Foursquare is a location-based social networking application that allows users to check-in at various locations and earn points. It aims to bridge the gap between online social media and real-world, in-person interactions by encouraging users to explore new places and share their locations with friends. The service provides analytics and promotions to both users and businesses in order to drive more in-store visits and create loyalty.
22. Crunked: Discovering a new place
Superstar: 50 di erent check-ins
Player Please!: Check-in with 3 of opposite sex
鴛岳s about competition
23. Where are your friends right now?
What did your friends do this weekend?
Who were your friends hanging out with?
Friend recommendations... what is this place?
Whats the hot-spot around me right now?
鴛岳s about friends
32. How many people are checking into your establishment?
Where were these people before?
Where do they go after your establishment?
What does the cycle of tra c look like?
How is the cycle of tra c a ected by check-in promotions?
鴛岳s about analytics