The document discusses Freedom Toasters, which are kiosks that allow users to burn copies of open source software such as Linux distributions onto blank CDs and DVDs. It provides the history of the original Freedom Toaster project sponsored by Mark Shuttleworth's foundation. It describes how Freedom Toasters were later implemented at universities to address the digital divide by providing software access. Instructions are given for building your own Freedom Toaster, including recommended hardware and available open source software.
2. What is Freedom Toaster ?
A Freedom Toaster is a kiosk (or simply a
vending machine) that will burn copies of any
GNU/Linux distribution or any Free / Open
Source Software (FOSS) onto user-provided
CDs and DVDs
3. History of Freedom Toaster
The original Freedom Toaster project was sponsored
by Mark Shuttleworth's Shuttleworth Foundation.
It consisted of a number of CD burning facilities
(in kiosk form), where members of the public were
able to burn copies of free and open-source software
onto self-supplied blank CD media.
4. Freedom Toaster @ Monash University
Monash South Africa celebrated the second annual Software Freedom Day
this week with the official opening of a Freedom Toaster (14 September 2005)
5. Purpose of Freedom Toaster
Freedom Toaster kiosks provide a way for computer
users in economically disadvantaged regions and
areas with limited or no Internet access to get software.
By providing this service, the people behind the
Freedom Toaster hope to address the issue of the
Digital Divide.
6. Build your own Freedom Toaster
Hardware (Recommended):
An Intel / AMD based Dual Core Processor
1 GB of of RAM
500 GB Hard Disk Drive
An Touchscreen Monitor at 1024768 resolution
A CD賊RW Writer
A Kiosk BOX (for User Interaction)
7. Build your own Freedom Toaster
Freedom Toaster Software
(Licensed under GPL)
Seneca Freedom Toaster
svn co svn://
Washing Lee High School Freedom Toaster