In this talk I talk about my recent experience working with Spark Data Frames and the Spark TimeSeries library. For data frames, the focus will be on usability. Specifically, a lot of the documentation does not cover common use cases like intricacies of creating data frames, adding or manipulating individual columns, and doing quick and dirty analytics. For the time series library, I dive into the kind of use cases it supports and why its actually super useful.
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Frustration-Reduced Spark: DataFrames and the Spark Time-Series Library
2. Why are we here?
Spark for quick and easy batch ETL (no streaming)
Actually using data frames
Time Series analysis
3. Why Spark?
Batch/micro-batch processing of large datasets
Easy to use, easy to iterate, wealth of common
industry-standard ML algorithms
Super fast if properly configured
Bridges the gap between the old (SQL, single machine
analytics) and the new (declarative/functional
distributed programming)
4. Why not Spark?
Breaks easily with poor usage or improperly specified
Scaling up to larger datasets 500GB -> TB scale
requires deep understanding of internal configurations,
garbage collection tuning, and Spark mechanisms
While there are lots of ML algorithms, a lot of them
simply dont work, dont work at scale, or have poorly
defined interfaces / documentation
5. Scala
Yes, I recommend Scala
Python API is underdeveloped, especially for ML Lib
Java (until Java 8) is a second class citizen as far as
convenience vs. Scala
Spark is written in Scala understanding Scala helps you
navigate the source
Can leverage the spark-shell to rapidly prototype new
code and constructs
6. Why DataFrames?
Iterate on datasets MUCH faster
Column access is easier
Data inspection is easier
groupBy, join, are faster due to under-the-hood
Some chunks of ML Lib now optimized to use data
7. Why not DataFrames?
RDD API is still much better developed
Getting data into DataFrames can be clunky
Transforming data inside DataFrames can be clunky
Many of the algorithms in ML Lib still depend on RDDs
8. Creation
Read in a file with an embedded header
9. Create a DF
Option A Map schema to Strings, convert to Rows
Option B default type (case-classes or tuples)
DataFrame Creation
10. Option C Define the schema explicitly
Check your work with
DataFrame Creation
11. Column Manipulation
Confusing! You get a GroupedData object, not an RDD or
Use agg or built-ins to get back to a DataFrame.
Can convert to RDD with dataFrame.rdd
12. Custom Column Functions
Option A: Add a column with a custom function:
Option B: Match the Row, get explicit names (yields
RDD, not DataFrame!)
14. Joins
Option A (inner join)
Option B (explicit)
Join types: inner, outer, left_outer, right_outer,
DataFrame joins benefit from Tungsten optimizations
15. Null Handling
Built in support for handling nulls in data frames.
Drop, fill, replace
19. Why Spark TS?
Each row of the TimeSeriesRDD is a keyed vector of
doubles (indexed by your time index)
Easily and efficiently slice data-sets by time:
Generate statistics on the data:
20. Why Spark TS?
Feature generation
Moving averages over time
Outlier detection (e.g. daily activity > 2 std-dev from
moving average)
Constant time lookups in RDD by time vs. default O(m),
where m is the partition size
21. What doesnt work?
Cannot have overlapping entries per time index, e.g. data
with identical date time (e.g. same day for DayFrequency)
If time zones are not aligned in your data, data may not
show up in the RDD
Limited input format: must be built from two columns => Key
(K) and a Double
Documentation/Examples not up to date with v0.2
0.2 version => There will be bugs
But its open source! Go fix them
22. How do I use it?
Download the binary (version 0.2 with dependencies)
Add it as a jar dependency when launching Spark:
spark-shell --jars sparkts-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-
23. What else?
Save your work => Write completed datasets to file
Work on small data first, then go to big data
Create test data to capture edge cases
25. Any Spark on YARN
E.g. Deploy Spark 1.6 on CDH 5.4
Download your Spark binary to the cluster and untar
In $SPARK_HOME/conf/
This tells Spark where Hadoop is deployed, this also gives it the
link it needs to run on YARN
export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(/usr/bin/hadoop
This defines the location of the Hadoop binaries used at run