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Fruits and Vegetables that
Naturally Detoxify Your Liver
John Paul Runyon
Do you
eat food?
Do you live
on planet
If you answered
yes to any of those
questions, then
youve been
exposed to toxins.
In this toxic world
we live in, the
human bodys liver
has a LOT of work
to do.
It is the largest gland found in the human body, and aside from
helping to keep you alive, your liver also has many important
functions that include:
Your liver
is so
their liver,
a person
Detoxifying your blood of harmful toxins
Storing vitamins and minerals
Boosting energy by converting stored
sugar to usable sugar
Producing bile to help digest your food
Breaking down hemoglobin, insulin,
hormones, and old red blood cells
Liver Functions:
It Is always a good idea to consume detoxifying foods on a regular
basis to keep your organs clean and functionally optimally.
The following foods work to detoxify your liver naturally.
Fruits That Detoxify Your Liver:
Lemons and Lemon Water  The juice from lemons works to
activate your livers natural detoxification process which
triggers the liver to release toxins. Lemon Juice also
improves digestion and helps cleanse your intestines.
Apples  Everyones heard the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away,
and when it comes to your liver, the saying is definitely true! Apples contain
pectin and other chemicals that help cleanse the liver and digestive system.
Eat plenty of goji berries to boost
your vitamin C and beta-carotene
intake. Vitamin C works to remove
waste from your body while beta-
carotene boosts liver performance.
Goji Berries
Vegetables That Detoxify Your Liver:
Carrots  Eat plenty of carrots for a healthier
liver. Carrots are rich with flavanoids, beta-
carotene and glutathione, all of which helps
detocigy and improve function of the liver.
Leafy greens like spinach are another excellent
source of liver detoxifying glutathione.
When trying to detoxify your liver or your
entire body, it is important to drink LOTS of
water and move your body regularly. Sweating
is another way the body removes toxins from
your blood stream and organs and staying
hydrated helps this entire process.

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Fruits and Vegetables that Naturally Detoxify your Liver

  • 1. Fruits and Vegetables that Naturally Detoxify Your Liver John Paul Runyon
  • 2. Do you eat food? Do you live on planet Earth?
  • 3. If you answered yes to any of those questions, then unfortunately, youve been exposed to toxins. In this toxic world we live in, the human bodys liver has a LOT of work to do.
  • 4. It is the largest gland found in the human body, and aside from helping to keep you alive, your liver also has many important functions that include: Your liver is so important, mainly because, without their liver, a person cannot survive.
  • 5. Detoxifying your blood of harmful toxins Storing vitamins and minerals Boosting energy by converting stored sugar to usable sugar Producing bile to help digest your food Breaking down hemoglobin, insulin, hormones, and old red blood cells Liver Functions:
  • 6. It Is always a good idea to consume detoxifying foods on a regular basis to keep your organs clean and functionally optimally. The following foods work to detoxify your liver naturally.
  • 7. Fruits That Detoxify Your Liver:
  • 8. Lemons and Lemon Water The juice from lemons works to activate your livers natural detoxification process which triggers the liver to release toxins. Lemon Juice also improves digestion and helps cleanse your intestines.
  • 9. Apples Everyones heard the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and when it comes to your liver, the saying is definitely true! Apples contain pectin and other chemicals that help cleanse the liver and digestive system.
  • 10. Eat plenty of goji berries to boost your vitamin C and beta-carotene intake. Vitamin C works to remove waste from your body while beta- carotene boosts liver performance. Goji Berries
  • 12. Carrots Eat plenty of carrots for a healthier liver. Carrots are rich with flavanoids, beta- carotene and glutathione, all of which helps detocigy and improve function of the liver.
  • 13. Leafy greens like spinach are another excellent source of liver detoxifying glutathione. Spinach
  • 14. When trying to detoxify your liver or your entire body, it is important to drink LOTS of water and move your body regularly. Sweating is another way the body removes toxins from your blood stream and organs and staying hydrated helps this entire process.