Using supplements to improve pasture management can maximize dairy farm profits. Supplements should be used to help manage pasture, not just feed cows, by allowing farmers to lengthen rotations, increase stocking rates, facilitate targeted reseeding, and maintain optimal post-grazing residuals. This helps grow more pasture which lowers expenses and increases operating profits per hectare. Properly using supplements in this way can significantly improve pasture quality and quantity to boost milk production and revenues.
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22. Using supplements to improve pasture managementGrow as much pasture as possibleOptimum rotation lengthTargeted re-seedingOptimise soil fertilityTargeted use of nitrogen
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30. Using supplements to improve pasture managementGrow as much pasture as possibleOptimum rotation lengthTargeted re-seedingUse supplements/crops to allow pasture renovationOptimise soil fertilityTargeted use of nitrogenOptimise pasture utilisationOptimum stocking rateTargeted post-grazing residualsMinimise substitution rate
35. Using supplements/crops to improve pasture managementGrow as much pasture as possibleOptimum rotation lengthTargeted re-seedingOptimise soil fertilityTargeted use of nitrogenOptimise pasture utilisationOptimum stocking rateTargeted post-grazing residualsMinimise substitution rate
37. In summaryTo maximise profit:Use supplements to help manage pasturenot to feed cows betterincrease stocking rate and allow greater DIMlengthen the rotation to grow more pasturefacilitate targeted reseedingmaintain optimum post-grazing residual