Tomas Stanevicius has over 10 years of experience in customer service and coordination roles. He has worked as a manager assistant, bartender, coordinator, and barista in Ireland and England. His resume details his work history and education, including diplomas from secondary school in Lithuania. He is fluent in English, Lithuanian, and Russian and lists cooking, sports, traveling, and dog shows as hobbies and interests.
1) The study evaluated soft tissue changes in 27 patients undergoing radiation therapy for esophageal cancer using cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans taken during treatment for position verification.
2) CBCT scans showed the gross tumor volume (GTV) shifted outside the planning target volume in 7% of patients in the third week and 15% in the fourth week, occurring on the right lateral side.
3) A prominent soft tissue change observed was change in the heart contour, seen in 15% of patients in the first week and 67% in the fourth week.
This document discusses indoor air quality myths and truths regarding sealed indoor environments. It summarizes that while sealing a home tight can pressurize and concentrate allergens and toxins, proper ventilation is needed. Additionally, while air infiltration can impact energy usage and comfort, controlled and intentional air exchange is important for a healthy indoor environment. The document provides definitions and testing methods for air infiltration and encourages questions.
Sherm Swanson, Associate Professor, CABNR, University of Nevada, Reno
Dry summers force sage grouse broods onto private and public riparian meadows where chicks grow into adults. Riparian grazing management works best with recovery periods, creating green moist fuel breaks. Well placed mechanical fuel breaks usually increase perennials needed to resist cheatgrass and other invasive species. Properly managed grazing helps upland perennials survive, even in fires. Wild and free-roaming horse habitats depend on maintaining herds at appropriate levels. Otherwise, herds and costs grow exponentially as habitats permanently degrade. So, good things happen when managers manage.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para implementar la plataforma Moodle en la escuela Pedro Antonio Pimentel. La autora observ¨® que la escuela tiene buenas instalaciones pero carece de herramientas tecnol¨®gicas. Moodle es una plataforma gratuita que podr¨ªa usarse para complementar la ense?anza presencial, aumentar la motivaci¨®n de los estudiantes, y fomentar un aprendizaje m¨¢s aut¨®nomo y colaborativo. La propuesta detalla los beneficios que Moodle podr¨ªa aportar al mejorar la planificaci¨®n,
Valor probatorio de los documentos electronicoselyelyelyely
Este documento discute el valor probatorio de los documentos electr¨®nicos. Explica que aunque los documentos electr¨®nicos carecen de materialidad, siempre tienen un soporte f¨ªsico como un disco duro. Tambi¨¦n describe m¨¦todos como la criptograf¨ªa y sistemas biom¨¦tricos para autenticar documentos electr¨®nicos. Finalmente, concluye que las leyes var¨ªan en su reconocimiento del valor probatorio de los documentos electr¨®nicos y que los peritos forenses son importantes para establecer la atribuci¨®n de documentos electr¨®nicos ante un juez.
Este documento presenta las gu¨ªas para dos pr¨¢cticas de an¨¢lisis cl¨ªnicos. La primera pr¨¢ctica cubre la toma de muestras de varios l¨ªquidos biol¨®gicos como sangre y orina, y el reconocimiento de elementos en sangre fresca y te?ida. La segunda pr¨¢ctica trata sobre el recuento de gl¨®bulos rojos y la medici¨®n de hemoglobina en la sangre. El documento proporciona detalles sobre los procedimientos, materiales, c¨¢lculos y competencias requeridas para cada pr¨¢ctica.
This document is a prayer service honoring Saint Angela. It includes prayers, readings from the Bible, and a Gospel passage. The service focuses on asking Saint Angela to commend the faithful to God so that by following her example of charity and prudence, they may hold fast to God's teachings.
The document discusses administrative challenges facing India's drug regulatory authorities. It notes a lack of uniformity between the national regulator, CDSCO, and state regulators (SDRAs) due to their divided responsibilities, differing legal interpretations of drug laws, and limited coordination. This risks fragmentation in regulation. The document examines this issue and others like resources, transparency, and public outreach to develop policy recommendations for strengthening oversight.
Tomas Stanevicius has over 10 years of experience in customer service and coordination roles. He has worked as a manager assistant, bartender, coordinator, and barista in Ireland and England. His resume details his work history and education, including diplomas from secondary school in Lithuania. He is fluent in English, Lithuanian, and Russian and lists cooking, sports, traveling, and dog shows as hobbies and interests.
1) The study evaluated soft tissue changes in 27 patients undergoing radiation therapy for esophageal cancer using cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans taken during treatment for position verification.
2) CBCT scans showed the gross tumor volume (GTV) shifted outside the planning target volume in 7% of patients in the third week and 15% in the fourth week, occurring on the right lateral side.
3) A prominent soft tissue change observed was change in the heart contour, seen in 15% of patients in the first week and 67% in the fourth week.
This document discusses indoor air quality myths and truths regarding sealed indoor environments. It summarizes that while sealing a home tight can pressurize and concentrate allergens and toxins, proper ventilation is needed. Additionally, while air infiltration can impact energy usage and comfort, controlled and intentional air exchange is important for a healthy indoor environment. The document provides definitions and testing methods for air infiltration and encourages questions.
Sherm Swanson, Associate Professor, CABNR, University of Nevada, Reno
Dry summers force sage grouse broods onto private and public riparian meadows where chicks grow into adults. Riparian grazing management works best with recovery periods, creating green moist fuel breaks. Well placed mechanical fuel breaks usually increase perennials needed to resist cheatgrass and other invasive species. Properly managed grazing helps upland perennials survive, even in fires. Wild and free-roaming horse habitats depend on maintaining herds at appropriate levels. Otherwise, herds and costs grow exponentially as habitats permanently degrade. So, good things happen when managers manage.
Este documento presenta una propuesta para implementar la plataforma Moodle en la escuela Pedro Antonio Pimentel. La autora observ¨® que la escuela tiene buenas instalaciones pero carece de herramientas tecnol¨®gicas. Moodle es una plataforma gratuita que podr¨ªa usarse para complementar la ense?anza presencial, aumentar la motivaci¨®n de los estudiantes, y fomentar un aprendizaje m¨¢s aut¨®nomo y colaborativo. La propuesta detalla los beneficios que Moodle podr¨ªa aportar al mejorar la planificaci¨®n,
Valor probatorio de los documentos electronicoselyelyelyely
Este documento discute el valor probatorio de los documentos electr¨®nicos. Explica que aunque los documentos electr¨®nicos carecen de materialidad, siempre tienen un soporte f¨ªsico como un disco duro. Tambi¨¦n describe m¨¦todos como la criptograf¨ªa y sistemas biom¨¦tricos para autenticar documentos electr¨®nicos. Finalmente, concluye que las leyes var¨ªan en su reconocimiento del valor probatorio de los documentos electr¨®nicos y que los peritos forenses son importantes para establecer la atribuci¨®n de documentos electr¨®nicos ante un juez.
Este documento presenta las gu¨ªas para dos pr¨¢cticas de an¨¢lisis cl¨ªnicos. La primera pr¨¢ctica cubre la toma de muestras de varios l¨ªquidos biol¨®gicos como sangre y orina, y el reconocimiento de elementos en sangre fresca y te?ida. La segunda pr¨¢ctica trata sobre el recuento de gl¨®bulos rojos y la medici¨®n de hemoglobina en la sangre. El documento proporciona detalles sobre los procedimientos, materiales, c¨¢lculos y competencias requeridas para cada pr¨¢ctica.
This document is a prayer service honoring Saint Angela. It includes prayers, readings from the Bible, and a Gospel passage. The service focuses on asking Saint Angela to commend the faithful to God so that by following her example of charity and prudence, they may hold fast to God's teachings.
The document discusses administrative challenges facing India's drug regulatory authorities. It notes a lack of uniformity between the national regulator, CDSCO, and state regulators (SDRAs) due to their divided responsibilities, differing legal interpretations of drug laws, and limited coordination. This risks fragmentation in regulation. The document examines this issue and others like resources, transparency, and public outreach to develop policy recommendations for strengthening oversight.