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Sewickley, PA | (412) 398-5557 | FSOUTH@ME.COM
http://webprofile.info/fsouth | www.linkedin.com/in/furmansouth
Established business operations executive with proven experience driving increases to productivity, revenue and profitability
in multiple industries. Facilitates excellence by promoting teamwork and continuous improvement throughout operations.
Expert in developing short-term and long-term strategic business plans, maximizing performance and ensuring teams exceed
goals, objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
¡ñ Customer Relationship Building ¡ñ Product Lifecycle Management ¡ñ Cross-Functional Collaboration
¡ñ Market & Product Penetration ¡ñ Business Process Improvement ¡ñ Strategic Planning & Execution
¡ñ Optimizing Financial Performance ¡ñ Team Recruitment & Development ¡ñ Vendor Relations & Negotiations
US Liner Co. ¨C Cranberry Twp., PA 2015 - 2016
VP of Special Projects and Recycling
Manufacturer that supplies company laminated wall systems to the refrigerated trailer, shipping container and RV markets.
Oversaw all new product line equipment installation and preproduction testing prior to release to operations. Oversaw all
commodity purchasing, inventory control and annual price negotiations including new consignment program for key
strategic materials.
? Developed strategic relationships with all major vendors resulting in savings on prime raw material totaling $500,000
? Instituted consignment program with major fiberglass supplier resulting in payment terms pushing out from 45 days to
95 days improving cash flow by 10%
? Consolidated fiberglass vendors resulting in a price reduction and an annual savings of $350,000
? Purchased equipment after negotiations resulting in a savings of $155,000 on a single project.
? Instituted preproduction testing procedure resulting in labor and material savings of $145,000
GTG / ABARTA ¨C Pittsburgh, PA 2012 - 2014
VP of Operations
Start-up brand management firm that evaluated, tested, and managed new emerging beverages with annual revenue of $3
million. Oversaw day-to-day and long-range operations for company, including evaluating new brands, testing, strategic
planning and distribution strategy development.
? 10X revenue increase generated for niche product company in 12 months by guiding restructure of organization into
regionalized manufacturing model while reducing price points in premium market segment.
? 9% of total revenue achieved by altering company¡¯s business case model to charge for brand evaluation process and not
only brand management services, leading to total gross revenue of 29% in 12 months.
? 35% of brands secured by conducting assessments of brands and building strategic relationships with key decision-
? 50% reduction in testing and evaluation time achieved by designing and implementing new testing strategy that parallel-
processed multiple brands, leading to increased brand evaluations from one to six at a time.
? 300% improvement in brand evaluation and testing and 21% revenue increase achieved by designing unique brand and
marketing evaluation program.
Furman South PAGE 2 OF 3
Professional Experience, Continued¡­
HENDERSON BROTHERS, INC. ¨C Pittsburgh, PA 2006 - 2011
Producer | New Business Council
Provider of insurance products, including commercial, healthcare, personal lines and retirement plan services generating
$15 million in revenue. Sold, converted and serviced retirement plans, as well as buy-sell agreements and bonus plans.
? Played key role in closing single largest premium life insurance policy by identifying innovative ways to fund, buy, and
sell agreement while leveraging its cash value to increase gross coverage by $40 million.
? $250,000 revenue increase achieved by signing on as broker for evaluations of current 401(k) plan conversions, leading
to 25% broker revenue increase and 50% pipeline gain in three months while developing relationships with clients.
SAXONBURG CERAMICS, INC. ¨C Saxonburg, PA 1977 - 2005
President / CEO
Manufacturer of technical ceramics used as insulation in high-temperature applications, such as appliances, automotive and
electronics. World leader in supplying to MI cable and emersion heater markets, generating $14 million in sales. Oversaw
sales and customer relationship building, marketing, engineering, operations, finance and Human Resources. Led 7 direct
reports and 325 total employees throughout company.
? Customer retention increase 400% and increased market share with current customers through successful relationship
? Built management team as part of culture change to that of participative management and strategic thinking environment.
? Reduced sales costs 17% while delivering 21% sales increase by reengineering selling methods and expanding territories
form US to global regions.
? Reengineered selling method and shifted to direct sales staffed with personnel that expanded capabilities of salesforce.
? Improved ROI on new equipment 40% and enhanced profitability 15% by analyzing operating deficiencies and
implementing organization¡¯s first strategic plan.Successfully directed union facility and non-union facility concurrently,
including negotiating all long-term purchase agreements and collective bargaining agreements.
? Decreased material costs 18% and increased sales 24% for MgO products while also increasing product line profitability
by 16%.
? 600% increase in sales with 10% profitability increase achieved by influencing management to add new product segment
in which company had little prior experience.
? 44% increase in total sales achieved by designing and implementing strategy to move production to more modern,
adaptable facilities and relationship building leading to 50% decrease in lead times and 15% profit improvement.
? Boosted international sales from 5% to 33% within three-year period by successfully building relationships with
international sales organization as well as key strategic customer base.
? Grew revenue from $5 million to $13.5 million while balancing union and non-union manufacturing by negotiating five
contracts with United Steelworkers.
? Increased commodity business 23% with 5% margin improvement by gaining market share with additional product lines,
and improving profitability on all commodity types.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), Villanova University (Dean¡¯s List)
Quality Management Training, Crosby Quality College
(412) 398-5557 | fsouth@me.com
Furman South PAGE 3 OF 3
Professional Experience, Continued¡­
Pennsylvania Producer¡¯s License, Pennsylvania Insurance Department
USA Hockey Level 4 Coaching Certification
(412) 398-5557 | fsouth@me.com

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  • 1. FURMAN SOUTH Sewickley, PA | (412) 398-5557 | FSOUTH@ME.COM http://webprofile.info/fsouth | www.linkedin.com/in/furmansouth STRATEGIC BUSINESS OPERATIONS LEADER Established business operations executive with proven experience driving increases to productivity, revenue and profitability in multiple industries. Facilitates excellence by promoting teamwork and continuous improvement throughout operations. Expert in developing short-term and long-term strategic business plans, maximizing performance and ensuring teams exceed goals, objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI). CORE COMPETENCIES ¡ñ Customer Relationship Building ¡ñ Product Lifecycle Management ¡ñ Cross-Functional Collaboration ¡ñ Market & Product Penetration ¡ñ Business Process Improvement ¡ñ Strategic Planning & Execution ¡ñ Optimizing Financial Performance ¡ñ Team Recruitment & Development ¡ñ Vendor Relations & Negotiations PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE US Liner Co. ¨C Cranberry Twp., PA 2015 - 2016 VP of Special Projects and Recycling Manufacturer that supplies company laminated wall systems to the refrigerated trailer, shipping container and RV markets. Oversaw all new product line equipment installation and preproduction testing prior to release to operations. Oversaw all commodity purchasing, inventory control and annual price negotiations including new consignment program for key strategic materials. ? Developed strategic relationships with all major vendors resulting in savings on prime raw material totaling $500,000 annually. ? Instituted consignment program with major fiberglass supplier resulting in payment terms pushing out from 45 days to 95 days improving cash flow by 10% ? Consolidated fiberglass vendors resulting in a price reduction and an annual savings of $350,000 ? Purchased equipment after negotiations resulting in a savings of $155,000 on a single project. ? Instituted preproduction testing procedure resulting in labor and material savings of $145,000 GTG / ABARTA ¨C Pittsburgh, PA 2012 - 2014 VP of Operations Start-up brand management firm that evaluated, tested, and managed new emerging beverages with annual revenue of $3 million. Oversaw day-to-day and long-range operations for company, including evaluating new brands, testing, strategic planning and distribution strategy development. ? 10X revenue increase generated for niche product company in 12 months by guiding restructure of organization into regionalized manufacturing model while reducing price points in premium market segment. ? 9% of total revenue achieved by altering company¡¯s business case model to charge for brand evaluation process and not only brand management services, leading to total gross revenue of 29% in 12 months. ? 35% of brands secured by conducting assessments of brands and building strategic relationships with key decision- makers. ? 50% reduction in testing and evaluation time achieved by designing and implementing new testing strategy that parallel- processed multiple brands, leading to increased brand evaluations from one to six at a time. ? 300% improvement in brand evaluation and testing and 21% revenue increase achieved by designing unique brand and marketing evaluation program.
  • 2. Furman South PAGE 2 OF 3 Professional Experience, Continued¡­ HENDERSON BROTHERS, INC. ¨C Pittsburgh, PA 2006 - 2011 Producer | New Business Council Provider of insurance products, including commercial, healthcare, personal lines and retirement plan services generating $15 million in revenue. Sold, converted and serviced retirement plans, as well as buy-sell agreements and bonus plans. ? Played key role in closing single largest premium life insurance policy by identifying innovative ways to fund, buy, and sell agreement while leveraging its cash value to increase gross coverage by $40 million. ? $250,000 revenue increase achieved by signing on as broker for evaluations of current 401(k) plan conversions, leading to 25% broker revenue increase and 50% pipeline gain in three months while developing relationships with clients. SAXONBURG CERAMICS, INC. ¨C Saxonburg, PA 1977 - 2005 President / CEO Manufacturer of technical ceramics used as insulation in high-temperature applications, such as appliances, automotive and electronics. World leader in supplying to MI cable and emersion heater markets, generating $14 million in sales. Oversaw sales and customer relationship building, marketing, engineering, operations, finance and Human Resources. Led 7 direct reports and 325 total employees throughout company. ? Customer retention increase 400% and increased market share with current customers through successful relationship building ? Built management team as part of culture change to that of participative management and strategic thinking environment. ? Reduced sales costs 17% while delivering 21% sales increase by reengineering selling methods and expanding territories form US to global regions. ? Reengineered selling method and shifted to direct sales staffed with personnel that expanded capabilities of salesforce. ? Improved ROI on new equipment 40% and enhanced profitability 15% by analyzing operating deficiencies and implementing organization¡¯s first strategic plan.Successfully directed union facility and non-union facility concurrently, including negotiating all long-term purchase agreements and collective bargaining agreements. ? Decreased material costs 18% and increased sales 24% for MgO products while also increasing product line profitability by 16%. ? 600% increase in sales with 10% profitability increase achieved by influencing management to add new product segment in which company had little prior experience. ? 44% increase in total sales achieved by designing and implementing strategy to move production to more modern, adaptable facilities and relationship building leading to 50% decrease in lead times and 15% profit improvement. ? Boosted international sales from 5% to 33% within three-year period by successfully building relationships with international sales organization as well as key strategic customer base. ? Grew revenue from $5 million to $13.5 million while balancing union and non-union manufacturing by negotiating five contracts with United Steelworkers. ? Increased commodity business 23% with 5% margin improvement by gaining market share with additional product lines, and improving profitability on all commodity types. EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), Villanova University (Dean¡¯s List) Quality Management Training, Crosby Quality College (412) 398-5557 | fsouth@me.com
  • 3. Furman South PAGE 3 OF 3 Professional Experience, Continued¡­ Pennsylvania Producer¡¯s License, Pennsylvania Insurance Department USA Hockey Level 4 Coaching Certification (412) 398-5557 | fsouth@me.com