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why have a beautiful
   mind to friendship??

provided by-
Nur Zawawi Bin Zakaria

If there is one ingredient
which adds warmth and love
to our livesit is friendship
If there is one relationship to help us
through all
The others..it is friendship
Friendship is a personal
relationship shared between each
friend for the welfare of other, in
other words, it is the relationship
of trust, faith and concern for
each other feelings.
It is a relationship of mutual
caring and intimacy among one

                                      By Alka kheterpal
Friendship is more than just being friends. It
is a connection deep within the spiritual soul
that is an unearned gift of love.

                              By Dr. Ronald D. Bissell
Friends surround us with the
beauty of their caring .With
friends we can share what we
see , what we feel and what we
Friend help us with our problems
because they listen and as they
listen we begin to hear
The language of our own hearts.
With friends we can walk along
the remembered paths of our
And completely share our
With friends we can
work the soil
Of forgotten dreams that
needed to be tended
And nurtured once
With the friends we can
plant the seed of our
New dream
We can always return to
a friend , like going back
A special place.
And find the same warm
feeling unchanged by
Or distance
Live gives us friends so
that we can share the
precious time..
And memorable
moments of being
children and teenagers ,
and adults and parents
,and grandparents
Life gives us friends so we can share
the growing up.
And growing down and old
With friends we have a place to go
to be accepted and understood..
Together we can laughtogether
we can try..
Somehow in this big wide world,
Weve loving faithful friends,
For god in all this charity and
wisdom always send
For in this world of trouble
That is filled with strife and care
Everybody needs friend
In whom therere free to share
The garden of friendship

The garden of friendship
Is always in bloom
Whatever the season or day
With flowers to cheer us
Though sunshine and rain
Lovely blooms to brighten our way..
Flower of hope and encouragement,
Understanding, compassion , and care,
Blooms that grow sweeter as time passes
In the beautiful memories we share..
And no matter how far we may wander away,
No matter how long were apart,
Well still know the joys
Of the flower that grow in the garden that
Blooms in our heart
My dear and my beloved friend,
My best regards to you I send,
And from a heart sincere and true,
All happiness Im wishing to you..
Thank You for





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  • 1. why have a beautiful mind to friendship?? provided by- Nur Zawawi Bin Zakaria 2010244116 BM1115B UITM PAHANG
  • 2. friendship If there is one ingredient which adds warmth and love to our livesit is friendship
  • 3. If there is one relationship to help us through all The others..it is friendship
  • 4. Friendship is a personal relationship shared between each friend for the welfare of other, in other words, it is the relationship of trust, faith and concern for each other feelings. It is a relationship of mutual caring and intimacy among one another. By Alka kheterpal
  • 5. Friendship is more than just being friends. It is a connection deep within the spiritual soul that is an unearned gift of love. By Dr. Ronald D. Bissell
  • 6. Friends surround us with the beauty of their caring .With friends we can share what we see , what we feel and what we love..
  • 7. Friend help us with our problems because they listen and as they listen we begin to hear The language of our own hearts.
  • 8. With friends we can walk along the remembered paths of our lives And completely share our experiences
  • 9. With friends we can work the soil Of forgotten dreams that needed to be tended And nurtured once again. With the friends we can plant the seed of our hearts New dream
  • 10. We can always return to a friend , like going back to A special place. And find the same warm feeling unchanged by time Or distance
  • 11. Live gives us friends so that we can share the precious time.. And memorable moments of being children and teenagers , and adults and parents ,and grandparents
  • 12. Life gives us friends so we can share the growing up. And growing down and old
  • 13. With friends we have a place to go to be accepted and understood.. Together we can laughtogether we can try..
  • 14. Somehow in this big wide world, Weve loving faithful friends, For god in all this charity and wisdom always send
  • 15. For in this world of trouble That is filled with strife and care Everybody needs friend In whom therere free to share
  • 16. The garden of friendship The garden of friendship Is always in bloom Whatever the season or day With flowers to cheer us Though sunshine and rain Lovely blooms to brighten our way..
  • 17. Flower of hope and encouragement, Understanding, compassion , and care, Blooms that grow sweeter as time passes by In the beautiful memories we share..
  • 18. And no matter how far we may wander away, No matter how long were apart, Well still know the joys Of the flower that grow in the garden that Blooms in our heart
  • 19. My dear and my beloved friend, My best regards to you I send, And from a heart sincere and true, All happiness Im wishing to you..
  • 21. References http://www.heartlight.org/artic les/200303/20030301_friends.ht ml http://www.selfgrowth.com/art icles/prakash1.html http://www.authorsden.com/vis it/viewArticle.asp?id=6194 http://ezinearticles.com/?Definition- of-Friendship---A-Few- Facts&id=1267049 http://www.bepenfriends.com/penpals/ dating_Articles/articlesonfriendswhyn eedfriends.asp

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