The French and Indian War was fought between the British and French over control of the Ohio River Valley, which was desirable for fur trading and westward expansion. Both sides sought Native American alliances to help fight for the territory. The British formed an alliance with the Iroquois Confederacy while the French allied with tribes like the Huron. The war turned in Britain's favor after William Pitt became Secretary of War and generals like Wolfe captured key sites such as Quebec. The 1763 Treaty of Paris ended the war, ceding French North American territories to Britain.
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French and Indian War guided notes
1. Frenchand IndianWar
8.10- Describe the causes,course,andoutcome of the Frenchand IndianWar,includingthe massacre at
Fort Loudoun
Bell Ringer:___________________________________________________________________________
Essential Question:____________________________________________________________________
1. Causesof the War
Cause Memory Cue
Both the British and French want control of the
Ohio RiverValley
Both sides used Native American claims to the
land. The British used the Iroquois
Confederacy and the French used the Huron.
British colonistsfearedthat the Pope would
control America. Frenchterritory was controlled
by the Frenchand the Catholic church
2. 2. Why wasthe OhioRiverValleysodesirableforbothsides?
3. What kindof businessdidthe Frenchhave inthe region?_______________________________
4. FrenchFort: ______________________________ , BritishFort:___________________________
5. Whichgeneral became famousatthe battle of Fort Necessity?___________________________
6. Both sideswere seekingallianceswith______________________________________________
7. Whichside wouldbe more appealingtoNative Americans?_____________________________
Why? _________________________________________________________________________
8. Whichgroup of tribesdidthe Britishtry to forman alliance with?
3. 9. In yourown words,describe the significance of BenFranklin's"Unite orDie"cartoon.
10. What was the purpose of BenFranklin'sAlbanyPlanof Union?
11. Why wasn'tthe plan accepted?__________________________________________________
12. Why will thisrejectionbe historicallysignificant?___________________________________
4. 13. Why wasBritishgeneral,William Braddockunsuccessful?
14. WhichBritishSecretaryof War turnedthingsaroundforthe British?______________________
15. Who wasgiventhe task of takingthe New France capital,Quebec?_______________________
16. Why wasQuebecdifficulttocapture for the British?__________________________________
17. Why wasthe French'sdefeatatQuebechistoricallysignificant?_________________________
18. Whichtreaty officiallyendedthe FrenchandIndianWar? _____________________________
19. List the resultsof the Frenchand IndianWar:
5. ExtensionActivity:Infographic
Create an infographicdetailingFortLoudoun'ssignificance duringthe FrenchandIndianWar
An infographicisessentiallyamini-posterthatusesBOTHgraphicsand information
Infographic shouldinclude:
Why wasFort Loudounbuilt?
Where wasit located?
What role didthe Cherokee playinthe fort?Describe/illustrate how theirrelationshipwiththe
Describe/illustrate whathappenedafterthe Cherokeeandthe Britishrelationshipdeteriorated.