This document discusses using pattern blocks to teach fractions concepts. It provides examples of questions and activities students can do involving comparing the relative areas of different pattern block shapes, finding equivalent fractions, and operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. Some key areas covered include fractional relationships, probability, symmetry, and proportional reasoning. Sample problems are presented that involve covering shapes with different pattern blocks to represent fractions.
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2. Topics Addressed
Fractional relationships
Measurement of area
Theoretical probability
Equivalent fractions
Addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike
Multiplication and division of fractions
Lines of symmetry
Rotational symmetry
Connections among mathematical ideas
4. Sample Questions for Student
The red trapezoid is what fractional part of
the yellow hexagon?
The blue rhombus is what fractional part of
the yellow hexagon?
The green triangle is what fractional part of
the yellow hexagon? the blue rhombus?
the red trapezoid?
The hexagon is how many times bigger
than the green triangle?
6. More Pattern Block Relationships
is 遜 of
is 3 times
is 3 times
is 1.5 times
7. Connections Among
Mathematical Ideas
Suppose the hexagons on the
right are used for dart practice.
If the red and white hexagon is the
target, what is the probability that
the dart will land on the trapezoid?
Explain your reasoning.
If the green and white hexagon is
the target, what is the probability
that the dart will land on a green
triangle? Why?
8. Sample Student Problems
Using only blue and green pattern blocks,
completely cover the hexagon so that the
probability of a dart landing on
blue will be 2/3.
green will be 2/3.
9. Equivalent Fractions I
Since one green triangle is 1/6 of the yellow
hexagon, what fraction of the hexagon is
covered by 2 green triangles?
Since 2 green triangles can be traded for 1 blue
rhombus (1/3 of the yellow hexagon),
then 2/6 = ?
Using the stacking model and trading the
hexagon for 3 blue rhombi show 1 blue rhombus
on top of 3 blue rhombi.
10. Equivalent Fractions II
If one whole is now 2 yellow hexagons, which
shape covers
村 of the total area?
Trade the trapezoid and the
hexagons for green triangles.
The stacking model shows 3
green triangles over 12 green
triangles or 3/12 = 1/4.
11. Equivalent Fractions III
If one whole is now 2 yellow hexagons, which
shape covers
1/3 of the total area?
One approach is to
cover 1/3 of each hexagon
using 1 blue rhombus.
Trade the blue rhombi and hexagons
for green triangles.
Then the stacking model shows
1/3 = 4/12.
12. Adding Fractions I
If the yellow hexagon is 1, the red
trapezoid is 遜, the blue rhombus is 1/3,
and the green triangle is 1/6, then
1 red + 1 blue is equivalent to
遜 + 1/3
Placing the red and blue on top of the yellow
covers 5/6 of the hexagon. This can be shown
by exchanging (trading) the red and blue for
green triangles.
13. Adding Fractions II
1/3 + 1/6 = ?
Cover the yellow hexagon with 1 blue and
1 green.
遜 of the hexagon is covered.
Exchange the blue for greens to verify.
1 red + 1 green=1/2 + 1/6=?
Cover the yellow hexagon with 1 red and
1 green.
Exchange the red for greens and
determine what fractional part of the
hexagon is covered by greens.
4/6 of the hexagon is covered by green.
Exchange the greens for blues to find the
simplest form of the fraction.
2/3 of the hexagon is covered by blue.
14. Subtracting Fractions I
Use the Take-Away Model and pattern blocks to
find 1/2 1/6.
Start with a red trapezoid (1/2).
Since you cannot take away a green triangle from it,
exchange/trade the trapezoid for 3 green triangles.
Now you can take away 1 green triangle (1/6) from
the 3 green triangles (1/2).
2 green triangles or 2/6 remain.
Trade the 2 green triangles for 1 blue rhombus (1/3).
15. Subtracting Fractions II
Use the Comparison Model to find 1/2 - 1/3.
Start with a red trapezoid (1/2 of the hexagon).
Place a blue rhombus (1/3 of the hexagon) on top of
the trapezoid.
What shape is not covered?
1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6
16. Multiplying Fractions I
If the yellow hexagon is 1, then 遜 of 1/3
can be modeled using the stacking model
as 遜 of a blue rhombus (a green triangle).
Thus 遜 * 1/3 = 1/6.
17. Multiplying Fractions II
If the yellow hexagon is 1, then 1/4 of 2/3
can be modeled as 1/4 of two blue rhombi.
Thus 1/4 * 2/3 = 1/6 (a green triangle).
18. Multiplying Fractions III
If one whole is now 2 yellow hexagons,
then 3/4 of 2/3 can be
represented by first
covering 2/3 of the
hexagons with 4 blue rhombi
and then covering 他 of the blue
rhombi with green triangles.
How many green triangles does it take?
The stacking model shows that 他 * 2/3 = 6/12.
Trading green triangles for the fewest number of blocks
in the stacking model would show 1 yellow hexagon on
top of two yellow hexagons or 6/12 = 遜.
19. Dividing Fractions 1
How many 1/6s (green triangles) does it
take to cover 1/2 (a red trapezoid) of the
yellow hexagon?
1/2 歎 1/6 = ?
20. Dividing Fractions 2
How many 1/6s (green triangles) does it
take to cover 2/3 (two blue rhombi) of the
yellow hexagon?
2/3 歎 1/6 = ?
21. Symmetry
A yellow hexagon has 6 lines of symmetry since
it can be folded into identical halves along the 6
different colors shown below (left).
A green triangle has 3 lines of symmetry since it
can be folded into identical halves along the 3
different colors shown above (right).
22. More Symmetry
How many lines of symmetry are in a
blue rhombus?
Explain why a red trapezoid has only one
line of symmetry.
23. Rotational Symmetry
A yellow hexagon has rotational symmetry
since it can be reproduced exactly by
rotating it about an axis through its center.
A hexagon has 60尊, 120尊, 180尊, 240尊, and
300尊 rotational symmetry.
24. Pattern Block Cake Student Activity
Carolines grandfather Gordy owns a
bakery and has agreed to make a Pattern
Block Cake to sell at her schools Math
Day Celebration.
This cake will consist of
chocolate cake cut into triangles,
yellow cake cut into rhombi,
strawberry cake cut into trapezoids,
and white cake cut into hexagons.
Like pattern blocks, the cake pieces are
related to each other.
Adapted from NCTM Addenda Series/Grades 5-8 Understanding Rational Numbers and
Proportions Activity 5
25. Pattern Block Cake Student Activity
If each triangular piece costs $1.00, how much will the
other pieces cost? How much will the whole cake cost?
If each whole Pattern Block Cake costs $1.00, how much
will each piece cost?
Adapted from NCTM Addenda Series/Grades 5-8 Understanding Rational Numbers and
Proportions Activity 5
26. Websites for Additional Exploration
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Online Pattern Blocks