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Horry County Report Summary
 FSP for over 200 (162 families) students with truancy and/or behavior
difficulties in Horry County Schools (2012-2013)
 School staff became certified FSP group leaders after 2 day training
 10 week program and subsequent statistical analysis revealed statistically
significant improvements in:
o GPA of FSP graduates
o Reduction in school absences for graduates
o Improvement in family functioning/cohesion for graduates and their
o Improvement in parent-adolescent open communication (from
perspective of/ as reported by mothers/female authority figures who
graduated from FSP)
 Measured by self-report pre- and post-tests
Through extensive research and application, FSP has proven to be an integral and
cost-effective program in the efforts to decrease truancy, behavior difficulties, and
family dysfunction in low-income communities. A statistical analysis of the Family
Solutions program implemented in Horry County Schools for 2012 to 2015a total
of 300 students and 450 family membersclearly indicates FSPs effectiveness.
After three years of implementing the program and analysis of the graduates pre-
and post-program self-reports, researchers found statistically significant
improvements in the following areas: FSP graduates grade point average (0.10),
frequency of school absences (-2.36), family functioning and cohesion, and openness
of parent-adolescent communication (as reported by female authority figures who
graduated from FSP). Clearly, it is reasonable to conclude that FSP has been and will
continue to be a beneficial program for eligible teens and their families.

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FSP Horry County Report Summary

  • 1. Horry County Report Summary FSP for over 200 (162 families) students with truancy and/or behavior difficulties in Horry County Schools (2012-2013) School staff became certified FSP group leaders after 2 day training 10 week program and subsequent statistical analysis revealed statistically significant improvements in: o GPA of FSP graduates o Reduction in school absences for graduates o Improvement in family functioning/cohesion for graduates and their families o Improvement in parent-adolescent open communication (from perspective of/ as reported by mothers/female authority figures who graduated from FSP) Measured by self-report pre- and post-tests Through extensive research and application, FSP has proven to be an integral and cost-effective program in the efforts to decrease truancy, behavior difficulties, and family dysfunction in low-income communities. A statistical analysis of the Family Solutions program implemented in Horry County Schools for 2012 to 2015a total of 300 students and 450 family membersclearly indicates FSPs effectiveness. After three years of implementing the program and analysis of the graduates pre- and post-program self-reports, researchers found statistically significant improvements in the following areas: FSP graduates grade point average (0.10), frequency of school absences (-2.36), family functioning and cohesion, and openness of parent-adolescent communication (as reported by female authority figures who graduated from FSP). Clearly, it is reasonable to conclude that FSP has been and will continue to be a beneficial program for eligible teens and their families.