18. 亠舒亳亠从仂亠 舒仆亠仆亳亠 丐 丐亊丐
(仗亳仄亠 XenData, StorNext)
Combination Tape +
Floor space
Disk leads to perfect
Power & Cooling solution
Prod + DR Carts
High capacity SATA disk can
offer lower cost access to
online data
Tape is less expensive and
consumes less energy, but is
not often the best choice for
$946,405 online access to data
A blended solution provides
$0 online access to the most
SATA Disk Tape Blended
Disk and recent data, with longer term
Tape storage on energy-efficient tape
250TB of storage
19. FUJIFILM - 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 于亟仂仆仂于仍ム
Fujifilm Advanced Research Lab
Fujifilm invests nearly $4 million dollars every
day in research and development, using its
enormous library of proprietary chemistry and
advanced thin-film engineering expertise to
create new products and advance existing
businesses as customer needs evolve.
Fujifilm Advanced Research Laboratories (opened in April, 2006)
Fujifilms Three Advanced Research Laboratories
Advanced Core Technology Laboratories
Building future core technologies centered on photonics, nanotechnology, and functional materials
Organic Synthesis Chemistry Research Laboratories
Carrying out R&D related to highly functional organic materials in such fields
as the organic electronics and the medical imaging/ life-science fields
Life Science Research Laboratories
Development of core technologies and products related to medical therapy and health
in such fields as protein/DNA analysis and diagnostic systems, drug discovery
and drug discovery support, regeneration therapy, and healthcare