Foursquare is a mobile app that allows users to check-in at venues and earn badges. It provides mayorships for users who check-in most at a venue. Users can also add tips about venues. The app benefits venues by helping them attract and retain customers through promotions and key venue information. It provides three levels of superuser status for users who contribute helpful community updates.
2. Contents
What is foursquare?
How do you use it?
How does it benefit users?
How does it benefit Venues and Brands?
Group C 1
3. What is foursquare?
Mobile and Web application that allows registered users to post their
location at a venue (Check-in)
Check-in requires active user selection
and points are awarded at each check-in
Users can choose whether to have their check-ins are posted to their
Twitter or Facebook accounts
Users can earn badges for check-in frequency or patterns such as check-in
User-generated badges will be available in the future
Creation of To-Do list and add Tips to venues that other users can read
Suggestions for great things to do and see: for example what to eat at
a specific restaurant
Group C 2
4. How do you use it?
1. Install foursquare on your smartphone from
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5. How do you use it?
2. Register or log in:
Group C 4
6. How do you use it?
3. Find the venue you
are at:
Group C 5
7. How do you use it?
4. Start checking-in and
earning badges:
Group C 6
8. How do you use it?
5. Find friends:
Group C 7
9. How do you use it?
5. Find or add tips:
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10. How do you use it?
Badges are earned by checking-in to
various venues.
Some badges can only be earned in a
specific city
Once a badge is earned, it will remain
on that user's profile indefinitely
There are a handful of introductory badges
that are earned as milestones in usage
No official foursquare badge list
Users can now earn badges for completing
tasks as well as checking in.
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11. How do you use it?
If one particular user checks into one
venue more than anyone else in the last
60 days:
one check-in per day
check-ins are valid
has a profile picture
they will be crowned Mayor.
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12. How do you use it?
3 levels of Superuser status:
not to be confused with the "Super User"
Superuser status is conferred on users who have
been selected by foursquare staff for their helpful
contributions to the community
All superusers can review a queue of
requested changes for a single city, and can
select a new city at will.
Level 1 - can edit venue info (address, cross street, phone, Twitter names, map
pin location), mark venues as closed, and flag duplicate venues.
Level 2 - can additionally merge duplicate venue listings, adjust the latitude and
longitude of a venue, remove tags, add a web address, and add categories.
Level 3 - adds the ability to create and remove venue aliases, as well as access a
"global queue" of pending requests needing superuser attention.
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