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Friends and Lovers
The Relationship Between
Friends & Lovers Ana
The Astrological Charts
Jul 16, 1979
09:50:00 AM CET -01:00
Novi Sad
019E15'00", 45N15'00"
Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Cancer 23属Ca14' 10th 01 26属Vi28'
Moon Aries 22属Ar06' 08th 02 21属Li19'
Mercury Leo 14属Le21' 11th 03 21属Sc22'
Venus Cancer 12属Ca14' 10th 04 25属Sg44'
Mars Gemini 14属Ge15' 09th 05 00属Aq22'
Jupiter Leo 13属Le57' 11th 06 00属Pi57'
Saturn Virgo 10属Vi43' 12th 07 26属Pi28'
Uranus Scorpio 16属Sc58' R 02nd 08 21属Ar19'
Neptune Sagittarius 18属Sg14' R 03rd 09 21属Ta22'
Pluto Libra 16属Li32' 01st 10 25属Ge44'
Midheaven Gemini 25属Ge44' 11 00属Le22'
Ascendant Virgo 26属Vi28' 12 00属Vi57'
Nov 24, 1960
02:35:35 AM CET -01:00
003E44'00", 51N01'00"
Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Sagittarius 01属Sg47' 03rd 01 00属Li27'
Moon Aquarius 11属Aq06' 05th 02 24属Li30'
Mercury Scorpio 12属Sc02' 02nd 03 24属Sc39'
Venus Capricorn 10属Cp30' 04th 04 00属Cp36'
Mars Cancer 18属Ca35' R 10th 05 06属Aq29'
Jupiter Capricorn 05属Cp35' 04th 06 06属Pi31'
Saturn Capricorn 15属Cp27' 04th 07 00属Ar27'
Uranus Leo 25属Le47' 11th 08 24属Ar30'
Neptune Scorpio 09属Sc43' 02nd 09 24属Ta39'
Pluto Virgo 08属Vi04' 12th 10 00属Ca36'
Midheaven Cancer 00属Ca36' 11 06属Le29'
Ascendant Libra 00属Li27' 12 06属Vi31'
Program Copyright 2003-2008 Matrix Software, Inc.
Introduction Page 2
Astrological Compatibility
Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the
moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts,
the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other.
This is the astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years.
This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological
connections between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are
printed on the previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the
charts. Any one of them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were
requested. For each individual the two possible sections are: 1) How this person approaches
relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is appropriate for all relationships
this individual makes. 2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each
paragraph interprets a contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text
here pertains to this one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature
of the relationship.
Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as
points of conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage
the positive and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and
lows of the passing years.
Introduction Page 3
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
How You Approach Relationships
You're a demon for details. There is no question in anyone's mind that you have got it all
together, at least from an organizational standpoint. You are indeed cool, calm, and collected.
Yet there is something missing. You yearn for contact and involvement. You need something to
do and someone to care for. Talk about loving punishment -- you feel responsible for just about
everyone, and tend to end up with some pretty hopeless cases. And we're talking major
dreamers here. You can't resist them -- the woolier, the better. They need your help and can't
seem to help themselves. The funny part is that you love it, and them!
You have a penchant for dreamers, mystics, and the highly imaginative. You love to get
carried away romantically, and your friends may find you are unrealistic and often
disappointed. You like love right out of a romance novel, complete with a sense of mystery and
otherworldliness. You value imagination in a lover, and probably love movies and music.
How You Approach Relationships Page 4
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
Strengths in your relationships
When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into
words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would
do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to
get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well.
You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a moment or a move. It would be
difficult for you not to be a success at anything you choose to do. Career problems seldom last
long or prove very difficult. Others remark on your creative energy, great drive, and the fact
that you never seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be moved to work with the law,
publishing, education -- any field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate others.
You are a great problem-solver, and can always think of a way to do almost anything. Your
friends know you to be fair, and your integrity is unquestionable. You may find yourself
interested in legal matters, publishing, philosophical and religious subjects, and would make a
good teacher or instructor. Scientific investigation would interest you.
You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone)
you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you
are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones
get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to
Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't
bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at
getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper
a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money,
sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your
bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you.
You have always had a drive to delve into the unknown. The cosmos has real trouble
keeping secrets from you once you have made your mind up to investigate. You have great
perseverance and staying power. You work well in a crisis; emergencies of all kinds find you
on the spot, ready to test your mettle. You are brave -- and unafraid of death or people. You do
well with investments, property, and other people's money. You have very little sense of
propriety and tend to call a spade a spade. You like to get your hands in the real stuff of life,
blood and all.
You are enchanting, and can transport a group of people with your mesmerizing words,
action, or music. Through you, others catch a glimpse of a world more unified than the one they
find themselves in, and hear from you of the life they know exists beyond the mundane. Once
under your spell, you could motivate them to do almost anything. You owe much to your
Strengths in your relationships Page 5
Friends & Lovers Ana
upbringing, which tolerated and gave support to your dreamier side. You can be very
compassionate, and understand the feminine side of life.
You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the
deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you,
and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The
way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able
to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in
mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.
You value independence in others, especially a lover. They must have some unique quality
for you to take an interest. Your taste in friends runs to the unconventional. You appreciate
variety in all things and are delighted when a partner comes up with a new and different way to
get your attention. You don't like to be tied down. You probably have a penchant for inventions,
electronics, and new-age technology.
You love whatever is new or different, and breakthrough flashes of original insight are
typical. You could invent something, and you have a natural love for communication and
new-age technology. You appreciate independence and originality in others, especially in a
partner, and may tend to have unusual friends who are very likely male. You like to keep things
You communicate very well, and it is easy for you to give others a feeling for whatever
you're thinking. You tend to believe that there is almost no problem that cannot be handled with
words, by talking it out. You could be a fine speaker. Your natural sensitivity for the feelings
and thoughts of those around you makes you a valued community member. Needless to say,
you want a partner who is at home with feelings and -- above all -- likes to talk.
You were born lucky and have never had trouble finding support and approval from others.
You may find that working with people is what you want to do for a career. Whether
professionally or not, you will find yourself guiding and directing other people in one way or
another. You have a way with other people and could do well in advertising, sales... any
occupation that works with the public. If anything, you might have had it a little too easy, been
a little too lucky.
Strengths in your relationships Page 6
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
Challenges in your relationships
You are torn between the impulse to stand on your own feet, and a need to be cared for and
nurtured. Your independent streak may be ashamed of the need on your part for love and
affection. It's a no win situation. This could also be re-enforced by a mother and father who
may have worked at cross purposes. The resulting tension will have to be dealt with gradually
and methodically.
Everyone can testify to your brilliant mind, but most would also find you somewhat erratic
and unpredictable. You don't always have the follow-through you pretend to have. You tend to
change your mind in the middle of a project and go rushing off in some new direction. You are
to some degree the victim of your own whims. You have trouble finding practical uses for your
plentiful insights.
You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates
to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to
repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard
feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a
partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding.
You sometimes have trouble distinguishing between your dreams of life and the actual
reality. Or you lack the discipline to make those dreams real, to work to make reality be as you
always dreamed it could be. This could lead to unreasonable expectations of other people,
especially your lover. A tendency to daydream finds you with a number of false starts. You are
easily distracted and have difficulty carrying things through to the finish. You may worry about
being deceived by others.
Power struggles are no stranger to you. You tend to put off confrontations until they build
up and then explode, kind of like having your own built-in volcano. You probably have
considerable emotional tension and a strong sexual drive. Your flair for secrecy could find you
with more than one lover, several affairs.
You have always felt vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may have
a history of avoiding confrontation and self-examination. You are ever so sensitive to ideas of
death, helplessness, and vulnerability in general. You see them only too well, and they haunt
you. There may well be some childhood experiences that were rough or harsh for you to accept.
Any partner will have to tread very gently when it comes to matters of feelings and security.
You may tend to dominate a relationship, but without success.
You may have an inordinate fear of dying or confrontation, for there is a part of you that
resists change and tends to put off getting down to the real heart of a problem and clearing it up.
This attempt to avoid confrontation may find you involved in one power struggle after another
when it comes to personal relationships. All of this creates a lot of energy that you carry around
Challenges in your relationships Page 7
Friends & Lovers Ana
with you. Working it out takes patience and great care. You tend toward explosions and may
have strong disagreements with authority figures.
You have mixed feelings when it comes to other people. You can't live with them and you
can't live without them. You are used to a high degree of emotional tension. People may
misinterpret your emotional chargedness as aggression or disapproval, when in fact that's just
the way you are. They may not support your values. You long for a smooth relationship, but if
you look at your history it's been a rocky road indeed. You may have trouble locating an
environment where you feel comfortable and can flourish.
Challenges in your relationships Page 8
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
Your Relationship with Jovane
There is an odd sense of joy when you are around Jovane. You feel confident and creative.
There is often this sense of discovering yourself when the two of you are together. You tend to
feel more protective and sensitive to animals, younger people, and children. You can be very
emotional and expressive with Jovane, and things tend to have a fresh, new quality. It is hard
not to feel that all of this is good.
At last, someone you can really talk with. You should have become instant friends from the
very start. Jovane is the kind of person that is intellectually stimulating. Together you could
spend great amounts of time exploring ideas and concepts, taking walks, and even short trips.
Talking until dawn is not impossible with her. The platonic thing was there from the start, and
there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be
first and foremost, good friends.
She becomes very articulate when it comes to matters concerning your finances, resources,
and possessions in general. You feel that she truly is concerned with what is best and most
productive for you. Here is someone you can really talk to about subjects that most might find
dull and unexciting. You find her suggestions to the point and almost always productive. You
might like to take her on as a business partner just for her financial insight.
She seems to appreciate your more domestic and homey qualities. She likes the way you
feel, physically and emotionally. Jovane tends to bring out the parent or protector in you and
tends to banish your thoughts of coolness and distance. You have thoughts of home life and
domesticity when you are with her. The idea of putting down roots, settling down, and just
living life takes on value through knowing her.
Jovane is on a one-person campaign to bolster your career and public image. She seems to
know which way you are headed and wants to give you a boost in that direction. She is very
ambitious when it comes to your career and is always pushing to improve your prospects.
Although this can be tiresome, and you may not always be in the mood for improvement, it is
mostly beneficial. She really does know what she is doing.
She tends to lead you away from the bright lights, and shows you the value of home, family,
and security. Jovane does not force this upon you. Through her you discover your own desire to
just live and build a foundation. You find yourself wanting to settle in and send down roots. She
is the key to your discovering these qualities in yourself. You may love to cuddle up together
and count the blessings of a peaceful homestead-like existence.
Jovane loves routine. She takes the domestic scene very seriously and especially loves to
work around the home. You may find this helpful at times, but more likely you will experience
it as restricting. There is a sense of heaviness, as if limits have been set on the experience of just
living out a day. On the up side, there is a great sense of security and provision.
Your Relationship with Jovane Page 9
Friends & Lovers Ana
Jovane has the capacity for introducing you to radically new goals and groups of people.
Perhaps through her you will meet a whole new set of friends, or be part of a group working on
a new-age project. You may come to have a completely new idea of your fellow man, of
brotherhood, and all of that stuff. She has radical ways of seeing things. All this may come as
quite a surprise to you and may upset the traditional apple cart. She is anything but boring.
No matter how dreamily romantic this relationship feels, it could have a very real quality if
it extends to your finances or resources. Jovane is an idealist of the first water and may not have
the practical experience needed to make decisions involving money and property. She has the
very best intentions, but you could experience a sense of loss through her. Better to enjoy her
company and let the loss be all the petty details of life, rather than some real investments.
She may exercise an enormous influence on how you view your role in life. Your whole
idea of what you are here for and what it is to be human may be transformed. Jovane has a way
of separating the wheat from the chaff and getting right to the heart of things. Through knowing
her, you may find yourself going through deep changes in attitude, discovering more
compassion, self-sacrifice, and patience. She will put you in touch with the saint in yourself.
Your Relationship with Jovane Page 10
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
Strengths in your relationship with Jovane
You find Jovane's way of thinking and speaking just to your taste. You have a natural sense
of appreciation for her mind and the way she communicates. She has a knack for putting your
own ideals and values into words. You probably have fantastic conversations.
You value her dreams and idealistic nature. There is an almost otherworldy sense that
develops when the two of you get intimate -- your own magic bubble. She enchants you.
Movies, music, and moods are something you can enjoy together.
Jovane is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. She urges you on to perform at your
very best. There is a lot of energy between you, and this could be a very productive relationship
for you both.
You tend to support and encourage an independent streak in Jovane. You don't mind that
she enjoys being a little different. You find her emotionally stimulating, and even unique. She
may have introduced you to new attitudes toward home and family, and new ways of feeling.
You tend to love her passionate nature. She knows this, and that you appreciate her need for
self-analysis and confrontation. Your relationship may be very intense, but always exciting.
Things are seldom dull.
You understand her emotions and like the way Jovane feels about life. She can really move
you to take action and accomplish things. There could be a shared love of sports, even a
competitive feeling. This could be a long and romantic relationship.
This is a very romantic relationship. Jovane senses your appreciation for her energy and
basic sex appeal. She really moves you to new heights in the love department. There is a sense
of healthy fun and good energy.
This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little
friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in
Strengths in your relationship with Jovane Page 11
Friends & Lovers Ana
Report for Ana
Challenges in your relationship with Jovane
This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to give the other much credit. There is
a lack of appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You may not like the same things.
Negotiations break down almost every time. There is a communication barrier that manages
to defy your every attempt to cross it. There could be sharp words. You see things so differently.
She may have a tendency to throw cold water on your enthusiasms and hurt your feelings.
You may not take her problems seriously enough to suit her, and she may tend to restrict your
natural sense of love and appreciation. There is cold-war tension to this relationship.
It's no secret that you and Jovane can have communication problems. You may find her lack
of support for what you say and think unfair and hard to accept. Yet it is a two-way street --
often your thoughts and ideas rub her the wrong way too. They are contrary to the way she feels
about things, and she finds it difficult to be encouraging at times.
There are a lot of hurt feelings in this relationship. Argument and power struggles are to be
expected. You tend to ignore, or not be sufficiently supportive of, Jovane's feelings. She can't
help but get in digs at you on a regular basis.
Problems could arise from Jovane's feeling that you have no sympathy for her dreams and
ideals -- her more imaginative side. Perhaps you just refuse to discuss these aspects of life with
her. Whatever happens, it makes for some disappointing situations. You may not be able to
think clearly when you are together.
Power struggles are likely, as well as harsh feelings. Your drive and ambition may tend to
ignore her need for confrontation and analysis. You may refuse to face sensitive issues. This is
a very emotional, and possibly explosive, relationship.
You may find her somewhat repressive of your feelings. She manages to put a damper on
you every time you get to feeling good and comfortable. There is no way you will support this
side of her, and this could lead to a real standoff.
Romance aside, this is not a good combination for any business relationship. You are not
very appreciative of her decision-making, and you probably seldom take her advice when it
comes to career decisions. She may persevere against your best wishes, with the result that she
may tend to overdue, overspend, and get carried away.
You may find her influence limiting and even oppressive at times. She may tend to cling to
you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority
problems. She may view you as harsh or restrictive.
Challenges in your relationship with Jovane Page 12
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
How You Approach Relationships
You're a real smoothie, refined and ever so facile when it comes to handling other people -- a diplomat. And
yet -- despite all of this apparent calm -- you like your partners anything but cool. You can't
resist impulsive and action-oriented people -- the more daring, the better. You bring out the recklessness in
those you love, and you love it. Although at first meeting one might never suspect this, you love to walk on the
wild side.
Relationships tend to be hot and heavy. You are drawn to partners who are aggressive,
assertive, and very emotional. Independence and adventure are things you value in others. You
tend to depend on your partners to get you motivated and keep you moving. You need someone
who is stimulating emotionally.
How You Approach Relationships Page 13
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
Strengths in your relationships
You love to lose yourself in your latest dream, whether it be a person or a project. You find
it easy to be caught up in images -- dreams, psychology, metaphysics, cinema, etc. You
probably love movies -- anything that flicks on the silver screen. You may be an artist and you
certainly run with an artistic crowd. You are charming to the point of being enchanting. Very
You love to talk and write, and you probably do so beautifully. Your sense of color,
harmony, manners, and all that is artistic, is beyond reproach. You know quality, and people
love to let you pick out art or arrange color schemes for them.
You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the
deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you,
and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The
way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able
to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in
mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.
A passionate one. You love it when a crisis emerges and threatens to shatter the normal
routine, because you yearn for a chance to undergo really profound changes. You're like the
survivalists who wish the world would stop pretending and get down to the nitty-gritty. Fiercely
loyal, you would rather see a relationship through hell and high water than abandon it. You
delight in emotional confrontation, intense conversations, and secrets of all kinds.
You can't help but think in an organized way, and you are a stickler for routine. You love it.
You probably have a scientific bent, for your analytical abilities are first rate. You love first
principles and getting down to the bare bones of a subject. Mathematics and all things
technological are a snap for you. You have great mental endurance and probably have done
more than your share of studying. So serious.
Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't
bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at
getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper
a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money,
sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your
bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you.
Good things tend to come your way, and you could end up with a lot of money, property --
possessions of all kinds. You are by nature generous, and probably give as much as you get.
There could be a love of travel and exploring, finding your own way through life. You tend to
appreciate authority, your elders, and conservative values. Others will value you for your
warmth and openness. You are quite fortunate.
Strengths in your relationships Page 14
Friends & Lovers Jovane
You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone)
you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you
are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones
get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to
When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into
words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would
do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to
get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well.
Strengths in your relationships Page 15
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
Challenges in your relationships
You don't always say just what you mean. For that matter, you may sometimes not even
know how you feel about something. You tend to envy people who can always put their finger
on how they feel. It can be hard for you to talk about your feelings. Any partner will have to
understand this about you. Are you often moody? Yes, probably.
You may choose to pursue a dreamy idealism at the expense of more mundane concerns.
Somehow you always manage to pit your ideals against the actual reality of the situation. Is it
escapism or vision? Probably some of both. You will need a partner who can bring things into
focus without shattering your gentle dream world. There may have been some rather harsh
realities connected to your upbringing. You may find yourself putting the feminine principle on
a pedestal.
You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates
to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to
repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard
feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a
partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding.
You may be somewhat of a rebel, with a history of going up against authority. You like to
stand alone -- an outrider at the fringe of society -- like the old-time outlaws. You have a knack
for separating yourself from the herd. You end up as the loner, although this is not always what
you want. You need a partner in this life, a go-between for you and the status quo.
You may have an inordinate fear of dying or confrontation, for there is a part of you that
resists change and tends to put off getting down to the real heart of a problem and clearing it up.
This attempt to avoid confrontation may find you involved in one power struggle after another
when it comes to personal relationships. All of this creates a lot of energy that you carry around
with you. Working it out takes patience and great care. You tend toward explosions and may
have strong disagreements with authority figures.
Challenges in your relationships Page 16
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
Your Relationship with Ana
The two of you may work together in the public eye. From the very first, you saw that he
was a natural complement, and you knew that you could always count on his support. You
might actually form some kind of business partnership. He seems to respond to your every
mood. There is real harmony between the two of you. Others could come to depend on your
relationship for reasons of their own.
Here is someone with real know-how. You naturally tend to look up to Ana, and he may
originally have appeared in the guise of a teacher or older person, an expert on just what most
interests you. If this is to be a love relationship, it may prove hard for you to consider Ana other
than as an authority figure. You are proud to know and be associated with him. He helps to
show you how to be more professional yourself.
You find that Ana is a fair and open person, and your conversations with him tend to focus
on humanitarian and global concerns. There is always a high tone to your talks, and you both
bring the best out in each other. You may tend to agree on goals and social/political issues, or
be part of some larger group's work. There is a mental and intellectual bond between you that
could result in a partnership involving speaking or writing.
You always end up being the authority when the two of you get together. He has a true
appreciation for your skills and abilities. In Ana's eyes, you have the wisdom and practical good
sense that he yearns for. There is a tendency for him to assume the role of a student or
apprentice. He can't help but promote your stature and career, and loves to be seen in public
with you. You are an important figure in his life.
Ana always manages to bring out the philosopher in you. He can be a moving force in
developing your deeper and more metaphysical qualities. There is a real emotional tone to how
you relate, but it tends to confine itself to matters of religion and values. The two of you could
have discussions that often turn into debates. He could be responsible for pushing you toward a
role as a teacher or guide to others.
He is a very social being and may be the key to your making friends in the community or
within a particular group. His high ideals and selflessness guide you in your own behavior. He
could introduce you to political or social values that are uplifting. The two of you share dreams
and ambitions. He can show you how to put these ideas to work. A good friend.
He seems to be very hard on your sense of altruism. Your attempts to be charitable or to
sacrifice may be played down or belittled by him. He won't tolerate your feeling sorry for
yourself or for the state of the world. It could be difficult for you to feel philanthropic or kind
when the two of you are together.
Ana has an unusual, original, way of appreciating or caring for you. The way he shows
Your Relationship with Ana Page 17
Friends & Lovers Jovane
affection is different, and this could make for an interesting love life. Or he might introduce you
to alternative ways of financing or making money. His ideas on handling your resources and
providing for yourself may be just the ticket. Whatever else, they won't be just more of the
I am sure both of you wax poetic when you're together. Your imagination is in top form and
you seem to rise to the occasion and find just the right words. There is an almost dreamy or
unworldly quality about your communications. You get carried away very easily and may
sometimes wonder if there is a tendency for you each to delude the other. Who cares? It's just
like in the movies!
You found Ana intense and direct from the start. Here is someone you just can't ignore. This
can be a very exciting relationship. You feel he can look into inner secrets and will not hesitate
to challenge you. Conversations tend to be deep and turbulent. You may find yourself going
through major changes through knowing him. There may be a struggle for control or power.
Your Relationship with Ana Page 18
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
Strengths in your relationship with Ana
You can see and understand where he is coming from. You like his sense of values, and
aren't afraid to tell him about it. He values you for your mentality and skill with words. He likes
the way you think.
You have a natural appreciation for his problems and are probably very understanding with
him. You may love his sense of organization and self-discipline. You may be a trifle
undemonstrative when you are around him, a little too sober perhaps.
Ana may be a real help when it comes to disciplined thinking, mental organization, and
study in general. You are able to talk about his problems easily. You are able to put into words
situations in which he finds himself.
Ana always seems to come up with a new feeling for life when you get behind him. You
seem to push him to break through the humdrum and have new experiences. You understand
how to move him to get out of himself and experience new things.
Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very healthy. There is a strong sexual
rapport. He finds you very supportive when it comes to his feelings and emotions. This is
probably a very active relationship. He tends to push you on to be a real provider.
This could be an excellent partnership, whether romantic or otherwise. You feel that you
can really get behind Ana and push him on to new heights. Feelings run high, and there is
always lots of action.
Conversations with Ana are always interesting, and he stimulates you to new and different
ways of seeing things. He finds your mind fascinating and unusual. You may introduce him to
new ideas and concepts.
He looks to you for support for his need for self-analysis and emotional probing. You
probably have spent many a late night helping him through a change or two. You find his
intensity workable, and you don't mind that he puts you through some emotional changes of
your own.
He loves the way you act and come on. Your basic energy and motivation appeals to him.
You may find yourself on stage and performing for him. This makes for lots of fun and great
This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little
friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in
Strengths in your relationship with Ana Page 19
Friends & Lovers Jovane
Report for Jovane
Challenges in your relationship with Ana
This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to give the other much credit. There is
a lack of appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You may not like the same things.
A basic lack of communication, particularly regarding Ana's career decisions. He tends to
go against your way of thinking, or you refuse to talk about this subject with him. It may be
difficult to communicate.
Power struggles are likely, as well as harsh feelings. Your drive and ambition may tend to
ignore his need for confrontation and analysis. You may refuse to face sensitive issues. This is a
very emotional, and possibly explosive, relationship.
Negotiations break down almost every time. There is a communication barrier that manages
to defy your every attempt to cross it. There could be sharp words. You see things so differently.
Ana may feel that he doesn't have your support when it comes to matters of career and life
direction. There may be hard feelings. You may find the decisions he makes upsetting to you
emotionally. His basic philosophy of life can sometimes be at odds with the way you are feeling.
From time to time there may be some hard feelings and harsh words between you. You may
not feel like talking, or find that you can't support a lot of what he is saying. He may not be able
to understand how you feel, and resents your attitude.
Heavy feelings and emotional drama will be a part of this relationship. You may feel that he
refuses to support your life ambitions. You may find yourself hurting his feelings again and
again. A stormy marriage.
Ana's feelings of independence, and his unusual ways, tend to rub you the wrong way at
times. You refuse to support his oddball ideas. He may find you restricting and unimaginative.
There is definite disagreement here.
You can't appreciate his continual need for self-analysis and confrontation. He never seems
happy unless he has reduced every meeting to its lowest common denominator. He may go
against all that you hold dear, and drag you through scene after scene. A problem.
You may find his influence limiting and even oppressive at times. He may tend to cling to
you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority
problems. He may view you as harsh or restrictive.
Challenges in your relationship with Ana Page 20

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  • 1. Friends and Lovers The Relationship Between Ana and Jovane
  • 2. Friends & Lovers Ana The Astrological Charts Ana Jul 16, 1979 09:50:00 AM CET -01:00 Novi Sad 019E15'00", 45N15'00" Planet Sign Position House House Cusps Sun Cancer 23属Ca14' 10th 01 26属Vi28' Moon Aries 22属Ar06' 08th 02 21属Li19' Mercury Leo 14属Le21' 11th 03 21属Sc22' Venus Cancer 12属Ca14' 10th 04 25属Sg44' Mars Gemini 14属Ge15' 09th 05 00属Aq22' Jupiter Leo 13属Le57' 11th 06 00属Pi57' Saturn Virgo 10属Vi43' 12th 07 26属Pi28' Uranus Scorpio 16属Sc58' R 02nd 08 21属Ar19' Neptune Sagittarius 18属Sg14' R 03rd 09 21属Ta22' Pluto Libra 16属Li32' 01st 10 25属Ge44' Midheaven Gemini 25属Ge44' 11 00属Le22' Ascendant Virgo 26属Vi28' 12 00属Vi57' Jovane Nov 24, 1960 02:35:35 AM CET -01:00 Ghent 003E44'00", 51N01'00" Planet Sign Position House House Cusps Sun Sagittarius 01属Sg47' 03rd 01 00属Li27' Moon Aquarius 11属Aq06' 05th 02 24属Li30' Mercury Scorpio 12属Sc02' 02nd 03 24属Sc39' Venus Capricorn 10属Cp30' 04th 04 00属Cp36' Mars Cancer 18属Ca35' R 10th 05 06属Aq29' Jupiter Capricorn 05属Cp35' 04th 06 06属Pi31' Saturn Capricorn 15属Cp27' 04th 07 00属Ar27' Uranus Leo 25属Le47' 11th 08 24属Ar30' Neptune Scorpio 09属Sc43' 02nd 09 24属Ta39' Pluto Virgo 08属Vi04' 12th 10 00属Ca36' Midheaven Cancer 00属Ca36' 11 06属Le29' Ascendant Libra 00属Li27' 12 06属Vi31' Program Copyright 2003-2008 Matrix Software, Inc. Introduction Page 2
  • 3. Astrological Compatibility Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts, the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other. This is the astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years. This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological connections between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are printed on the previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the charts. Any one of them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were requested. For each individual the two possible sections are: 1) How this person approaches relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is appropriate for all relationships this individual makes. 2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each paragraph interprets a contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text here pertains to this one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature of the relationship. Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as points of conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage the positive and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and lows of the passing years. Introduction Page 3
  • 4. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana How You Approach Relationships You're a demon for details. There is no question in anyone's mind that you have got it all together, at least from an organizational standpoint. You are indeed cool, calm, and collected. Yet there is something missing. You yearn for contact and involvement. You need something to do and someone to care for. Talk about loving punishment -- you feel responsible for just about everyone, and tend to end up with some pretty hopeless cases. And we're talking major dreamers here. You can't resist them -- the woolier, the better. They need your help and can't seem to help themselves. The funny part is that you love it, and them! You have a penchant for dreamers, mystics, and the highly imaginative. You love to get carried away romantically, and your friends may find you are unrealistic and often disappointed. You like love right out of a romance novel, complete with a sense of mystery and otherworldliness. You value imagination in a lover, and probably love movies and music. How You Approach Relationships Page 4
  • 5. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana Strengths in your relationships When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well. You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a moment or a move. It would be difficult for you not to be a success at anything you choose to do. Career problems seldom last long or prove very difficult. Others remark on your creative energy, great drive, and the fact that you never seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be moved to work with the law, publishing, education -- any field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate others. You are a great problem-solver, and can always think of a way to do almost anything. Your friends know you to be fair, and your integrity is unquestionable. You may find yourself interested in legal matters, publishing, philosophical and religious subjects, and would make a good teacher or instructor. Scientific investigation would interest you. You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone) you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to work. Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you. You have always had a drive to delve into the unknown. The cosmos has real trouble keeping secrets from you once you have made your mind up to investigate. You have great perseverance and staying power. You work well in a crisis; emergencies of all kinds find you on the spot, ready to test your mettle. You are brave -- and unafraid of death or people. You do well with investments, property, and other people's money. You have very little sense of propriety and tend to call a spade a spade. You like to get your hands in the real stuff of life, blood and all. You are enchanting, and can transport a group of people with your mesmerizing words, action, or music. Through you, others catch a glimpse of a world more unified than the one they find themselves in, and hear from you of the life they know exists beyond the mundane. Once under your spell, you could motivate them to do almost anything. You owe much to your Strengths in your relationships Page 5
  • 6. Friends & Lovers Ana upbringing, which tolerated and gave support to your dreamier side. You can be very compassionate, and understand the feminine side of life. You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer. You value independence in others, especially a lover. They must have some unique quality for you to take an interest. Your taste in friends runs to the unconventional. You appreciate variety in all things and are delighted when a partner comes up with a new and different way to get your attention. You don't like to be tied down. You probably have a penchant for inventions, electronics, and new-age technology. You love whatever is new or different, and breakthrough flashes of original insight are typical. You could invent something, and you have a natural love for communication and new-age technology. You appreciate independence and originality in others, especially in a partner, and may tend to have unusual friends who are very likely male. You like to keep things spontaneous. You communicate very well, and it is easy for you to give others a feeling for whatever you're thinking. You tend to believe that there is almost no problem that cannot be handled with words, by talking it out. You could be a fine speaker. Your natural sensitivity for the feelings and thoughts of those around you makes you a valued community member. Needless to say, you want a partner who is at home with feelings and -- above all -- likes to talk. You were born lucky and have never had trouble finding support and approval from others. You may find that working with people is what you want to do for a career. Whether professionally or not, you will find yourself guiding and directing other people in one way or another. You have a way with other people and could do well in advertising, sales... any occupation that works with the public. If anything, you might have had it a little too easy, been a little too lucky. Strengths in your relationships Page 6
  • 7. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana Challenges in your relationships You are torn between the impulse to stand on your own feet, and a need to be cared for and nurtured. Your independent streak may be ashamed of the need on your part for love and affection. It's a no win situation. This could also be re-enforced by a mother and father who may have worked at cross purposes. The resulting tension will have to be dealt with gradually and methodically. Everyone can testify to your brilliant mind, but most would also find you somewhat erratic and unpredictable. You don't always have the follow-through you pretend to have. You tend to change your mind in the middle of a project and go rushing off in some new direction. You are to some degree the victim of your own whims. You have trouble finding practical uses for your plentiful insights. You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding. You sometimes have trouble distinguishing between your dreams of life and the actual reality. Or you lack the discipline to make those dreams real, to work to make reality be as you always dreamed it could be. This could lead to unreasonable expectations of other people, especially your lover. A tendency to daydream finds you with a number of false starts. You are easily distracted and have difficulty carrying things through to the finish. You may worry about being deceived by others. Power struggles are no stranger to you. You tend to put off confrontations until they build up and then explode, kind of like having your own built-in volcano. You probably have considerable emotional tension and a strong sexual drive. Your flair for secrecy could find you with more than one lover, several affairs. You have always felt vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may have a history of avoiding confrontation and self-examination. You are ever so sensitive to ideas of death, helplessness, and vulnerability in general. You see them only too well, and they haunt you. There may well be some childhood experiences that were rough or harsh for you to accept. Any partner will have to tread very gently when it comes to matters of feelings and security. You may tend to dominate a relationship, but without success. You may have an inordinate fear of dying or confrontation, for there is a part of you that resists change and tends to put off getting down to the real heart of a problem and clearing it up. This attempt to avoid confrontation may find you involved in one power struggle after another when it comes to personal relationships. All of this creates a lot of energy that you carry around Challenges in your relationships Page 7
  • 8. Friends & Lovers Ana with you. Working it out takes patience and great care. You tend toward explosions and may have strong disagreements with authority figures. You have mixed feelings when it comes to other people. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. You are used to a high degree of emotional tension. People may misinterpret your emotional chargedness as aggression or disapproval, when in fact that's just the way you are. They may not support your values. You long for a smooth relationship, but if you look at your history it's been a rocky road indeed. You may have trouble locating an environment where you feel comfortable and can flourish. Challenges in your relationships Page 8
  • 9. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana Your Relationship with Jovane There is an odd sense of joy when you are around Jovane. You feel confident and creative. There is often this sense of discovering yourself when the two of you are together. You tend to feel more protective and sensitive to animals, younger people, and children. You can be very emotional and expressive with Jovane, and things tend to have a fresh, new quality. It is hard not to feel that all of this is good. At last, someone you can really talk with. You should have become instant friends from the very start. Jovane is the kind of person that is intellectually stimulating. Together you could spend great amounts of time exploring ideas and concepts, taking walks, and even short trips. Talking until dawn is not impossible with her. The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you. Even if lovers, you will always be first and foremost, good friends. She becomes very articulate when it comes to matters concerning your finances, resources, and possessions in general. You feel that she truly is concerned with what is best and most productive for you. Here is someone you can really talk to about subjects that most might find dull and unexciting. You find her suggestions to the point and almost always productive. You might like to take her on as a business partner just for her financial insight. She seems to appreciate your more domestic and homey qualities. She likes the way you feel, physically and emotionally. Jovane tends to bring out the parent or protector in you and tends to banish your thoughts of coolness and distance. You have thoughts of home life and domesticity when you are with her. The idea of putting down roots, settling down, and just living life takes on value through knowing her. Jovane is on a one-person campaign to bolster your career and public image. She seems to know which way you are headed and wants to give you a boost in that direction. She is very ambitious when it comes to your career and is always pushing to improve your prospects. Although this can be tiresome, and you may not always be in the mood for improvement, it is mostly beneficial. She really does know what she is doing. She tends to lead you away from the bright lights, and shows you the value of home, family, and security. Jovane does not force this upon you. Through her you discover your own desire to just live and build a foundation. You find yourself wanting to settle in and send down roots. She is the key to your discovering these qualities in yourself. You may love to cuddle up together and count the blessings of a peaceful homestead-like existence. Jovane loves routine. She takes the domestic scene very seriously and especially loves to work around the home. You may find this helpful at times, but more likely you will experience it as restricting. There is a sense of heaviness, as if limits have been set on the experience of just living out a day. On the up side, there is a great sense of security and provision. Your Relationship with Jovane Page 9
  • 10. Friends & Lovers Ana Jovane has the capacity for introducing you to radically new goals and groups of people. Perhaps through her you will meet a whole new set of friends, or be part of a group working on a new-age project. You may come to have a completely new idea of your fellow man, of brotherhood, and all of that stuff. She has radical ways of seeing things. All this may come as quite a surprise to you and may upset the traditional apple cart. She is anything but boring. No matter how dreamily romantic this relationship feels, it could have a very real quality if it extends to your finances or resources. Jovane is an idealist of the first water and may not have the practical experience needed to make decisions involving money and property. She has the very best intentions, but you could experience a sense of loss through her. Better to enjoy her company and let the loss be all the petty details of life, rather than some real investments. She may exercise an enormous influence on how you view your role in life. Your whole idea of what you are here for and what it is to be human may be transformed. Jovane has a way of separating the wheat from the chaff and getting right to the heart of things. Through knowing her, you may find yourself going through deep changes in attitude, discovering more compassion, self-sacrifice, and patience. She will put you in touch with the saint in yourself. Your Relationship with Jovane Page 10
  • 11. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana Strengths in your relationship with Jovane You find Jovane's way of thinking and speaking just to your taste. You have a natural sense of appreciation for her mind and the way she communicates. She has a knack for putting your own ideals and values into words. You probably have fantastic conversations. You value her dreams and idealistic nature. There is an almost otherworldy sense that develops when the two of you get intimate -- your own magic bubble. She enchants you. Movies, music, and moods are something you can enjoy together. Jovane is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. She urges you on to perform at your very best. There is a lot of energy between you, and this could be a very productive relationship for you both. You tend to support and encourage an independent streak in Jovane. You don't mind that she enjoys being a little different. You find her emotionally stimulating, and even unique. She may have introduced you to new attitudes toward home and family, and new ways of feeling. You tend to love her passionate nature. She knows this, and that you appreciate her need for self-analysis and confrontation. Your relationship may be very intense, but always exciting. Things are seldom dull. You understand her emotions and like the way Jovane feels about life. She can really move you to take action and accomplish things. There could be a shared love of sports, even a competitive feeling. This could be a long and romantic relationship. This is a very romantic relationship. Jovane senses your appreciation for her energy and basic sex appeal. She really moves you to new heights in the love department. There is a sense of healthy fun and good energy. This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in common. Strengths in your relationship with Jovane Page 11
  • 12. Friends & Lovers Ana Report for Ana Challenges in your relationship with Jovane This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to give the other much credit. There is a lack of appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You may not like the same things. Negotiations break down almost every time. There is a communication barrier that manages to defy your every attempt to cross it. There could be sharp words. You see things so differently. She may have a tendency to throw cold water on your enthusiasms and hurt your feelings. You may not take her problems seriously enough to suit her, and she may tend to restrict your natural sense of love and appreciation. There is cold-war tension to this relationship. It's no secret that you and Jovane can have communication problems. You may find her lack of support for what you say and think unfair and hard to accept. Yet it is a two-way street -- often your thoughts and ideas rub her the wrong way too. They are contrary to the way she feels about things, and she finds it difficult to be encouraging at times. There are a lot of hurt feelings in this relationship. Argument and power struggles are to be expected. You tend to ignore, or not be sufficiently supportive of, Jovane's feelings. She can't help but get in digs at you on a regular basis. Problems could arise from Jovane's feeling that you have no sympathy for her dreams and ideals -- her more imaginative side. Perhaps you just refuse to discuss these aspects of life with her. Whatever happens, it makes for some disappointing situations. You may not be able to think clearly when you are together. Power struggles are likely, as well as harsh feelings. Your drive and ambition may tend to ignore her need for confrontation and analysis. You may refuse to face sensitive issues. This is a very emotional, and possibly explosive, relationship. You may find her somewhat repressive of your feelings. She manages to put a damper on you every time you get to feeling good and comfortable. There is no way you will support this side of her, and this could lead to a real standoff. Romance aside, this is not a good combination for any business relationship. You are not very appreciative of her decision-making, and you probably seldom take her advice when it comes to career decisions. She may persevere against your best wishes, with the result that she may tend to overdue, overspend, and get carried away. You may find her influence limiting and even oppressive at times. She may tend to cling to you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority problems. She may view you as harsh or restrictive. Challenges in your relationship with Jovane Page 12
  • 13. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane How You Approach Relationships You're a real smoothie, refined and ever so facile when it comes to handling other people -- a diplomat. And yet -- despite all of this apparent calm -- you like your partners anything but cool. You can't resist impulsive and action-oriented people -- the more daring, the better. You bring out the recklessness in those you love, and you love it. Although at first meeting one might never suspect this, you love to walk on the wild side. Relationships tend to be hot and heavy. You are drawn to partners who are aggressive, assertive, and very emotional. Independence and adventure are things you value in others. You tend to depend on your partners to get you motivated and keep you moving. You need someone who is stimulating emotionally. How You Approach Relationships Page 13
  • 14. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane Strengths in your relationships You love to lose yourself in your latest dream, whether it be a person or a project. You find it easy to be caught up in images -- dreams, psychology, metaphysics, cinema, etc. You probably love movies -- anything that flicks on the silver screen. You may be an artist and you certainly run with an artistic crowd. You are charming to the point of being enchanting. Very idealistic. You love to talk and write, and you probably do so beautifully. Your sense of color, harmony, manners, and all that is artistic, is beyond reproach. You know quality, and people love to let you pick out art or arrange color schemes for them. You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer. A passionate one. You love it when a crisis emerges and threatens to shatter the normal routine, because you yearn for a chance to undergo really profound changes. You're like the survivalists who wish the world would stop pretending and get down to the nitty-gritty. Fiercely loyal, you would rather see a relationship through hell and high water than abandon it. You delight in emotional confrontation, intense conversations, and secrets of all kinds. You can't help but think in an organized way, and you are a stickler for routine. You love it. You probably have a scientific bent, for your analytical abilities are first rate. You love first principles and getting down to the bare bones of a subject. Mathematics and all things technological are a snap for you. You have great mental endurance and probably have done more than your share of studying. So serious. Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you. Good things tend to come your way, and you could end up with a lot of money, property -- possessions of all kinds. You are by nature generous, and probably give as much as you get. There could be a love of travel and exploring, finding your own way through life. You tend to appreciate authority, your elders, and conservative values. Others will value you for your warmth and openness. You are quite fortunate. Strengths in your relationships Page 14
  • 15. Friends & Lovers Jovane You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone) you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to work. When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well. Strengths in your relationships Page 15
  • 16. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane Challenges in your relationships You don't always say just what you mean. For that matter, you may sometimes not even know how you feel about something. You tend to envy people who can always put their finger on how they feel. It can be hard for you to talk about your feelings. Any partner will have to understand this about you. Are you often moody? Yes, probably. You may choose to pursue a dreamy idealism at the expense of more mundane concerns. Somehow you always manage to pit your ideals against the actual reality of the situation. Is it escapism or vision? Probably some of both. You will need a partner who can bring things into focus without shattering your gentle dream world. There may have been some rather harsh realities connected to your upbringing. You may find yourself putting the feminine principle on a pedestal. You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding. You may be somewhat of a rebel, with a history of going up against authority. You like to stand alone -- an outrider at the fringe of society -- like the old-time outlaws. You have a knack for separating yourself from the herd. You end up as the loner, although this is not always what you want. You need a partner in this life, a go-between for you and the status quo. You may have an inordinate fear of dying or confrontation, for there is a part of you that resists change and tends to put off getting down to the real heart of a problem and clearing it up. This attempt to avoid confrontation may find you involved in one power struggle after another when it comes to personal relationships. All of this creates a lot of energy that you carry around with you. Working it out takes patience and great care. You tend toward explosions and may have strong disagreements with authority figures. Challenges in your relationships Page 16
  • 17. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane Your Relationship with Ana The two of you may work together in the public eye. From the very first, you saw that he was a natural complement, and you knew that you could always count on his support. You might actually form some kind of business partnership. He seems to respond to your every mood. There is real harmony between the two of you. Others could come to depend on your relationship for reasons of their own. Here is someone with real know-how. You naturally tend to look up to Ana, and he may originally have appeared in the guise of a teacher or older person, an expert on just what most interests you. If this is to be a love relationship, it may prove hard for you to consider Ana other than as an authority figure. You are proud to know and be associated with him. He helps to show you how to be more professional yourself. You find that Ana is a fair and open person, and your conversations with him tend to focus on humanitarian and global concerns. There is always a high tone to your talks, and you both bring the best out in each other. You may tend to agree on goals and social/political issues, or be part of some larger group's work. There is a mental and intellectual bond between you that could result in a partnership involving speaking or writing. You always end up being the authority when the two of you get together. He has a true appreciation for your skills and abilities. In Ana's eyes, you have the wisdom and practical good sense that he yearns for. There is a tendency for him to assume the role of a student or apprentice. He can't help but promote your stature and career, and loves to be seen in public with you. You are an important figure in his life. Ana always manages to bring out the philosopher in you. He can be a moving force in developing your deeper and more metaphysical qualities. There is a real emotional tone to how you relate, but it tends to confine itself to matters of religion and values. The two of you could have discussions that often turn into debates. He could be responsible for pushing you toward a role as a teacher or guide to others. He is a very social being and may be the key to your making friends in the community or within a particular group. His high ideals and selflessness guide you in your own behavior. He could introduce you to political or social values that are uplifting. The two of you share dreams and ambitions. He can show you how to put these ideas to work. A good friend. He seems to be very hard on your sense of altruism. Your attempts to be charitable or to sacrifice may be played down or belittled by him. He won't tolerate your feeling sorry for yourself or for the state of the world. It could be difficult for you to feel philanthropic or kind when the two of you are together. Ana has an unusual, original, way of appreciating or caring for you. The way he shows Your Relationship with Ana Page 17
  • 18. Friends & Lovers Jovane affection is different, and this could make for an interesting love life. Or he might introduce you to alternative ways of financing or making money. His ideas on handling your resources and providing for yourself may be just the ticket. Whatever else, they won't be just more of the same. I am sure both of you wax poetic when you're together. Your imagination is in top form and you seem to rise to the occasion and find just the right words. There is an almost dreamy or unworldly quality about your communications. You get carried away very easily and may sometimes wonder if there is a tendency for you each to delude the other. Who cares? It's just like in the movies! You found Ana intense and direct from the start. Here is someone you just can't ignore. This can be a very exciting relationship. You feel he can look into inner secrets and will not hesitate to challenge you. Conversations tend to be deep and turbulent. You may find yourself going through major changes through knowing him. There may be a struggle for control or power. Your Relationship with Ana Page 18
  • 19. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane Strengths in your relationship with Ana You can see and understand where he is coming from. You like his sense of values, and aren't afraid to tell him about it. He values you for your mentality and skill with words. He likes the way you think. You have a natural appreciation for his problems and are probably very understanding with him. You may love his sense of organization and self-discipline. You may be a trifle undemonstrative when you are around him, a little too sober perhaps. Ana may be a real help when it comes to disciplined thinking, mental organization, and study in general. You are able to talk about his problems easily. You are able to put into words situations in which he finds himself. Ana always seems to come up with a new feeling for life when you get behind him. You seem to push him to break through the humdrum and have new experiences. You understand how to move him to get out of himself and experience new things. Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very healthy. There is a strong sexual rapport. He finds you very supportive when it comes to his feelings and emotions. This is probably a very active relationship. He tends to push you on to be a real provider. This could be an excellent partnership, whether romantic or otherwise. You feel that you can really get behind Ana and push him on to new heights. Feelings run high, and there is always lots of action. Conversations with Ana are always interesting, and he stimulates you to new and different ways of seeing things. He finds your mind fascinating and unusual. You may introduce him to new ideas and concepts. He looks to you for support for his need for self-analysis and emotional probing. You probably have spent many a late night helping him through a change or two. You find his intensity workable, and you don't mind that he puts you through some emotional changes of your own. He loves the way you act and come on. Your basic energy and motivation appeals to him. You may find yourself on stage and performing for him. This makes for lots of fun and great romance. This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and take on both sides and very little friction. There is a tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a great deal in common. Strengths in your relationship with Ana Page 19
  • 20. Friends & Lovers Jovane Report for Jovane Challenges in your relationship with Ana This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to give the other much credit. There is a lack of appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You may not like the same things. A basic lack of communication, particularly regarding Ana's career decisions. He tends to go against your way of thinking, or you refuse to talk about this subject with him. It may be difficult to communicate. Power struggles are likely, as well as harsh feelings. Your drive and ambition may tend to ignore his need for confrontation and analysis. You may refuse to face sensitive issues. This is a very emotional, and possibly explosive, relationship. Negotiations break down almost every time. There is a communication barrier that manages to defy your every attempt to cross it. There could be sharp words. You see things so differently. Ana may feel that he doesn't have your support when it comes to matters of career and life direction. There may be hard feelings. You may find the decisions he makes upsetting to you emotionally. His basic philosophy of life can sometimes be at odds with the way you are feeling. From time to time there may be some hard feelings and harsh words between you. You may not feel like talking, or find that you can't support a lot of what he is saying. He may not be able to understand how you feel, and resents your attitude. Heavy feelings and emotional drama will be a part of this relationship. You may feel that he refuses to support your life ambitions. You may find yourself hurting his feelings again and again. A stormy marriage. Ana's feelings of independence, and his unusual ways, tend to rub you the wrong way at times. You refuse to support his oddball ideas. He may find you restricting and unimaginative. There is definite disagreement here. You can't appreciate his continual need for self-analysis and confrontation. He never seems happy unless he has reduced every meeting to its lowest common denominator. He may go against all that you hold dear, and drag you through scene after scene. A problem. You may find his influence limiting and even oppressive at times. He may tend to cling to you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority problems. He may view you as harsh or restrictive. Challenges in your relationship with Ana Page 20