This document discusses strategies for success from big retailers that can be applied to smaller shops. It suggests that customers are not solely focused on low prices and that branding is important to build trust and allow for higher prices. Real-time analytics and recommendation engines can help retailers strengthen customer relationships and improve sales.
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Translated for Shopify store owners
3. Amazon is in an incredible spot
right now thanks to its 'low
price player' perception but it's
success lies beyond price cuts.
Amazon's high earnings can be
attributed to a couple of things:
Prime memberships, cloud
hosting, and market expansion
to name a few.
4. Branding can seriously
make or break your
business. It's better to use
your brand to warrant
higher prices instead of
diluting it with constant
5. 4
While discounts can draw
big crowds to your store
or site, a strong brand
identity can improve your
pricing strategies and
sales in the long run.
6. 5
a simple redesign of your
website can make you
appear to be more hip
and up to date than your
competitors. And once
you have a sleek and
modern layout, A/B test
it to make sure it's
optimized for browsing.
7. Offering live chat can also
improve your company's
brand. It makes you look more
informed and
accommodating, instilling
trust in the consumer about
your brand.
9. The future of retail is all about using technology to
strengthen customer relationships and improve the
customer experience, while making the day-to-day
operations easier for merchants.
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S O U R C E S :
- E C O N S U L T A N C Y . C O M / B L O G / 6 6 8 2 6 - W H A T - T H R E E - O F - T H E - B I G G E S T - R E T A I L E R S - C A N - T E A C H -
U S - A B O U T - E C O M M E R C E /
- I N S I D E B I G D A T A . C O M / 2 0 1 5 / 0 9 / 3 0 / T H E - F U T U R E - O F - B I G - D A T A - A N D - R E T A I L - W I T H - C A S E -
S T U D I E S /
- W W W . V E N D H Q . C O M / U N I V E R S I T Y / R E T A I L - T R E N D S - A N D - P R E D I C T I O N S - 2 0 1 6