This document provides a summary of free and open educational resources available through the California Learning Resource Network (CLRN). It describes supplemental online courses, resources, and content that are aligned to Common Core and state standards across various subject areas. It also lists open educational resources including over 6,000 free resources, digital textbooks, applications, and supplementary curriculum materials. Various free software tools and websites are highlighted that can be used for blogs, wikis, sharing bookmarks, social networking, presentations, and more.
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Fun, Free, & Easy
1. Fun, Free, Easy &
CLRN Approved
Great Free and Open Source
Brian Bridges
72. Universal Subtitles:
Encode Videos with Your Subtitles
The Kindle DX story
Web-based platform for adding
Very easy to use
73. Universal Subtitles:
Encode Videos with Your Subtitles
Web-based platform for adding
Very easy to use
Youre only a phone call away from a
visit from the OCR
97. Screenr:
Web-based Screencast Creator
Web-based screen & audio capturing tool
Creates flash or QT videos up to 5 minutes
A variety of ways to publish
Via Twitter
Embed code
Downloadable QuickTime file
Through Screenr URL
Upload to YouTube