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Expected Salary:
MYR 3,000
Amutha Jayamery N.p. Jeremiah
Church Administrator at Tamil Methodist Church Ipoh, Jalan Lahat
(+60) 0149091409 | jayapaul65@gmail.com | 49 years old | Ipoh, Perak
29 years
Previous Security Warden
Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral (M) Sdn Bhd
cict-college-southern cross university, lismore campus
Bach Degree, Marketing (2006)
Feb 2014 - Present
(11 months )
Church Administrator
Tamil Methodist Church Ipoh, Jalan Lahat | Perak, Malaysia
Monthly Salary MYR 1,200
Key skills,
? Motivating and directing people
? Agile and attention to detail
? Strong problem solving skills
Objective Statement C Effectively analyze various standards of security operation programs; perform
risk assessments to manage implementation of safe environment in the organization for both visitors
and employees.
Jul 2013 - Sep 2013
(2 months )
Security Warden
Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral (M) Sdn Bhd
Monthly Salary MYR 1,500
R.E.A.C.H approach in detailing job scope for new security personnel. Job scope details - patrolling
using motorbike residential area (day and nite), umbrella post (guard static at key residential points),
morning briefing (work oath, discipline problems, on-the-job training, reporting to Residential Security
Manager (Horizon Hills), night guard dog patrol duties, day/night guard CCTV duties, code/call sign for
each team (alpha, beta, delta and bravo). (alpha - management), beta (guard post), delta (security
agency) (bravo - patrol team). Point by point detailing for task involved. Duties changes according to
personnel availability. Reporting by walkie-talkie. Written reports/log book checked for any incidences
each post. Scheduling must be done overnite according to personnel talents/stamina/skills exposed
during on the job training. Individual work assessment to recognise potential leaders/team
head/assistant security officer/security officers. Used colour codes to identify danger points. Mark
perimeter of certain residential points. Identify certain threat (instant, intended, undue attention,
location). On the job training for security personnel to be street wise on handling drunks, junkies,
gangs, prostitutes, hire cars, buses, trains, pedestrians, motoryclists etc. On the job training for security
personnel to recognise warning signs, the danger signs, verbal assault and physical assault. Identify
type of attack and street weapons. Give motivation when under stress. Also learn and teach rape
victims, stalkers, family violence, home security measures, vehicle security measures, travel security
measures, handling kidnap victims/families, crowd control and defence mechanism against
pets/dangerous creatures lurking around residential area. Management must get Steve Collin's Think
Act Stay Safe Be Your Own Guardian Angel with the R.E.A.C.T Approach To Self DeFence Guidelines
Book to provide excellent security measures for housing residents. Recognise Evaluate Alternatives
Concentrate Terminate approach will enable security management to be in tune with the environment,
be alert, aware of your surroundings and switch to any alternative measures to safeguard people and
Jan 2013 - May 2013
(4 months )
Front Office Supervisor
Beauty Advisor/Supervisor
Monthly Salary MYR 1,200
Established a professional customer service in Shahnaz Husain beauty salon (based in Subang Jaya)
for walk-in female customers who wants to make appointment for facial, threading (removal of facial
hair), body massage, bridal care by fixing an appointed time/day with the requested beautician. Also sell
beauty products to female and male customers who require special skin problems (acne prone skin, oily
skin, hair fall problem, wrinkle problem) and match their skin problems with the right beauty products.
Also provide translation for foreign beuticians who do not speak in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
Counselling for potential customers to make appointment for special facial conditions by detailing their
specific needs and match it with the right products. For an example, an acrne prone skin requires
products like Sha Cleanse, Sha Scrub, Prodcedure used is scrub and wipe the acne prone skin 3 times.
Cleanse using Sha Zema. Massage 20 times, Remove black head using steam and needle. Wipe with
cool cotton. Apply mask for 20 minutes and wipe. Apply Sha Base to moisturize. Apply mask Sha Derm
and Sha Clove for 20 minutes and wipe. Other services include bleaching using bleach powder and
cream (mixed) and water. Apply with sponge. Leave it on for 20 minutes and after 10 minutes wet again
with water. Wipe clean.
Jun 2010 - Jan 2013
(2 years 7 months )
security duty manager
Open store at 0600hrs. Check all emergency door/alarm setting. Check and report for discrepancy on
illegal door opening/illegal exit/entry of staff or customers during shopping hours (0830hrs-2300hrs).
Check all promoters/customers/staff for stolen grocery items (body check). Right C4 Daily Report on
daily activities. Report to Division Security Manager on illegal activities/smuggling of good at Receiving
Yard. Check outgoing goods at Receiving Yards. Inspects outgoing customers goods to ensure quantity
is correct with Delivery Order. I filed incident reports on suspects stealing, sexual assault on a promoter,
promoter stealing grocery, staff stealing from grocery division in receiving yards and staff trying to
smuggle cigarettes and alcohol. I also made numerous police reports on such incidents.
Jan 2008 - Jan 2009
(1 year )
Church Worker
Holy Spirit Church, Buntong, Ipoh, Perak
Work for church administration handling children ministry. Teaching poor children at St Paul Ministry at
Jalan Spooner. Work starts at 0800am until 1200noon. Clean church area for praise and worship on
Sundays. There was no salary and no incentive to stay.
Jan 2007 - Jan 2008
(1 year )
Security Personnel
Reeliance Security (M) Sdn Bhd
Monthly Salary MYR 1,500
Report for duty at 0700am. Morning briefing and posting to Celestica (Kulim) Sdn Bhd. Handling
shipment in and shipment of motherboards. Writing reports hourly. Patrolling factory area only.
Jan 2006 - Jan 2007
(1 year )
Security offcer
Securigold Sdn Bhd
Monthly Salary MYR 1,500
Report for duty at 0700am to Intel PG10 Warehouse in Bayan Lepas Industrial Area near Batu Maung,
Penang. Morning prayers with inhouse. Posting of security personnel. Work briefing. Handling shipment
in and shipment out of Intel microchips. Handle Delta 3 position - book keeping of lorry seals for
shipment out of Intel microchips. Delta 8 position - book keeping of finished goods inventory (FGI) for
shipment in. Patrolling red zone area with Intel inhouse where gold bars are kept for processing to make
microchips. Writing out lorry seals. Ensure all seals are accounted and tally with shipment in and
shipment out.
Jan 2001 - Jun 2004
(3 years 5 months )
Editorial Assistant
St Christopher's Church Johor Bahru
Monthly Salary MYR 350
Compiling and transalating church news in english, bahasa malaysia and tamil to publish weekly as
church bulletins. Compiled and gathered stories for the 75th Anniversary Magazine in 2002 which was
published in three languages. Mostly write stories on departed souls and their contribution to the church
from 1945 till 2002. Also wrote stories on departed bishop and priest and their services to the churches
in johor from 1930s to 2000. Other job function cleaning the church. making coffee/tea and dinner
preparation for the chuch morning/afternoon/evening services.
Feb 2000 - Apr 2001
(1 year 2 months )
Senior Security Officer
Premier Security (S) Pte Ltd
Monthly Salary MYR 3,000
Report to work in Maxtor Pheriperal (S) Pte Ltd in Yu Chu Kang at 0730hrs. Monitor incoming and
outgoing employees. Body check outgoing employees for smuggling for disk drives. Register incoming
and outgoing lorry/truck delivering finished goods inventories (FGI) and computer hardwares. Check
incoming/outgoing engineers on smuggling of computer hardwares in their laptops. Check manually
Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
their laptop bags and body check using hand-held detectors. Patrolling using key clocking system every
hour. Monitor female employees who can be suicidal after meeting HR dept manager who take
disciplinary action on female employees who come late to work.
Jan 1994 - Jun 2000
(6 years 5 months )
Sun Media Group
Joined The Sun Media Group as Cadet Journalist at Johor Bahru Bureau based in the state of Johor
(south of Peninsular Malaysia). Learn to gain police and fire station contacts for car and fire accidents.
Telephoned all fire and police stations daily to check on crime and accidents stories. Travelled all over
Johor using Kris Modenas motorcycle. Collect/Compile/Write advertorials/news articles for companies,
government agencies and human interest stories. My byline for TheSun was Mery Jeremiah. Enjoy
writing articles and stories since 13 years old. Fluent in English, Tamil and Bahasa Malaysia. I got front
page news from hospital nurses, police officers and fire station personnel by using telephone and face
to face contact after office hours. Most news compiled during after working hours to gain upper hand in
filing hot scoops.
Jan 1990 - Jul 1994
(4 years 6 months )
Legal Clerk
Hong Leong Management Sdn Bhd
Monthly Salary MYR 1,500
Type out legal documents specifically documents related to settlement, loan arrangement, leasing
arrangement, debt arrangement, credit facilities, share settlement documents, shareholders financial
agreements, company secretarial documents, stamp duty documents. Handling telephone calls.
1985 - 1990
(5 years )
Clerk Typist
Survey Research Malaysia (M) Sdn Bhd
Monthly Salary MYR 1,200
Learn to type out questionnaires using Adler typewriter and IBM typewriter. Later learn to use computer
programme Wordperfect to type out questionnaires and survey reports for clients. Receptionist duties
during lunch time and librarian duties to file in sample reports and final reports.
2006 cict-college-southern cross university, lismore campus
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing | Malaysia
Major Principles of Marketing
Grade Grade A/1st Class
1992 rima college
Professional Certificate in Marketing | Malaysia
Intermediate Typing Skills, Writing And Editing
Proficiency level: 0 - Poor, 10 - Excellent
Language Spoken Written Relevant Certificates
Bahasa Malaysia 8 8 -
English 8 8 -
Tamil 8 8 -
Jobstreet English Language Assessment (JELA)
Date Taken 11 Jun 2013
Score 32/40
Additional Info
Expected Salary MYR 2,000
Preferred Work Location Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya
Other Information
I attended Southern Cross University Bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA) majoring in Marketing from February 2005-April 2006. I
received 1st semester result which produced distinction in Marketing. I attended Singapore Insitute of management Diploma course in
Management in year 2000. I received a membership certificate. I am fluent in three languages. I can speak and write in English, Bahasa
Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
Malaysia and Tamil (my mother language). My security personnel work experience enabled me to experience people of all rank and file
including drug addicts misconducts, alchoholics who act improper at guard post and security personnel who do not have professional work
As a former journalist in TheSun (1994-2000) in Johor Bahru, I met politicians, police officers, businessmen and attend multiple political
events and establish excellent public relations with various type of people of all walk of life. As trained Security Personnel (attended on the
job training for the past 8 years) I am able to meet and talk to people and map out a solution to all type of problems by utilising all my
divine-blessed talents.
SECURITY ASSISTANT MANAGER (fomerly Carrefour Hypermarket)
* Summary
?Professional manager with ten years managerial experience, directing operations of security practices and regulations in organization.
?Regularly acquires in-depth knowledge of security legislation and securing environment from related hazards and threats.
Core specialties,
Security risk assessment.
Enforcing security policies.
Defining and planning safety practices.
Handling confidential information.
Leading the implantation of security/safety procedures.
Key skills,
Motivating and directing people
Agile and attention to detail
Strong problem solving skills
Objective Statement C Effectively analyze various standards of security operation programs; perform risk assessments to manage
implementation of safe environment in the organization for both visitors and employees.
?Prepared overall security plans and managed security operations of organization, including assignments and staffing.
?Contributed to investigations of property loss, thefts and criminal activities.
?Provides timely reports to firm Management.
?Manages all security costs through financial analysis.
?Maintained and conducted routine checkup of several sites in firm; analyzed failures.
?Monitored performance of security units installed in firm.
?Researched market constantly to gain knowledge of latest trends in security system implementation and possible security threats.
?Recommended installations of new/ latest security systems or a possible up-gradation in existing systems.
?Conducted annual research on crime risk analysis.
About Me
Gender Female
Telephone Number (+60) 6014-9091409
Address 134, Laluan Sg Pari 7,, Teluk Kurin A, Buntong, 30100, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com

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Full Resume Amutha Jayamery N.p. Jeremiah

  • 1. Expected Salary: MYR 3,000 Amutha Jayamery N.p. Jeremiah Church Administrator at Tamil Methodist Church Ipoh, Jalan Lahat (+60) 0149091409 | jayapaul65@gmail.com | 49 years old | Ipoh, Perak Experien ce 29 years Previous Security Warden Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral (M) Sdn Bhd Educatio n cict-college-southern cross university, lismore campus Bach Degree, Marketing (2006) Nationalit y Malaysia Experience Feb 2014 - Present (11 months ) Church Administrator Tamil Methodist Church Ipoh, Jalan Lahat | Perak, Malaysia Monthly Salary MYR 1,200 Key skills, ? Motivating and directing people ? Agile and attention to detail ? Strong problem solving skills Objective Statement C Effectively analyze various standards of security operation programs; perform risk assessments to manage implementation of safe environment in the organization for both visitors and employees. Jul 2013 - Sep 2013 (2 months ) Security Warden Kawalan Keselamatan Sentral (M) Sdn Bhd Monthly Salary MYR 1,500 R.E.A.C.H approach in detailing job scope for new security personnel. Job scope details - patrolling using motorbike residential area (day and nite), umbrella post (guard static at key residential points), morning briefing (work oath, discipline problems, on-the-job training, reporting to Residential Security Manager (Horizon Hills), night guard dog patrol duties, day/night guard CCTV duties, code/call sign for each team (alpha, beta, delta and bravo). (alpha - management), beta (guard post), delta (security agency) (bravo - patrol team). Point by point detailing for task involved. Duties changes according to personnel availability. Reporting by walkie-talkie. Written reports/log book checked for any incidences each post. Scheduling must be done overnite according to personnel talents/stamina/skills exposed during on the job training. Individual work assessment to recognise potential leaders/team head/assistant security officer/security officers. Used colour codes to identify danger points. Mark perimeter of certain residential points. Identify certain threat (instant, intended, undue attention, location). On the job training for security personnel to be street wise on handling drunks, junkies, gangs, prostitutes, hire cars, buses, trains, pedestrians, motoryclists etc. On the job training for security personnel to recognise warning signs, the danger signs, verbal assault and physical assault. Identify type of attack and street weapons. Give motivation when under stress. Also learn and teach rape victims, stalkers, family violence, home security measures, vehicle security measures, travel security measures, handling kidnap victims/families, crowd control and defence mechanism against pets/dangerous creatures lurking around residential area. Management must get Steve Collin's Think Act Stay Safe Be Your Own Guardian Angel with the R.E.A.C.T Approach To Self DeFence Guidelines Book to provide excellent security measures for housing residents. Recognise Evaluate Alternatives Concentrate Terminate approach will enable security management to be in tune with the environment, be alert, aware of your surroundings and switch to any alternative measures to safeguard people and property. Jan 2013 - May 2013 (4 months ) Front Office Supervisor Beauty Advisor/Supervisor Monthly Salary MYR 1,200 Established a professional customer service in Shahnaz Husain beauty salon (based in Subang Jaya) for walk-in female customers who wants to make appointment for facial, threading (removal of facial hair), body massage, bridal care by fixing an appointed time/day with the requested beautician. Also sell beauty products to female and male customers who require special skin problems (acne prone skin, oily skin, hair fall problem, wrinkle problem) and match their skin problems with the right beauty products. Also provide translation for foreign beuticians who do not speak in English or Bahasa Malaysia. Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
  • 2. Counselling for potential customers to make appointment for special facial conditions by detailing their specific needs and match it with the right products. For an example, an acrne prone skin requires products like Sha Cleanse, Sha Scrub, Prodcedure used is scrub and wipe the acne prone skin 3 times. Cleanse using Sha Zema. Massage 20 times, Remove black head using steam and needle. Wipe with cool cotton. Apply mask for 20 minutes and wipe. Apply Sha Base to moisturize. Apply mask Sha Derm and Sha Clove for 20 minutes and wipe. Other services include bleaching using bleach powder and cream (mixed) and water. Apply with sponge. Leave it on for 20 minutes and after 10 minutes wet again with water. Wipe clean. Jun 2010 - Jan 2013 (2 years 7 months ) security duty manager CARREFOUR MALAYSIA Open store at 0600hrs. Check all emergency door/alarm setting. Check and report for discrepancy on illegal door opening/illegal exit/entry of staff or customers during shopping hours (0830hrs-2300hrs). Check all promoters/customers/staff for stolen grocery items (body check). Right C4 Daily Report on daily activities. Report to Division Security Manager on illegal activities/smuggling of good at Receiving Yard. Check outgoing goods at Receiving Yards. Inspects outgoing customers goods to ensure quantity is correct with Delivery Order. I filed incident reports on suspects stealing, sexual assault on a promoter, promoter stealing grocery, staff stealing from grocery division in receiving yards and staff trying to smuggle cigarettes and alcohol. I also made numerous police reports on such incidents. Jan 2008 - Jan 2009 (1 year ) Church Worker Holy Spirit Church, Buntong, Ipoh, Perak Work for church administration handling children ministry. Teaching poor children at St Paul Ministry at Jalan Spooner. Work starts at 0800am until 1200noon. Clean church area for praise and worship on Sundays. There was no salary and no incentive to stay. Jan 2007 - Jan 2008 (1 year ) Security Personnel Reeliance Security (M) Sdn Bhd Monthly Salary MYR 1,500 Report for duty at 0700am. Morning briefing and posting to Celestica (Kulim) Sdn Bhd. Handling shipment in and shipment of motherboards. Writing reports hourly. Patrolling factory area only. Jan 2006 - Jan 2007 (1 year ) Security offcer Securigold Sdn Bhd Monthly Salary MYR 1,500 Report for duty at 0700am to Intel PG10 Warehouse in Bayan Lepas Industrial Area near Batu Maung, Penang. Morning prayers with inhouse. Posting of security personnel. Work briefing. Handling shipment in and shipment out of Intel microchips. Handle Delta 3 position - book keeping of lorry seals for shipment out of Intel microchips. Delta 8 position - book keeping of finished goods inventory (FGI) for shipment in. Patrolling red zone area with Intel inhouse where gold bars are kept for processing to make microchips. Writing out lorry seals. Ensure all seals are accounted and tally with shipment in and shipment out. Jan 2001 - Jun 2004 (3 years 5 months ) Editorial Assistant St Christopher's Church Johor Bahru Monthly Salary MYR 350 Compiling and transalating church news in english, bahasa malaysia and tamil to publish weekly as church bulletins. Compiled and gathered stories for the 75th Anniversary Magazine in 2002 which was published in three languages. Mostly write stories on departed souls and their contribution to the church from 1945 till 2002. Also wrote stories on departed bishop and priest and their services to the churches in johor from 1930s to 2000. Other job function cleaning the church. making coffee/tea and dinner preparation for the chuch morning/afternoon/evening services. Feb 2000 - Apr 2001 (1 year 2 months ) Senior Security Officer Premier Security (S) Pte Ltd Monthly Salary MYR 3,000 Report to work in Maxtor Pheriperal (S) Pte Ltd in Yu Chu Kang at 0730hrs. Monitor incoming and outgoing employees. Body check outgoing employees for smuggling for disk drives. Register incoming and outgoing lorry/truck delivering finished goods inventories (FGI) and computer hardwares. Check incoming/outgoing engineers on smuggling of computer hardwares in their laptops. Check manually Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
  • 3. their laptop bags and body check using hand-held detectors. Patrolling using key clocking system every hour. Monitor female employees who can be suicidal after meeting HR dept manager who take disciplinary action on female employees who come late to work. Jan 1994 - Jun 2000 (6 years 5 months ) Journalist Sun Media Group Joined The Sun Media Group as Cadet Journalist at Johor Bahru Bureau based in the state of Johor (south of Peninsular Malaysia). Learn to gain police and fire station contacts for car and fire accidents. Telephoned all fire and police stations daily to check on crime and accidents stories. Travelled all over Johor using Kris Modenas motorcycle. Collect/Compile/Write advertorials/news articles for companies, government agencies and human interest stories. My byline for TheSun was Mery Jeremiah. Enjoy writing articles and stories since 13 years old. Fluent in English, Tamil and Bahasa Malaysia. I got front page news from hospital nurses, police officers and fire station personnel by using telephone and face to face contact after office hours. Most news compiled during after working hours to gain upper hand in filing hot scoops. Jan 1990 - Jul 1994 (4 years 6 months ) Legal Clerk Hong Leong Management Sdn Bhd Monthly Salary MYR 1,500 Type out legal documents specifically documents related to settlement, loan arrangement, leasing arrangement, debt arrangement, credit facilities, share settlement documents, shareholders financial agreements, company secretarial documents, stamp duty documents. Handling telephone calls. 1985 - 1990 (5 years ) Clerk Typist Survey Research Malaysia (M) Sdn Bhd Monthly Salary MYR 1,200 Learn to type out questionnaires using Adler typewriter and IBM typewriter. Later learn to use computer programme Wordperfect to type out questionnaires and survey reports for clients. Receptionist duties during lunch time and librarian duties to file in sample reports and final reports. Education 2006 cict-college-southern cross university, lismore campus Bachelor's Degree in Marketing | Malaysia Major Principles of Marketing Grade Grade A/1st Class 1992 rima college Professional Certificate in Marketing | Malaysia Skills Intermediate Typing Skills, Writing And Editing Languages Proficiency level: 0 - Poor, 10 - Excellent Language Spoken Written Relevant Certificates Bahasa Malaysia 8 8 - English 8 8 - Tamil 8 8 - Jobstreet English Language Assessment (JELA) Date Taken 11 Jun 2013 Score 32/40 Additional Info Expected Salary MYR 2,000 Preferred Work Location Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya Other Information I attended Southern Cross University Bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA) majoring in Marketing from February 2005-April 2006. I received 1st semester result which produced distinction in Marketing. I attended Singapore Insitute of management Diploma course in Management in year 2000. I received a membership certificate. I am fluent in three languages. I can speak and write in English, Bahasa Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com
  • 4. Malaysia and Tamil (my mother language). My security personnel work experience enabled me to experience people of all rank and file including drug addicts misconducts, alchoholics who act improper at guard post and security personnel who do not have professional work ethics. As a former journalist in TheSun (1994-2000) in Johor Bahru, I met politicians, police officers, businessmen and attend multiple political events and establish excellent public relations with various type of people of all walk of life. As trained Security Personnel (attended on the job training for the past 8 years) I am able to meet and talk to people and map out a solution to all type of problems by utilising all my divine-blessed talents. SECURITY ASSISTANT MANAGER (fomerly Carrefour Hypermarket) * Summary ?Professional manager with ten years managerial experience, directing operations of security practices and regulations in organization. ?Regularly acquires in-depth knowledge of security legislation and securing environment from related hazards and threats. Core specialties, Security risk assessment. Enforcing security policies. Defining and planning safety practices. Handling confidential information. Leading the implantation of security/safety procedures. Key skills, Motivating and directing people Agile and attention to detail Strong problem solving skills Objective Statement C Effectively analyze various standards of security operation programs; perform risk assessments to manage implementation of safe environment in the organization for both visitors and employees. ?Prepared overall security plans and managed security operations of organization, including assignments and staffing. ?Contributed to investigations of property loss, thefts and criminal activities. ?Provides timely reports to firm Management. ?Manages all security costs through financial analysis. ?Maintained and conducted routine checkup of several sites in firm; analyzed failures. ?Monitored performance of security units installed in firm. ?Researched market constantly to gain knowledge of latest trends in security system implementation and possible security threats. ?Recommended installations of new/ latest security systems or a possible up-gradation in existing systems. ?Conducted annual research on crime risk analysis. About Me Gender Female Telephone Number (+60) 6014-9091409 Address 134, Laluan Sg Pari 7,, Teluk Kurin A, Buntong, 30100, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia Copyright @ 2015 JobStreet.com