This document provides a summary of a book titled "Bridge Deck Analysis - Second Edition". The book covers various topics related to the analysis and design of bridge decks including different bridge structural forms, types of bridge loading, modeling techniques such as grillage analysis and finite element analysis, and probabilistic assessment of bridge safety. It is intended to serve as a reference for engineers working on bridge design and assessment.
Investor presentation Paythru March 2015June Klein
Benefits for Retailers; Experienced Management Team; Business Drivers; About Offline to Online Exploding; Ignite Defining Mobile Contextual Marketing; St Pancras Flagship Application-Ignite; Market Positioning; Partner Strategy; Financials & Key Sales Pipeline; Global Case Study - South Africa; Investment Case
IRJET- Performance of RC Beams Cast using Normal and Self-Compacting Concrete...IRJET Journal
This document presents research on the performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams made with normal concrete and self-compacting concrete (SCC) with different reinforcement ratios. Trial mixes were developed for normal concrete and SCC to select suitable mixes. Beams were cast using the selected normal and SCC mixes with under, balanced, and over reinforcement ratios. The beams were tested and analyzed according to the Egyptian code of practice (ECP) and American concrete institute (ACI) code to compare deflections. Test results showed differences in cracking and failure loads between experimental, ECP, and ACI analyses of the beams. The research aims to investigate the structural performance of SCC beams compared to normal concrete beams and verify differences between deflection
IRJET- Characteristic Study on Self-Healing Concrete using Calcium Lactat...IRJET Journal
This document presents research on developing self-healing concrete using calcium lactate and silica fumes. The research aims to study how these materials can improve the compressive, tensile, and flexural strength of concrete over time. Specifically, it was found that adding between 1-2.5% calcium lactate and silica fumes by weight of cement increased the strengths of concrete specimens at both 7 and 28 days compared to normal concrete. The proposed mechanism is that calcium lactate chemically reacts to form calcium carbonate when cracks form, sealing the cracks over time and improving durability. This self-healing effect helped increase the long-term strength of the concrete. The research demonstrates the potential of developing more
This document provides the table of contents for the 9th edition of the textbook "Design of Reinforced Concrete" by Jack C. McCormac and Russell H. Brown. The textbook covers topics such as flexural analysis of beams, strength analysis according to building codes, design of beams and slabs, analysis and design of specialized beams, serviceability, bond and development lengths, shear design, columns, footings, and other reinforced concrete structures. It includes over 20 chapters, example problems, and references to tables and design codes.
Circular storage tanks and silos (Ghali, Amin) (
descripci坦n de tanques circulares, silos, ingenieria, usos, mantenimiento e instalai坦n, dise単o de acuerdo a normas de fabricaci坦n de acuerdo a normas
The contents of this edition include six new chapters, added to the chapters of the first edition. There is a new
chapter on the finite-element method of analysis. A conical-shaped finite element, which is relatively simple but
gives accurate results, is selected. The wall of a tank or a silo, monolithic with the cover or the base, is idealized
as an assemblage of small axisymmetrical shell elements, each in the shape of a frustum of a cone.
Creep and shrinkage of concrete as well as relaxation of prestressed steel produce time-dependent variations in
stresses in sections and also in the internal forces. A chapter focuses on the analysis of these variations.
Another chapter is added to help in the design of circumferential prestressing of circular cylindrical tank walls,
which are monolithic with the base (as opposed to sliding on the base). The distribution of the prestressing is
designed to minimize the bending moments in the wall in the vertical direction.
Finally, there are three new chapters concerned with analysis and design for serviceability of concrete tanks and
silos. Analysis of the internal forces and stresses before and after cracking is discussed, including the effects of
temperature variations and shrinkage (or swelling) of concrete. Control of cracking is explored and equations
are given to calculate the minimum amount of reinforcement.
Like the first edition, the new one is intended to be suitable for use by practising engineers, students and
researchers in any country. No specific system of units is used in the major part of the solved examples.
However, there are a small number of example problems where it is advantageous to use actual dimensions of
the structure and specify the magnitude of forces. These problems are set in SI units and British units (still
common in the United States). The answers and the graphs related to these problems are presented in both SI
and British units. The methods of analysis and design procedures presented are independent of codes. However,
occasional reference is made to European and North American codes. The inevitable future revisions of the
codes should not influence the relevance of the material presented.
The new chapters have been reviewed by Dr G.S.Tadros, Consulting Engineer, Calgary, Canada. Mr
N.Ariyawardena, a PhD Candidate at the University of Calgary, checked solutions of some of the examples and
prepared the figures for the new chapters. Miss Tracey Robertson typed the manuscript. The author is grateful to
them as well as to the engineers whose views have helped in selecting the contents of the second edition.
This document provides a summary of the preface and introduction sections of the textbook "Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design". The textbook covers the theory and design of reinforced concrete structures over multiple levels, starting with introductory concepts and progressing to more advanced topics. It emphasizes designing structures that can be safely constructed in a cost effective manner and provide long-term service. The analysis of flexural strength in beams is presented at a basic level, while more complex topics like column strength are at a higher level suitable for advanced students.
Steel vs. Other Building Materials: A Comparative Analysis Infographic JSPLSaudi
Discover the advantages of steel over other building materials in our informative infographic. Explore the superior strength, versatility, and durability of steel compared to wood, concrete, and brick. Learn about its exceptional fire resistance, environmental sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Make an informed choice for your construction projects with this comprehensive comparison of steel against other building materials.
This document provides an introduction and table of contents to a design manual for steel structures according to Australian Standard AS 4100. It discusses the copyright of the book and provides an outline of the topics that will be covered, including steel properties, load estimation, structural analysis methods, design of tension members, compression members, flexural members, and connections. It is intended as a textbook for teaching the design of steel structures to undergraduate students.
[Ken w. day,_james_aldred,_barry_hudson]_concrete_(
This document provides an overview and table of contents for the book "Concrete Mix Design, Quality Control and Specification" by Ken W. Day, James Aldred, and Barry Hudson. The book contains 13 chapters that cover topics related to concrete mix design, materials, properties, testing, quality control, specifications, and the future of concrete. The table of contents lists the chapter titles and section headings to provide a high-level outline of the information contained in each chapter.
This document provides an overview of bridge design concepts and analysis. It discusses various bridge typologies including historical examples of masonry, timber, metal, reinforced concrete, and cable-supported bridges. It also covers site data collection, design loads and actions, conceptual design considerations, superstructure and substructure options, construction methods, aesthetics, and structural analysis techniques.
This document provides an overview of the fundamentals of open pit mine planning and design. It is the first volume of a multi-volume work on open pit mine planning and design by authors William Hustrulid, Mark Kuchta, and R. Martin. The document covers topics such as mine planning, estimating revenues and costs, orebody description methods, geometrical considerations, pit limits determination, production planning, and reporting of mineral resources and reserves.
Optimization of steel plate Girder Bridge with web openings and StiffenersIRJET Journal
The document discusses the optimization of steel plate girder bridges with web openings and stiffeners through finite element analysis. 24 simply supported steel plate girders with a 30m span and 2000mm web depth were analyzed with 800mm and 1000mm web openings and stiffener inclinations of 30属, 45属, 60属, 90属. The girders were subjected to class A, class 70R, and class AA loadings as per Indian code and analyzed for bending stresses, shear stresses, and deflection. Results found that bending and shear stresses increased with increased stiffener inclination. Deflection also increased with increased stiffener inclination. Stress values did not differ widely between 30属 and 45属 stiffener inclinations.
_Anthony_05010480 Msc Dissertation Design prestressed concrete to Eurocode 2Anthony Rochefort
This document is a dissertation submitted by Anthony Rochefort for the degree of Master of Science in Structural Engineering. It examines the effects of temperature on prestressed concrete members designed according to Eurocode 2. The dissertation includes an introduction, literature review on prestressed concrete and the Eurocodes, analysis of temperature effects, creep and shrinkage effects, loss of prestress, design methodology, examples, and conclusions. The key issues addressed are temperature gradients causing stresses, loss of concrete strength at high temperatures, compensating through increased prestressing and concrete strength, and evaluating prestress loss according to Eurocode provisions.
Finite Element Analysis of Hybrid Trikes Roll CageIRJET Journal
The document summarizes the finite element analysis of the roll cage for a hybrid trike vehicle. It discusses the design objectives of ensuring driver safety, reducing weight and cost. AISI 1018 steel was selected for the roll cage material. A static structural analysis was performed in Hypermesh software to analyze the roll cage under different impacts - front, side, rollover, and bump. The analysis showed maximum von mises stresses lower than the yield strength of the material, indicating safety factors above 1.3 in all cases. This confirms the roll cage structure can withstand the expected impacts while meeting the objectives.
This document provides a concise summary of Eurocode 2 (EC2) for the design of reinforced concrete framed buildings. It aims to guide readers through the key aspects of EC2 and other relevant Eurocodes. The publication covers topics such as basis of design, materials, durability, structural analysis, bending and axial load, shear, punching shear, torsion, serviceability, detailing requirements, and design aids. It is intended to help designers transition to designing according to EC2 and the UK National Annex.
This document presents the design of an optimal blanketing material for use below railway tracks. Blanketing material provides load distribution, drainage, and strength below the ballast layer. Various soil and aggregate samples were collected and tested individually and in mixtures. Properties tested included gradation, compaction, CBR, and abrasion. Three mix proportions of soil to aggregate (75:25, 65:35) were evaluated. Optimum moisture contents, maximum dry densities, and CBR values up to 20% were obtained, meeting RDSO specifications. The study aims to determine an economic and high-quality mix proportion for use as blanketing material below tracks.
This document presents the results of a study analyzing the effects of shear walls on the seismic performance of a 10-story reinforced concrete building using pushover analysis. Four models were analyzed: 1) without shear walls, 2) with a core shear wall, 3) with corner shear walls, and 4) with adjacent shear walls. The results show that providing shear walls significantly reduces story displacements and drift compared to a building without shear walls. Specifically, a building with a core shear wall performed best with the least displacement. Therefore, the study concludes that core shear walls most effectively improve seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings.
Design and analysis of reinforced concrete multistory commercial building usi...Estisharaat Company
Design of multistory building by solving a sample manually ans rest of the building by solving on autodesk robot analysis, complete detailing of r.c members,final year project,complete ,how to design slabs, how to design beams, how to design rc column, how to make final year project, design of stairs,how to design foundations , how to prepare a project before using it in software for analysis,
IRJET- Sleeper Design using Fibre ReinforcementIRJET Journal
This document discusses the design of a pre-stressed concrete railway sleeper using plastic fiber reinforcement. It begins with an introduction to railway sleepers and their purpose to support rails and transfer loads. It then discusses the benefits of using pre-stressed concrete sleepers over other materials like timber. The objective of this project is to use plastic fiber reinforcement and silica to achieve strength and economy. Literature on sleeper design was reviewed from previous studies. The document outlines the casting procedure used which involves threading plastic fiber pipes for reinforcement within the concrete. It presents the results of compressive strength tests on samples and concludes that the plastic fiber reinforcement provides strength at less cost than traditional steel reinforcement.
ACI 318-19 Presentation - changes to the concrete design standardssuser8685dc
This document provides information about a seminar on changes to the ACI 318 concrete design standard from ACI 318-14 to ACI 318-19. The seminar will cover major changes grouped by topic, including changes to requirements for high-strength reinforcement, development lengths, shear design, durability, shotcrete, and appendix A. Attendees will learn about the new organization of ACI 318-19 and how it is designed to make information easier to find. The seminar will also discuss provisions for evaluating existing concrete structures and changes to load and analysis requirements.
Guide to the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs (1)abbdou001
This document provides guidance on the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs according to Eurocode standards. It discusses factors that influence flat slab design and construction such as the type of structure, client requirements, planning rules, ground conditions, and contractor preferences. It also covers typical flat slab behavior, design considerations, construction methods, detailing, and analysis techniques. The document aims to help designers understand flat slab structural behavior and best practices for design and construction.
IRJET-V9I7186.pdfWeb Crippling Capacity of Cold Formed Steel Channel Sections...IRJET Journal
The document analyzes the web crippling capacity of cold-formed steel channel sections with and without openings through finite element analysis. Various parameters that affect web crippling capacity are studied, including bearing length, inner bent radius, flange width, web height, and hole diameter. Models of channel sections are created in ANSYS by varying these parameters to determine their influence on web crippling and buckling loads. The results are presented in tables comparing the load capacities. The analysis seeks to understand the effects of web openings and optimize their location in channel sections.
This document summarizes a thesis submitted for a Master's degree in structural engineering. The thesis investigates the efficiency of lateral load resisting systems in tall steel buildings. It first introduces the topic and importance of structural concepts for tall buildings. It then outlines the methodology, including loading criteria and building design optimization. Next, it describes different lateral systems - rigid frames, braced frames, rigid-braced frames, and outrigger and belt truss systems. The results and discussions chapter compares the performance of these systems. The conclusion discusses the scope for future work and references cited.
IRJET- Design and Analysis of Concrete Diagrid Building and its Comparison wi...IRJET Journal
This document compares the structural behavior of a 10-storey concrete diagrid building to a conventional concrete building through modeling and analysis in STADD PRO software. Key findings include:
1) The diagrid structure experiences 33% less steel reinforcement compared to the conventional structure.
2) Shear forces and bending moments in beams and columns are generally lower in the diagrid building.
3) Storey drift is approximately half in the diagrid building compared to the conventional building.
4) The total volume of concrete used is 22.5% less in the diagrid building, showing it to be more economical.
Site visit report (Soo Bee Chien & Teoh Pei Ni)TeohPeiNi
This document provides details of a site visit conducted by a lecturer and students to a construction site for a water park project. It includes sections summarizing the project, observations from the site visit, progress of construction works, materials and equipment on site, and the site valuation process. The purpose of the site visit was to give students hands-on experience of a construction site and observe real construction activities and safety practices. Key aspects observed included earthworks, structural works, reinforcement works, and confirmation that all workers were wearing proper safety equipment.
Glass and Steel w-Addendum discusses the development and branding of steel and glass components for building repairs and upgrades, focusing on various technical and operational aspects. It includes detailed sections on glass interlining, steel oats branding, dimensional justification, and multi-agency partnerships, among other topics.
The remaining document provides an extensive overview of the development and application of glass and steel technology, focusing on various processes, theories, and partnerships necessary for its implementation. It includes detailed sections on the introduction to glass and steel assimilations, task branding, multi-agency partnerships, manifold theory, and franchise theory, along with appendices and notes on portal arrangements.
Additionally, the document discusses the development and certification of a new type of laminate design applied with granular steel for enhanced building compositions
Overall, the GLASS AND STEEL document emphasizes the innovative use of glass and steel in industry and construction, the importance of scalable and cost-effective processes for both, and the need for collaboration and advanced science in developing new building materials and methods.
Emulations of methods deployed are founded in CRYSTAL CLOUD SERVICE of ARK BASED TECHNOLOGY sponsoring GLASS SYSTEMS and STAR STREAM designs (pull mechanics.)
This document provides a project report on the analysis and design of a multi-storey commercial building (G+5 levels) using STAAD Pro and ETABS software. The report includes an introduction, literature review on analysis methods, plan of the building, load calculations, design of beams, columns, slabs and footings. STAAD Pro is used for the 3D analysis of the building to obtain results like bending moments and shear forces. The report presents the analysis, design and results obtained from the software for various structural elements of the building.
This paper deals with testing theory regarding Home and Foundation Test for Ark Compositions from their initial mechanical theory through the eventual remote building theory of glass community evolution.
[Ken w. day,_james_aldred,_barry_hudson]_concrete_(
This document provides an overview and table of contents for the book "Concrete Mix Design, Quality Control and Specification" by Ken W. Day, James Aldred, and Barry Hudson. The book contains 13 chapters that cover topics related to concrete mix design, materials, properties, testing, quality control, specifications, and the future of concrete. The table of contents lists the chapter titles and section headings to provide a high-level outline of the information contained in each chapter.
This document provides an overview of bridge design concepts and analysis. It discusses various bridge typologies including historical examples of masonry, timber, metal, reinforced concrete, and cable-supported bridges. It also covers site data collection, design loads and actions, conceptual design considerations, superstructure and substructure options, construction methods, aesthetics, and structural analysis techniques.
This document provides an overview of the fundamentals of open pit mine planning and design. It is the first volume of a multi-volume work on open pit mine planning and design by authors William Hustrulid, Mark Kuchta, and R. Martin. The document covers topics such as mine planning, estimating revenues and costs, orebody description methods, geometrical considerations, pit limits determination, production planning, and reporting of mineral resources and reserves.
Optimization of steel plate Girder Bridge with web openings and StiffenersIRJET Journal
The document discusses the optimization of steel plate girder bridges with web openings and stiffeners through finite element analysis. 24 simply supported steel plate girders with a 30m span and 2000mm web depth were analyzed with 800mm and 1000mm web openings and stiffener inclinations of 30属, 45属, 60属, 90属. The girders were subjected to class A, class 70R, and class AA loadings as per Indian code and analyzed for bending stresses, shear stresses, and deflection. Results found that bending and shear stresses increased with increased stiffener inclination. Deflection also increased with increased stiffener inclination. Stress values did not differ widely between 30属 and 45属 stiffener inclinations.
_Anthony_05010480 Msc Dissertation Design prestressed concrete to Eurocode 2Anthony Rochefort
This document is a dissertation submitted by Anthony Rochefort for the degree of Master of Science in Structural Engineering. It examines the effects of temperature on prestressed concrete members designed according to Eurocode 2. The dissertation includes an introduction, literature review on prestressed concrete and the Eurocodes, analysis of temperature effects, creep and shrinkage effects, loss of prestress, design methodology, examples, and conclusions. The key issues addressed are temperature gradients causing stresses, loss of concrete strength at high temperatures, compensating through increased prestressing and concrete strength, and evaluating prestress loss according to Eurocode provisions.
Finite Element Analysis of Hybrid Trikes Roll CageIRJET Journal
The document summarizes the finite element analysis of the roll cage for a hybrid trike vehicle. It discusses the design objectives of ensuring driver safety, reducing weight and cost. AISI 1018 steel was selected for the roll cage material. A static structural analysis was performed in Hypermesh software to analyze the roll cage under different impacts - front, side, rollover, and bump. The analysis showed maximum von mises stresses lower than the yield strength of the material, indicating safety factors above 1.3 in all cases. This confirms the roll cage structure can withstand the expected impacts while meeting the objectives.
This document provides a concise summary of Eurocode 2 (EC2) for the design of reinforced concrete framed buildings. It aims to guide readers through the key aspects of EC2 and other relevant Eurocodes. The publication covers topics such as basis of design, materials, durability, structural analysis, bending and axial load, shear, punching shear, torsion, serviceability, detailing requirements, and design aids. It is intended to help designers transition to designing according to EC2 and the UK National Annex.
This document presents the design of an optimal blanketing material for use below railway tracks. Blanketing material provides load distribution, drainage, and strength below the ballast layer. Various soil and aggregate samples were collected and tested individually and in mixtures. Properties tested included gradation, compaction, CBR, and abrasion. Three mix proportions of soil to aggregate (75:25, 65:35) were evaluated. Optimum moisture contents, maximum dry densities, and CBR values up to 20% were obtained, meeting RDSO specifications. The study aims to determine an economic and high-quality mix proportion for use as blanketing material below tracks.
This document presents the results of a study analyzing the effects of shear walls on the seismic performance of a 10-story reinforced concrete building using pushover analysis. Four models were analyzed: 1) without shear walls, 2) with a core shear wall, 3) with corner shear walls, and 4) with adjacent shear walls. The results show that providing shear walls significantly reduces story displacements and drift compared to a building without shear walls. Specifically, a building with a core shear wall performed best with the least displacement. Therefore, the study concludes that core shear walls most effectively improve seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings.
Design and analysis of reinforced concrete multistory commercial building usi...Estisharaat Company
Design of multistory building by solving a sample manually ans rest of the building by solving on autodesk robot analysis, complete detailing of r.c members,final year project,complete ,how to design slabs, how to design beams, how to design rc column, how to make final year project, design of stairs,how to design foundations , how to prepare a project before using it in software for analysis,
IRJET- Sleeper Design using Fibre ReinforcementIRJET Journal
This document discusses the design of a pre-stressed concrete railway sleeper using plastic fiber reinforcement. It begins with an introduction to railway sleepers and their purpose to support rails and transfer loads. It then discusses the benefits of using pre-stressed concrete sleepers over other materials like timber. The objective of this project is to use plastic fiber reinforcement and silica to achieve strength and economy. Literature on sleeper design was reviewed from previous studies. The document outlines the casting procedure used which involves threading plastic fiber pipes for reinforcement within the concrete. It presents the results of compressive strength tests on samples and concludes that the plastic fiber reinforcement provides strength at less cost than traditional steel reinforcement.
ACI 318-19 Presentation - changes to the concrete design standardssuser8685dc
This document provides information about a seminar on changes to the ACI 318 concrete design standard from ACI 318-14 to ACI 318-19. The seminar will cover major changes grouped by topic, including changes to requirements for high-strength reinforcement, development lengths, shear design, durability, shotcrete, and appendix A. Attendees will learn about the new organization of ACI 318-19 and how it is designed to make information easier to find. The seminar will also discuss provisions for evaluating existing concrete structures and changes to load and analysis requirements.
Guide to the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs (1)abbdou001
This document provides guidance on the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs according to Eurocode standards. It discusses factors that influence flat slab design and construction such as the type of structure, client requirements, planning rules, ground conditions, and contractor preferences. It also covers typical flat slab behavior, design considerations, construction methods, detailing, and analysis techniques. The document aims to help designers understand flat slab structural behavior and best practices for design and construction.
IRJET-V9I7186.pdfWeb Crippling Capacity of Cold Formed Steel Channel Sections...IRJET Journal
The document analyzes the web crippling capacity of cold-formed steel channel sections with and without openings through finite element analysis. Various parameters that affect web crippling capacity are studied, including bearing length, inner bent radius, flange width, web height, and hole diameter. Models of channel sections are created in ANSYS by varying these parameters to determine their influence on web crippling and buckling loads. The results are presented in tables comparing the load capacities. The analysis seeks to understand the effects of web openings and optimize their location in channel sections.
This document summarizes a thesis submitted for a Master's degree in structural engineering. The thesis investigates the efficiency of lateral load resisting systems in tall steel buildings. It first introduces the topic and importance of structural concepts for tall buildings. It then outlines the methodology, including loading criteria and building design optimization. Next, it describes different lateral systems - rigid frames, braced frames, rigid-braced frames, and outrigger and belt truss systems. The results and discussions chapter compares the performance of these systems. The conclusion discusses the scope for future work and references cited.
IRJET- Design and Analysis of Concrete Diagrid Building and its Comparison wi...IRJET Journal
This document compares the structural behavior of a 10-storey concrete diagrid building to a conventional concrete building through modeling and analysis in STADD PRO software. Key findings include:
1) The diagrid structure experiences 33% less steel reinforcement compared to the conventional structure.
2) Shear forces and bending moments in beams and columns are generally lower in the diagrid building.
3) Storey drift is approximately half in the diagrid building compared to the conventional building.
4) The total volume of concrete used is 22.5% less in the diagrid building, showing it to be more economical.
Site visit report (Soo Bee Chien & Teoh Pei Ni)TeohPeiNi
This document provides details of a site visit conducted by a lecturer and students to a construction site for a water park project. It includes sections summarizing the project, observations from the site visit, progress of construction works, materials and equipment on site, and the site valuation process. The purpose of the site visit was to give students hands-on experience of a construction site and observe real construction activities and safety practices. Key aspects observed included earthworks, structural works, reinforcement works, and confirmation that all workers were wearing proper safety equipment.
Glass and Steel w-Addendum discusses the development and branding of steel and glass components for building repairs and upgrades, focusing on various technical and operational aspects. It includes detailed sections on glass interlining, steel oats branding, dimensional justification, and multi-agency partnerships, among other topics.
The remaining document provides an extensive overview of the development and application of glass and steel technology, focusing on various processes, theories, and partnerships necessary for its implementation. It includes detailed sections on the introduction to glass and steel assimilations, task branding, multi-agency partnerships, manifold theory, and franchise theory, along with appendices and notes on portal arrangements.
Additionally, the document discusses the development and certification of a new type of laminate design applied with granular steel for enhanced building compositions
Overall, the GLASS AND STEEL document emphasizes the innovative use of glass and steel in industry and construction, the importance of scalable and cost-effective processes for both, and the need for collaboration and advanced science in developing new building materials and methods.
Emulations of methods deployed are founded in CRYSTAL CLOUD SERVICE of ARK BASED TECHNOLOGY sponsoring GLASS SYSTEMS and STAR STREAM designs (pull mechanics.)
This document provides a project report on the analysis and design of a multi-storey commercial building (G+5 levels) using STAAD Pro and ETABS software. The report includes an introduction, literature review on analysis methods, plan of the building, load calculations, design of beams, columns, slabs and footings. STAAD Pro is used for the 3D analysis of the building to obtain results like bending moments and shear forces. The report presents the analysis, design and results obtained from the software for various structural elements of the building.
This paper deals with testing theory regarding Home and Foundation Test for Ark Compositions from their initial mechanical theory through the eventual remote building theory of glass community evolution.
#Tangki4dexclusive #tangki4dlink #tangki4dvip #bandarsbobet #idpro2025 #stargamingasia #situsjitu #jppragmaticplay
10 Critical Skills Kids Need in the AI EraRachelDines1
What skills do the next generation need to thrive in the age of AI? Exploring the benefits of AI and the potential risks when it comes to the next generation.
Building a Multiplatform SDKMAN in JavaFX.pdfJago de Vreede
SDKMAN is one of the most popular ways to install/upgrade Java or other build tooling on your system. It works great from the command line, but what if you could bring its power to a graphical interface? And what if it worked seamlessly on Windows too? In this talk, we will use SDKMAN as an example of how to build a multiplatform native application using JavaFX for the UI and GraalVM to compile native images. We will dive into the process of creating native apps with GraalVM, distributing them with GitHub, and identifying some limitations of native Java applications. Plus, well explore alternative methods for shipping native apps across platforms. By the end of this session, you will have practical insights on how to build and distribute native apps with or without JavaFX.
Shopify API Integration for Custom Analytics_ Advanced Metrics & Reporting Gu...CartCoders
CartCoders offers specialized Shopify integration services to enhance your eCommerce store's functionality and user experience. Connect your Shopify store seamlessly with essential software and applications. Perfect for businesses aiming to streamline operations and boost efficiency.
RIRs and the Next Chapter of Internet Growth - from IPv4 to IPv6APNIC
Subha Shamarukh, Internet Resource Analyst at APNIC, presented on 'RIRs and the Next Chapter of Internet Growth - from IPv4 to IPv6' at the Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum held in Dhaka on 29 January 2025.
cyber hacking and cyber fraud by internet online moneyVEENAKSHI PATHAK
Cyber fraud is a blanket term to describe crimes committed by cyberattacks via the internet. These crimes are committed with the intent to illegally acquire and leverage an individual's or businesss sensitive information for monetary gain
Learn the key differences between the Internet and WAN. Understand how high Internet plans and private networks can serve different purposes for businesses.
Eugene J. OBrien and Damien L. Keogh
Department of Civil Engineering
University College Dublin, Ireland
Alan J. OConnor
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 4 written in collaboration with the authors by
Barry M. Lehane
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
4. CRC Press
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息 2015 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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Version Date: 20140819
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4822-2724-6 (eBook - PDF)
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been
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5. This book is dedicated to Sheena, Margaret and Mette.
Thank you for your endless patience.
7. vii
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
Disclaimer xvii
Authors xix
1Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Factors affecting structural form 1
1.3 Cross sections 2
1.3.1 Solid rectangular 2
1.3.2 Voided rectangular 3
1.3.3 T-section 4
1.3.4 Box sections 5
1.3.5 Older concepts 6
1.4 Bridge elevations 7
1.4.1 Simply supported beam/slab 8
1.4.2 Series of simply supported beams/slabs 8
1.4.3 Continuous beam/slab with full propping during construction 8
1.4.4 Partially continuous beam/slab 9
1.4.5 Continuous beam/slab: Span-by-span construction 12
1.4.6 Continuous beam/slab: Balanced cantilever construction 13
1.4.7 Continuous beam/slab: Push-launch construction 16
1.4.8 Arch bridges 16
1.4.9 Frame or box culvert (integral bridge) 19
1.4.10 Beams/slabs with drop-in span 21
1.4.11 Cable-stayed bridges 22
1.4.12 Suspension bridges 24
1.5 Articulation 24
1.6 Bearings 27
1.6.1 Sliding bearings 27
1.6.2 Pot bearings 28
1.6.3 Elastomeric bearings 28
1.7 Joints 29
1.7.1 Buried joint 30
8. viiiContents
1.7.2 Asphaltic plug joint 30
1.7.3 Nosing joint 30
1.7.4 Reinforced elastomeric joint 31
1.7.5 Elastomeric in metal runners joint 31
1.7.6 Cantilever comb or tooth joint 32
1.8 Bridge aesthetics 32
1.8.1 Single-span beam/slab/frame bridges of constant depth 33
1.8.2 Multiple spans 34
2 Bridge loading 39
2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Dead loading 40
2.3 Imposed traffic loading 41
2.3.1 Pedestrian traffic 41
2.3.2 Nature of road traffic loading 41
2.3.3 Code models for road traffic 44
2.3.4 Imposed loading due to rail traffic 45
2.4 Shrinkage and creep 46
2.4.1 Shrinkage 47
2.4.2 Creep 47
2.5 Thermal loading 47
2.5.1 Uniform changes in temperature 48
2.5.2 Differential changes in temperature 50
2.6 Impact loading 56
2.7 Dynamic effects 57
2.8 Prestress loading 61
2.8.1 Equivalent loads and linear transformation 61
2.8.2 Prestress losses 67
2.8.3 Non-prismatic bridges 69
3 Introduction to bridge analysis 73
3.1 Introduction 73
3.2 Positioning the traffic load model on the bridge 73
3.3 Differential settlement of supports 77
3.4 Thermal expansion and contraction 78
3.4.1 Equivalent loads method 81
3.5 Differential temperature effects 83
3.5.1 Temperature effects in three dimensions 93
3.6 Prestress 96
3.7 Analysis for the effects of creep 102
4 Integral bridges 109
4.1 Introduction 109
4.1.1 Integral construction 109
9. Contentsix
4.1.2 Lateral earth pressures on abutments 111
4.1.3 Stiffness of soil 114
4.2 Contraction of bridge deck 116
4.2.1 Contraction of bridge fully fixed at the supports 116
4.2.2 Contraction of bridge on flexible supports 116
4.3 Conventional spring model for deck expansion 120
4.4 Modelling expansion with an equivalent spring at deck level 123
4.4.1 Development of general expression 123
4.4.2 Expansion of frames with deep abutments 126
4.4.3 Expansion of bank-seat abutments 128
4.5 Run-on slab 131
4.6 Time-dependent effects in composite integral bridges 133
5 Slab bridge decks: Behaviour and modelling 137
5.1 Introduction 137
5.2 Thin-plate theory 137
5.2.1 Orthotropic and isotropic plates 137
5.2.2 Bending of materially orthotropic thin plates 138
5.2.3 Stress in materially orthotropic thin plates 144
5.2.4 Moments in materially orthotropic thin plates 146
5.2.5 Shear in thin plates 153
5.3 Grillage analysis of slab decks 155
5.3.1 Similitude between grillage and bridge slab 156
5.3.2 Grillage member properties: Isotropic slabs 158
5.3.3 Grillage member properties: Geometrically orthotropic slabs 162
5.3.4 Computer implementation of grillages 164
5.3.5 Sources of inaccuracy in grillage models 164
5.3.6 Shear force near point supports 166
5.3.7 Recommendations for grillage modelling 166
5.4 Planar finite element analysis of slab decks 168
5.4.1 FE theory: Beam elements 168
5.4.2 FE theory: Plate elements 171
5.4.3 Similitude between plate FE model and bridge slab 175
5.4.4 Properties of plate finite elements 176
5.4.5 Shear forces in plate FE models 178
5.4.6 Recommendations for FE analysis 179
5.5 Wood and Armer equations 182
5.5.1 Resistance to twisting moment 186
5.5.2 New bridge design 187
6 Application of planar grillage and finite element methods 189
6.1 Introduction 189
6.2 Simple isotropic slabs 189
6.3 Edge cantilevers and edge stiffening 192
6.4 Voided slab bridge decks 200
10. xContents
6.5 Beam-and-slab bridges 206
6.5.1 Grillage modelling 207
6.5.2 Finite element modelling 213
6.5.3 Transverse local behaviour of beam-and-slab bridges 215
6.6 Cellular bridges 215
6.6.1 Grillage modelling 216
6.7 Skew and curved bridge decks 222
6.7.1 Grillage modelling 223
6.7.2 FE modelling 224
7 Three-dimensional modelling of bridge decks 225
7.1 Introduction 225
7.2 Shear lag and effective flange width 225
7.2.1 Effective flange width 226
7.3 Three-dimensional analysis using brick elements 228
7.3.1 Interpretation of results of brick models 228
7.4 Upstand grillage modelling 239
7.5 Upstand finite element modelling 240
7.5.1 Upstand finite element modelling of voided slab bridge decks 244
7.5.2 Upstand FE modelling of other bridge types 247
7.5.3 Prestress loads in upstand FE models 248
8 Probabilistic assessment of bridge safety 251
8.1 Introduction 251
8.2 Code treatment of probability of failure 252
8.2.1 Eurocode 1990 253
8.2.2 ISO/CD 13822:2010 254
8.2.3 Nordic Committee on Building Regulations 255
8.2.4 International Federation for Structural Concrete Bulletin 65 255
8.2.5 AASHTO 256
8.3 Calculation of the probability of failure, Pf256
8.3.1 Basic statistical concepts 258
8.4 Resistance modelling 262
8.4.1 Reinforced concrete 263
8.4.2 Prestressed concrete 265
8.4.3 Structural steel 265
8.4.4 Soils 266
8.4.5 Material model uncertainty 266
8.5 Deterioration modelling 268
8.6 Load modelling 273
8.6.1 Permanent and quasi-permanent loads 273
8.6.2 Variable imposed loads 274
8.7 Probabilistic assessment of LS violation 274
8.8 Component vs. system reliability analysis 275
11. Contentsxi
9 Case studies 277
9.1 Introduction 277
9.2 Reinforced concrete beam-and-slab deck 277
9.2.1 Bridge model 277
9.2.2 Probabilistic classification and modelling 280
9.2.3 Results of probabilistic assessment 285
9.3 Post-tensioned concrete slab deck 287
9.3.1 Bridge model 288
9.3.2 Probabilistic classification and modelling 289
9.3.3 Results of probabilistic assessment 291
9.4 Steel truss bridge 293
9.4.1 Bridge model 294
9.4.2 Probabilistic classification and modelling 296
9.4.3 Results of probabilistic assessment 299
9.5 Conclusion 301
References 303
Appendix A: Stiffness of structural members and associated bending
moment diagrams 309
Appendix B: Location of centroid of a section 311
Appendix C: Derivation of shear area for grillage member representing
cell with flange and web distortion 313
Index 315
13. xiii
This edition arose from a suggestion by Alan OConnor that our book should include chap-
ters on reliability theory. However, when we took a closer look, we found that the entire book
was in need of a major update; and what started as minor revisions became a big undertak-
ing. New research has changed the way that soil/structure interaction is treated in Chapter
4. We decided to drop the text on moment distribution in Chapter 3 and added a new section
to give examples of how to analyse for the effects of creep. A lot has changed over the years.
Grillage analysis is surely declining in popularity as plate finite-element (FE) programs are
widely available, and most engineers are now familiar with the basics of FE theory. We have
retained grillage analysis for now, but we de-emphasise it and have greatly expanded the
sections on 3-D brick finite elements. The old references to the British Standard BS5400 are
now gone, and the text is consistent with the Eurocodes and AASHTO standards. We have
kept with our tradition of taking the reader through big examples in considerable detail. The
feedback we get is that young engineers find this really useful.
In many ways, we have grown up with this book. Damien Keogh was just a graduate
when we wrote the first edition, and he is now a project engineer with the international firm
of consultants, Ramb淡ll. Eugene OBrien was a junior lecturer when he was working on the
first edition, and he is now a professor and a company director at Roughan ODonovan
Innovative Solutions. It has been a pleasure to update the book to reflect the many changes
that have happened since the 1990s. We hope that the readers will agree that it has been
15. xv
Several people helped us in the preparation of the second edition. Dr. Donya Hajializadeh,
in particular, invested a great deal of time in running the analyses for examples in Chapters
3, 4 and 7, and she was particularly patient when the numbers changed and re-analysis was
required. Rachel Harney, Cathal Leahy and Jennifer Keenahan also contributed analysis
and figures essential to the explanation of complex concepts. On technical issues, Marcos
Sanchez Sanchez was an immense resource; he is an outstanding bridge engineer, and he
gave most generously of his time. Aonghus OKeeffe, Arturo Gonz叩lez, Bernard油Enright,
Colin油 Caprani and油 Cathal油 Leahy were also most helpful on technical questions. The
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat, is
acknowledged for making available weigh-in-motion data. Dr. Ib Enevoldsen of Ramb淡ll
Consulting Engineers is specifically thanked for his contribution and for making available
the examples in Chapter 9, which form such an important part of the new edition. Finally,
we would like to thank Dr. Arturo Gonz叩lez for taking on extra lectures and Dr. Atorod
Azizinamini with Florida International University for hosting a sabbatical in Miami, where
much of the work for the second edition was completed. The cover photograph is provided
courtesy of Roughan and ODonovan Consulting Engineers.
17. xvii
This publication presents many advanced techniques, some of which are novel and have not
been exposed to the rigours of time. The material represents the opinions of the authors and
should be treated as such. Readers should use their own judgement as to the validity of the
information and its applicability to particular situations and check the references before
relying on them. Sound engineering judgement should be the final arbiter in all stages of the
design process. Despite the best efforts of all concerned, typographical or editorial errors
may occur, and readers are encouraged to bring errors of substance to our attention. The
publisher and authors disclaim any liability, in whole or in part, arising from information
contained in this publication.
19. xix
Dr. Eugene OBrien is professor of civil engineering at the University College Dublin (UCD),
Ireland. After completing his PhD, Dr. OBrien worked for 5 years in the industry before
becoming a lecturer in 1990 at Trinity College Dublin. Since 1998, he has been a profes-
sor of civil engineering at UCD. He has personally supervised 26 PhDs to completion and
has published 220 technical papers and one other book. He has a significant track record
of participation in European framework projects since the mid-1990s and, at the time of
writing, leads a 2 million national project, PhD in Sustainable Development, funded by
the Irish Research Council. He is also the UCD Principal Investigator on Next Generation
Bridge Weigh-in-Motion, a $1 million project funded jointly by the Science Foundation
Ireland, Invest Northern Ireland and the American National Science Foundation (NSF).
As well as his academic work, Dr. OBrien is involved in the commercialisation of research
as the director of Roughan ODonovan Innovative Solutions. In that role, he leads the FP7
projects, Long Life Bridges and InfraRisk, and is a partner in the Research for SME project,
Dr. Damien Keogh, BSc Eng, PhD, is a senior bridge design engineer and project manager
in the International Bridges Department with Ramb淡ll in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is a
chartered engineer and member of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland. He has exten-
sive international experience in bridge design and project management, having worked in
Ireland, the Middle East, India and Denmark. His experience varies from single-span pre-
cast concrete road bridges up to large composite steel and concrete cable stayed bridges. At
the time of writing, he is working on the Queensferry Crossing: a new 2.7 km road bridge
across the Firth of Forth in Scotland where Ramb淡ll are the lead designers.
Prof. Alan OConnor, BA, BAI, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Civil
Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is a chartered engineer and a fellow of
the Institution of Engineers of Ireland. He has extensive national/international experience
in infrastructural risk analysis and probabilistic safety assessment. He has advised clients
such as Irish Rail, The Irish National Roads Authority, The Danish Roads Directorate,
Danish Railways, Swedish Railways, The Norwegian Roads Authority and the Ministry
of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands. At Trinity College Dublin, the
research group that he leads is focused on investigating infrastructural asset management
and optimised whole life management, cross asset maintenance optimisation, structural
health monitoring, stochastic modelling of engineering systems, risk analysis of critical
infrastructure for extreme weather events and structural reliability analysis.