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Frances Very Bad Bank
By Stephen Bornstein
July 15, 2014
Did BNP Paribas get off easy?
As the mostliquidcurrencyon the planet,the Americandollaris byfarthe denominationof choice in
international trade.1
Those whocantaccess itare effectivelybarredfrom global commerce.
The onlypractical wayto gainaccess to USD is througha US bankor the US branch of a foreignbank.
Doingso, however,subjects whoevertransfersorreceives USDto US law,evenif that party is foreign.
Amongthe US lawsapplicable toUSDtransactions are the financial sanctionsthe UShasimposedon
countries like Cuba(in1960), Iran (in1995) and Sudan(in1997) in an effortto deterhumanrights
abusesandthreatsto global security. These sanctionsprohibitUSbanksandthe US branchesof foreign
banksfrom doingbusinesswithcounterpartiesinthe blacklistedcountries.
In a class by itself
Between2002 and 2012, BNP Paribas,Franceslargestbank, engagedinmore than $30 billion2
of USD
transactionsonbehalf of entitiesinCuba,IranandSudan. The illegal transactionswere centeredin
BNPsoil & gas tradingunitinGeneva. That unithad foryears been extendingcreditand transferring
USD paymentsforbuyersandsellers of petroleumproducts inall three of the sanctionedcountries.
Whenthose countriesbecame subjecttoUS sanctions, BNP apparently didnotat firstbelieve the US
sanctions appliedtoitand,when advised otherwisebycounsel, nevertheless carriedon itsUSD dealings
withthe sanctionedentities,treatingpotentialUS legal penalties asjustabusinessrisk.
BNPknew full well thatitwasviolatingUSsanctions anddisguisedevery USDtransaction witha
sanctionedentity bystrippingall referencesto thatentityinthe transferordersplacedwitheitherits
ownNewYork branch or an unaffiliated(andunwitting) New Yorkbank. Innumerous instances, BNP
alsointerposedindependentforeign (satellite) banksbetweenthe sanctionedcounterpartiesand
BNPsbranch inGenevasoas to conceal the identitiesof the real sourcesorbeneficiariesof the USD
BNPcontinuedtocircumventUS sanctionsevenafter ABN Amrowas penalized in2005 forengagingin
similardeceptions. Ataboutthe same time,BNPwaswarnedby US authoritiesthatthe bank wasunder
investigation foritscompliance policiesinthisarea. Seniormanagement atBNPignoredthese red
1 More than 61% of the worlds currency reserves are denominated in USD. About 25% are denominated in Euro.
2 Figures as high as $190 billion havebeen reported, but the US claims
(http://www.justice.gov/opa/documents/paribas/statement-of-facts.pdf) againstthe bank were based on $8.8
billion of proven criminal transactions.
flagsas well as multipleinternal warningstostopdealingwith countriessubjecttoUS sanctions. To
boot,the bank wasalso lessthanfullycooperative duringthe USinvestigation and, bydraggingitsfeet,
prevented USlawenforcementfrombringingcriminal chargesagainst individual BNP employeesand
cooperatingsatellite banksdue to afive-yearstatute of limitations.
An international incident
For the enormityandpersistenceof itsviolations,BNPwasfinedawhopping$8.97 billion3
regulatorsand,more painfully,forcedtopleadguiltytocriminal charges. Itisthe firstforeignbankever
to have beencriminallyconvicted forsanctionsviolations. UnderitssettlementwithUSauthorities,the
bankalso prematurelyretired64year-oldCOOGeorgesChodronde Courcel forcondoningthe
violations,demotedanumberof otherparticipatingemployeesandagreedtosuspenditsso-called
dollar-clearingactivitiesinoil &gasfor one year,startingin2015.4
As soonas he got windof the penaltiesfacingBNP,FrenchpresidentFran巽oisHollandepersonallycalled
Barack Obama and toldhimthat singlingoutBNPfora criminal convictionandanexorbitantfine5
an offense againstFrance since the bankdidnotviolate anyFrenchlaws.6
Obama ignoredHollandes plea7
and,surprisinglytomany,none of the penaltiesimposeduponBNP
turnedoutto really threatenitsbusinessorprospects. Shortlyafteritssettlementwas reached, CEO
Jean-LaurentBonnaf辿 announcedpubliclythat BNPsclientswouldstickbythe bankand the penalties
wouldhave nomajor impacton the business. The bankthendeclared itsregularannual dividendand
itsstock wasup 3.6% onthe news.
Giventhe size anddurationof its illegal transactions,itsfalsificationof recordsand,mostdamning,the
intransigence of itsseniormanagement, canyouthinkof any financial institutionmore deservingof
beingputout of businessthanBNPParibas? Were itnot for Hollandes intervention,BNPsbanking
license inthe USmay well have been revoked andsome BNPhigher-upschargedwithcrimes. Inthe
currentenvironment (http://aroundwallstreet.com/2014/01/what-makes-a-securities-case-go-
criminal/),if BNPwere anAmericanbank, itsafairguessthat buildingsecuritywould soonbe turning
out itslightsforthe last time.
3 BNPs net income in 2013 was $6.5 billion.
4 Dollar-clearingis thebusiness of effecting payments in USD and BNPs dollar-clearingactivities in oil & gas
accountfor less than 1% of BNPs group revenues.
5 The highest earlier finefor sanctions violationsby any bank was $1.9 billion levied againstHSBC in 2012. In 2005,
ABN Amro was the firstforeign bank to be fined for sanctions violations and theamount of the fine was $80
Russian presidentVladimir Putin even chimed in on Frances behalf,claimingthatthe BNP finewas a n attempt by
the US to blackmail Franceinto renegingon a pending saleof two warships to Russia.
7 Obama reportedly replied that he doesnt justpick up the phone and call theJustice Department. Perhaps that
happens elsewhere.

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France's very bad bank (1)

  • 1. Frances Very Bad Bank By Stephen Bornstein July 15, 2014 Did BNP Paribas get off easy? As the mostliquidcurrencyon the planet,the Americandollaris byfarthe denominationof choice in international trade.1 Those whocantaccess itare effectivelybarredfrom global commerce. The onlypractical wayto gainaccess to USD is througha US bankor the US branch of a foreignbank. Doingso, however,subjects whoevertransfersorreceives USDto US law,evenif that party is foreign. Amongthe US lawsapplicable toUSDtransactions are the financial sanctionsthe UShasimposedon countries like Cuba(in1960), Iran (in1995) and Sudan(in1997) in an effortto deterhumanrights abusesandthreatsto global security. These sanctionsprohibitUSbanksandthe US branchesof foreign banksfrom doingbusinesswithcounterpartiesinthe blacklistedcountries. In a class by itself Between2002 and 2012, BNP Paribas,Franceslargestbank, engagedinmore than $30 billion2 of USD transactionsonbehalf of entitiesinCuba,IranandSudan. The illegal transactionswere centeredin BNPsoil & gas tradingunitinGeneva. That unithad foryears been extendingcreditand transferring USD paymentsforbuyersandsellers of petroleumproducts inall three of the sanctionedcountries. Whenthose countriesbecame subjecttoUS sanctions, BNP apparently didnotat firstbelieve the US sanctions appliedtoitand,when advised otherwisebycounsel, nevertheless carriedon itsUSD dealings withthe sanctionedentities,treatingpotentialUS legal penalties asjustabusinessrisk. BNPknew full well thatitwasviolatingUSsanctions anddisguisedevery USDtransaction witha sanctionedentity bystrippingall referencesto thatentityinthe transferordersplacedwitheitherits ownNewYork branch or an unaffiliated(andunwitting) New Yorkbank. Innumerous instances, BNP alsointerposedindependentforeign (satellite) banksbetweenthe sanctionedcounterpartiesand BNPsbranch inGenevasoas to conceal the identitiesof the real sourcesorbeneficiariesof the USD transfers. BNPcontinuedtocircumventUS sanctionsevenafter ABN Amrowas penalized in2005 forengagingin similardeceptions. Ataboutthe same time,BNPwaswarnedby US authoritiesthatthe bank wasunder investigation foritscompliance policiesinthisarea. Seniormanagement atBNPignoredthese red 1 More than 61% of the worlds currency reserves are denominated in USD. About 25% are denominated in Euro. 2 Figures as high as $190 billion havebeen reported, but the US claims (http://www.justice.gov/opa/documents/paribas/statement-of-facts.pdf) againstthe bank were based on $8.8 billion of proven criminal transactions.
  • 2. flagsas well as multipleinternal warningstostopdealingwith countriessubjecttoUS sanctions. To boot,the bank wasalso lessthanfullycooperative duringthe USinvestigation and, bydraggingitsfeet, prevented USlawenforcementfrombringingcriminal chargesagainst individual BNP employeesand cooperatingsatellite banksdue to afive-yearstatute of limitations. An international incident For the enormityandpersistenceof itsviolations,BNPwasfinedawhopping$8.97 billion3 byUS regulatorsand,more painfully,forcedtopleadguiltytocriminal charges. Itisthe firstforeignbankever to have beencriminallyconvicted forsanctionsviolations. UnderitssettlementwithUSauthorities,the bankalso prematurelyretired64year-oldCOOGeorgesChodronde Courcel forcondoningthe violations,demotedanumberof otherparticipatingemployeesandagreedtosuspenditsso-called dollar-clearingactivitiesinoil &gasfor one year,startingin2015.4 As soonas he got windof the penaltiesfacingBNP,FrenchpresidentFran巽oisHollandepersonallycalled Barack Obama and toldhimthat singlingoutBNPfora criminal convictionandanexorbitantfine5 was an offense againstFrance since the bankdidnotviolate anyFrenchlaws.6 Obama ignoredHollandes plea7 and,surprisinglytomany,none of the penaltiesimposeduponBNP turnedoutto really threatenitsbusinessorprospects. Shortlyafteritssettlementwas reached, CEO Jean-LaurentBonnaf辿 announcedpubliclythat BNPsclientswouldstickbythe bankand the penalties wouldhave nomajor impacton the business. The bankthendeclared itsregularannual dividendand itsstock wasup 3.6% onthe news. Giventhe size anddurationof its illegal transactions,itsfalsificationof recordsand,mostdamning,the intransigence of itsseniormanagement, canyouthinkof any financial institutionmore deservingof beingputout of businessthanBNPParibas? Were itnot for Hollandes intervention,BNPsbanking license inthe USmay well have been revoked andsome BNPhigher-upschargedwithcrimes. Inthe currentenvironment (http://aroundwallstreet.com/2014/01/what-makes-a-securities-case-go- criminal/),if BNPwere anAmericanbank, itsafairguessthat buildingsecuritywould soonbe turning out itslightsforthe last time. 3 BNPs net income in 2013 was $6.5 billion. 4 Dollar-clearingis thebusiness of effecting payments in USD and BNPs dollar-clearingactivities in oil & gas accountfor less than 1% of BNPs group revenues. 5 The highest earlier finefor sanctions violationsby any bank was $1.9 billion levied againstHSBC in 2012. In 2005, ABN Amro was the firstforeign bank to be fined for sanctions violations and theamount of the fine was $80 million. 6 Russian presidentVladimir Putin even chimed in on Frances behalf,claimingthatthe BNP finewas a n attempt by the US to blackmail Franceinto renegingon a pending saleof two warships to Russia. 7 Obama reportedly replied that he doesnt justpick up the phone and call theJustice Department. Perhaps that happens elsewhere.