
ºÝºÝߣShare a Scribd company logo
My second design company name and logo.
Freelance logo made for a group of artists.
London transport project created at Uni.
My first design company name and logo.
BBC project created at Uni.
Magazine logotype created at Uni.
Freelance logo and design created for client.
Freelance logo and name created for client.Freelance logo and name created for client.
For safety reasons it may be advisable for the
Hakama to be slightly shorter than floor length
All sizes are measured in height and please
allow for some shrinkage during wash
Student Name
Contact No.
Club /School
Item Ordered
I confirm that I have ordered the correct sizes and understand that no returns can be made.
Parents signature if under 16.
Adult's Hakama
Description Size (height) Quantity Price
100% Cotton
160 cm / 5' 2"
170 cm / 5' 6"
180 cm / 5' 9"
190 cm / 6' 2"
200 cm / 6' 5"
Cash Cheque
160 cm / 5' 2"
170 cm / 5' 6"
180 cm / 5' 9"
190 cm / 6' 2"
200 cm / 6' 5"
160 cm / 5' 2"
170 cm / 5' 6"
180 cm / 5' 9"
190 cm / 6' 2"
200 cm / 6' 5"
Adult's section
Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price
Adult's Gi
100% Cotton
White belt
6 - 8 oz
Please order the correct size as returns
can not be made
Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price
Adult's Gi
100% Cotton
White belt
12-14 oz
All sizes are measured in height and please
allow for some shrinkage during wash
110 cm / 3' 6"
120 cm / 3' 9"
130 cm / 4' 3"
140 cm / 4' 6"
150 cm / 4' 9"
Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price
Children's Gi
100% Cotton
White belt
6 - 8 oz ?24.50
110 cm / 3' 6"
120 cm / 3' 9"
130 cm / 4' 3"
140 cm / 4' 6"
150 cm / 4' 9"
Children's section
Please order the correct size as returns
can not be made
Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price
Children's Gi
100% Cotton
White belt
12-14 oz ?32.50
All sizes are measured in height and please
allow for some shrinkage during wash
Orders will be placed in the first week of
each month and will be ready for collection
in the second week. Cheques can be made
payable to 'Harmony with Aikido' and Cash
should be given in the correct change.
Postage and VAT are included in
all prices.
For all order enquiries please contact
Trevor Atterton on: 07956226652 or by
email at: uniforms.aikido@yahoo.co.uk
Payment method
Cash Cheque
Payment method
Cash Cheque Total
Payment method
Cash Cheque
Payment method
Cash Cheque

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  • 1. My second design company name and logo. Freelance logo made for a group of artists. London transport project created at Uni. My first design company name and logo. BBC project created at Uni. Magazine logotype created at Uni. Freelance logo and design created for client. Freelance logo and name created for client.Freelance logo and name created for client.
  • 2. For safety reasons it may be advisable for the Hakama to be slightly shorter than floor length All sizes are measured in height and please allow for some shrinkage during wash The order form Q uality M artialA rtU niform s Student Name Contact No. Club /School Item Ordered Signed I confirm that I have ordered the correct sizes and understand that no returns can be made. Parents signature if under 16. Adult's Hakama Description Size (height) Quantity Price Adult's Hakama 100% Cotton 160 cm / 5' 2" 170 cm / 5' 6" 180 cm / 5' 9" 190 cm / 6' 2" 200 cm / 6' 5" ?35.00 Total Payment Cash Cheque
  • 3. 160 cm / 5' 2" 170 cm / 5' 6" 180 cm / 5' 9" 190 cm / 6' 2" 200 cm / 6' 5" 160 cm / 5' 2" 170 cm / 5' 6" 180 cm / 5' 9" 190 cm / 6' 2" 200 cm / 6' 5" Adult's section Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price Initial Adult's Gi 100% Cotton White belt included 6 - 8 oz ?29.50 ?32.50 Please order the correct size as returns can not be made Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price Hardwearing Adult's Gi 100% Cotton White belt included 12-14 oz ?37.50 ?42.50 All sizes are measured in height and please allow for some shrinkage during wash 110 cm / 3' 6" 120 cm / 3' 9" 130 cm / 4' 3" 140 cm / 4' 6" 150 cm / 4' 9" Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price Initial Children's Gi 100% Cotton White belt included 6 - 8 oz ?24.50 110 cm / 3' 6" 120 cm / 3' 9" 130 cm / 4' 3" 140 cm / 4' 6" 150 cm / 4' 9" Children's section Please order the correct size as returns can not be made Description Size (height)Weight Quantity Price Hardwearing Children's Gi 100% Cotton White belt included 12-14 oz ?32.50 All sizes are measured in height and please allow for some shrinkage during wash Orders will be placed in the first week of each month and will be ready for collection in the second week. Cheques can be made payable to 'Harmony with Aikido' and Cash should be given in the correct change. Postage and VAT are included in all prices. For all order enquiries please contact Trevor Atterton on: 07956226652 or by email at: uniforms.aikido@yahoo.co.uk Total Payment method Cash Cheque Total Payment method Cash Cheque Total Payment method Cash Cheque Total Payment method Cash Cheque