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Why Games?                                                                                    Earths Shadows
                                   Sit still and listen is
                                   an outdated teaching

                                                                                              In this multi-player
                                   style. We need to

                                                                                                                                                  As St                       ud
                                   provide content                                            setting, continents are
                                   delivery methods that

                                                                                                                                                OA h
                                                                                              projected as shadows
                                   can better serve
                                                                                                                                           N art
                                   students in the                                            on the walls blending
                                                                                                                                                                                 g as
                                   digital age. Games                                         data, science, and art.
                                   have the power to                                                                                                                         gin
                                                                                                                                            E                          se
                                   provide environments

                                   that encourage
                                                                                                                                                                 ge sa
                                   autonomous learning                                                                                                       len

                                   exploration.                                                                                                      ch    al

    Community and Communication
                                                                                                                        Fr  e ca
                                                                                                                                     aker eal

    NOAAs Fragile Earth Studios has investigated the use                                                               If w
    of game and virtual world technologies in learning
    communities with widely dispersed audiences and
    found that games and simulations provide powerful
    tools for educators to teach and share knowledge

    Both students and teachers reported that NOAAs
    games were: Educational while focused on specific
    concepts; interesting and engaging while effective
    for learning concepts; and successful in helping stu-
    dents to feel that their actions made a difference.

                                                                                                                                                                          lc rea
                                                                                                                                                                f   glo
                                                                                                                                                          ge o
      Games Make People Care                                                                                                                          newa
      People play games not just for fun, but also for the                                                                                 foste
      satisfaction of solving complex problems requiring       303.497.6831
                                                                                                                                 We ca
      reasoning and perseverance. If we made solving
      real-world challenges as engaging as video games,        fragileearthstudios@noaa.gov
      we could harness a new age of global creativity.
Who we are                                                 Portfolio                                                products
                                                                                              ROV Exploration

                                                                                              Navigate though a
                                                                                              detailed underwater
                                                                                              ecosystem using a
                                                                                              remotely operated

                                                             Online                       Conferences
                                                                                                                    TerraViz               NEIS
                                                             Fragile Earth Studios        Science came to play
                                                             provides development         at the NOAA Games and                            Instantly access data
                                                                                                                    A four dimensional     from the distant past
      Who We Are                 What We Offer               services for a variety of    Simulation Summit held    high performance
                                                             projects both internal and   on January 11-12, 2011.                          to the distant future
                                                                                                                    visualization          located anywhere on
      Fragile Earth Studios is   We seek out beneficial      external to NOAA.                                      environment for
      a project sponsored by     partnerships providing                                   Participants attended                            Earth from a single
                                                                                                                    NOAAs information.    application.
      the National Oceanic       consulting on game,         We provide curricula and     from 10 federal and
      and Atmospheric            visualization, and          resources for students       state agencies and
      Administration (NOAA)      simulation                  interested in a better       universities.
      that leverages data        development.                understanding of the
      visualizations,                                        power of games.              Topics included best
      simulations, and games     We provide unique                                        practices and reviewing
      to better understand       access to science           fragileearthstudios.com      evaluation methods for
      real-world challenges.     content and scientists.                                  gaming and simulation.

      Experience                 Solutions

      Started in 2005,           Fragile Earth Studios
      Fragile Earth Studios      designers, scientists,
      represents one of the      and educational
      first concerted efforts    experts provide                                                                    ReGenesis              Virtual Hawaii
      within government to       unique access and                                                                  Travel through time    Voyage across the
      develop material for       experience to                                                                      seeing the result of   open ocean in an
      games, simulations,        design interactive                                                                 player choice on the   adventure to learn
      and virtual worlds.        media solutions.                                                                   Earths climate.       about Polynesian
                                                                                                                                           culture and celestial

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Fragile Earth Studios Backgrounder

  • 1. Why Games? Earths Shadows Sit still and listen is an outdated teaching ios In this multi-player style. We need to As St ud provide content setting, continents are delivery methods that OA h projected as shadows can better serve mes N art students in the on the walls blending ga g as digital age. Games data, science, and art. have the power to gin nga E se provide environments ile that encourage ge sa autonomous learning len ag exploration. ch al rld Community and Communication Fr e ca nm aker eal -wo NOAAs Fragile Earth Studios has investigated the use If w of game and virtual world technologies in learning communities with widely dispersed audiences and found that games and simulations provide powerful tools for educators to teach and share knowledge effectively. Evaluation Both students and teachers reported that NOAAs games were: Educational while focused on specific concepts; interesting and engaging while effective for learning concepts; and successful in helping stu- dents to feel that their actions made a difference. ty tivi lc rea ba f glo ge o Games Make People Care newa ra People play games not just for fun, but also for the foste n satisfaction of solving complex problems requiring 303.497.6831 We ca reasoning and perseverance. If we made solving real-world challenges as engaging as video games, fragileearthstudios@noaa.gov we could harness a new age of global creativity. fragileearthstudios.com
  • 2. Who we are Portfolio products ROV Exploration Navigate though a detailed underwater ecosystem using a remotely operated vehicle. Online Conferences TerraViz NEIS Fragile Earth Studios Science came to play provides development at the NOAA Games and Instantly access data A four dimensional from the distant past Who We Are What We Offer services for a variety of Simulation Summit held high performance projects both internal and on January 11-12, 2011. to the distant future visualization located anywhere on Fragile Earth Studios is We seek out beneficial external to NOAA. environment for a project sponsored by partnerships providing Participants attended Earth from a single NOAAs information. application. the National Oceanic consulting on game, We provide curricula and from 10 federal and and Atmospheric visualization, and resources for students state agencies and Administration (NOAA) simulation interested in a better universities. that leverages data development. understanding of the visualizations, power of games. Topics included best simulations, and games We provide unique practices and reviewing to better understand access to science fragileearthstudios.com evaluation methods for real-world challenges. content and scientists. gaming and simulation. Experience Solutions Started in 2005, Fragile Earth Studios Fragile Earth Studios designers, scientists, represents one of the and educational first concerted efforts experts provide ReGenesis Virtual Hawaii within government to unique access and Travel through time Voyage across the develop material for experience to seeing the result of open ocean in an games, simulations, design interactive player choice on the adventure to learn and virtual worlds. media solutions. Earths climate. about Polynesian culture and celestial navigation.