
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
By Beth Piepenburg
The pictures in this presentation are
not copyrighted by me, but are free
images available for common use by:
The star charts I created are courtesy
of the Starry Night software
Graphics courtesy of Starry Night速
(Starry Nigh Pro Plus) (Version 6.3.3)
/ Imaginova速 Corp.
(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012. All rights reserved. 2
 Jericho, also known as the city of palm trees, is located
northeast of Jerusalem just above the Dead Sea.
 Situated about 800 feet below sea level, Jericho is the
lowest city in the world.
3(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 Jericho: The healing of the two
blind men.
 Jericho: The spiritual healing of
 Jerusalem: Upon his arrival,
Jesus is riding on a foal while his
followers, many from Jericho,
spread out their cloaks and
branches in the roadway.
 Heavens: Displayed in the
heavens that evening are the
signs pointing to the Messiah.
4(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 The symbol for Judah was the date palm,
which is symbolic of grace and elegance,
or triumph and victory.
 Judah, whose name means praised, sired
twins through Tamar, whose name means
palm tree, and who triumphed over
Judahs deception toward her (Gen. 38).
 In the Psalms, a righteous man is to
flourish like a palm tree (Ps. 1:1-3, 92:12).
 Honey listed as the seventh species
(Deut. 8:8) is thought to be date honey,
which was a Judean Desert staple.
 Roman coinage in Israel used the palm
tree as a symbol for Israel.
 Although the Judean date palm had been
eradicated for centuries, one of the 2000
year old seeds found from Masada was
germinated, and is named Methuselah.
(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 5
A Hayani date palm tree.
 Two blind men, despite being rebuked by the
crowd, cried out to Jesus, Son of David, have
 One of the blind men was Bartimaeus, whose
name means son of the unclean in Hebrew or
son of honor in the Hebrew-Greek.
 When Jesus stopped and asked what He could
do for them, they requested that their eyes be
opened and that they receive sight.
 Jesus touched their eyes, and they received
sight, and they followed him to Jerusalem.
 Bartimaeus, cast his cloak, a sign of forsaking
his beggarly life (unclean) in return of being a
disciple (honor).
 I think the two blind men represent humanity
that is in need of spiritual sight.
 Jesus came to recover the sight of the blind,
whether physically or spiritually (Luke 4:18).
6(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 Zacchaeus, whose name means pure,
clean, or just, surely needed to
change his name, but Jesus changed
Zacchaeus life to fit his name.
 Using his position of chief publican,
he had obtained his wealth in unjust
 When Jesus came to Jericho, the short
stature of Zacchaeus prevented him
from seeing Jesus. Undeterred, he
climbed a sycamore tree, a type of fig
tree, whose fruit tastes unpleasant and
was eaten by the poor.
 Ironic that he climbed the sycamore.
 Stopping, Jesus told Zacchaeus to
come down, because He desired to
abide at his house for the night.
 Zacchaeus became an Apostle of the
Seventy, and tradition says that Peter
appointed him as the Bishop of
 I wonder if Zacchaeus represented
the corruption of Israel at the time
and the need for repentance. In
other words, Israel fell short of the
glory of the Lord. Yet, the Lord
desired to dwell among His people.
7(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 In early Israel, Jericho and
Jerusalem had been strategic
points of victory for the
nation. These two cities were
of great importance in the
last week of the life of Jesus.
 Leaving Jericho, the ascent
rises approximately 3200 feet
toward Jerusalem.
 A robust traveler could
complete the arduous 15-mile
hike in about 8 hours.
8(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 In route to Jerusalem,
Jesus passes the village of
Bethany, house of the
poor, and sends his
disciples to fetch a foal
from the village of
Bethphage, fig house, as
prophesied in Zech. 9:9.
 Along the descent from
the Mount of Olives, his
followers throw down
their cloaks and palm
branches in his honor,
while praising him.
9(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 We often think the crowd
was praising the Lord on
this day, and yelling for
him to be crucified the
following Friday. This is
 The faithful crowd that was
praising Jesus had
accompanied him from
Galilee and Jericho, while
those that were yelling for
him to be crucified were
the people of Jerusalem.
10(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 A Passover lamb was kept in
safekeeping from the tenth day until
the fourteenth day when it was
 Jesus stayed in Jerusalem and nearby
Bethany from the tenth day until the
fourteenth day when He was
 Since the new day began at sunset,
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem as the
Passover Lamb just prior to the
commencement of the tenth day.
(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 11
 Astronomically, when Jesus entered
Jerusalem, the moon would have
been in the constellation of Leo, the
Lion of Judah, the great rampant
lion, leaping to rend, with his feet
over the writhing body of Hydra, the
Serpent, which is in the act of
fleeing. The sun would have been in
the constellation of Aries, the
Sacrificial Ram or Lamb.
 Because the stars are not generally
seen during the daytime, the starry
scenery with the moon in Leo would
have been displayed when evening
 God had orchestrated the timing of
Jesus arrival into Jerusalem to
correlate with the heavenly drama.
The date of his arrival would have
been on the first day of the week,
March 29, 33 AD.
12(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
The Palm Branch: A Praise Symbol
 Jericho, the city of palm trees, is
where the eyes of Bartimaeus are
 Zacchaeus is spiritually set free
in the city of palms.
 Jesus sends his disciples to
Bethphage, the fig house, to
obtain the foal to ride into
 Praising him with palm
branches are the followers of
Jesus who shout, Hosanna, to
the Son of David: Blessed is he
that comes in the name of the
Lord, Hosanna in the Highest.
 In finale, the palm branch in the
right hand of Virgo, the virgin,
points above to the constellation
of Leo, the Lion of Judah.
13(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
 Thank you for joining me in my
endeavors of Ancient and
Biblical studies as I travel the
paths of the Savior during the
Passion Week.
 Because I savor the pastoral
culture of the Israelites, I like to
flavor my historical writings with
the agricultural representation
and astronomical imagery that
were so interwoven in Scripture,
like spun threads in a tapestry.
(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 14

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From Jericho to Jerusalem

  • 2. IMAGE CREDITS The pictures in this presentation are not copyrighted by me, but are free images available for common use by: http://www.visualbiblealive.com/ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wik i/Main_Page The star charts I created are courtesy of the Starry Night software program: Graphics courtesy of Starry Night速 (Starry Nigh Pro Plus) (Version 6.3.3) / Imaginova速 Corp. (c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. LOCATION OF JERICHO Jericho, also known as the city of palm trees, is located northeast of Jerusalem just above the Dead Sea. Situated about 800 feet below sea level, Jericho is the lowest city in the world. 3(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 4. FOUR EVENTS Jericho: The healing of the two blind men. Jericho: The spiritual healing of Zacchaeus. Jerusalem: Upon his arrival, Jesus is riding on a foal while his followers, many from Jericho, spread out their cloaks and branches in the roadway. Heavens: Displayed in the heavens that evening are the signs pointing to the Messiah. 4(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 5. JUDEAN DATE PALM The symbol for Judah was the date palm, which is symbolic of grace and elegance, or triumph and victory. Judah, whose name means praised, sired twins through Tamar, whose name means palm tree, and who triumphed over Judahs deception toward her (Gen. 38). In the Psalms, a righteous man is to flourish like a palm tree (Ps. 1:1-3, 92:12). Honey listed as the seventh species (Deut. 8:8) is thought to be date honey, which was a Judean Desert staple. Roman coinage in Israel used the palm tree as a symbol for Israel. Although the Judean date palm had been eradicated for centuries, one of the 2000 year old seeds found from Masada was germinated, and is named Methuselah. (c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 5 A Hayani date palm tree.
  • 6. BARTIMAEUS Two blind men, despite being rebuked by the crowd, cried out to Jesus, Son of David, have mercy One of the blind men was Bartimaeus, whose name means son of the unclean in Hebrew or son of honor in the Hebrew-Greek. When Jesus stopped and asked what He could do for them, they requested that their eyes be opened and that they receive sight. Jesus touched their eyes, and they received sight, and they followed him to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus, cast his cloak, a sign of forsaking his beggarly life (unclean) in return of being a disciple (honor). I think the two blind men represent humanity that is in need of spiritual sight. Jesus came to recover the sight of the blind, whether physically or spiritually (Luke 4:18). 6(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 7. ZACCHAEUS Zacchaeus, whose name means pure, clean, or just, surely needed to change his name, but Jesus changed Zacchaeus life to fit his name. Using his position of chief publican, he had obtained his wealth in unjust ways. When Jesus came to Jericho, the short stature of Zacchaeus prevented him from seeing Jesus. Undeterred, he climbed a sycamore tree, a type of fig tree, whose fruit tastes unpleasant and was eaten by the poor. Ironic that he climbed the sycamore. Stopping, Jesus told Zacchaeus to come down, because He desired to abide at his house for the night. Zacchaeus became an Apostle of the Seventy, and tradition says that Peter appointed him as the Bishop of Caesarea. I wonder if Zacchaeus represented the corruption of Israel at the time and the need for repentance. In other words, Israel fell short of the glory of the Lord. Yet, the Lord desired to dwell among His people. 7(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 8. JERICHO ROAD In early Israel, Jericho and Jerusalem had been strategic points of victory for the nation. These two cities were of great importance in the last week of the life of Jesus. Leaving Jericho, the ascent rises approximately 3200 feet toward Jerusalem. A robust traveler could complete the arduous 15-mile hike in about 8 hours. 8(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 9. BETHANY TO JERUSALEM In route to Jerusalem, Jesus passes the village of Bethany, house of the poor, and sends his disciples to fetch a foal from the village of Bethphage, fig house, as prophesied in Zech. 9:9. Along the descent from the Mount of Olives, his followers throw down their cloaks and palm branches in his honor, while praising him. 9(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 10. WHO SAID CRUCIFY HIM? We often think the crowd was praising the Lord on this day, and yelling for him to be crucified the following Friday. This is untrue! The faithful crowd that was praising Jesus had accompanied him from Galilee and Jericho, while those that were yelling for him to be crucified were the people of Jerusalem. 10(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 11. TENTH DAY OF ABIB A Passover lamb was kept in safekeeping from the tenth day until the fourteenth day when it was sacrificed. Jesus stayed in Jerusalem and nearby Bethany from the tenth day until the fourteenth day when He was crucified. Since the new day began at sunset, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem as the Passover Lamb just prior to the commencement of the tenth day. (c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. LION OF JUDAH Astronomically, when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the moon would have been in the constellation of Leo, the Lion of Judah, the great rampant lion, leaping to rend, with his feet over the writhing body of Hydra, the Serpent, which is in the act of fleeing. The sun would have been in the constellation of Aries, the Sacrificial Ram or Lamb. Because the stars are not generally seen during the daytime, the starry scenery with the moon in Leo would have been displayed when evening arrived. God had orchestrated the timing of Jesus arrival into Jerusalem to correlate with the heavenly drama. The date of his arrival would have been on the first day of the week, March 29, 33 AD. 12(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 13. The Palm Branch: A Praise Symbol Jericho, the city of palm trees, is where the eyes of Bartimaeus are opened. Zacchaeus is spiritually set free in the city of palms. Jesus sends his disciples to Bethphage, the fig house, to obtain the foal to ride into Jerusalem. Praising him with palm branches are the followers of Jesus who shout, Hosanna, to the Son of David: Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the Highest. In finale, the palm branch in the right hand of Virgo, the virgin, points above to the constellation of Leo, the Lion of Judah. 13(c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved.
  • 14. PASSION WEEK TAPESTRY Thank you for joining me in my endeavors of Ancient and Biblical studies as I travel the paths of the Savior during the Passion Week. Because I savor the pastoral culture of the Israelites, I like to flavor my historical writings with the agricultural representation and astronomical imagery that were so interwoven in Scripture, like spun threads in a tapestry. Wyomingsprings.wordpress.com (c) by Beth Piepenburg, 2012 All rights reserved. 14