This document discusses strategies for gaining confidence in applications and systems. It begins by defining what is meant by "gaining confidence" and why it is important. It then outlines several topics to be covered, including using language paradigms like imperative, object-oriented, and functional programming to perform static and dynamic analysis. It will discuss testing at different levels from unit tests up to integration and system-level tests. It will also look at simulation testing to analyze emergent behaviors and how monitoring in production helps continue analysis.
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A Survey of Strategies for Gaining Confidence in Applications
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3. So what do we mean by "Gaining Confidence" and why
should you care?
4. First that we have a clear idea of what we are trying to gain
confidence in?
What is the value of our software?
What are the acceptance criteria?
Performance Characteristics
Visual Style
6. What are the Rewards?
What are the Costs?
Where are the Risks?
7. A Few of the Topics Out of Scope
Organization & Communication
Architecture & Design
8. The Presentation
1. We will start with Language Paradigms and how they
affect our abilities farther up the stack
2. Using Language constructs to perform both static analysis
(type systems) and dynamic analysis (error handling)
3. Working our way up the stack to explicit low level tests
4. And farther up to higher level integration tests
5. We will look at combining what we've seen above into a
simulation testing and the emergent behaviors that are
found with these
6. And finally continuing the analysis from simulation into
production via monitoring
11. Procedural
Type Systems that Model the Components of a Computer
Tests assert the state of the world
Error Handling by way of return codes
Goto like statements
12. Object Oriented
Type Systems that Model the Application Domain
Tests assert the state of an object
Tests assert the passing of messages
More reliance on type systems
Limit exceptional behaviors to the boundaries of the
13. Functional
Type Systems that Model the Application Domain
Tests assert the state of a returned data structure
Tests assert the distribution returned data structures
More reliance on type systems
16. A single unit test of logic: conditional, etc
Simple units of logic require simple tests
However low level tests tend to be very tied to
Good design facility but rarely good at ensuring quality
Often written in the language of the software and contains
the pros and cons of the software's language
17. The behaviors of Integrated Units
Tests are tied to behaviors of the systems
Increasing complexity of tests and prerequisites
Requires decent design, good at gaining confidence
18. The System as a Whole
What properties does it display
Analysis of emergent behaviors
19. A wide ranging spectrum
Higher level languages start farther up the level of strategies
The performance characteristics of the tests determine how
often they are ran
Higher level tests with simple ways to instantiate them
provide more value as ways to gain confidence in the
20. Novelty in combining concepts
Instrumented or "monitored" development environments