six essential components: an introduction with a topic, task outlining the project, a process with assigned roles and resources, an evaluation rubric, conclusion, and teacher guide.
This medieval recipe describes how to make frumenty, a porridge-like dish made from rice, milk, water, egg yolks, salt, and saffron. The rice is boiled in water until soft, then milk is added and brought to a boil along with egg yolks and saffron to color and flavor the rice. The mixture is stirred gently until the egg sets, then served either for breakfast with honey or as a savory dish.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited roles and faced much oppression. They were expected to handle household tasks while also facing persecution during events like the Inquisition. Some notable women included healers, who were often accused of witchcraft, and minstrels, who helped transmit culture through oral traditions but faced social restrictions. A few exceptional women, such as Christine de Pisan and Joan of Arc, were able to gain more prominence through their skills and accomplishments.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited roles and faced much oppression. They were expected to handle household tasks while also facing persecution during events like the Inquisition. Some notable women included healers, who were often accused of witchcraft, and minstrels, who helped transmit culture through oral traditions but faced social restrictions. A few exceptional women, such as Christine de Pisan and Joan of Arc, were able to gain more prominence through their skills and accomplishments.
The document discusses HTTP caching as a way to improve performance. It describes different types of caches, including client caches, shared proxy caches, and gateway caches. Caching can save bandwidth and reduce response times. The document recommends using expiration dates and validation techniques like ETags and conditional GET requests to take advantage of caching. It provides code examples for setting cache headers and checking for stale content in Rails and Sinatra applications.
Stories are an effective tool for early foreign language classes. They use a holistic approach, support natural language acquisition, and help reduce anxiety. Children love stories because they are engaging and help them understand language. Effective storytelling techniques include speaking clearly, using gestures, varying tone and pace, asking questions, and allowing repetition. Pre- and post-storytelling activities like predicting, questioning, dramatizing and projects reinforce the language. Choosing age-appropriate stories with clear plots and cultural sensitivity is important. Organizing students and motivating them at the start helps tell stories effectively.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited freedom and were expected to be subservient to the men in their family. Their roles were dependent on their social status, with noble women managing households and peasant women working alongside their husbands in the fields and taking on tasks like cooking, cleaning, and childcare. While the Church taught that women were inferior, some women were able to become respected saints, scholars, or leaders like Joan of Arc. Most women worked rather than staying at home, and many had responsibility for running estates when their husbands traveled or died.
This document summarizes a presentation about converting legacy library data to linked open data to prepare for Web 3.0. It discusses the concepts of linked data and how libraries can contribute by exposing their metadata as linked open data using URIs and RDF. This will allow library data to be interconnected with other open data on the semantic web. The presentation recommends that libraries focus on providing trusted identifiers and infrastructure to enable sharing and connecting data across library collections.
Matias Piipari from the Sanger Institute gave a short tutorial, aimed at a scientific audience, on using Apple's Cocoa framework for developing applications.
A short presentation on how online personal learning networks can enrich face-to-face exchanges (e.g., departmental, district, conference PDs) and expand opportunities for collaborative professional development.
This document summarizes key points about open data and making scholarly data accessible. It discusses the importance of open data for reproducibility and verification in science. It also emphasizes that open data requires quality assurance, documentation, and metadata to ensure usability and understanding. Publishing data, with peer review or other quality processes, encourages openness while also adding value for users.
The document discusses developing layered user profiles for the NoTube project. It proposes a minimalist model where activity streams from different sources like YouTube, Amazon, and can be overlaid. Profiles will link to entities like programs, people, and topics. Different levels of profile detail are suggested from simple lists to weighted views. Standards like linked data, RDFa and OpenSocial APIs will be used to represent profiles. User input is sought on the API and software platform.
This document discusses the importance of monitoring a Postgres database to prevent issues and ensure high performance. It provides examples of key things to monitor such as connections, disk space, transactions, queries, and settings. Regular monitoring helps identify problems early before they seriously impact the database or lead to data loss or downtime. Tools can help support monitoring but experience is also important.
CensusGIV - Geographic Information Visualisation of Census DataCASA, UCL
The document discusses the development of CensusGIV, a prototype for providing innovative geographic visualization of UK census small area statistics. It aims to develop an interactive web-based mapping application using open source technologies to allow users to easily explore and analyze census data through dynamic choropleth maps and other visualization techniques. The document outlines the objectives, design considerations, system architecture, and timeline for the CensusGIV prototype. Key aspects discussed include data access, map creation, color theory, and a modular client-server architecture.
The document provides an overview of the activities and direction of Work Package 1 (WP1) of the NoTube project. WP1 focuses on developing shared datasets and services to support data integration and use case scenarios. In year 3, WP1 has moved from a single data warehouse to a more distributed model and is planning for sustainability beyond the project lifetime. WP1 datasets and services are being used to support other work packages and end-to-end demonstrations. WP1 also conducts outreach activities to promote metadata sharing and adoption of standards.
This document discusses open source GIS and modeling tools. It covers topics like addressing the map changing problem, defining temporal spatial databases, and integrated modeling and spatial data. Open formats, modeling, and the OGC and OPEN MI partnership are also mentioned. Spatial enabled services, standards, and the map changing problem are summarized. The document provides examples and diagrams about OPEN MI, model linking, and supporting open source tools and communities. Future steps discussed include parallel computing modeling, model optimization, and linking sensors and models.
This document summarizes how Plone can be used in higher education for intranets, directories, microsites, and online courseware. It discusses how Plone allows for news and event publishing, department pages, important documents, FAQs, and access for both staff and students on intranets. It also describes the FacultyStaffDirectory and CMFBibliography tools for user directories, how microsites can create separate identities for schools and units while maintaining shared infrastructure, and how eduCommons is an open courseware management system used by many colleges and universities.
The Clean Watersheds Project is a multi-disciplinary environmental science project that has students investigate possible water contamination sites near their schools. Students use GPS units to record data points, water quality test kits to collect samples, and Google Earth to visualize and share their findings. The project aims to promote students' understanding of environmental issues through inquiry-based research, collaboration using educational technology tools, and raising awareness of how human activities impact local ecosystems.
A Webquest is an inquiry-based activity where students interact with online resources provided by the teacher to research a topic and complete a project. Webquests guide students through a process using structured online resources without open searching, promoting skills like collaboration, technology use, and creative thinking. They are useful for differentiating instruction and motivating independent and group work. A successful Webquest contains six essential components: an introduction with a topic, task outlining the project, a process with assigned roles and resources, an evaluation rubric, conclusion, and teacher guide.
This medieval recipe describes how to make frumenty, a porridge-like dish made from rice, milk, water, egg yolks, salt, and saffron. The rice is boiled in water until soft, then milk is added and brought to a boil along with egg yolks and saffron to color and flavor the rice. The mixture is stirred gently until the egg sets, then served either for breakfast with honey or as a savory dish.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited roles and faced much oppression. They were expected to handle household tasks while also facing persecution during events like the Inquisition. Some notable women included healers, who were often accused of witchcraft, and minstrels, who helped transmit culture through oral traditions but faced social restrictions. A few exceptional women, such as Christine de Pisan and Joan of Arc, were able to gain more prominence through their skills and accomplishments.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited roles and faced much oppression. They were expected to handle household tasks while also facing persecution during events like the Inquisition. Some notable women included healers, who were often accused of witchcraft, and minstrels, who helped transmit culture through oral traditions but faced social restrictions. A few exceptional women, such as Christine de Pisan and Joan of Arc, were able to gain more prominence through their skills and accomplishments.
The document discusses HTTP caching as a way to improve performance. It describes different types of caches, including client caches, shared proxy caches, and gateway caches. Caching can save bandwidth and reduce response times. The document recommends using expiration dates and validation techniques like ETags and conditional GET requests to take advantage of caching. It provides code examples for setting cache headers and checking for stale content in Rails and Sinatra applications.
Stories are an effective tool for early foreign language classes. They use a holistic approach, support natural language acquisition, and help reduce anxiety. Children love stories because they are engaging and help them understand language. Effective storytelling techniques include speaking clearly, using gestures, varying tone and pace, asking questions, and allowing repetition. Pre- and post-storytelling activities like predicting, questioning, dramatizing and projects reinforce the language. Choosing age-appropriate stories with clear plots and cultural sensitivity is important. Organizing students and motivating them at the start helps tell stories effectively.
Women in the Middle Ages had very limited freedom and were expected to be subservient to the men in their family. Their roles were dependent on their social status, with noble women managing households and peasant women working alongside their husbands in the fields and taking on tasks like cooking, cleaning, and childcare. While the Church taught that women were inferior, some women were able to become respected saints, scholars, or leaders like Joan of Arc. Most women worked rather than staying at home, and many had responsibility for running estates when their husbands traveled or died.
This document summarizes a presentation about converting legacy library data to linked open data to prepare for Web 3.0. It discusses the concepts of linked data and how libraries can contribute by exposing their metadata as linked open data using URIs and RDF. This will allow library data to be interconnected with other open data on the semantic web. The presentation recommends that libraries focus on providing trusted identifiers and infrastructure to enable sharing and connecting data across library collections.
Matias Piipari from the Sanger Institute gave a short tutorial, aimed at a scientific audience, on using Apple's Cocoa framework for developing applications.
A short presentation on how online personal learning networks can enrich face-to-face exchanges (e.g., departmental, district, conference PDs) and expand opportunities for collaborative professional development.
This document summarizes key points about open data and making scholarly data accessible. It discusses the importance of open data for reproducibility and verification in science. It also emphasizes that open data requires quality assurance, documentation, and metadata to ensure usability and understanding. Publishing data, with peer review or other quality processes, encourages openness while also adding value for users.
The document discusses developing layered user profiles for the NoTube project. It proposes a minimalist model where activity streams from different sources like YouTube, Amazon, and can be overlaid. Profiles will link to entities like programs, people, and topics. Different levels of profile detail are suggested from simple lists to weighted views. Standards like linked data, RDFa and OpenSocial APIs will be used to represent profiles. User input is sought on the API and software platform.
This document discusses the importance of monitoring a Postgres database to prevent issues and ensure high performance. It provides examples of key things to monitor such as connections, disk space, transactions, queries, and settings. Regular monitoring helps identify problems early before they seriously impact the database or lead to data loss or downtime. Tools can help support monitoring but experience is also important.
CensusGIV - Geographic Information Visualisation of Census DataCASA, UCL
The document discusses the development of CensusGIV, a prototype for providing innovative geographic visualization of UK census small area statistics. It aims to develop an interactive web-based mapping application using open source technologies to allow users to easily explore and analyze census data through dynamic choropleth maps and other visualization techniques. The document outlines the objectives, design considerations, system architecture, and timeline for the CensusGIV prototype. Key aspects discussed include data access, map creation, color theory, and a modular client-server architecture.
The document provides an overview of the activities and direction of Work Package 1 (WP1) of the NoTube project. WP1 focuses on developing shared datasets and services to support data integration and use case scenarios. In year 3, WP1 has moved from a single data warehouse to a more distributed model and is planning for sustainability beyond the project lifetime. WP1 datasets and services are being used to support other work packages and end-to-end demonstrations. WP1 also conducts outreach activities to promote metadata sharing and adoption of standards.
This document discusses open source GIS and modeling tools. It covers topics like addressing the map changing problem, defining temporal spatial databases, and integrated modeling and spatial data. Open formats, modeling, and the OGC and OPEN MI partnership are also mentioned. Spatial enabled services, standards, and the map changing problem are summarized. The document provides examples and diagrams about OPEN MI, model linking, and supporting open source tools and communities. Future steps discussed include parallel computing modeling, model optimization, and linking sensors and models.
This document summarizes how Plone can be used in higher education for intranets, directories, microsites, and online courseware. It discusses how Plone allows for news and event publishing, department pages, important documents, FAQs, and access for both staff and students on intranets. It also describes the FacultyStaffDirectory and CMFBibliography tools for user directories, how microsites can create separate identities for schools and units while maintaining shared infrastructure, and how eduCommons is an open courseware management system used by many colleges and universities.
The Clean Watersheds Project is a multi-disciplinary environmental science project that has students investigate possible water contamination sites near their schools. Students use GPS units to record data points, water quality test kits to collect samples, and Google Earth to visualize and share their findings. The project aims to promote students' understanding of environmental issues through inquiry-based research, collaboration using educational technology tools, and raising awareness of how human activities impact local ecosystems.
Creating location-based mobile learning experiencesLiz FitzGerald
The document summarizes Dr. Elizabeth FitzGerald's presentation on creating location-based mobile learning experiences. It discusses her research into using geospatial data and mobile devices to enable ad hoc learning in informal settings. It provides examples of projects including a "Tree Walk" study and the development of audio narratives and mobile guides to augment visitor experiences in the field. The presentation also analyzes frameworks for authoring user-generated geolocated content to support serendipitous learning based on location.
This presentation was given during the February 2009 Coos Library Directors' meeting to convince them to look into adopting an open source integrated library system (ILS) such as Koha or Evergreen. The Coos County Library Service District is located on the southern Oregon coast.
This document summarizes Charles Severance's presentation on collaborative eScience given at Rutgers CyberInfrastructure Meeting on April 4, 2006. It discusses the evolution of collaborative eScience tools over the past 15 years from projects like SPARC to current tools like Sakai, CHEF, WorkTools, and portals. It reflects on lessons learned regarding collaboration software, middleware, and authentication. It also presents a potential future eScience case study integrating various applications, repositories, and portals through a centralized gateway.
Internet traffic spikes aren't what they used to be. It is now evident that even the smallest sites can suffer the attention of the global audience. This presentation dives into techniques to avoid collapse under dire circumstances. Looking at some real traffic spikes, we'll pinpoint what part of the architecture is crumbling under the load; then, walk though stop-gaps and complete solutions.
Creating knowledge out of interlinked dataS旦ren Auer
This document discusses creating knowledge from interlinked data. It notes that while reasoning over large datasets does not currently scale well, linked data approaches are more feasible as they allow for incremental improvement. The document outlines the linked data lifecycle including extraction, storage and querying, authoring, linking, and enrichment of semantic data. It provides examples of projects that extract, store, author and link diverse datasets including DBpedia, LinkedGeoData, and statistical data. Challenges discussed include improving query performance, developing standardized interfaces, and increasing the amount of interlinking between datasets.
OpenNebulaConf 2013 -Adventures in Research by Joel Merrick OpenNebula Project
BBC Research & Development are in the process of deploying a department wide virtualization solution, catering for use cases including web development, machine learning, transcoding, media ingress and system testing. This talk discusses the implementation of a high performance Ceph storage backend and the challenges of virtualization in a broadcast research and development environment.
Joel Merrick has been involved in system administration and engineering for well over a decade. He is the project lead for an internal VM platform for BBC Research and Development. First becoming involved in virtualisation more than 5 years ago, both professionally and working for the non-profit Sahana Foundation, whereby live production deployments of the software have been running under KVM in the field.
BBC Research & Development are in the process of deploying a department wide virtualization solution, catering for use cases including web development, machine learning, transcoding, media ingress and system testing. This talk discusses the implementation of a high performance Ceph storage backend and the challenges of virtualization in a broadcast research and development environment.
This presentation was provided by Adam Chandler of Cornell University Library, Steven T. Carmody of Brown University, Keith Dixon, David Orrell, and Lyn Norris of Eduserv, and Jerry Ward of ProQuest during the NISO Webinar "Single Sign-On Authentication: Understanding the Pieces of the Puzzle" held on February 11, 2009.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
3. UW 揃 RDisco / Forward?
The Resource Disco
- An "experiment" to develop a discovery layer for UW
System collections
Digital Collections (UWDCC)
Repository data (MINDS@UW)
Museum content
Web sites
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3
4. UW 揃 Forward
The result of RDisco
A discovery layer into:
- UW System catalog data
- Representative UWDCC
- 70% of MINDS@UW
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4
5. UW 揃 Background
A response to UW-Madison RDTF recommendations
and formation of CUWL RDTF
From that report, recommendations:
1. Decouple the interface from the ILS
2. Complete control over the interface, data, and index
3. Emphasize interface simplicity
4. Sophisticated search and result functionalities
5.Seamlessly integrate and deliver UW collections
6. Adapt to user behaviors
7. Encourage personalization and customization
8. Be where our users work and play
9. Compare well in design and user experience to popular Internet
10. Be staffed for excellence and continuous change
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5
6. UW 揃 More Background
UW-Madison Shared Development Group (SDG)
- Tech Enhanced Learning project with School of
Human Ecology (Disco environment and Fedora
repository for instructors)
February - July
- 0.5 FTE February-April
- 1.5 FTE May-July
Maturation of proven software (high powered indexing)
VuFind and Blacklight analysis
Leveraged a core of smart coders/librarians
Organizational commitment to application development
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6
7. UW 揃 Key Principles
One system, one library, one interface
- Added complexity of consortium
Use of proven software
Flexible and extensible to different types of data
Discovery layer only
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7
8. UW 揃 Next Steps?
Functional assessment, feedback, participation
Resource assessment and support development
Beta interface sometime in the not-so-distant future?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8
39. CUWL 揃 Recommendation
UW Libraries should continue to
analyze the functionality and
integration of library services
Unpublished - CUWL RDETF
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 39
47. UW 揃 Context Freebase
open database
of the worlds
Wikipedia -
unstructured data
Freebase -
structured data
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 45
48. UW 揃 Context Bing
External APIs
- Related searches
- Instant Answers?
- Web results?
- Web images?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 46
49. UW 揃 Context Local
Our APIs
- Ask a Librarian
- Subject Liaisons
- Bibliographers
- LibGuides?
- Libraries?
- Coll. Highlights
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 47
50. UW 揃 Context
Hours Subject guides Digital collections
Workshops More like this... Common book
New items Local experts Library news
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 48
53. Irrespective of Which System
This work will be
- Will present both
opportunities and
- Must adapt/change over time
with users
- Expectations will be set by the
Web at large (i.e., outside of
the library sphere)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 51
54. Assumptions
One System, One Library
translates to
One Catalog
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 52
56. UW 揃 What Have
We Learned?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 54
57. Our Data is Messy
1969 c1969 [1969]
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 55
58. A catalog is not a catalog is not a catalog.
Mr. Wiggles, by Bill Futreal
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 56