This presentation explores suffixes related to the nervous system. The suffixes -algesia and -esthesia are discussed. -Algesia means pain or sensitivity to pain and is seen in terms like analgesia, hypalgesia, and hyperalgesia. -Esthesia means feeling or sensation and appears in words like anesthesia, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia. Anesthesia and analgesia are important medical concepts that allow patients to undergo surgery or procedures without pain through use of pharmacological agents that block pain receptors. There are local, regional, and general types of anesthesia. Anesthetics and analgesics are drugs that produce loss of sensation or treat pain, respectively.
2. Suffixes
This presentation will explore the suffixes of –algesia
and –esthesia
-algesia is the suffix meaning pain or sensitivity to
-esthesia means feeling or sensation.
3. -Algesia
Common Terms
Analgesia- the absence of pain or
Hypalgesia- a decreased
sensitivity to painful stimuli
Hyperalgesia- an increased
sensitivity to painful stimuli
Neuroleptanalgesia- a state of
quiescence, altered awareness
and analgesia produced by the
combination of opioid and
4. -Esthesia
Common Words
Anesthesia- a lack of sensations
Hyperesthesia- the condition of
excessive sensations
Kinesthesia- the sense that detects
the body position, weight, or
Paresthesia- an abnormal sensation
such as burning or itching
Synesthesia- stimulation of one
sensory or cognitive pathway leads to
automatic, involuntary experiences in
a second sensory or cognitive
5. Anesthesia and
Anesthesia and Analgesia are by far the most common
terms out of those listed on the previous slides.
Anesthesia and analgesia form a very important medical
specialty that we call anesthesiology. A variety of drugs
are used to block patients pain receptors, memory,
responsiveness and/or muscle control. This specialty
allows patients to undergo surgery or other procedures
without experiencing the pain and discomfort they
typically would in absence of these pharmacological
agents. Anesthesia and analgesia have advanced
medicine substantially.
6. Types of Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia- inhibits sensory reception on a specific
location of the body (ex. Tooth or urinary bladder)
Regional Anesthesia- inhibits sensation in a larger area of
the body by blocking nerve impulses from that part of the
body and the spinal cord
General Anesthesia- inhibits sensory, motor and
sympathetic nerve transmission at the level of the brain,
which produces lack of sensation and unconsciousness
7. Anesthetics
Anesthetics are drugs that produce a loss of
sensation or consciousness.
8. Analgesics
Analgesics are medications that treat
pain. They are split into two groups,
non-narcotic and narcotics.
Non-narcotics are used for minor to
moderate pain. They include aspirin,
acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
Narcotics are used for severe pain relief
and patients must use caution because
they are addictive. They are collectively
called opiates and some common ones
are morphine, oxycodone, Demerol and