1. What to do in Reset Times
*Non-advisory, a view of our take for what’s coming
Francis Hunt
The Market Sniper
2. What to do in Reset Times
1. Use Cash as much as possible in daily transactions – Untracked, No Data Footprints, keeps
pressure on banks to maintain Cash infrastructure.
2. Keep Much Higher CASH LEVELS at home safely – In terms of grid down day ATM’s may
go Dark.
3. Gold & Silver Hold Physical Investments unfinanced – Dollar Cost Average (DCA)
4. 5 Flags Strategy – Move from 1 Flag to 5 Flags - Establish offshore footprint & secure
structures combining the above.
5. Reduce Taxes – many legal ways to reduce tax, defund the extractors.
6. Build Wealth, – what is coming will be a polarizing event, live within your means &
reduce debt
3. What to do in Reset Times
7. Pensions – Don’t rely on pensions, both private & state, all are underfunded or invested
in debt instruments that will fail. Switch to a SIPP if possible secure, miners, energy stocks
& other commodities, sell out of all Bonds/debt.
8. Interest Rate Super Spike – How would you cope if Interest Rates Super Spiked, on your
home payments, debt levels etc? Debt is their power over you.
9. Pound/Your Domestic Currency Crash – How would you be affected if your domestic
currency crashed & basics, food, heating etc.. climbed high?
10. Get Rural – Urban areas are a high density, social unrest trap.
11. Develop Self Reliance – Grow food, or befriend your local farmer, try become water &
energy independent from state provision.
12. Local Police - Support & be known, (for right reasons) to your local police, volunteer &
listen, strategic intel.
13. Grid down preparedness – Energy, mobility, water, electricity, food supply chain.
Solutions being candles, CB or Ham Radio handsets, rainwater harvesters on home, solar
panels, diesel generators & home battery packs, ration packs of long life food.
4. What to do in Reset Times
14. Community – Build community, become a local informal leader & organizer, hpwever,
keep personal plans confidential on personal details.
15. Home defence – Secure home from disorderly events, cameras, beams, night vision
goggles, alarms, cross bows, ready to use personal home & self-defence plans for at home
and away, first aid kit with some training. They will divide & conquer during hardship and
turn the lessor informed on the well prepped.
16. Crypto – Move Crypto holdings into a corporation/foundation structure, outside of
current homeland and other Assets (no Death taxes, often no CGT or Income Taxes, in
territorial systems)
17. Mental Health – This is a Psyop on Western World citizens. Avoid Pharma support,
exercise (you sleep well), eat well, rise early, play music that uplifts, focus on taking
action, inspiring others, dance, be outdoors get vitamin D daily (95% UK citizens
deficient). Avoid excessive alcohol/recreational drugs (later downers)
18. Stand On Integrity & Principle – No matter how dark events may get, you are not alone,
decide before events escalate how you intend to respond to challenges to your freedom,
security & best interests, encourage other to do same. ‘I am Spartacus..’ as are you - you,
and all these others.
5. What to do in Reset Times
Our community is focused on building wealth in Reset Times, all can
learn & take action, great volatility awaits the aware.
We are also focused on protecting existing wealth during reset times.
Contact Support@TheMarketSniper.com for structures, foundations
& corporations, 5-flag development, and extra off-shore, remotely
set up multi-currency bank accounts.