The FridgeUp team has launched a freemium iOS app called FridgeUp that allows users to collect virtual refrigerator magnets from around the world. The app uses geolocation to allow magnets to only be purchased in the country where the user is located. Users can send magnets to friends on Facebook and view friends' fridges. The team's goals are to continue adding features like messaging and categories to the app and expand to other platforms. They are open to cooperation, investments and ideas to help monetize and grow FridgeUp.
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FridgeUp application
1. We are the FridgeUp team
Apple App Store application
FridgeUp iOS App
- Application launched worldwide
Web page
Facebook page
FridgeUp Community
VK public
2. Our FridgeUp app
FrigdeUp is the freemium iOS app for FrigdeUp allows you at this moment:
those who love to travel, bring souvenirs
from different countries and make gifts to collect magnets from most countries
their friends around the world and to pin these magnets
Our souvenirs - are virtual refrigerator to your virtual fridge
magnets make virtual magnet gifts to your
Facebook friends
store magnets in your travel bag
The application is based on the
view the history of your purchases at any
geolocation, so every fridge magnet can time
only be purchased in the gift shop of the
see your friends from Facebook who are
country where you are at the moment also the FridgeUp users, and view their
You can send a fridge magnet to your receive notifications regarding your
friends as soon as you get it. FridgeUp friends activity in the app
invite friends to join FridgeUp and make
a list for fast communication
We have a location-based fridge magnets
as well as everydaymagnets. other cool and fun things
3. How does FridgeUp look
I collect fridge magnets I find magnets in the gift shop
Fridge magnets in my bag
Fridge magnet view Sending gift to a friend
4. About fridge magnets
Our designers main goal is to create magnets
that you would not just want to pin to your
fridge and gift to your friends, but to design
the magnets you would want to touch.
5. What is in FridgeUp
1. FridgeUp API &backend 3.Control panel
Processing and maintenance of the
client iOS applications (Android,
Windows), Facebook social network
provisioning (VK, Twitter, Pintrest,
Java based. Hosted on AmazonWS.
2.FridgeUp iOS application
6. What we want to implement
for FrigdeUp:
messaging (next build)
categorization of sections in a souvenir shop: location-based, general, holidays, etc
(next build)
all magnets in a system review (next build)
magnets as widgets
commercial fridge magnets
gratification and bonuses
push service for distribution
UG content interface
and also:
soc. networks provisioning (VK, Twitter, Pintrest, Foursquare)
personal Instagram photo magnets
applications for Android and Windows
7. How to monetize FridgeUp
Product placement
In-app purchase (souvenirs of the rare places,
special author series magnets)
Affiliate Programs
8. We are open to
Constructive criticism
Please, fell free to contact us:
skype: silentys
Cell phone: +7 985 157 8 777
Best regards, FridgeUp team