Getting the most out of high school involves focusing on classes, exploring extracurricular activities, and asking for help when needed. Students should challenge themselves with diverse coursework, join clubs or sports, and volunteer in the community. It is important to maintain a balance and not take on too much. Teachers, counselors, family, and peers are available resources to help students succeed academically and make the most of their high school experience.
3. Focus on classes
Get used to the workload and new school
Make new friends
Take classes that are outside of your comfort
Explore art, computers, music and find what
interests you most
Join different clubs and try a sport
4. Take classes that challenge you
Don’t overwork yourself
Focus on learning
Make the most of your resources
Ask for help
6. Classes, sports, clubs, volunteering, friends, fam
ily, work
All of these are important for the high school
If you take on too much you may fall behind
Leave time for work and fun
Both are equally important
Make sure you are on time and prepared for
classes and activities
7. Keep a schedule or calendar
Don’t procrastinate (too much)
Do things in order of importance
Leave time for studying
Make sure you sleep and eat
9. Be chill with your teachers
Even the substitutes
Being hardworking and respectful impresses
They will know you are serious and can help you
out later
College recommendations, job
applications, summer opportunities can be filled
out by teachers
Coaches also respect hard work on the field and
in the classroom
Give respect to earn respect
10. Guidance counselors are here to help you
College planning
Personal issues
Scheduling classes
Getting help in classes
They are your friends
11. Struggling in a class? Get help
Don’t be afraid to ask, everyone gets stuck
Who to ask:
Teachers – most teachers will work to schedule
one-on-one tutoring
Classmates – if you don’t get it ask a friend
Upperclassmen – they’ve been through it and can
Guidance counselors
12. CATA offers a wide variety of clubs and sports
Joining them is easy
If you do join, make sure you are committed
Don’t stop showing up to meetings, it’s a waste of
Sign ups are early in the year, so pay attention
to the announcements
Don’t be afraid to try new things, you will
always be welcome
They are important, but don’t get overwhelmed
13. Volunteering is not only good for personal
experience, but it also helps for college
Lots of clubs offer opportunities to help the
community and get service hours
Also, look out for opportunities on your own
14. Refer to the student handbook for questions
regarding rules
Dress code is strictly enforced, but the code
itself is rather lenient
Make sure you are clear on individual teachers
Its not hard to follow the rules