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FPYC Personal Career Profile for MOINUL HUQ
 Your username is "MOINUL HUQ" and your password is "czr5wr". Write these down
           now, because you'll need these to return to this page in the future.
                 (Otherwise you may have to re-do the questionnaire).

                        Your FPYC Personal Profile Summary

     FPYC Personal Profile for MOINUL HUQ

     FPYC temperament type: ISTS - Sincere, traditional, loyal, reserved, hard
     working, sensible, organized, decisive, thorough.

     Dominant intelligences: Logical Mathematical, Musical, Intrapersonal, Visual
     Spatial and Interpersonal.

     Dominant abilities: Art and Design, Self Discipline, Scientific, Logical, Self
     Awareness and Musical.

     Fields of Work: Art and design, Media and Education, training and library.

     Knowledge worker status: Level 2 Knowledge Worker - Knowledge User and

     Knowledge age skills:
           Communication - Strong                       Team Work - Strong
           Adaptability - Reasonable                    Computer - Strong
           Business - Strong                            Learning - Strong

MOINUL HUQ, your FPYC Personal Profile below consists of the following five
1. Your Temperament Type
2. Your Dominant Intelligences and Dominant Abilities
3. Your 3 Fields of Work
4. Your Knowledge Worker Status
5. Your Knowledge Age Skills

Your FPYC Temperament Type

Your FPYC Temperament Type is defined by the four letter combination: ISTS

First and foremost you are a reliable organized type who likes to get things done. You are
likely to be comfortable working in situations where there are clear directions, goals to
meet and where expectations are clearly laid down.
You are essentially a practical person who prefers to see tangible results and mastering
the things you do. You make sure that you know what is expected of you, the standards
you need to achieve in your work, and why these standards are important.

You are more thoughtful and reflective rather than seeking a high-energy action packed
work situation. This suggests that you would work best in small groups or in one-on-one
situations. If you are required to work in a highly charged environment it will be
important for you to take time out to recharge your batteries.

You like to reach closure on the things you are dealing with rather than leaving matters
undecided. On occasions this can lead to hasty decision making.

Others can sometimes see you as inflexible and, while you are very good at taking care of
details, you would often benefit from raising your view to take in the bigger picture.

2. Your Dominant Intelligences and Dominant Abilities

you are a person who has an eye for the aesthetic, is very organized and disciplined
and is good at analyzing the underlying causes of problems.

These talents, and others, are a crucial part of what you have to offer any employer, and
to the way your career will unfold in the future.
YOUR DOMINANT INTELLIGENCES: Logical Mathematical, Musical and
YOUR DOMINANT ABILITIES: Art and Design, Self Discipline, Scientific, Logical,
Self Awareness and Musical.

How can you package these intelligences and abilites for maximum benefit in your future
career? Is the area you currently work in, or are considering working in, an area where
you can use your strengths. If not you may need to consider your options.

By centering your career - in terms of the field of work you concentrate on - around your
dominant intelligences and abilities, you stand the greatest chance of success

3. Your 3 Fields of Work
The 26 Fields of Work used in the Work Match system are:
1. Management                           14. Building/Grounds Cleaning and
2. Business/Finance                     15. Personal Care and Service
3. Computer and Mathematical Science    16. Sales
4. Architecture and Engineering         17. Office and Administration Support
5. Sciences (Physical, Social and Life  18. Farming, Fishing and Forestry
6. Community and Social Services        19. Construction and Extraction
7. Legal                                20. Installation, Maintenance and Repair
8. Education, Training and Library      21. Production
9. Art and Design                            22. Transportation and Material Moving
10. Healthcare Practitioner and Technical    23. Military
11. Healthcare Support                       24. Media
12. Protective Service                       25. Entertainment
13. Food Preparation and Serving             26. Sports

The three Fields of Work that best match your abilities, intelligences and interests

       Art and design
       Education, training and library

4. Your Knowledge Worker Status

You are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker

the first piece of good news is that you have all the basic attributes required to succeed in
the workplace of the knowledge age. According to the FPYC Knowledge Worker
Index, which uses a complex formula that draws on 32 of the 86 questions from the
FPYC Questionnaire, you are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker. Work that uses
knowledge as a core component is not going to go away in the foreseeable future, so the
fact that you are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker is a very positive sign for your career.

However, Level 2 Knowledge Work will continue to change, so a highly adaptable
frame of mind is going to be necessary for you to handle the surprises that will inevitably
come your way.

Your first strategy is to commit to lifelong learning to stay ahead of the game. By
continually upgrading your knowledge you will learn new ways you can contribute to
your organization, and secure your position as a Level 2 Knowledge Worker.

Your second major strategy suggested by the automation of left brain tasks is to look for
work opportunities which use your right brain, creative, complex intuitive powers and
judgments. Knowledge User, Knowledge Provider or Knowledge Creator?

Knowledge work can be broken down into three categories: Knowledge Use, Knowledge
Provision and Knowledge Creation. You seem to be a Knowledge User and Creator.

5. Your Knowledge Age Skills

The Knowledge Age Skills are the six basic skills which all knowledge workers need to
work with information and knowledge, and with the new structures that are now part and
parcel of the New World of Work.
These are communication skills, team skills, adaptability skills, computer skills, business
skills and learning skills.

   1.   Communication skills - your rating: Strong
   2.   Team skills - your rating: Strong
   3.   Computer skills - your rating: Strong
   4.   Adaptability skills - your rating: Reasonable
   5.   Business skills - your rating: Strong
   6.   Learning skills - your rating: Strong.

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Fpyc Personal Career Profile For Moinul Huq

  • 1. FPYC Personal Career Profile for MOINUL HUQ www.careermentoringinstitute.com Your username is "MOINUL HUQ" and your password is "czr5wr". Write these down now, because you'll need these to return to this page in the future. (Otherwise you may have to re-do the questionnaire). Your FPYC Personal Profile Summary FPYC Personal Profile for MOINUL HUQ FPYC temperament type: ISTS - Sincere, traditional, loyal, reserved, hard working, sensible, organized, decisive, thorough. Dominant intelligences: Logical Mathematical, Musical, Intrapersonal, Visual Spatial and Interpersonal. Dominant abilities: Art and Design, Self Discipline, Scientific, Logical, Self Awareness and Musical. Fields of Work: Art and design, Media and Education, training and library. Knowledge worker status: Level 2 Knowledge Worker - Knowledge User and Creator. Knowledge age skills: Communication - Strong Team Work - Strong Adaptability - Reasonable Computer - Strong Business - Strong Learning - Strong MOINUL HUQ, your FPYC Personal Profile below consists of the following five sections: 1. Your Temperament Type 2. Your Dominant Intelligences and Dominant Abilities 3. Your 3 Fields of Work 4. Your Knowledge Worker Status 5. Your Knowledge Age Skills Your FPYC Temperament Type Your FPYC Temperament Type is defined by the four letter combination: ISTS First and foremost you are a reliable organized type who likes to get things done. You are likely to be comfortable working in situations where there are clear directions, goals to meet and where expectations are clearly laid down.
  • 2. You are essentially a practical person who prefers to see tangible results and mastering the things you do. You make sure that you know what is expected of you, the standards you need to achieve in your work, and why these standards are important. You are more thoughtful and reflective rather than seeking a high-energy action packed work situation. This suggests that you would work best in small groups or in one-on-one situations. If you are required to work in a highly charged environment it will be important for you to take time out to recharge your batteries. You like to reach closure on the things you are dealing with rather than leaving matters undecided. On occasions this can lead to hasty decision making. Others can sometimes see you as inflexible and, while you are very good at taking care of details, you would often benefit from raising your view to take in the bigger picture. 2. Your Dominant Intelligences and Dominant Abilities you are a person who has an eye for the aesthetic, is very organized and disciplined and is good at analyzing the underlying causes of problems. These talents, and others, are a crucial part of what you have to offer any employer, and to the way your career will unfold in the future. YOUR DOMINANT INTELLIGENCES: Logical Mathematical, Musical and Intrapersonal. YOUR DOMINANT ABILITIES: Art and Design, Self Discipline, Scientific, Logical, Self Awareness and Musical. How can you package these intelligences and abilites for maximum benefit in your future career? Is the area you currently work in, or are considering working in, an area where you can use your strengths. If not you may need to consider your options. By centering your career - in terms of the field of work you concentrate on - around your dominant intelligences and abilities, you stand the greatest chance of success 3. Your 3 Fields of Work The 26 Fields of Work used in the Work Match system are: 1. Management 14. Building/Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance 2. Business/Finance 15. Personal Care and Service 3. Computer and Mathematical Science 16. Sales 4. Architecture and Engineering 17. Office and Administration Support 5. Sciences (Physical, Social and Life 18. Farming, Fishing and Forestry Sciences) 6. Community and Social Services 19. Construction and Extraction 7. Legal 20. Installation, Maintenance and Repair 8. Education, Training and Library 21. Production
  • 3. 9. Art and Design 22. Transportation and Material Moving 10. Healthcare Practitioner and Technical 23. Military 11. Healthcare Support 24. Media 12. Protective Service 25. Entertainment 13. Food Preparation and Serving 26. Sports The three Fields of Work that best match your abilities, intelligences and interests are: Art and design Media Education, training and library 4. Your Knowledge Worker Status You are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker the first piece of good news is that you have all the basic attributes required to succeed in the workplace of the knowledge age. According to the FPYC Knowledge Worker Index, which uses a complex formula that draws on 32 of the 86 questions from the FPYC Questionnaire, you are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker. Work that uses knowledge as a core component is not going to go away in the foreseeable future, so the fact that you are a Level 2 Knowledge Worker is a very positive sign for your career. However, Level 2 Knowledge Work will continue to change, so a highly adaptable frame of mind is going to be necessary for you to handle the surprises that will inevitably come your way. Your first strategy is to commit to lifelong learning to stay ahead of the game. By continually upgrading your knowledge you will learn new ways you can contribute to your organization, and secure your position as a Level 2 Knowledge Worker. Your second major strategy suggested by the automation of left brain tasks is to look for work opportunities which use your right brain, creative, complex intuitive powers and judgments. Knowledge User, Knowledge Provider or Knowledge Creator? Knowledge work can be broken down into three categories: Knowledge Use, Knowledge Provision and Knowledge Creation. You seem to be a Knowledge User and Creator. 5. Your Knowledge Age Skills The Knowledge Age Skills are the six basic skills which all knowledge workers need to work with information and knowledge, and with the new structures that are now part and parcel of the New World of Work.
  • 4. These are communication skills, team skills, adaptability skills, computer skills, business skills and learning skills. 1. Communication skills - your rating: Strong 2. Team skills - your rating: Strong 3. Computer skills - your rating: Strong 4. Adaptability skills - your rating: Reasonable 5. Business skills - your rating: Strong 6. Learning skills - your rating: Strong.