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       Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.

                      An Observation Guide for the Learners Characteristics

        Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation check-list if a more detailed observation is

   1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves. How they move, walk, run up the
       stairs, etc.
   2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
   3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.

   1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
   2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?

  1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily cries,
      mood shifts)
  2. How do they express their wants/needs?
  3. How do they handle frustrations?
  4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?

   1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency.
   2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their
       thinking skills.
   3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show problem solving

Field Study 1: Episode 2
Learners Development Matrix

       Record the data you gathered about the learners characteristics and needs in this matrix. This will
allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each
domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which
you have observed.

Development Domain               Preschooler                Elementary                 High School
                             Indicate age range of       Indicate age range of      Indicate age range of
                            children observed: 5 - 6    children observed:8 - 9   children observed: 12 - 13
  Gross-motor skills         Kindergarten                Grade II pupils are        High                school
                             pupils move as if           loved     to     roam      students are more
                             they are not in             around             the     conscious on their
                             school, every time          classroom       while      physical look, they
                             they     move     they      discussion is going        walk            properly
   Fine-motor skills         think that they             on.                        sometimes.
                             are just playing.
                             They are clumsy.
   Self-help skills
                             They love writing
                             and drawing, even           They have already          They       are        now
                             if they are not so          developed        their     conscious on their
                             good on that.               skills in writing          performance
                                                         and drawing.               specially        writing
                             Every       activity,                                  and drawing.
                             they always need            Sometimes         they     They      dont       need
                             a help or assistance        need       assistance      assistance from the
                             from the teacher.           from the teacher           teacher on task as
                                                         on some activities.        long       as        they
                                                                                    understand             the
  Interaction with           Kindergarten                Some are shy to            High school pupils
                             pupils interact to          express their ideas.       interact       to    their
                             teacher by eagerly                                     teacher              with
                             answering                                              confident.           They
                             questions from the                                     can     also        express
                             teacher,     even     if                               ideas      to        their

Field Study 1: Episode 2
Interaction with      they not sure with                                    teacher.
  Classmates/friends.   their answer. They
                        interact as if they
  Interests             were talking with           They also love to
                        the same age with           play    with their
                        them.                       classmates         and    They also love to
                        Kindergarten                talking.                  talk      with     their
                        students              are                             friends              and
                        interacting       with      They       are     also   classmates.
                        their      classmates       interested           in
                        through        playing      playing, but its          They are interested
                        with each other.            minimal            now,   in     many       things
                        Kindergarten                maybe         because     since      they      are
                        pupils                are   they also have an         already       mature.
                        interested            in    interest             in   Things like having
                        playing,       that    is   listening to lesson.      crush, love etc.
                        why      the    lecture
                        should be like a
                        playtime always
  Moods and             Kindergarten                Grade two pupils          High              School
  expression of         pupils are happy            are    also      happy,   students are also
  feelings              pupils, but they            but easily change         happy       students,
                        can easily change           mood        due      to   but       they       can
                        moods, especially if        condition          that   handle             their
                        have       something        surround them.            emotion,      some    of
                        they dont like.                                      them can hide their
  Emotional                                                                   real          emotion,
                                                                              maybe            because
                        They are non self                                     they are already
                        conscious they cry          Grade II pupils are       mature.
                        if something that           also    not        that   High school is now
                        really need them to         conscious         with    conscious            and
                        cry.     And      they      their emotion.            cannot show their
                        usually         inform                                emotion          easily,
                        their    teacher       if                             they are already

Field Study 1: Episode 2
there is something                                      mature.            They
                     they dont like.                                        handle it alone.
  Communication      Since                  in    Also in Grade II           High              school
                     kindergarten now             level they use the         students are good in
                     are       using       the    mother tongue, the         communication
                     mother          tongue,      grade II pupils can        skills,    they     can
                     they                  can    communicate                express    ideas     in
                     communicate                  easily     to     their    English.
  Thinking skills
                     easily     with       the    teacher.
                     teacher easily.                                         High              school
                     Kindergarten                 Grade II pupils are        students            has
                     pupils they really           thinking                   develop      already
                     dont      think       on    sometimes, because         their       thinking
                     things, but they             at their age they          skills, because ate
                     can             answer       can             already    their age they are
                     question based on            understand on the          already      mature
  Problem-solving    their         previous       teachers discussion.      and                 can
                     experience.                                             understand things
                                                                             what is right and

                     Kindergarten                 For the Grade II           Since High school
                     pupil doesnt have           pupils they already        students are at the
                     any             problem      have learned simple        age that we can
                     solving           skills,    problem         solving,   mature       already,
                     maybe they have              because at their age       they already possess
                     but it is usually            they                can    a problem solving
                     on       what        they    understand         some    skills, because they
                     believe     what        is   already.                   can               fully
                     right,     they       just                              understand        what
                     easily               utter                              the problem is and
                     solution      without                                   probably can solve
                     thinking        if     its                              it.
                     correct,              and

Field Study 1: Episode 2
usually they says
                           solution based on
                           what    they    had

             My Analysis

        Write the most salient development characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on
these characteristics, think of implication for the teacher.
Field Study 1: Episode 2
              Level                      Salient Characteristics           Implications to the Teaching 
                                                observed                          Learning Process
Preschool                              Preschoolers like to move            Therefore, the teacher should
Age range of Learners observed         around a lot.                        remember to use music and
3-4                                                                         movement activities not just in
                                                                            PE but in all subject areas.
                                                                            Therefore, teacher should not
                                                                            expect preschoolers to stay
                                                                            seated for a long period of

              Level                 Salient Characteristics            Implications to the Teaching 
                                            observed                           Learning Process
Preschool                      The kindergarten pupils are curious or Therefore, the teacher should answer
Age range of Learners observed they are always asking questions.      the questions of the kids with relation
5-6                                                                   to their questions, and should be in a
                                                                      simplest form for the pupils to

                                                                   Therefore, the teacher should not
                                                                   expect that question raised by the
                                                                   kindergarten pupils are always related
                                                                   to the topic the teacher is discussing.
Elementary                     Grade II pupils like to move around Therefore, the teacher should be alert
Age range of Learners observed and have conversation with their and always check the pupils if they
8-9                            classmates.                         are on their chairs.

                                                                          Therefore, the teacher should check if
                                                                          the conversations of the pupils with
                                                                          their classmates are related to the
                                                                          topics for today.

High school                    High school pupils like to have a Therefore, the teacher should be aware
Age range of Learners observed secret conversation with their on their activities to ensure that the
12 - 13                        seatmates talking things.         students are still listening to the

             My Reflections

    1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were
       their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

Field Study 1: Episode 2
Yes, I did when I was at their age like when I was in my
     kindergarten days, I also keep asking question which is just out of
     my curiosity. Also when I was in my Grade II level I also fun of
     having conversation with my classmates that is out of the topic. And
     when I was in my high school days I also did the same I love having
     secret conversation with my seatmates.
             I think everything they had now is just similar with what I also
     have during the same age they have now in these three levels. And
     the only difference is teachers have enough patient with the learners
     today, maybe because they are following the law                         no corporal
     punishment, unlike our time if we commit mistakes the teacher will
     punish us immediately, so I can say we are more behave before than
     todays leaners in these three levels.

  2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help
     or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it
     affect you?

             My teacher in Grade III, she is a very nice teacher for me;
     because she always encourage me to do things that I am not usually
     doing during that time. During this level I started joining school
     activities such as dancing, group singing, and others. She is also the
     teacher who always encourages me to study hard and compete to
     those who are already performer in term of academics in our section.
             Because of her way of motivating and encouragement, I was
     able show what I can do which I just hide it before. I was able be one
     of the performer in the class in terms of academics and other
     extracurricular activities in school.

  3. Share your other insights here.

             Its is really normal for the kindergarten pupils to be curious,
     ask question out of nowhere, fun of moving around and think of
     always playing. Kindergarten pupils they keep on asking question

Field Study 1: Episode 2
because they are curious, they are interested in many things. They
       easily shift moods from being happy to crying.
               Grade II pupils are also normal to be noise and they ask many
       question. Grade II pupils are noise because they always want to
       interact to teacher if they are interested in the lesson, but they also
       like talking with their classmates on the things they have outside the
               High school students are more mature, they are very careful
       with their acts; maybe they are ashamed if they are caught by their
       teacher whenever they are talking with their seatmates.                            They are
       curious now with their physical appearance and their way they

           My Portfolio

       Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher?

Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.

Field Study 1: Episode 2
Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a comprehensive theory
 about the nature and development of human intelligence, first
 developed by Jean Piaget. It is primarily known as a developmental
 stage theory, but in fact, it deals with the nature of knowledge itself
 and how humans come gradually to acquire, construct, and use it. To
 Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of
 mental     processes   as   a   result    of   biological    maturation     and
 environmental experience. Children construct an understanding of
 the world around them, and then experience discrepancies between
 what     they   already     know   and     what    they     discover   in   their
 environment. Moreover,       Piaget      claims   the   idea   that    cognitive
 development is at the center of human organism and language is
 contingent on cognitive development. Below, there is first a short
 description of Piaget's views about the nature of intelligence and then
 a description of the stages through which it develops until maturity.

     This theory of Jean Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development
can help me guide in the future as a teacher. Because this theory
explains that an individual has its own level of learning according to
their age. So with this theory you will be guided and understand
that each level has its own level of understanding and development
with it comes to their physical and cognitive aspects. This theory
also explains the development of a child as early as conception until
they will become mature, and each age level has different level of
development in terms of their physical and cognitive aspects.

Field Study 1: Episode 2
Field Study 1: Episode 2
Field Study 1: Episode 2
Field Study 1: Episode 2
Field Study 1: Episode 2
Field Study 1: Episode 2

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Fs 1 episode 2

  • 1. My Tools Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation. An Observation Guide for the Learners Characteristics Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation check-list if a more detailed observation is preferred. Physical 1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves. How they move, walk, run up the stairs, etc. 2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth? 3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc. Social 1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults. 2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns? Emotional 1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily cries, mood shifts) 2. How do they express their wants/needs? 3. How do they handle frustrations? 4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious? Cognitive 1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency. 2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their thinking skills. 3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show problem solving abilities. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 2. Learners Development Matrix Record the data you gathered about the learners characteristics and needs in this matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you have observed. Development Domain Preschooler Elementary High School Indicate age range of Indicate age range of Indicate age range of children observed: 5 - 6 children observed:8 - 9 children observed: 12 - 13 Physical Gross-motor skills Kindergarten Grade II pupils are High school pupils move as if loved to roam students are more they are not in around the conscious on their school, every time classroom while physical look, they they move they discussion is going walk properly Fine-motor skills think that they on. sometimes. are just playing. They are clumsy. Self-help skills They love writing and drawing, even They have already They are now if they are not so developed their conscious on their good on that. skills in writing performance and drawing. specially writing Every activity, and drawing. they always need Sometimes they They dont need a help or assistance need assistance assistance from the from the teacher. from the teacher teacher on task as on some activities. long as they understand the instructions. Social Interaction with Kindergarten Some are shy to High school pupils Teacher pupils interact to express their ideas. interact to their teacher by eagerly teacher with answering confident. They questions from the can also express teacher, even if ideas to their Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 3. Interaction with they not sure with teacher. Classmates/friends. their answer. They interact as if they Interests were talking with They also love to the same age with play with their them. classmates and They also love to Kindergarten talking. talk with their students are friends and interacting with They are also classmates. their classmates interested in through playing playing, but its They are interested with each other. minimal now, in many things Kindergarten maybe because since they are pupils are they also have an already mature. interested in interest in Things like having playing, that is listening to lesson. crush, love etc. why the lecture should be like a playtime always Emotional Moods and Kindergarten Grade two pupils High School temperament, expression of pupils are happy are also happy, students are also feelings pupils, but they but easily change happy students, can easily change mood due to but they can moods, especially if condition that handle their have something surround them. emotion, some of they dont like. them can hide their Emotional real emotion, independence maybe because They are non self they are already conscious they cry Grade II pupils are mature. if something that also not that High school is now really need them to conscious with conscious and cry. And they their emotion. cannot show their usually inform emotion easily, their teacher if they are already Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 4. there is something mature. They they dont like. handle it alone. Cognitive Communication Since in Also in Grade II High school Skills kindergarten now level they use the students are good in are using the mother tongue, the communication mother tongue, grade II pupils can skills, they can they can communicate express ideas in communicate easily to their English. Thinking skills easily with the teacher. teacher easily. High school Kindergarten Grade II pupils are students has pupils they really thinking develop already dont think on sometimes, because their thinking things, but they at their age they skills, because ate can answer can already their age they are question based on understand on the already mature Problem-solving their previous teachers discussion. and can experience. understand things what is right and wrong. Kindergarten For the Grade II Since High school pupil doesnt have pupils they already students are at the any problem have learned simple age that we can solving skills, problem solving, mature already, maybe they have because at their age they already possess but it is usually they can a problem solving on what they understand some skills, because they believe what is already. can fully right, they just understand what easily utter the problem is and solution without probably can solve thinking if its it. correct, and Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 5. usually they says solution based on what they had experience. My Analysis Write the most salient development characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these characteristics, think of implication for the teacher. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 6. Example: Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching observed Learning Process Preschool Preschoolers like to move Therefore, the teacher should Age range of Learners observed around a lot. remember to use music and 3-4 movement activities not just in PE but in all subject areas. Therefore, teacher should not expect preschoolers to stay seated for a long period of time. Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching observed Learning Process Preschool The kindergarten pupils are curious or Therefore, the teacher should answer Age range of Learners observed they are always asking questions. the questions of the kids with relation 5-6 to their questions, and should be in a simplest form for the pupils to understand. Therefore, the teacher should not expect that question raised by the kindergarten pupils are always related to the topic the teacher is discussing. Elementary Grade II pupils like to move around Therefore, the teacher should be alert Age range of Learners observed and have conversation with their and always check the pupils if they 8-9 classmates. are on their chairs. Therefore, the teacher should check if the conversations of the pupils with their classmates are related to the topics for today. High school High school pupils like to have a Therefore, the teacher should be aware Age range of Learners observed secret conversation with their on their activities to ensure that the 12 - 13 seatmates talking things. students are still listening to the discussion. My Reflections 1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed? Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 7. Yes, I did when I was at their age like when I was in my kindergarten days, I also keep asking question which is just out of my curiosity. Also when I was in my Grade II level I also fun of having conversation with my classmates that is out of the topic. And when I was in my high school days I also did the same I love having secret conversation with my seatmates. I think everything they had now is just similar with what I also have during the same age they have now in these three levels. And the only difference is teachers have enough patient with the learners today, maybe because they are following the law no corporal punishment, unlike our time if we commit mistakes the teacher will punish us immediately, so I can say we are more behave before than todays leaners in these three levels. 2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you? My teacher in Grade III, she is a very nice teacher for me; because she always encourage me to do things that I am not usually doing during that time. During this level I started joining school activities such as dancing, group singing, and others. She is also the teacher who always encourages me to study hard and compete to those who are already performer in term of academics in our section. Because of her way of motivating and encouragement, I was able show what I can do which I just hide it before. I was able be one of the performer in the class in terms of academics and other extracurricular activities in school. 3. Share your other insights here. Its is really normal for the kindergarten pupils to be curious, ask question out of nowhere, fun of moving around and think of always playing. Kindergarten pupils they keep on asking question Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 8. because they are curious, they are interested in many things. They easily shift moods from being happy to crying. Grade II pupils are also normal to be noise and they ask many question. Grade II pupils are noise because they always want to interact to teacher if they are interested in the lesson, but they also like talking with their classmates on the things they have outside the school. High school students are more mature, they are very careful with their acts; maybe they are ashamed if they are caught by their teacher whenever they are talking with their seatmates. They are curious now with their physical appearance and their way they talking. My Portfolio Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 9. Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence, first developed by Jean Piaget. It is primarily known as a developmental stage theory, but in fact, it deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans come gradually to acquire, construct, and use it. To Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as a result of biological maturation and environmental experience. Children construct an understanding of the world around them, and then experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment. Moreover, Piaget claims the idea that cognitive development is at the center of human organism and language is contingent on cognitive development. Below, there is first a short description of Piaget's views about the nature of intelligence and then a description of the stages through which it develops until maturity. This theory of Jean Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development can help me guide in the future as a teacher. Because this theory explains that an individual has its own level of learning according to their age. So with this theory you will be guided and understand that each level has its own level of understanding and development with it comes to their physical and cognitive aspects. This theory also explains the development of a child as early as conception until they will become mature, and each age level has different level of development in terms of their physical and cognitive aspects. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 10. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 11. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 12. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 13. Field Study 1: Episode 2
  • 14. Field Study 1: Episode 2