El documento proporciona instrucciones en 7 pasos para completar una evaluaci坦n de un curso en l鱈nea. Los pasos incluyen buscar el blog creado por estudiantes, descargar la evaluaci坦n del curso principal, cambiar el nombre del archivo a su nombre, completar y guardar la evaluaci坦n, y enviarla por correo electr坦nico. Tambi辿n instruye etiquetarse en una foto grupal en Facebook.
El documento presenta un diagn坦stico sobre la habilidad de comparar paisajes. Contiene 4 preguntas donde se pide al estudiante observar y comparar paisajes de Am辿rica con los de su regi坦n, identificar adaptaciones humanas seg炭n el paisaje, y explicar a un amigo la ubicaci坦n y c坦mo llegar a Chile usando puntos cardinales.
El documento ofrece consejos sobre c坦mo escribir una historia. Recomienda determinar el tema, g辿nero y m辿todo de escritura, como el inicio, desarrollo y final de la trama, personajes y tiempo. Tambi辿n sugiere que se escribe para compartir con compa単eros y familiares, con el objetivo de entretenerlos y pasar tiempo de calidad con ellos.
The document contains grammar exercises in English for students, including:
1. Filling in articles where necessary in sentences.
2. Adding suitable prepositions to sentences.
3. Making up sentences using given words.
4. Choosing the correct prepositions for sentences.
5. Filling in blanks with given words.
The exercises are designed to practice different aspects of English grammar.
El documento resume la historia del origen del ajedrez, conocido originalmente como chaturanga en la antigua India. Explica que el juego se extendi坦 desde la India a Persia y el mundo 叩rabe, y de ah鱈 lleg坦 a Europa a trav辿s de la pen鱈nsula ib辿rica. Tambi辿n describe brevemente el desarrollo del ajedrez venezolano desde la llegada de Crist坦bal Col坦n en 1498, se単alando que patriotas como Sim坦n Bol鱈var jugaban ocasionalmente.
Audacity is a free audio editing software that allows users to record live audio, convert tapes and records to digital formats, and edit common audio file types like MP3, WAV and AIFF. It provides basic functions for cutting, copying, splicing and mixing audio, as well as changing the speed and pitch of recordings.
Este documento presenta res炭menes breves de cuatro artistas musicales populares de Colombia: Carlos Vives, Shakira, Juanes. Carlos Vives naci坦 en 1961 en Santa Marta y se dedic坦 a recuperar el estilo vallenato. Shakira naci坦 en 1977 en Barranquilla y se destac坦 como cantautora en espa単ol e ingl辿s. Juanes naci坦 en 1972 en Medell鱈n y fusiona diversos ritmos musicales en su pop y rock en espa単ol.
El documento trata sobre la inform叩tica y sus componentes. Explica que la inform叩tica es la ciencia que estudia la computaci坦n y los avances tecnol坦gicos, y define los componentes clave de una computadora como la placa madre, la memoria RAM, la CPU, el hardware y el software. Tambi辿n resume la evoluci坦n de la inform叩tica desde las primeras m叩quinas mec叩nicas de c叩lculo hasta los computadores digitales modernos.
Este documento describe un proyecto de un grupo de estudiantes llamado S.O.S Ni単os para ayudar a los ni単os en un orfanato en Salamanca. El grupo est叩 formado por 5 estudiantes y 2 maestros gu鱈as. Despu辿s de considerar varias opciones, eligieron realizar una colecta de ropa y juguetes y vender productos como muffins y protectores para celulares para recaudar dinero para el orfanato. Finalmente, entregaron las donaciones recaudadas en el orfanato y pasaron tiempo con los ni単os.
The document discusses representations and stereotypes of different social groups in media. It analyzes the portrayals of young males, an unknown character, females, news reporters, and locations in a media product. Young males are shown as uninformed and uninterested. The unknown character takes precautions to hide their identity while carrying out a thought-out plan. Females are not included because they typically do not have main roles in action films. News reporters follow some stereotypes with a male voice dominating over the female voice. Locations are used to imply the social status of characters, with a rural town suggesting the main character is unimportant.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la alquimia a trav辿s del tiempo. Inicialmente era una actividad intuitiva cuyo objetivo principal era transformar metales en oro. M叩s tarde, los alquimistas buscaban aumentar el peso del oro a trav辿s de aleaciones. Aunque estos primeros intentos no constitu鱈an una verdadera transmutaci坦n, sentaron las bases del movimiento alqu鱈mico.
El documento habla sobre cloud computing. Explica que es disponer de archivos y aplicaciones directamente en la web. Describe que su origen fue en 1981 con la introducci坦n de los ordenadores personales de IBM. Se単ala que cloud computing permite acceder a servicios y aplicaciones a trav辿s de internet usando un navegador. Tambi辿n discute las ventajas, riesgos y tres tipos principales de cloud computing: Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service y Platform as a Service.
Actividades en las que ocupas tu tiempo libre. fichas para alumnosconchitalopez
El documento proporciona una tabla para que el lector liste las actividades de ocio realizadas durante el fin de semana pasado, junto con aspectos positivos y negativos de cada una. Tambi辿n presenta una lista de 10 criterios para evaluar las actividades de ocio, como diversi坦n, sensaciones, conocimiento, amistad, peligrosidad, viabilidad, dinero y salud.
The document summarizes the design choices made for the interior panels of an album digipak. Close-ups of the artists were used except for one body shot in the middle panel. Stars were added inside scribbles on the panels to maintain consistency with the exterior design. Black and white photos with a single pink element were chosen to stand out against the synth pop genre in a non-sexual manner, unlike some RnB designs. The middle photo was enlarged to fit the CD placement area while avoiding picture stretching.
The document discusses font choices for a film project's masthead typography. A typewriter-style font called Fluoxetine was selected for the opening title due to its eerie tone fitting the context. A "WitchDings" font featuring a hand symbol was also chosen for the teaser, poster, and magazine cover to create synergy across materials. Additional fonts tested for the masthead include ones with dripping blood or thin styles to achieve a creepy effect suiting the horror genre. The final font choice will be made while editing posters to determine which best matches the trailer's overall tone.
Change is an inevitable part of life that we often resist accepting. While we understand change intellectually, we cling to the familiar old order of things. However, change allows for personal development and prevents life from becoming monotonous. Throughout life, we take on many different roles from childhood to adulthood, and the only constant is change. Accepting and embracing change is essential for growth and fulfillment rather than dwelling on past mistakes.
The document compares and contrasts the folktale of Ali Baba to the Disney movie Aladdin. Both stories feature a poor main character who discovers riches in a magical cave. However, Ali Baba is a simple folktale without songs, animals, or deaths, while Aladdin includes musical numbers, talking animals, and avoids killing characters. While the stories share some similarities like an evil antagonist and references to the same god, they differ significantly in their presentation and additional elements.
A narrator describes their appearance on Halloween night, saying they will rise again and are as white as a ghost but as black as night. They are skinny like a stick with long white bony limbs and their body is a cage of white, frightening visitors at the door. The narrator is asking what they are.
The feedback on the initial pitch suggested filming both inside and outside shots to provide more variety for their long, upbeat song. Feedback on the rough cut praised the editing, effects, and variety of shots but noted some lip synching issues and that a brick wall in the outside shots did not fit. Feedback on the digipak approved of its unconventional but genre-suited style and artwork matching the video and artist. Feedback on the final video said lip synching was better but slow at first, and it effectively used effects while lyrics matched visuals during one part.
A survey was conducted on a music video and artist. The results showed that the video appealed more to girls than boys, with 50% of girls watching it twice compared to 40% of boys. While 25% of both boys and girls liked the video, 25% also said they found it boring and would forget about it due to its different musical style.
We placed the artist name at the top as we felt that was our digipak evalua...sharenieka
The album cover features the artist's name in bright pink capitals at the top to make it obvious and allow fans to look her up. Close up images of the artist on the front and back are used to promote her as a new artist and help fans familiarize themselves with her face and style. The use of pink throughout expresses the artist's cheerful and innocent personality, and various elements clearly communicate what type of artist Carmela Newman is.
The document discusses a magazine advertisement that was created to promote an artist's new album. The ad featured the artist's name in large capital letters at the top, similar to how her name appeared on the album. It also included the album name, rating information to give audiences a sense of what to expect, release details for songs on iTunes, and a link to the artist's Facebook page to keep fans updated.
Audacity is a free audio editing software that allows users to record live audio, convert tapes and records to digital formats, and edit common audio file types like MP3, WAV and AIFF. It provides basic functions for cutting, copying, splicing and mixing audio, as well as changing the speed and pitch of recordings.
Este documento presenta res炭menes breves de cuatro artistas musicales populares de Colombia: Carlos Vives, Shakira, Juanes. Carlos Vives naci坦 en 1961 en Santa Marta y se dedic坦 a recuperar el estilo vallenato. Shakira naci坦 en 1977 en Barranquilla y se destac坦 como cantautora en espa単ol e ingl辿s. Juanes naci坦 en 1972 en Medell鱈n y fusiona diversos ritmos musicales en su pop y rock en espa単ol.
El documento trata sobre la inform叩tica y sus componentes. Explica que la inform叩tica es la ciencia que estudia la computaci坦n y los avances tecnol坦gicos, y define los componentes clave de una computadora como la placa madre, la memoria RAM, la CPU, el hardware y el software. Tambi辿n resume la evoluci坦n de la inform叩tica desde las primeras m叩quinas mec叩nicas de c叩lculo hasta los computadores digitales modernos.
Este documento describe un proyecto de un grupo de estudiantes llamado S.O.S Ni単os para ayudar a los ni単os en un orfanato en Salamanca. El grupo est叩 formado por 5 estudiantes y 2 maestros gu鱈as. Despu辿s de considerar varias opciones, eligieron realizar una colecta de ropa y juguetes y vender productos como muffins y protectores para celulares para recaudar dinero para el orfanato. Finalmente, entregaron las donaciones recaudadas en el orfanato y pasaron tiempo con los ni単os.
The document discusses representations and stereotypes of different social groups in media. It analyzes the portrayals of young males, an unknown character, females, news reporters, and locations in a media product. Young males are shown as uninformed and uninterested. The unknown character takes precautions to hide their identity while carrying out a thought-out plan. Females are not included because they typically do not have main roles in action films. News reporters follow some stereotypes with a male voice dominating over the female voice. Locations are used to imply the social status of characters, with a rural town suggesting the main character is unimportant.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la alquimia a trav辿s del tiempo. Inicialmente era una actividad intuitiva cuyo objetivo principal era transformar metales en oro. M叩s tarde, los alquimistas buscaban aumentar el peso del oro a trav辿s de aleaciones. Aunque estos primeros intentos no constitu鱈an una verdadera transmutaci坦n, sentaron las bases del movimiento alqu鱈mico.
El documento habla sobre cloud computing. Explica que es disponer de archivos y aplicaciones directamente en la web. Describe que su origen fue en 1981 con la introducci坦n de los ordenadores personales de IBM. Se単ala que cloud computing permite acceder a servicios y aplicaciones a trav辿s de internet usando un navegador. Tambi辿n discute las ventajas, riesgos y tres tipos principales de cloud computing: Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service y Platform as a Service.
Actividades en las que ocupas tu tiempo libre. fichas para alumnosconchitalopez
El documento proporciona una tabla para que el lector liste las actividades de ocio realizadas durante el fin de semana pasado, junto con aspectos positivos y negativos de cada una. Tambi辿n presenta una lista de 10 criterios para evaluar las actividades de ocio, como diversi坦n, sensaciones, conocimiento, amistad, peligrosidad, viabilidad, dinero y salud.
The document summarizes the design choices made for the interior panels of an album digipak. Close-ups of the artists were used except for one body shot in the middle panel. Stars were added inside scribbles on the panels to maintain consistency with the exterior design. Black and white photos with a single pink element were chosen to stand out against the synth pop genre in a non-sexual manner, unlike some RnB designs. The middle photo was enlarged to fit the CD placement area while avoiding picture stretching.
The document discusses font choices for a film project's masthead typography. A typewriter-style font called Fluoxetine was selected for the opening title due to its eerie tone fitting the context. A "WitchDings" font featuring a hand symbol was also chosen for the teaser, poster, and magazine cover to create synergy across materials. Additional fonts tested for the masthead include ones with dripping blood or thin styles to achieve a creepy effect suiting the horror genre. The final font choice will be made while editing posters to determine which best matches the trailer's overall tone.
Change is an inevitable part of life that we often resist accepting. While we understand change intellectually, we cling to the familiar old order of things. However, change allows for personal development and prevents life from becoming monotonous. Throughout life, we take on many different roles from childhood to adulthood, and the only constant is change. Accepting and embracing change is essential for growth and fulfillment rather than dwelling on past mistakes.
The document compares and contrasts the folktale of Ali Baba to the Disney movie Aladdin. Both stories feature a poor main character who discovers riches in a magical cave. However, Ali Baba is a simple folktale without songs, animals, or deaths, while Aladdin includes musical numbers, talking animals, and avoids killing characters. While the stories share some similarities like an evil antagonist and references to the same god, they differ significantly in their presentation and additional elements.
A narrator describes their appearance on Halloween night, saying they will rise again and are as white as a ghost but as black as night. They are skinny like a stick with long white bony limbs and their body is a cage of white, frightening visitors at the door. The narrator is asking what they are.
The feedback on the initial pitch suggested filming both inside and outside shots to provide more variety for their long, upbeat song. Feedback on the rough cut praised the editing, effects, and variety of shots but noted some lip synching issues and that a brick wall in the outside shots did not fit. Feedback on the digipak approved of its unconventional but genre-suited style and artwork matching the video and artist. Feedback on the final video said lip synching was better but slow at first, and it effectively used effects while lyrics matched visuals during one part.
A survey was conducted on a music video and artist. The results showed that the video appealed more to girls than boys, with 50% of girls watching it twice compared to 40% of boys. While 25% of both boys and girls liked the video, 25% also said they found it boring and would forget about it due to its different musical style.
We placed the artist name at the top as we felt that was our digipak evalua...sharenieka
The album cover features the artist's name in bright pink capitals at the top to make it obvious and allow fans to look her up. Close up images of the artist on the front and back are used to promote her as a new artist and help fans familiarize themselves with her face and style. The use of pink throughout expresses the artist's cheerful and innocent personality, and various elements clearly communicate what type of artist Carmela Newman is.
The document discusses a magazine advertisement that was created to promote an artist's new album. The ad featured the artist's name in large capital letters at the top, similar to how her name appeared on the album. It also included the album name, rating information to give audiences a sense of what to expect, release details for songs on iTunes, and a link to the artist's Facebook page to keep fans updated.
The document discusses promoting Ellie Goulding as an artist using a close-up picture of her with simple makeup to reflect her chilled and laid back personality and music. Sparkles from her "Starry Eyed" music video are also used in the advertisement to directly link to the video and make people take notice.
This document analyzes the digipak for Katy Perry's album and provides suggestions for designing a digipak. It notes that the font, layout, and color scheme of Katy Perry's digipak are simple. It suggests including clouds or close-ups of the artist's jewelry, lips, or eyes. It also notes that the cover photo of Katy Perry surrounded by cakes matches the candy theme while keeping the design simple overall to represent the artist's personality.
The Lil Wayne digipak uses simple imagery of the artist as a child and now with tattoos on the front cover to provide an edge. Inside provides detailed biographical information on the artist and meaning behind the album choices to help fans connect. Consistent color schemes and imagery like tattoos and sunglasses throughout the digipak reflect Lil Wayne's style as a serious artist.
Sherlock Holmes is a 2009 film directed by Guy Ritchie starring Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as Dr. Watson. The film follows Holmes and Watson as they investigate the return of Lord Blackwood, a serial killer they believed to be dead. Blackwood claims to have risen from the dead using black magic and is planning to take over the British government. Holmes and Watson, with the help of Irene Adler, must stop Blackwood before he can initiate his plan for world domination. The film was distributed internationally by Warner Bros and grossed over $524 million worldwide at the box office.
The Kings Speech tells the true story of King George VI, who reluctantly takes the throne after his brother's abdication, despite struggling with a debilitating stammer. He seeks help from an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue, and through Logue's unexpected techniques and their unlikely friendship, the King is able to overcome his stammer and give a radio address that inspires the nation during World War 2. The film was a critical and commercial success, earning multiple awards including BAFTAs and Academy Awards for Best Picture, Director, Actor and Screenplay.
The document outlines a shoot schedule for Sharenieka, Kamini, and Carmela. It assigns them the roles of directors, producers, and in charge of test shoots. Zeshan is listed as the actor playing the male character. Props including photographs, documents, a map, lights, a bag, newspapers, an identity card, clothes, and a cupboard are listed. Casual clothing is noted as the costume for Zeshan's male character. The opening sequence will be filmed in Sharenieka's loft and a test shoot is scheduled for an hour on Wednesday morning followed by the real shoot in mid-morning.
The document outlines a shoot schedule for Sharenieka, Kamini, and Carmela, who will serve as directors and producers for test and real shoots on Wednesday morning. Zeshan will play the male actor in the opening sequence, which will be filmed in Sharenieka's loft. Props including photographs, documents, and clothing are listed for the shoot.
This document outlines and describes six different thriller genres: conspiracy thriller, crime thriller, disaster thriller, mystery thriller, political thriller, and psychological thriller. It provides brief definitions for each genre, noting that conspiracy thrillers involve protagonists trapped in powerful organizations, crime thrillers focus on a criminal's journey, disaster thrillers follow people through natural or man-made disasters, mystery thrillers center on detectives solving mysteries, political thrillers involve preventing threats to government stability, and psychological thrillers play with audiences' minds by reflecting characters' feelings.