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ITS TIME TO BREAK THE NORM OR THE EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. Usually when you and a group of friends go for
dinner or a night of dining we tend to see the table clothed, silverware, a la carte or 3 course menu, and your normal
waiter coming to your table to serve your every need. We also experience it at the table, booth, or a bar in a typical
brick and mortar restaurant. Well things are changing so get on board with these trendsetters who are shaking up a
customers normal dining experience for one that in itself can be an adventure.
Here are a just a few of interesting dining experiences that can take your time of eating out into an entirely different
vibe! Lets take a quick glance at some that offer a fun trend of eating for us lovers of food and fun!
If youre in NY you automatically think of Broadway with its lights,
glamour, and Tony Award winning musicals. Like any theater goer;
you try to eat a nice meal before you see the show that youve been
dying to see but how about eating in the show as you become a part
of the production itself? Well at Queen of The Night its the best of
both worlds. Audience members are treated to a super fun, creative,
outlandish, and delicious show while dining. Youre literally eating in
the show! Who wouldnt want to eat a spectacular curated meal for
each show along with a dynamic production? Try it out!
This is what you call a sky-high meal! As a Chicago native, you
already know theres nothing bigger or better than the Willis Tower
(formerly known as the Sears Tower for us natives). With 103 (1,353
ft) floors of greatness you cant help but take in the beautiful sights
of the city. To kick it up a notch you can eat in the stratosphere of the
city with a magnificent view. In fact, if youre a fan of Chicago style
deep dish then you can even dine with a Pie in the Sky package
for your enjoyment. Obviously, this isnt the place for the afraid of
heights but maybe a good pizza and view can help you shake that fear
at the Ledge Dining.
In school we learned of the five senses - Touch, Taste, Feel, Smell,
Sight, right? Now, imagine one of those being completely removed
during dinner. At Opaque in LA, thats exactly what they do. You
are there for dinner, but your one to two hour dining experienced is
completely in the dark. Thats right! Pitch black darkness! Its a new
trend of dining in the dark where restaurants, such as Opaque, take
the diner into the realm of darkness and to be frank  thats great! It
causes one to focus on what you taste, feel, and smell. Research states
that when one sense is removed, the others heighten. Now turn off the
lights and enjoy that meal!
Grab your wine glass and empty belly the next time youre in
Northern California and enjoy a scenic train on a nostalgic style of
transportation and travel while dinging on multiple courses through
the trip. Its a mixture of vintage, beauty, and luxury mixed into the
love for great wine in the beauty of the Napa Valley. Its a great way
to have a classy affair dinner party or even a beautiful date with your
loved one. With three kitchens set into this antique train theres no
shortage of quality cuisine. With that being said - get your train ticket
and start dining. All aboard!!!
BLEU: What
was your main
motivation for
this concept?
wife loves fine dining and I
love nice cars. So, when we
were back in England I can
recall our nights going great
restaurants for fine dining
and would drive my nicest
vehicle for that evening.
With me being a big car en-
thusiast, I would find myself
excusing myself from the
table in order to check on
my vehicle during the course
of the dinner. I even told my
wife that one day Im going
to make a spot where you
can sit right next to your car
and enjoy your meal! So,
with inspiration from a visit
to the London Motor Muse-
um and the location of the
art district in Miami thats
where Miami Supercars
came into fruition.
What has been the
crowd/consumer re-
sponse and interaction
thus far?
People love it! Its a perfect
merry of the He and she
where you have the lover of
food and a lover of classic
vehicles. In fact, sometimes
the lover of the vehicle is a
woman. Ive had one lady
who race cars state to me
she came to the establish-
ment for her love of cars.
Its been an overwhelming
response since the opening
on February 2016. With six
tables, six dining experienc-
es, and only open for meal
service on Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday we have been
completely booked!
What should a visitor ex-
pect when dining there?
Its not a dining experience
but an auto experience with
food. You come and you re-
ceive history of the car that
includes how it goes from
a vehicle to later becoming
a piece of road art. Guests
come and meet the chefs that
are preparing their meal and
talk to the diners on a per-
sonal basis. In preparation of
the experience, we just dont
leave the cars there to sit and
be admired but also to feel
the revving of the engines.
It helps to tie in the whole
entire experience especially
when we are technically
an art gallery for vehicles
moreso than a restaurant.
Even our bar is made of
a 1972 Ford C30. Lastly,
guests leave with an array of
magical tool sets that we
tailor and provide based on
what associate members of
the car room donate.
What is the fondest din-
ing experience you have
ever had and wouldnt
mind replicating there
within the parameters
of your establishment in
some way?
The experience of having
a chef cooking in front of
you. Theres a great feeling
to be in a situation where
you eat what you want to
eat by talking directly to
the person who will make
it for you. I wanted to bring
that interaction to the table
along with the interaction
the guests automatically
experience with our vehicles
in the room.
What is one solid fact
about MSC that we
should know and expect
when visiting?
We are a gallery of road
art. And by road art we
mean anything that is super
unique, different, and per-
Live right and eat well!
The Ledge  Chicago
Opaque - Los Angeles
Wine Train Dining - Napa Valley Cars,Class,andFood.Noneedformetoexplainmorebutinsteadlet
Culinary Excursions

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Fuel Food Issue 42

  • 1. ITS TIME TO BREAK THE NORM OR THE EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. Usually when you and a group of friends go for dinner or a night of dining we tend to see the table clothed, silverware, a la carte or 3 course menu, and your normal waiter coming to your table to serve your every need. We also experience it at the table, booth, or a bar in a typical brick and mortar restaurant. Well things are changing so get on board with these trendsetters who are shaking up a customers normal dining experience for one that in itself can be an adventure. Here are a just a few of interesting dining experiences that can take your time of eating out into an entirely different vibe! Lets take a quick glance at some that offer a fun trend of eating for us lovers of food and fun! If youre in NY you automatically think of Broadway with its lights, glamour, and Tony Award winning musicals. Like any theater goer; you try to eat a nice meal before you see the show that youve been dying to see but how about eating in the show as you become a part of the production itself? Well at Queen of The Night its the best of both worlds. Audience members are treated to a super fun, creative, outlandish, and delicious show while dining. Youre literally eating in the show! Who wouldnt want to eat a spectacular curated meal for each show along with a dynamic production? Try it out! This is what you call a sky-high meal! As a Chicago native, you already know theres nothing bigger or better than the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower for us natives). With 103 (1,353 ft) floors of greatness you cant help but take in the beautiful sights of the city. To kick it up a notch you can eat in the stratosphere of the city with a magnificent view. In fact, if youre a fan of Chicago style deep dish then you can even dine with a Pie in the Sky package for your enjoyment. Obviously, this isnt the place for the afraid of heights but maybe a good pizza and view can help you shake that fear at the Ledge Dining. In school we learned of the five senses - Touch, Taste, Feel, Smell, Sight, right? Now, imagine one of those being completely removed during dinner. At Opaque in LA, thats exactly what they do. You are there for dinner, but your one to two hour dining experienced is completely in the dark. Thats right! Pitch black darkness! Its a new trend of dining in the dark where restaurants, such as Opaque, take the diner into the realm of darkness and to be frank thats great! It causes one to focus on what you taste, feel, and smell. Research states that when one sense is removed, the others heighten. Now turn off the lights and enjoy that meal! Grab your wine glass and empty belly the next time youre in Northern California and enjoy a scenic train on a nostalgic style of transportation and travel while dinging on multiple courses through the trip. Its a mixture of vintage, beauty, and luxury mixed into the love for great wine in the beauty of the Napa Valley. Its a great way to have a classy affair dinner party or even a beautiful date with your loved one. With three kitchens set into this antique train theres no shortage of quality cuisine. With that being said - get your train ticket and start dining. All aboard!!! PHOTOBYMATTEOPRANDONI BLEU: What was your main motivation for this concept? ELO: My wife loves fine dining and I love nice cars. So, when we were back in England I can recall our nights going great restaurants for fine dining and would drive my nicest vehicle for that evening. With me being a big car en- thusiast, I would find myself excusing myself from the table in order to check on my vehicle during the course of the dinner. I even told my wife that one day Im going to make a spot where you can sit right next to your car and enjoy your meal! So, with inspiration from a visit to the London Motor Muse- um and the location of the art district in Miami thats where Miami Supercars came into fruition. What has been the crowd/consumer re- sponse and interaction thus far? People love it! Its a perfect merry of the He and she where you have the lover of food and a lover of classic vehicles. In fact, sometimes the lover of the vehicle is a woman. Ive had one lady who race cars state to me she came to the establish- ment for her love of cars. Its been an overwhelming response since the opening on February 2016. With six tables, six dining experienc- es, and only open for meal service on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we have been completely booked! What should a visitor ex- pect when dining there? Its not a dining experience but an auto experience with food. You come and you re- ceive history of the car that includes how it goes from a vehicle to later becoming a piece of road art. Guests come and meet the chefs that are preparing their meal and talk to the diners on a per- sonal basis. In preparation of the experience, we just dont leave the cars there to sit and be admired but also to feel the revving of the engines. It helps to tie in the whole entire experience especially when we are technically an art gallery for vehicles moreso than a restaurant. Even our bar is made of a 1972 Ford C30. Lastly, guests leave with an array of magical tool sets that we tailor and provide based on what associate members of the car room donate. What is the fondest din- ing experience you have ever had and wouldnt mind replicating there within the parameters of your establishment in some way? The experience of having a chef cooking in front of you. Theres a great feeling to be in a situation where you eat what you want to eat by talking directly to the person who will make it for you. I wanted to bring that interaction to the table along with the interaction the guests automatically experience with our vehicles in the room. What is one solid fact about MSC that we should know and expect when visiting? We are a gallery of road art. And by road art we mean anything that is super unique, different, and per- sonable Live right and eat well! WORDS CLIFF HUNT QUEEN OF THE NIGHT - NEW YORK CITY The Ledge Chicago Opaque - Los Angeles Wine Train Dining - Napa Valley Cars,Class,andFood.Noneedformetoexplainmorebutinsteadlet theowner,Elo,discusswhatMiamiSupercarRoomsisreallyallabout. c 3 1 4 2 MIAMI SUPERCAR ROOMS ELO Culinary Excursions