So now you have published your app on the Play Store. You certainly have some bugs to fix, and features to refine. And then, what? How do you transform your app into something really, really great? This talk is all about this: making your app astonishing.
Based on simple Interaction design principles, you'll discover how to make your app considerate and smart, and bring it to the next level. From search to machine learning, from social networks to common UX hints, it contains everything your app needs to become amazing!
13. Make your app the user best friend
Its not harder to makea considerate app!
Take an interest
Use common sense
14. Its not harder to make a considerate app
Know your users
Communicate with them using their language and idioms
Be clear and direct
Dont stop the proceeding!
15. Take responsability
Stop asking the user about every action
If you fail to do something, try to fix it.
Take decisions, but allow the user to have the final word
16. Mostlyright, mostof the time
Whats best?
80%best scenario, 20% worst?
Bother users 80% of the time for a 20% probability scenario?
Use the power of UNDO!
18. KISS
Keep It Simple and Stupid
Right information at the right moment
Dont bother the user with a complicated UI
Use a 束 mostly right 損 default configuration
22. Guess what the user woulddo next
Learn from your users
Observe them in real situations
Use tools like Google Analytics
Machine Learning
Eat your own food!
Use the Cloud!
23. Chrome Custom tab
Custom look
Browser pre-warming in background
DNS resolution
HTTPS/TLS negotiation
24. Smart apps
Put idle cycles to work (Google Keep, GCM)
Have a memory
Smart apps
25. Putidle cyclesto work
Synchronize data in background
Preserve battery and data quota
Use GcmTaskService to be smart!
Network type
26. Have a memory
束Ifitsworth theuserentering, itsworth the application remembering 損
Remember choices and defaults
Remember patterns
Remember past entered data
Use Shared Preferences for example
27. Improve your appsearch engine
Keep recent search queries
History clearing option
Multiple criterias when possible : places, people, date
You know the user: give him personnalized suggestions
Contextual suggestions : location, time
31. Error message : the right way
1. Dont be sorry
2. Explain the error in common terms
3. Offer a solution
Be short and clear
Be as less technical as possible
#2: So now you have published your app on the Play Store. You certainly have some bugs to fix, and features to refine. And then, what? How do you transform your app into something really, really great? This talk is all about this: making your app astonishing.
Based on simple Interaction design principles, you'll discover how to make your app considerate and smart, and bring it to the next level. From search to machine learning, from social networks to common UX hints, it contains everything your app needs to become amazing!
#13: 束Software should behave like a considerate human being損
-Take an interest
-Use common sense
-Dont burden you with personal problems
Sauf que ce que veut votre utilisateur,,,