This document discusses creativity and innovation. It begins with definitions of creativity as thinking of new things and innovation as implementing new ideas. Participants are then instructed to build Rube Goldberg machines and integrate their machines to complete simple tasks in complex ways. The document emphasizes creating ideas, selling ideas to groups, believing in ideas despite resistance, and gathering evidence of benefits to support creativity and innovation. It concludes that innovation arises from new connections and knowledge generated from sharing information across boundaries.
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From creator to innovator 004
1. Warning This is a
working session!
Actual playing and
thinking will be
4. A person might be able to play without being
creative, but he sure can't be creative without
Kurt Hanks and Jay Parry
5. A Rube Goldberg Machine
A Rube Goldberg machine - a deliberately
over-engineered machine that performs a
simple task in a complex fashion, usually
including a chain reaction
Rube Goldberg (18831970)
8. If you build it
In the box - the parts you need
Think out of the box and build a Rube Goldberg
To move a rubber ball a minimum of 30 cm
Important rules
You must be able to reset the machine within 2 minutes to
run again
The machine must have at least 15 parts
Time: 15 minutes
Ready.. Set Go!
9. The failure of creativity
How many ideas do you come up with on a
given day?
How many do you put forward for
How many gets implemented?
11. Having a creative idea
Easy enough!
Lateral thinking
A different point
of view
12. Success is on the far side of failure.
Thomas Watson Sr.
Most people never pick up the phone, most people never ask. And thats what
separates, sometimes, the people that do things from the people that just dream
about them. You gotta act. And you gotta be willing to fail if youre afraid of
failing, you wont get very far.
Steve Jobs
13. If you build it Part 2
Integrate the machines
The total machine must move a rubber ball 1m at the end
Important rules
You must be able to reset the machine within 2 minutes to
run again
The machine must have at most 38 parts
The original machines must be clearly identifiable
Time: 15 minutes
Ready.. Set Go!
14. Get your creative idea into the
implementation mix
Sell your idea! You
Expect resistance Your group/team
Levels of acceptance Your organization
Believe! Your technology
Your market
It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then
dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.
Tony Benn
15. Implement with gusto
Ensure acceptance
By changing nothing, nothing changes.
Tony Robbins
16. Innovation any new ideaby definition will
not be accepted at first. It takes repeated
attempts, endless demonstrations, monotonous
rehearsals before innovation can be accepted
and internalized by an organization. This
requires courageous patience.
Warren Bennis
17. Build evidence for creativity and
Evidence creates the benefit trail
Creative thinking
Idea generation
Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in telepathy? in
ancient astronauts? in the Bermuda triangle? in life after death?
No, I reply. No, no, no, no, and again no.
One person recently, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?"
Yes, I said. I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and
reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how
wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous
something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.
Isaac Asimov
18. If you build it Part 3
The machine must activate the mystery
Time: 5 minutes
Ready.. Set Go!
20. In conclusion
Innovation is fostered by information gathered from
new connections; from insights gained by journeys
into other disciplines or places; from active, collegial
networks and fluid, open boundaries. Innovation
arises from on-going circles of exchange, where
information is not just accumulated or stored, but
created. Knowledge is generated anew from
connections that weren't there before.
Margaret J. Wheatley
#10: John Maxwell: "Five Frogs Are Sitting on a Log..." When I was a kid, one of my fathers favorite riddles to us went like this: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left?The first time he asked me, I answered, One.No, he responded, Five. Why? Because theres a difference between deciding and doing!That was a point that Dad often drove home with us. American politician Frank Clark said, What great accomplishments wed have in the world if everybody had done what they intended to do. Most people dont act as quickly as they should on things. They find themselves subject to the Law of Diminishing Intent, which says, The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.The reality is that you will never get much done unless you go ahead and do it before you are ready.
#12: Associatingbuilding a broad range of knowledge from which to draw new connections.Questioningasking Why? Why not? And What if?Observingwatching behavior closely, having a keen eye.Experimentingtrying new things, taking things apart, inviting new experiences, taking risksNetworkingmeeting new people, being exposed to new ideas.A youthful monk, journeying home, reached the bank of a vast river. There were no visible means of crossing it. Standing there, he pondered for long on how he could get across. No ideas occurred to him; eventually, he gave up and was about to retrace his steps when he spotted an old Zen teacher standing on the opposite bank. He yelled across to the older man, "Oh master, I am stranded here. Can you tell me how I may get across to the other side? The aged teacher thought for a few moments, looking up and down the river. He then shouted back, My good fellow, you are on the other side!
#18: What are the features you need in your idea management system?Idea capture and trackingIdea evaluationIdea collaborationTrack ideas through your innovation process/gatesAbility to pause ideasInnovation is the spark of insight that leads a scientist or inventor to investigate an issue or phenomenon. That insight is usually shaped by an observation of what appears to be true or the creative jolt of a new idea. Innovation is driven by a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. Innovation is based on curiosity, the willingness to take risks, and experimenting to test assumptions. Innovation is based on questioning and challenging the status quo. It is also based on recognizing opportunity and taking advantage of it.