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Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 1
Use Social Media to
Attract Customers in 3
Easy Steps!
1. Know the Basics
2. Create Content
3. Repitition
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 2
Defining Your Target Market
Questions that Require Answers Before Creating
a Social Media Campaign:
What is your value proposition? (Why should someone consider spending money
on your product or service, why does it benefit them?)
Who is your number 1,2, and 3 client. (Who has recently been buying your
product? Not, who you thinkshould buy your product!....Who inherantly see's value
in your service?)
What does their day consist of?
What time are they on the computer for business? For pleasure?
Do they watch TV? Do they read magazines? What are their hobbies?
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 3
What is the key to a
genuine connection?
 Join groups
 Actually talk to people
 Create Power
 Stay active
What will make me
stand out?
 Messages specific to
your target/general
enough to mass msg.
 Creating informative
 Asking for referrals
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 4
 The Great Business
vs Personal Debate
-Trust / Advocates
 Post quality content
 Give credit where
credit is due
 Read what your
friends are saying
 Like a lot
 The Power of
Contribution via
 People whitness your
 Group vs Fan Page
vs Main Page
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 5
Twitter Explained
 What the heck is it?
 Why do business
people use twitter?
 How is it different
than FB/Linkedin?
 Why/What is
 Hashtags #
 What can you
possibly say in 140
 Why follow?
 How/why do people
follow you back?
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 6
Using Twitter in Business
 Sorry Joan, here is no
 How to search for
decision makers
 Uses for sales/ Uses
for alliances
 National & Local
marketing made easy
 Targeting the right
micro groups
 Don't act like a robot/
sales person..
actually talk to
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 7
Attracting Customers Step 1.
Adding Friends/Fans/Peeps
 Who should I add?
 Cautionary mass
adding via email
 Streamline adding:
-current lists
 Email signature
Targeted Potential
Real Friends
Former Clients
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 8
Attracting Customers Step 2
Quality Content! 1/2
 Today's world: why
content is so important.
 30% Not about your
business with links
30% Not about your
business without links
20% About your
business with links
20% About your
business without links
Where To Start:
 Look at what's trending
 Remember your three
target clients, what do
they want to know
 What is something
others would find
impressive/useful about
your service.
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 9
Attracting Customers Step 2
Quality Content! 1/2
 Examples of my favorite content keepers:
Blogger.com, thinkgeek.com, forbes.com
(no matter the topic that is apealing to your
customer- there is a blog for it)
 How to create a teaser for your own content
 Define and lead someone to your purchase
 Tracking / shortening your url
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 10
Attracting Customers Step 3
Repitition Repetition Repitition 1/2
 Average weekly Internet usage for
Americans has held steady at 12 hours per
week in 09
 55.6 million adults  or just less than 1/3rd
of the population  in the US now visit social
networks at least monthly, according to a
new report from Forrester Research. Thats
up from just 15 % of adults in 2007, and
around 18 % last year. Social networking is
now more popular than instant messaging
among adults, which 54.3 million people
report using.
 When it comes to social media, 51% find
advertising "annoying and irrelevant"
 In February (09) the largest age group on
Twitter was 35-49, with nearly 3 million
unique visitors,comprising almost 42% of
the sites audience.
Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 11
Attracting Customers Step 3
Repitition Repetition Repitition 1/2
 How often should I tweet?
 Gow often should I update FB/FB Fan Page
 How often should I update linkedin?
 Dp I have to use all three?
 Why not mass email/ newsletters?
 Why not print advertising?
 Why not just sales calll people?
On average people have to hear about something
7 times before acting on it.

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  • 1. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 1 Welocme Use Social Media to Attract Customers in 3 Easy Steps! 1. Know the Basics 2. Create Content 3. Repitition
  • 2. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 2 Defining Your Target Market Questions that Require Answers Before Creating a Social Media Campaign: What is your value proposition? (Why should someone consider spending money on your product or service, why does it benefit them?) Who is your number 1,2, and 3 client. (Who has recently been buying your product? Not, who you thinkshould buy your product!....Who inherantly see's value in your service?) What does their day consist of? What time are they on the computer for business? For pleasure? Do they watch TV? Do they read magazines? What are their hobbies?
  • 3. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 3 Linkedin What is the key to a genuine connection? Join groups Actually talk to people Create Power alliances Stay active What will make me stand out? Messages specific to your target/general enough to mass msg. Creating informative events. Asking for referrals
  • 4. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 4 Facebook The Great Business vs Personal Debate -Trust / Advocates Post quality content Give credit where credit is due Read what your friends are saying Like a lot The Power of Contribution via facebook: People whitness your behavior Group vs Fan Page vs Main Page
  • 5. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 5 Twitter Explained What the heck is it? Why do business people use twitter? How is it different than FB/Linkedin? Jargon: @ d RT Why/What is trending? Hashtags # What can you possibly say in 140 characters? Why follow? How/why do people follow you back?
  • 6. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 6 Using Twitter in Business B2B Sorry Joan, here is no Gatekeeper anymore. How to search for decision makers Uses for sales/ Uses for alliances B2C National & Local marketing made easy Targeting the right micro groups Don't act like a robot/ sales person.. actually talk to people.
  • 7. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 7 Attracting Customers Step 1. Adding Friends/Fans/Peeps Who should I add? Cautionary mass adding via email address Streamline adding: -current lists -boxni.com -crossadding Email signature Targeted Potential Customers Real Friends Advocates Former Clients
  • 8. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 8 Attracting Customers Step 2 Quality Content! 1/2 Today's world: why content is so important. 30% Not about your business with links 30% Not about your business without links 20% About your business with links 20% About your business without links Where To Start: Look at what's trending Blogs/Articles/videos Remember your three target clients, what do they want to know about? What is something others would find impressive/useful about your service.
  • 9. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 9 Attracting Customers Step 2 Quality Content! 1/2 Examples of my favorite content keepers: Blogger.com, thinkgeek.com, forbes.com (no matter the topic that is apealing to your customer- there is a blog for it) How to create a teaser for your own content Define and lead someone to your purchase path... Tracking / shortening your url
  • 10. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 10 Attracting Customers Step 3 Repitition Repetition Repitition 1/2 Average weekly Internet usage for Americans has held steady at 12 hours per week in 09 55.6 million adults or just less than 1/3rd of the population in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. Thats up from just 15 % of adults in 2007, and around 18 % last year. Social networking is now more popular than instant messaging among adults, which 54.3 million people report using. When it comes to social media, 51% find advertising "annoying and irrelevant" In February (09) the largest age group on Twitter was 35-49, with nearly 3 million unique visitors,comprising almost 42% of the sites audience.
  • 11. Corinne Cavanaugh -MissMarketing@FreeSeattleSocially.com 11 Attracting Customers Step 3 Repitition Repetition Repitition 1/2 How often should I tweet? Gow often should I update FB/FB Fan Page How often should I update linkedin? Dp I have to use all three? Why not mass email/ newsletters? Why not print advertising? Why not just sales calll people? On average people have to hear about something 7 times before acting on it.