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Brazil Presentation
                     Thom Browne
                    Demand Reduction Program
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
                     U.S. Department of State
Annual Prevalence and Number of Illicit Drug Users
   at the Global Level (adults aged 15-64) – 2010
            (United Nations World Drug Report 2012)

                       Prevalence                   Number
                      (percentage)                (thousands)
                     Low       High         Low                 High
Cannabis             2.6        5.0      111,420          224,490
Opioids              0.6        0.8      26,380           36,120
Opiates              0.3        0.5      12,980           20,990
Cocaine              0.3        0.4       13,200           19,510
                     0.3        1.2       13,340           52,540
“Ecstasy”            0.2        0.6       10,480           28,120
Any illicit drug     3.4        6.6      153,000          300,000
Mundo Uso de Dragos


         Não   Sim
Brasil Uso de Drogas


           Não    Sim
Cocaína Processo de Fabrico…
                                                  Folhas de Coca

                                                              •Óxido de Cálcio
                                                              •Ácido Sulfúrico (Água de Bateria)
                                                              •Carbonato de Sódio (Barrilha)

                                            Pasta Base de Cocaína
                                                              •Ácido Sulfúrico
                                                              •Permanganato de Potássio
                                  •Ácido Clorídrico                                         •Ácido Clorídrico
                                                              •Hidróxido de Amónio
                                  •Carbonato de Sódio                                       •Carbonato de Sódio
                                                        Cocaína Base

                                                              •Ácido Clorídrico
                                                              •Carbonato de Sódio

                            “Merla”                                                 “Crack”
                                                              •Ácido Clorídrico
                                                                                              •Carbonato de Sódio
           •Hidróxido de Amónio
                                             Cloridrato de Cocaína
Chemical Profile of Cocaine Samples – Brazil 2012
Chemical Profile of Cocaine Samples
                  in the Southern Cone - 2012

                                Brazil           Chile          Paraguay         Uruguay
No. Samples Tested:                40              20                20               9

Average Purity (Range)          72.1%            57.3%              53%            56.7%
                              (29.7%-89.6%)   (15.8% - 92.2%)   (4.6% – 84.6%)   (35.8%-82.4%)

Number (%) with Adulterants    30 (75%)         8 (40%)          17 (85%)         9 (100%)
  Phenacetin                   26 (65%)          1 (5%)          13 (65%)          2 (22%)

  Levamisole                    1 (3%)                             1 (5%)          2 (22%)

  Other                         3 (7%)          7 (35%)           3 (15%)          5 (55%)
Health Consequences of Cocaine Adulterants
                                    Potential Reason for
 Adulterant        Licit Use                                     Public Health Risks        Health Consequences
                                     use as Adulterant
Phenacetin    Analgesic            Pain relieving            Banned in many countries      •Analgesic nephropathy
              substance            properties; similar       die to links with renal       •Hemolytic anemia
                                   physical properties to    failure and suspected         •Kidney Cancer
                                   cocaine                   carcinogen                    •Bladder Cancer
Levamisole    Medication used      Unknown; may give         Highly toxic; generally not   •Fever
              for expelling        more intense high         used with humans; still       •Agranulocytosis
              worms                                          used in veterinary
Lidocaine     Local anesthetic     Similar, but stronger,    Adverse cardiovascular        •CNS Problems
                                   anesthetic effects as     and CNS reactions at low      •Nausea
                                   cocaine; gives            dose; Overdose can occur      •Vomiting
                                   impression of higher      at excessive doses;           •Dizziness
                                   quality of cocaine        Increases toxicity of         •Tremors
                                                             cocaine                       •Convulsions
Benzocaine    Local anesthetic     Similar anesthetic        Overdose can cause rare       •Blood disorder
              used in dentistry,   properties as cocaine     but serious blood disorder    (Methemoglobinemia)
              throat sprays,
              ointments and
              suntan lotions
Hydroxyzine   Sedative,            Unknown, but              Use in combination with       •Dizziness
              anxiolytic, used     potentially used in       sedative drugs can cause      •Drowsiness
              and an               final processing stages   unconsciousness;              •Gastro-intestinal
              antihistamine        of cocaine                Overdose can result in CNS    distress
                                                             problems                      •Headaches
Teste Rápido para pelos Adulterantes
Crianças de Cabul
Afghan Children—Positive Opiate Hair Results (pg/mg)
  Home   Age       Sex   COD     MOR     6-AM     HC    HM
    1    12 y.o.   M       43     358     1,369    0       0
    1    10 y.o.    F      93     669     1,764    0       0
    2    14 mo      F     122     534     1,388    0       0
    4    5 y.o.    M        0      45      181     0       0
    6    5 y.o.    M        0      57        0     0       0
    6    6 y.o.     F       0      45        0     0       0
    6    10 y.o.    F       0      61        0     0       0
    7    12 y.o.   M        0      56      157     0       0
   11    6 y.o.    M        0      69      214    668   1,745
   11    5 y.o.     F       0      52      148     0       0
   13    8 y.o.     F     118      45        0     0       0
   15    9 mo      M        0      48        0     0       0
   22    10 y.o.   M     2,422   3,190       0    68       0
   22    8 y.o.    M     6,477   8,907       0    137    328
   24    10 y.o.    F    4,652   8,350    5,607   183    569
   25    11 y.o.   M     2,403   3,802    1,989    0       0
   27    3 y.o.     F      43      58        0     0       0
Global INL Drug Treatment Evaluation Results
   Overall Change in Substance Use Before and After Treatment
Estou em Crack
Drogas fazem você fazer coisas loucas...

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  • 1. Brazil Presentation Thom Browne Demand Reduction Program Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) U.S. Department of State
  • 2. Annual Prevalence and Number of Illicit Drug Users at the Global Level (adults aged 15-64) – 2010 (United Nations World Drug Report 2012) Prevalence Number (percentage) (thousands) Low High Low High Cannabis 2.6 5.0 111,420 224,490 Opioids 0.6 0.8 26,380 36,120 Opiates 0.3 0.5 12,980 20,990 Cocaine 0.3 0.4 13,200 19,510 Amphetamine-type 0.3 1.2 13,340 52,540 stimulants “Ecstasy” 0.2 0.6 10,480 28,120 Any illicit drug 3.4 6.6 153,000 300,000
  • 3. Mundo Uso de Dragos 5% 95% Não Sim
  • 4. Brasil Uso de Drogas 1.5% 98.5% Não Sim
  • 5. Cocaína Processo de Fabrico… Folhas de Coca •Óxido de Cálcio •Querosene •Ácido Sulfúrico (Água de Bateria) •Carbonato de Sódio (Barrilha) Pasta Base de Cocaína •Ácido Sulfúrico •Permanganato de Potássio •Ácido Clorídrico •Ácido Clorídrico •Hidróxido de Amónio •Carbonato de Sódio •Carbonato de Sódio •Aquecimento/Resfria Cocaína Base •Ácido Clorídrico •Carbonato de Sódio “Merla” “Crack” •Acetona •Ácido Clorídrico “Free-Base” •Carbonato de Sódio •Aquecimento/Resfria •Hidróxido de Amónio Cloridrato de Cocaína
  • 6. Chemical Profile of Cocaine Samples – Brazil 2012
  • 7. Chemical Profile of Cocaine Samples in the Southern Cone - 2012 Brazil Chile Paraguay Uruguay No. Samples Tested: 40 20 20 9 Average Purity (Range) 72.1% 57.3% 53% 56.7% (29.7%-89.6%) (15.8% - 92.2%) (4.6% – 84.6%) (35.8%-82.4%) Number (%) with Adulterants 30 (75%) 8 (40%) 17 (85%) 9 (100%) Phenacetin 26 (65%) 1 (5%) 13 (65%) 2 (22%) Levamisole 1 (3%) 1 (5%) 2 (22%) Other 3 (7%) 7 (35%) 3 (15%) 5 (55%)
  • 8. Health Consequences of Cocaine Adulterants Potential Reason for Adulterant Licit Use Public Health Risks Health Consequences use as Adulterant Phenacetin Analgesic Pain relieving Banned in many countries •Analgesic nephropathy substance properties; similar die to links with renal •Hemolytic anemia physical properties to failure and suspected •Kidney Cancer cocaine carcinogen •Bladder Cancer Levamisole Medication used Unknown; may give Highly toxic; generally not •Fever for expelling more intense high used with humans; still •Agranulocytosis worms used in veterinary medicine Lidocaine Local anesthetic Similar, but stronger, Adverse cardiovascular •CNS Problems anesthetic effects as and CNS reactions at low •Nausea cocaine; gives dose; Overdose can occur •Vomiting impression of higher at excessive doses; •Dizziness quality of cocaine Increases toxicity of •Tremors cocaine •Convulsions Benzocaine Local anesthetic Similar anesthetic Overdose can cause rare •Blood disorder used in dentistry, properties as cocaine but serious blood disorder (Methemoglobinemia) throat sprays, ointments and suntan lotions Hydroxyzine Sedative, Unknown, but Use in combination with •Dizziness anxiolytic, used potentially used in sedative drugs can cause •Drowsiness and an final processing stages unconsciousness; •Gastro-intestinal antihistamine of cocaine Overdose can result in CNS distress problems •Headaches
  • 10. Teste Rápido para pelos Adulterantes
  • 12. Afghan Children—Positive Opiate Hair Results (pg/mg) Home Age Sex COD MOR 6-AM HC HM 1 12 y.o. M 43 358 1,369 0 0 1 10 y.o. F 93 669 1,764 0 0 2 14 mo F 122 534 1,388 0 0 4 5 y.o. M 0 45 181 0 0 6 5 y.o. M 0 57 0 0 0 6 6 y.o. F 0 45 0 0 0 6 10 y.o. F 0 61 0 0 0 7 12 y.o. M 0 56 157 0 0 11 6 y.o. M 0 69 214 668 1,745 11 5 y.o. F 0 52 148 0 0 13 8 y.o. F 118 45 0 0 0 15 9 mo M 0 48 0 0 0 22 10 y.o. M 2,422 3,190 0 68 0 22 8 y.o. M 6,477 8,907 0 137 328 24 10 y.o. F 4,652 8,350 5,607 183 569 25 11 y.o. M 2,403 3,802 1,989 0 0 27 3 y.o. F 43 58 0 0 0
  • 13. Global INL Drug Treatment Evaluation Results Overall Change in Substance Use Before and After Treatment
  • 17. Drogas fazem você fazer coisas loucas...