This document outlines the assignments and due dates for an introductory information services course. It includes instructions for completing reference interviews, a research guide, and answering practice reference questions from various sources like websites, indexes, and books. Examples of elements to include in a research guide on encyclopedias are provided, such as key terms, overview sources, major works, periodicals, and websites. A comparison of features of encyclopedias like Britannica, World Book, and Random House is also presented.
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FSU SLIS Intro to Info Services Wk 7: Encyclopedias
1. E稼界霞界鉛看沿艶糸庄温壊
LIS 5603, Intro to Information Services
Dr. Lorri Mon, College of Communication
& Information
2. Next Due Dates
Mon, Oct 15: Question Set (email to instructor) -
Answering each question with 3 different sources: web,
index, books/bibliographic (was: 10/8)
Mon, Oct 22: IPL2 Question #1 (first real user
question (was: 10/15)
Mon, Oct 29: IPL2 Question #2 (secondreal user
Tue, Nov. 13: IPL Question #3 & IPL reflective paper
with copies of all questions (email to instructor)
Mon. Nov 20: Reference interviews and paper (email
to instructor)
Mon. Dec. 10: Research Guide (email to instructor)
3. Reference Interview Assignment (11/20)
Turn in 3 items:
1. Face-to-face interview write up [here you did
the interviewing, taking the role of
professional, and seeking to understand the
users information need]
2. Transcript of your chat/IM [here you were in
the reverse role, now being interviewed as a
user/patron when you approached and
asked at a question-answering service]
3. Reflective essay of at least 1,000 words
4. Example Research Guide Elements (Dec. 10)
Key search terms, subject headings, call number
Overview sources: encyclopedias, bibliographies,
handbooks etc. [e.g. last week, we did Dictionaries]
Key works: major sources
Sources in possible sub-areas/subtopics.
Periodicals: magazines, journals, newspapers,
Indexes and Abstracts; online databases
Websites (please list as a separate section): websites,
including digital libraries
Professional associations, or other groups, and
conferences of interest
5. History of Encyclopedias
etymology from Greek circle of
knowledge or circle of learning
First encyclopedia Roman? (Pliny the Elder)
Famous encyclopedias Diderot in France,
Britannica 1768 (incl. Benjamin Franklin, John
6. Encyclopedia Questions
Where can I find
information about Africa?
the Democratic Presidential candidate in
if penguins have feathers on their flippers?
information about oceans and seas?
how much the Hessians were paid?
the size of a herd of vicu単a?
7. Encyclopedia Britannica - 1768 to date
Britannica Statistics:
70,000 articles
25,000 illustrations
2,000 maps
790,000 index entries
32 volumes
Cost to libraries:
8. Encyclopedia of Library & Information
Entry on the Museum Informatics
9. Comparing Encyclopedias - 1
Encyclopedia Americana Random House
1929 to date 1977 to date
45,000 articles 25,000+ articles
23,000 illustrations thousands of
1,300 maps illustrations (Colorpedia)
354,000 index entries 100+ maps
30 volumes 20,000 cross references
Cost to libraries: $995.00 1 or 2 volumes
Cost to libraries: $95.00
to $130.00
Sources: Katz, William A. (2002); Kister, Kenneth (1981), Encyclopedia Buying Guide
10. Encyclopedia Americana 1929 to date
Americana Statistics
45,000 articles
23,000 illustrations
1,300 maps
354,000 index entries
30 volumes
Cost to libraries:
Source: Katz, William A. (2002), Introduction to Reference Work, Vol 1.
11. Random House 1977 to date
Random House Statistics
25,000+ articles
thousands of
illustrations (Colorpedia)
100+ maps
20,000 cross references
From the Colorpedia 1 or 2 volumes
Cost to libraries: $95.00
to $130.00
Sources: Katz, William A. (2002); Kister, Kenneth (1981), Encyclopedia Buying Guide
12. Comparing Encyclopedias - 2
World Book Encyclopedia Britannica
1917 to date - 1768 to date
17,000 articles 70,000 articles
28,000 illustrations 25,000 illustrations
2,000 maps 2,000 maps
173,000 index entries 790,000 index entries
22 volumes 32 volumes
Cost to libraries: Cost to libraries:
$550.00 $1,500.00
Shneidman, Edwin (1998), "Suicide on My Mind, Britannica on My Table,"
American Scholar, 67(4): 93-104.
13. World Book 1917 to date
World Book Statistics
17,000 articles
28,000 illustrations
2,000 maps
173,000 index entries
22 volumes
Cost to libraries:
Source: Katz, William A. (2002), Introduction to Reference Work, Vol 1.
15. Specialized Encyclopedias
Search in the catalog for Encyclopedia of what
do you see?
Examples of specialized encyclopedias:
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
Encyclopedia of Library & Information Science
Encyclopedia of New York City
The Canadian Encyclopedia
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of Associations
The Cowboy Encyclopedia
22. Evolution of Encyclopedias
Britannica vs. Wikipedia
vs. popular/quickly-updated
When would you use one or the other?
Is one better than the other? Why?
How is the Web changing encyclopedias?
23. Next Due Dates
Mon, Oct 15: Question Set (email to instructor) -
Answering each question with 3 different sources: web,
index, books/bibliographic (was: 10/8)
Mon, Oct 22: IPL2 Question #1 (first real user
question (was: 10/15)
Mon, Oct 29: IPL2 Question #2 (secondreal user
Tue, Nov. 13: IPL Question #3 & IPL reflective paper
with copies of all questions (email to instructor)
Mon. Nov 20: Reference interviews and paper (email
to instructor)
Mon. Dec. 10: Research Guide (email to instructor)