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            FRM Trainings  VAR Webinar
System Requirements for Webinar

  Operating System: Windows速 2000, XP, 2003 Server or Vista

  Processor: Minimum of Pentium速 class 1GHz CPU with 512 MB of RAM (Recommended) (2
   GB of RAM for Windows速 Vista)

  Connectivity: Cable modem, DSL or better Internet connection

  Plug-ins : Internet Explorer速 6.0 or newer, Mozilla速 Firefox速 2.0 or newer (JavaScriptTM and
   JavaTM enabled)

  Other HARDWARE: Good Quality Microphone, speakers/headphones, Participants wishing to
   connect to audio using VoIP will need a fast Internet connection, a microphone and speakers (a
   USB headset is recommended).


            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact

About Pristine

      An institution started by graduates from premiere institutes like IIM/IITs with
        diversified experience in financial sector
      An authorized "Course Provider" for the FRM Exam and provides trainings for
        preparation of the FRM & CFA Exam.
      The faculty members are drawn from IIT/IIM's having relevant experience in risk
        management & Investment banking.
      Pristine has developed relationships with various Investment Banks, Commercial
        Banks, Asset Management Firms, Insurance Companies, Securities Regulators,
        Hedge Funds, Large Corporations, Multinationals and Credit Rating Firms and is a
        source to these companies for FRM and CFA candidates.

息 Neev Knowledge Management  Pristine Careers       4                        www.pristinecareers.com

            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact

Introduction To Various Risks

Risk can be broadly defined as the degree of uncertainty about future net returns

 Credit risk relates to the potential loss due to the inability of a counterpart to meet its

 Operational risk takes into account the errors that can be made in instructing payments
  or settling transactions

 Liquidity risk is caused by an unexpected large and stressful negative cash flow over a
  short period

 Market risk estimates the uncertainty of future earnings, due to the changes in market

                          Current Focus of Study is Market Risk

What is VaR ?

 Value at Risk (VaR) has become the standard measure that financial analysts use to
  quantify this risk

 VAR represents maximum potential loss in value of a portfolio of financial instruments
  with a given probability over a certain horizon

 In simpler words, it is a number that indicates how much a financial institution can lose
  with probability 慮 over a given time horizon

VAR Benefits

     Aggregates all of the risks in a portfolio into a single number

     Suitable for use in the boardroom, reporting to regulators, or disclosure in annual

     Provides an approach to arrive at economical capital.

     Relates capital with the expected losses

     Scaled to time

VaR Measurement

 Mark-to-market the portfolio

 Estimate the distribution of portfolio returns
   VAR : a very challenging statistical problem

 Compute the VaR of the portfolio

Distribution of returns : Three broad categories


  Historical Simulation
  the Hybrid model

  Extreme Value Theory
  quasi-maximum likelihood GARCH

Financial markets: empirical facts

 Financial return distributions are leptokurtotic,
   that is they have heavier tails
   a higher peak than a normal distribution

 Equity returns are typically negatively skewed

 Squared returns have significant autocorrelation
   volatilities of market factors tend to cluster


            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact

Visualizing VAR

                                                  V a lu e a t R is k

                  .0 2 2                                                                         433

                  .0 1 6                                                                         3 2 4 .7

                  .0 1 1                                                                         2 1 6 .5

                  .0 0 5                                                                         1 0 8 .2

                  .0 0 0                                                                         0
                           1 .5         2 .9                 4 .3                5 .6     7 .0
                                  C e rta inty is 9 5 .0 0 % f ro m 2 .6 to + In finity

                                                                   Confidence (x%)                    ZX%

                                                                          90%                        1.28
                                                                          95%                        1.65
 The area under the normal curve for
 confidence value is:                                                   97.5%                        1.96
                                                                          99%                        2.32

VAR : Representations

  A portfolio having a current value of say Rs.500,000- can be described to have
   a daily value at risk of US$ 5000- at a 99% confidence level,

  which means there is a 1/100 chance of the loss exceeding US$ 5000/-
   considering no great paradigm shifts in the underlying factors.

  A one day VAR of $10mm using a probability of 5% means that there is a 5%
   chance that the portfolio could lose more than $10mm in the next trading day.

How To Measure ?

 VaR (daily VaR) (in %) = ZX% * 
     ZX% : the normal distribution value for the given probability (x%) (normal
      distribution has mean as 0 and standard deviation as 1)
      : standard deviation (volatility) of the asset (or portfolio)

 VaR (daily VaR) = VaR (in %) * asset value
    Or, VaR (daily VaR) = ZX% *  * asset value

How To Measure ?

 VaR (n days) (in %) = VaR(daily VaR) (in %) * n

 VaR (n days) = ZX% *  * asset value * n

 port =  wa2 a2 + wb2 b2+2wawb* a* b* ab

 VaRport (daily VaR) (in %) =

    wa2 (%VaRa)2 + wb2 (%VaRb)2+2wawb* (%VaRa)* (%VaRb)* ab

Basic Problem #1

 Asset daily standard deviation is 1.6%

 Market Value is US $ 10 Mn

 What is VaR (%) at 99% confidence?

Basic Problem #2:

 What is the VaR value for 10 day VaR in the earlier case?

Basic Problem #3:

 What is the daily portfolio VaR at 97.5% confidence level?
   Investment in asset A is US$ 40 Mn
   Investment in asset B is US$ 60 Mn

     Volatility of asset A is 5.5% and asset B is 4.25%
     Portfolio VaR if correlation between A and B is 20% ?

Extended Problem #3.1

 Portfolio VaR if correlation between A and B is Zero?
   What if correlation is 1 ?
   Or -1 ?
   What are the implications ?

Basic Problem #4:

 Market Value of asset US$ 10 Mn

 Daily variance is 0.0005

 What is the annual VaR at 95% confidence with 250 trading days in a year?

Basic Problem #5:

 For an uncorrelated portfolio what is the VaR if:
    VaR asset A is US$ 10 Mn
    VaR asset B is US$ 20 Mn


            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact

VaR for Linear and Non-Linear Assets

 When the value of the delta is constant for all changes in the underlying.

 Primarily in the case of fixed income securities we have linear assets

 When the value of the delta keeps on changing with the change in the underlying
   asset. It is seen in options

VaR for Linear Assets

 Linear Derivatives: Payoff diagrams that are linear or almost linear
   Forwards, futures

VaR for Linear Derivatives

 Delta of Derivative
   Change in price of Derivative to change in underlying asset

 For example,
   The permitted lot size of S&P CNX Nifty futures contracts is 200 and multiples thereof. If

   So VaR of Nifty Futures contract is 200 * VaR of Nifty

             VaRLinear Derivative =   VaR Underlying Risk Factor

VaR for Non-Linear Assets

 Non-Linear Derivatives: Payoff diagrams
  that are highly non-linear
   Non-linearity is due to the derivative either
    being an option or having an option
    embedded in its structure

   Options, Credit Derivatives, Swaps

VaR for Non-Linear Derivatives
 Main reason for difference is the shape of the payoff curve
 For Delta Normal VaR                                                              price
   A linear approximation is created
   Approximation is an imperfect proxy for the portfolio
                                                                                                                         Slope = 
   Computationally easy but may be less accurate.                             B
   The delta-normal approach (generally) does not work for
    portfolios of nonlinear securities.                                                                  A         Stock price
   Options Var = Delta of Option * (VaR at Zx%)
                                                                       f ( x )  f ( x0 ) + f ( x0 )( x  x0 ) + 1 2 f 霞( x0 )( x  x0 )2

 Consider a portfolio of options dependent on a single stock price,
  S. Define        P
              隆 =
   Approximately:     x =

   For Many Underlying variables:      P = 隆 S = S隆  x

                                       P =  S i 隆i xi

Problem #6 (Linear Assets)

   If the daily VaR at 5%of Nikkie is 0.8 crores and you have 100 lots of Nikkie contract,
    Calculate annual VaR at 95% confidence for your portfolio assuming 250 days?
      = 0.8*200*sqrt(250)
      = 1264.911 crores

Problem #7 (Non-Linear Assets) :

   If the value of stock is 100 and the value of the put option at 110 is 20. 10 units change
    in the underlying brings in change of 4 units change in the option premium. If the annual
    volatility is 0.25. Calculate daily VaR at 97.5% assuming 250 days?


            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact

What is the Total Risk?


                          Total Risk??

                              32         www.pristinecareers.com
Marginal VaR

   Suppose a portfolio has assets a, b and c. The Marginal VaR is the VaR of the
     portfolio  VaR of the respective asset.

   Marginal VaR is for each unit and is the change in VaR of the portfolio with one
     unit change in the components

Problem #8 (Marginal VAR) :

   Bank portfolio of stock has Reliance and Tata Steel with beta of 1.20 and 0.85. The VaR
    of the portfolio is Rs. 3,00,000 with the position of Reliance being Rs. 10,00,000 and
    Tata Steel as Rs, 5,00,000.

    What is the Marginal VaR for each?


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            About Pristine
            Introduction to VaR
            Calculating Simple VaR
            VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets
            Marginal VaR
            Our Contact


         Contact                                 Phone                          Email
         Atul Kumar                              +91 93221 94932                atul@eneev.com
         Pawan Prabhat                           +91 98676 25422                pawan@eneev.com
         Paramdeep Singh                         +91 93118 45000                paramdeep@eneev.com
         Sarita Chand                            +91 93427 34627                sarita@eneev.com

                                            Visit Us on: www.pristinecareers.com
                                            Visit our Blogs on: www.pristinecareers.com/blog

            Pristine Careers is an official course provider of FRM Exam preparation
                                             from GARP

息 Neev Knowledge Management  Pristine Careers               37                                www.pristinecareers.com

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FRM VaR-preparation-pristine

  • 1. Pristine Careers www.pristinecareers.com | www.eneev.com FRM Trainings VAR Webinar 2009
  • 2. System Requirements for Webinar Operating System: Windows速 2000, XP, 2003 Server or Vista Processor: Minimum of Pentium速 class 1GHz CPU with 512 MB of RAM (Recommended) (2 GB of RAM for Windows速 Vista) Connectivity: Cable modem, DSL or better Internet connection Plug-ins : Internet Explorer速 6.0 or newer, Mozilla速 Firefox速 2.0 or newer (JavaScriptTM and JavaTM enabled) Other HARDWARE: Good Quality Microphone, speakers/headphones, Participants wishing to connect to audio using VoIP will need a fast Internet connection, a microphone and speakers (a USB headset is recommended). www.pristinecareers.com
  • 3. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 4. About Pristine An institution started by graduates from premiere institutes like IIM/IITs with diversified experience in financial sector An authorized "Course Provider" for the FRM Exam and provides trainings for preparation of the FRM & CFA Exam. The faculty members are drawn from IIT/IIM's having relevant experience in risk management & Investment banking. Pristine has developed relationships with various Investment Banks, Commercial Banks, Asset Management Firms, Insurance Companies, Securities Regulators, Hedge Funds, Large Corporations, Multinationals and Credit Rating Firms and is a source to these companies for FRM and CFA candidates. 息 Neev Knowledge Management Pristine Careers 4 www.pristinecareers.com
  • 5. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 6. Introduction To Various Risks Risk can be broadly defined as the degree of uncertainty about future net returns Credit risk relates to the potential loss due to the inability of a counterpart to meet its obligations Operational risk takes into account the errors that can be made in instructing payments or settling transactions Liquidity risk is caused by an unexpected large and stressful negative cash flow over a short period Market risk estimates the uncertainty of future earnings, due to the changes in market conditions Current Focus of Study is Market Risk www.pristinecareers.com
  • 7. What is VaR ? Value at Risk (VaR) has become the standard measure that financial analysts use to quantify this risk VAR represents maximum potential loss in value of a portfolio of financial instruments with a given probability over a certain horizon In simpler words, it is a number that indicates how much a financial institution can lose with probability 慮 over a given time horizon www.pristinecareers.com
  • 8. VAR Benefits Aggregates all of the risks in a portfolio into a single number Suitable for use in the boardroom, reporting to regulators, or disclosure in annual report Provides an approach to arrive at economical capital. Relates capital with the expected losses Scaled to time www.pristinecareers.com
  • 9. VaR Measurement Mark-to-market the portfolio Estimate the distribution of portfolio returns VAR : a very challenging statistical problem Compute the VaR of the portfolio www.pristinecareers.com
  • 10. Distribution of returns : Three broad categories Parametric RiskMetrics GARCH Nonparametric Historical Simulation the Hybrid model Semiparametric Extreme Value Theory CAViaR quasi-maximum likelihood GARCH www.pristinecareers.com
  • 11. Financial markets: empirical facts Financial return distributions are leptokurtotic, that is they have heavier tails a higher peak than a normal distribution Equity returns are typically negatively skewed Squared returns have significant autocorrelation volatilities of market factors tend to cluster www.pristinecareers.com
  • 12. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 13. Visualizing VAR V a lu e a t R is k .0 2 2 433 .0 1 6 3 2 4 .7 .0 1 1 2 1 6 .5 .0 0 5 1 0 8 .2 .0 0 0 0 1 .5 2 .9 4 .3 5 .6 7 .0 C e rta inty is 9 5 .0 0 % f ro m 2 .6 to + In finity Confidence (x%) ZX% 90% 1.28 95% 1.65 The area under the normal curve for confidence value is: 97.5% 1.96 99% 2.32 www.pristinecareers.com
  • 14. VAR : Representations A portfolio having a current value of say Rs.500,000- can be described to have a daily value at risk of US$ 5000- at a 99% confidence level, which means there is a 1/100 chance of the loss exceeding US$ 5000/- considering no great paradigm shifts in the underlying factors. A one day VAR of $10mm using a probability of 5% means that there is a 5% chance that the portfolio could lose more than $10mm in the next trading day. www.pristinecareers.com
  • 15. How To Measure ? VaR (daily VaR) (in %) = ZX% * ZX% : the normal distribution value for the given probability (x%) (normal distribution has mean as 0 and standard deviation as 1) : standard deviation (volatility) of the asset (or portfolio) VaR (daily VaR) = VaR (in %) * asset value Or, VaR (daily VaR) = ZX% * * asset value www.pristinecareers.com
  • 16. How To Measure ? VaR (n days) (in %) = VaR(daily VaR) (in %) * n VaR (n days) = ZX% * * asset value * n port = wa2 a2 + wb2 b2+2wawb* a* b* ab VaRport (daily VaR) (in %) = wa2 (%VaRa)2 + wb2 (%VaRb)2+2wawb* (%VaRa)* (%VaRb)* ab www.pristinecareers.com
  • 17. Basic Problem #1 Asset daily standard deviation is 1.6% Market Value is US $ 10 Mn What is VaR (%) at 99% confidence? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 18. Basic Problem #2: What is the VaR value for 10 day VaR in the earlier case? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 19. Basic Problem #3: What is the daily portfolio VaR at 97.5% confidence level? Investment in asset A is US$ 40 Mn Investment in asset B is US$ 60 Mn Volatility of asset A is 5.5% and asset B is 4.25% Portfolio VaR if correlation between A and B is 20% ? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 20. Extended Problem #3.1 Portfolio VaR if correlation between A and B is Zero? What if correlation is 1 ? Or -1 ? What are the implications ? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 21. Basic Problem #4: Market Value of asset US$ 10 Mn Daily variance is 0.0005 What is the annual VaR at 95% confidence with 250 trading days in a year? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 22. Basic Problem #5: For an uncorrelated portfolio what is the VaR if: VaR asset A is US$ 10 Mn VaR asset B is US$ 20 Mn www.pristinecareers.com
  • 23. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 24. VaR for Linear and Non-Linear Assets When the value of the delta is constant for all changes in the underlying. Primarily in the case of fixed income securities we have linear assets When the value of the delta keeps on changing with the change in the underlying asset. It is seen in options www.pristinecareers.com
  • 25. VaR for Linear Assets Linear Derivatives: Payoff diagrams that are linear or almost linear Forwards, futures www.pristinecareers.com
  • 26. VaR for Linear Derivatives Delta of Derivative Change in price of Derivative to change in underlying asset For example, The permitted lot size of S&P CNX Nifty futures contracts is 200 and multiples thereof. If So VaR of Nifty Futures contract is 200 * VaR of Nifty VaRLinear Derivative = VaR Underlying Risk Factor www.pristinecareers.com
  • 27. VaR for Non-Linear Assets Non-Linear Derivatives: Payoff diagrams that are highly non-linear Non-linearity is due to the derivative either being an option or having an option embedded in its structure Options, Credit Derivatives, Swaps www.pristinecareers.com
  • 28. VaR for Non-Linear Derivatives Main reason for difference is the shape of the payoff curve Option For Delta Normal VaR price A linear approximation is created Approximation is an imperfect proxy for the portfolio Slope = Computationally easy but may be less accurate. B The delta-normal approach (generally) does not work for portfolios of nonlinear securities. A Stock price Options Var = Delta of Option * (VaR at Zx%) f ( x ) f ( x0 ) + f ( x0 )( x x0 ) + 1 2 f 霞( x0 )( x x0 )2 Consider a portfolio of options dependent on a single stock price, S. Define P 隆 = S S Approximately: x = S For Many Underlying variables: P = 隆 S = S隆 x P = S i 隆i xi i www.pristinecareers.com
  • 29. Problem #6 (Linear Assets) If the daily VaR at 5%of Nikkie is 0.8 crores and you have 100 lots of Nikkie contract, Calculate annual VaR at 95% confidence for your portfolio assuming 250 days? = 0.8*200*sqrt(250) = 1264.911 crores www.pristinecareers.com
  • 30. Problem #7 (Non-Linear Assets) : If the value of stock is 100 and the value of the put option at 110 is 20. 10 units change in the underlying brings in change of 4 units change in the option premium. If the annual volatility is 0.25. Calculate daily VaR at 97.5% assuming 250 days? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 31. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 32. What is the Total Risk? Bonds Stocks Options Credit Forex Total Risk?? 32 www.pristinecareers.com
  • 33. Marginal VaR Suppose a portfolio has assets a, b and c. The Marginal VaR is the VaR of the portfolio VaR of the respective asset. Marginal VaR is for each unit and is the change in VaR of the portfolio with one unit change in the components www.pristinecareers.com
  • 34. Problem #8 (Marginal VAR) : Bank portfolio of stock has Reliance and Tata Steel with beta of 1.20 and 0.85. The VaR of the portfolio is Rs. 3,00,000 with the position of Reliance being Rs. 10,00,000 and Tata Steel as Rs, 5,00,000. What is the Marginal VaR for each? www.pristinecareers.com
  • 35. Congratulations u yo a r, ebin xam W 9E n the 200 d i RM lain e n F ex p ns i pts stio nce que co 7-8 d the ast oo at le erst ve nd sol v e u to u ha able If yo ll be wi www.pristinecareers.com
  • 36. Agenda About Pristine Introduction to VaR Calculating Simple VaR VaR for Linear & Non-Linear Assets Marginal VaR Our Contact www.pristinecareers.com
  • 37. Contact Contact Phone Email Atul Kumar +91 93221 94932 atul@eneev.com Pawan Prabhat +91 98676 25422 pawan@eneev.com Paramdeep Singh +91 93118 45000 paramdeep@eneev.com Sarita Chand +91 93427 34627 sarita@eneev.com Visit Us on: www.pristinecareers.com Visit our Blogs on: www.pristinecareers.com/blog Pristine Careers is an official course provider of FRM Exam preparation from GARP 息 Neev Knowledge Management Pristine Careers 37 www.pristinecareers.com