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Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
THEORISTS: Harold Laswell and Charles Wright

DATE: 1948, 1960

  Laswell, H (1948). The structure and function of communication
and society: The communication of ideas. New York: Institute for
Religious and Social Studies, 203-243.
  Wright, W. R. (1960). Functional analysis and mass
communication. Public Opinion Quarterly,(24), 610-613.
 Functionalism describes society as a self-regulating
  system made up of interdependent parts functioning
  together to generate stability and social order.

 This system is composed of various social institutions
  as religion, the family, economic system, politics, and
  others which function to maintain society in a state of
  harmonious balance or equilibrium.
Functional Theory

Ontological Assumptions
Epistemological Assumptions

Axiological Assumptions

Ontological Assumptions:
This theory assumes that humans have a certain amount of
free will. They can use mass communication for any variety of
functions but they have to use it for something. Humans can
make a choice in what to watch for any variety of reasons
even if it is just for noise.

Epistemological Assumptions:
The knowledge is universal and it is one truth that
mass communication functions as a part of our
society. It is a main source of
surveillance, entertainment, correlation, transmission,
and mobilization(McQuial - 1987).

Axiological Assumptions:
This theory is objective and value-neutral. It
does not matter what person is going to
watch the television because everyone
watches it for a reason.
Scientific Theory

                      Explanatory Power:
It explains our society's use for media and mass
Predictive Power:
It predicts that people will use the media for specific

It is simple because the audience has a need and the
media fulfills that need.
 The theory could be proved false should the media
 become dysfunctional or nonfunctional.

                          Internal Consistency
The theory makes sense in that there are several
functions of the media and they are not in conflict with
one another. Some people can use the media for more
than one function at different times.
Heuristic Provocativeness
Is there a way that the media is dysfunctional? Does the media
serve the same functions now as it did 30 years ago?

                                    Organizing Power:
We know that human beings have needs so we look for ways to fill those
needs. This theory organizes how the media fits in to this equation.
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
 Mass Communication is directed toward a relatively
large, heterogenous and anonymous audience
         Exceptions: messages addressed to specific individuals
like letters, telephone calls, telegrams, etc.

 LARGE  any audience exposed during a short period of time
  and of such a size that the communicator couldnt interact with
  its members face-to-face basis.
 HETEROGENOUS  aggregation of individuals occupying a
  variety of positions within the society except exclusive audience
  or elite.
 ANONYMITY  the individual audience members generally
  remain personally unknown to the communicator.
 Mass Communications are characterized as public, rapid and

 PUBLIC  the messages are addressed to no one in
  particular, their content is open for public surveillance.
 RAPID  the messages are meant to reach large audiences
  within a relatively shorter time
   Unlike works of fine art, which may be examined at leisure
   over centuries.
 TRANSIENT  they are usually intended to be consumed
  immediately, not to enter permanent records.
   Exceptions: film libraries, radio transcriptions and
   kinescope recordings

 Mass communication is organized

COMMUNICATOR  works through the
a complex organization embodying an
extensive division of labor and an
accompanying degree of expense.
   LASSWELL              WRIGHT
        -        4. ENTERTAINMENT
Functional Theory
HAROLD D. LASSWELL                   AUTHOR           CHARLES R. WRIGHT
 He is was a leading American                           He is
         political scientist and                        Professor Emeritus
 communications theorist. He                            of Communication
was a member of the Chicago                             and Society.
                                   BRIEF BACKGROUND
school of sociology and was a                           His interest is
professor at Yale University in                         in the sociology
                            law.                         of mass
        Political Science and
      Communication Theory         FIELD OF EXPERTISE   Sociology
The Structure and Function of                                  The Nature and Function of Mass
     Communication in Society                                    Communication

                                                                 (The article is in specified form
   (The article is in general form
                                                                 because the word mass
               because the word             ARTICLE              communication is a special kind of
      communication is in the                                  communication and requires to be
broader perspective and a wider                                  more specific in the field of mass
                            sense)                               communication.)

                            1948       YEAR OF PUBLICATION       1959

                                5                                14
 (This is because Harold Lasswell
is the pioneer in communication      NUMBER OF REFERENCES USED
     research then there is a few
           number of references.)
Scientific Approach                            Sociological Approach
(used Biological Equivalencies for                           (used Macro and Micro Level
        functional and structural                            of Analyzation in describing
          equivalencies between                              and concretizing functions
                                       APPROACH IN WRITING
communication in human society                               and dysfunction of
        and other living entities.)                          communication activities in

  Political, Scientific and Theorist                         Sociological
               View or Perspective                           View or
                                         VIEW IN WRITING

    Used scientific terms such as                            Used sociological terms like
equilibrium, stimuli, single-celled                          egalitarianism, social
                   organism, etc.                            cohesion, social change,
Scientific Approach                            Sociological Approach
(used Biological Equivalencies for                           (used Macro and Micro Level
        functional and structural                            of Analyzation in describing
          equivalencies between                              and concretizing functions
                                       APPROACH IN WRITING
communication in human society                               and dysfunction of
        and other living entities.)                          communication activities in

  Political, Scientific and Theorist                         Sociological
               View or Perspective                           View or
                                         VIEW IN WRITING

    Used scientific terms such as                            Used sociological terms like
equilibrium, stimuli, single-celled                          egalitarianism, social
                   organism, etc.                            cohesion, social change,
Used Analogies to explain mass media                                         Used sociological and abstract
function both individual and society to                                       realistic examples (macro level or
 biological organisms. Just as different                                      micro level) like public
 types of cells in the body, mass media                                       institutions communicating
                                                    APPLICATIONS USED
        functions only when they work                                         (public health service), individual
   smoothly together with other parts.                                        anxieties, etc.

                      General/Broad Sense                                     Specific Sense

                                                DIFFERENCES IN THE ARTICLE
           The primary author of the Major                                    Modified version of Lasswells
                  Communication Function                                      communication function.

                           Three Functions                                    Four Operations
                                                                              (Function is not used because it
                                                                              is reserved for another meaning:
                                                                              positive consequences)
                                              MODIFICATION ON TERMINOLOGIES

                               Correlation                                    Interpretation/ Prescription

    Transmission of the social inherentence                                   Socialization/ Education
 refers to the collection and distribution of
information concerning events in the
environment, both within a particular society and
outside it.


Example: coverage of a presidential election

To some extent, surveillance corresponds to what is
-Includes interpretation of the information presented
about the environment, prescriptions about what to
do about it, and attempts to influence such
interpretations, attitude, and conduct

1. INTERPRETING  analyzation
2. PRESCRIBING  recommendation
3. INFLUENCING  afftecting the norms and
   behaviour of the society

Example: editorial activity, propaganda, or attempts
at persuasion
 Surveillance itself incorporates editorial
  judgements that determine what items qualify as
  news or information to be disbursed.
 Interpretation and value judgements are often
  implicit or implied, sometimes explicit, in the
 According to a 1997 dissertation of Linda Lannus,
  reports that surveillance and correlation activities
  tended to be indistinguishable to the reporters,
  editors, and readers of two daily metropolitan
Focuses on the assimilation of people in the society.
Concerns the communicative processes by which the
societys store (or part of its store) of values, social
norms, knowledge, and other cultural components is
made known to and instilled in members and
potential members.

Wrights modified meaning  [EDUCATION OR
SOCIALIZATION] includes concern with
communication relevant to the assimilation of
children and adults into various social
roles, immigrants into a new society, and related
 refers here to communication activities
primarily (even if arbitrarily) considered
as amusement, irrespective of any other
features they may seem to have

Example: television situation comedy,
   Gossip  may be informative,
   judgemental, reinforcing of some
   shared values, and titillating.
 due to the sense of abstraction of the 4 major communication activities

Example text:

A    hurricane    is  coming    this  way!
(SURVEILLANCE) Board up the windows.
(CORRELATION) People are responsible for
protecting themselves and their property.
(SOCIALIZATION) Its a thrilling drama of
humanity       versus    the      elements!

According to intention:
MANIFEST FUNCTIONS significant intended consequences (sinasadya)
LATENT FUNCTIONS significant unintended consequences (di-sinasadya)

According to effect
FUNCTION  positive consequence or effect; contributes to the strength and
continuing operation of the society under study.
DYSFUNCTION  negative consequence or effect
NONFUNCTION  irrelevant to the system under study (no effect)

*Any social activity such as mass communication campaigns, can be analyzed
in terms of what seem to be manifest or latent functions and dysfunctions
for the society, its members or its culture.
Communication Activity: Surveillance
Function (Positive Consequences): to persuade
people to get physical check-ups, to get immunization
shots against the flu, to stop smoking and so on.
Dysfunctions (Negative Consequences):
frightening away potential health clinic who fear they
may learn that they have some incurable disease
Manifest (significant intended
consequences):reductions in the risk of epidemic
Latent(significant unintended consequences):
boosts in prestige given to public health workers
1. Avoid trying to classifying every possible effect of mass
   communication as functional or dysfunctional. Limit functional
   analysis to those consequences that seem important to the
   maintenance and/or change of society, its members, or culture.

Ex. Movies or television set in contemporary places might lead some viewers to learn a few new
facts about the storys locale, such as street names. But unless we can see how that minor effect
is significantly for the maintenance or change of society, its members, or culture, then simply
calling it functional or dysfunctional does not increase our understanding of mass communication
(impertinence/irrelevancy). Suppose, on the other hand, that movie and setting influenced
viewers ideas about how people sought to migrate to it. (potential topic).

2. Avoid equating the terms functional and dysfunctional with our
personal ideas of good and bad (setting aside our personal bias).
1. It provides warnings about imminent threats of danger ( a
hurricane, earthquake or military attack)
2. Population can mobilized and protect itself from destruction.
3. It functions as a support feelings of egalitarianism
* EGALITARIANISM  a belief in human equality.
4. It contributes to the everyday institutional operations in the

2 FUNCTIONS OF MASS COMMUNICATED NEWS  Paul Lazersfeld and Robert Merton

1. STATUS CONFERRAL  news reports about members of any
society enhance their prestige.
social control by exposing deviant behaviour to public view and
possible censure.
Group/ Macro Level
1. Uncensored news about the world threatens the structure of any society
2. It pressures for social change.
3. It can result to widespread panic.

Individual/ Micro Level
1. It heightens anxieties of an individual
2. It can result to privatization
         Privitazation              the individual overwhelmed by the data
brought to his attention reacts by turning to matters in his private life, over
which he has greater control .
3. It leads to individual apathy about civic activity.
4. It can lead to narcotization.

         Narcotization  equating an informed citizen into an active citizen.
1. It helps to prevent an even greater
flood of mass-communicated news.
2. It helps us to be more aware of
such taken-for-granted management
of the news when it is not provided
3. It prevents undue public anxiety
about news of impending danger.
1. Needed social change may not get
media support but social conformism
2. It is weakening peoples critical
ability to find, sift, sort, interpret, and
evaluate news for themselves.
(Weakening of one critical faculties;
Consumption of Pre-digested Ideas and
1. It may help unify the society and increase
social cohesion by providing a broad base
of common social norms, values, and
collective experiences to be shared by its
2. Individuals might be helped in their
integration into the society through
exposure to common social norms and
other cultural matters.
1. The presentation of a more or less
standardized view of culture through
mass communication could result in a
loss of regional, ethnic, and other
subcultural variety and could discourage
cultural diversity and creativity.
2.It also depersonalize the process of
It offers
diversion, amusement and
relaxation for everybody.
(Macro or Micro Level of the
1. Too much escapism, may distract people
from important social issues and divert them
from useful social participation and action.
2. If people became so dependent on mass
communication for entertainment that they
no longer were able to entertain themselves
and became permanent mass media
Functional Theory
MCQUAIL (1987)
Functional Theory
MCQUAIL (1987)
Functional Theory
Functional Theory
Functional Theory

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Functional Theory

  • 5. THEORISTS: Harold Laswell and Charles Wright DATE: 1948, 1960 PRIMARY ARTICLES: Laswell, H (1948). The structure and function of communication and society: The communication of ideas. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies, 203-243. Wright, W. R. (1960). Functional analysis and mass communication. Public Opinion Quarterly,(24), 610-613.
  • 6. Functionalism describes society as a self-regulating system made up of interdependent parts functioning together to generate stability and social order. This system is composed of various social institutions as religion, the family, economic system, politics, and others which function to maintain society in a state of harmonious balance or equilibrium.
  • 9. METATHEORETICAL ASSUMPTIONS Ontological Assumptions: This theory assumes that humans have a certain amount of free will. They can use mass communication for any variety of functions but they have to use it for something. Humans can make a choice in what to watch for any variety of reasons even if it is just for noise.
  • 10. METATHEORETICAL ASSUMPTIONS Epistemological Assumptions: The knowledge is universal and it is one truth that mass communication functions as a part of our society. It is a main source of surveillance, entertainment, correlation, transmission, and mobilization(McQuial - 1987).
  • 11. METATHEORETICAL ASSUMPTIONS Axiological Assumptions: This theory is objective and value-neutral. It does not matter what person is going to watch the television because everyone watches it for a reason.
  • 12. ANALYSIS Scientific Theory Explanatory Power: It explains our society's use for media and mass communication.
  • 13. ANALYSIS Predictive Power: It predicts that people will use the media for specific functions. Parsimony: It is simple because the audience has a need and the media fulfills that need.
  • 14. ANALYSIS Falsifiability: The theory could be proved false should the media become dysfunctional or nonfunctional. Internal Consistency The theory makes sense in that there are several functions of the media and they are not in conflict with one another. Some people can use the media for more than one function at different times.
  • 15. ANALYSIS Heuristic Provocativeness Is there a way that the media is dysfunctional? Does the media serve the same functions now as it did 30 years ago? Organizing Power: We know that human beings have needs so we look for ways to fill those needs. This theory organizes how the media fits in to this equation.
  • 23. NATURE OF THE AUDIENCE Mass Communication is directed toward a relatively large, heterogenous and anonymous audience Exceptions: messages addressed to specific individuals like letters, telephone calls, telegrams, etc. LARGE any audience exposed during a short period of time and of such a size that the communicator couldnt interact with its members face-to-face basis. HETEROGENOUS aggregation of individuals occupying a variety of positions within the society except exclusive audience or elite. ANONYMITY the individual audience members generally remain personally unknown to the communicator.
  • 24. NATURE OF COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE Mass Communications are characterized as public, rapid and transient. PUBLIC the messages are addressed to no one in particular, their content is open for public surveillance. RAPID the messages are meant to reach large audiences within a relatively shorter time Unlike works of fine art, which may be examined at leisure over centuries. TRANSIENT they are usually intended to be consumed immediately, not to enter permanent records. Exceptions: film libraries, radio transcriptions and kinescope recordings
  • 25. NATURE OF COMMUNICATOR Mass communication is organized communication. COMMUNICATOR works through the a complex organization embodying an extensive division of labor and an accompanying degree of expense.
  • 28. HAROLD D. LASSWELL AUTHOR CHARLES R. WRIGHT He is was a leading American He is political scientist and Professor Emeritus communications theorist. He of Communication was a member of the Chicago and Society. BRIEF BACKGROUND school of sociology and was a His interest is professor at Yale University in in the sociology law. of mass communication. Political Science and Communication Theory FIELD OF EXPERTISE Sociology
  • 29. The Structure and Function of The Nature and Function of Mass Communication in Society Communication (The article is in specified form (The article is in general form because the word mass because the word ARTICLE communication is a special kind of communication is in the communication and requires to be broader perspective and a wider more specific in the field of mass sense) communication.) 1948 YEAR OF PUBLICATION 1959 5 14 (This is because Harold Lasswell is the pioneer in communication NUMBER OF REFERENCES USED research then there is a few number of references.)
  • 30. Scientific Approach Sociological Approach (used Biological Equivalencies for (used Macro and Micro Level functional and structural of Analyzation in describing equivalencies between and concretizing functions APPROACH IN WRITING communication in human society and dysfunction of and other living entities.) communication activities in society.) Political, Scientific and Theorist Sociological View or Perspective View or VIEW IN WRITING Perspective Used scientific terms such as Used sociological terms like equilibrium, stimuli, single-celled egalitarianism, social TERMINOLOGIES organism, etc. cohesion, social change,
  • 31. Scientific Approach Sociological Approach (used Biological Equivalencies for (used Macro and Micro Level functional and structural of Analyzation in describing equivalencies between and concretizing functions APPROACH IN WRITING communication in human society and dysfunction of and other living entities.) communication activities in society.) Political, Scientific and Theorist Sociological View or Perspective View or VIEW IN WRITING Perspective Used scientific terms such as Used sociological terms like equilibrium, stimuli, single-celled egalitarianism, social TERMINOLOGIES organism, etc. cohesion, social change,
  • 32. Used Analogies to explain mass media Used sociological and abstract function both individual and society to realistic examples (macro level or biological organisms. Just as different micro level) like public EXPLANATIONS/ types of cells in the body, mass media institutions communicating APPLICATIONS USED functions only when they work (public health service), individual smoothly together with other parts. anxieties, etc. General/Broad Sense Specific Sense DIFFERENCES IN THE ARTICLE The primary author of the Major Modified version of Lasswells Communication Function communication function. Three Functions Four Operations (Function is not used because it is reserved for another meaning: positive consequences) MODIFICATION ON TERMINOLOGIES Correlation Interpretation/ Prescription Transmission of the social inherentence Socialization/ Education
  • 33. refers to the collection and distribution of information concerning events in the environment, both within a particular society and outside it. 1. COLLECTION 2. DISTRIBUTION Example: coverage of a presidential election campaign To some extent, surveillance corresponds to what is
  • 34. -Includes interpretation of the information presented about the environment, prescriptions about what to do about it, and attempts to influence such interpretations, attitude, and conduct 1. INTERPRETING analyzation 2. PRESCRIBING recommendation 3. INFLUENCING afftecting the norms and behaviour of the society Example: editorial activity, propaganda, or attempts at persuasion
  • 35. Surveillance itself incorporates editorial judgements that determine what items qualify as news or information to be disbursed. Interpretation and value judgements are often implicit or implied, sometimes explicit, in the news. According to a 1997 dissertation of Linda Lannus, reports that surveillance and correlation activities tended to be indistinguishable to the reporters, editors, and readers of two daily metropolitan newspapers.
  • 36. Focuses on the assimilation of people in the society. Concerns the communicative processes by which the societys store (or part of its store) of values, social norms, knowledge, and other cultural components is made known to and instilled in members and potential members. Wrights modified meaning [EDUCATION OR SOCIALIZATION] includes concern with communication relevant to the assimilation of children and adults into various social roles, immigrants into a new society, and related
  • 37. refers here to communication activities primarily (even if arbitrarily) considered as amusement, irrespective of any other features they may seem to have Example: television situation comedy, Gossip may be informative, judgemental, reinforcing of some shared values, and titillating.
  • 38. 4 MAJOR COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES IN A SINGLE CASE due to the sense of abstraction of the 4 major communication activities Example text: A hurricane is coming this way! (SURVEILLANCE) Board up the windows. (CORRELATION) People are responsible for protecting themselves and their property. (SOCIALIZATION) Its a thrilling drama of humanity versus the elements! (ENTERTAINMENT)
  • 39. ROBERT K. MERTONS DISTINCTION OF SIGNIFICANT CONSEQUENCES AND AIMS OF SOCIAL ACTIVITY According to intention: MANIFEST FUNCTIONS significant intended consequences (sinasadya) LATENT FUNCTIONS significant unintended consequences (di-sinasadya) According to effect FUNCTION positive consequence or effect; contributes to the strength and continuing operation of the society under study. DYSFUNCTION negative consequence or effect NONFUNCTION irrelevant to the system under study (no effect) *Any social activity such as mass communication campaigns, can be analyzed in terms of what seem to be manifest or latent functions and dysfunctions for the society, its members or its culture.
  • 40. PUBLIC HEALTH CAMPAIGNS Communication Activity: Surveillance Function (Positive Consequences): to persuade people to get physical check-ups, to get immunization shots against the flu, to stop smoking and so on. Dysfunctions (Negative Consequences): frightening away potential health clinic who fear they may learn that they have some incurable disease Manifest (significant intended consequences):reductions in the risk of epidemic Latent(significant unintended consequences): boosts in prestige given to public health workers
  • 41. GUIDELINES 1. Avoid trying to classifying every possible effect of mass communication as functional or dysfunctional. Limit functional analysis to those consequences that seem important to the maintenance and/or change of society, its members, or culture. Ex. Movies or television set in contemporary places might lead some viewers to learn a few new facts about the storys locale, such as street names. But unless we can see how that minor effect is significantly for the maintenance or change of society, its members, or culture, then simply calling it functional or dysfunctional does not increase our understanding of mass communication (impertinence/irrelevancy). Suppose, on the other hand, that movie and setting influenced viewers ideas about how people sought to migrate to it. (potential topic). 2. Avoid equating the terms functional and dysfunctional with our personal ideas of good and bad (setting aside our personal bias).
  • 42. 1. It provides warnings about imminent threats of danger ( a hurricane, earthquake or military attack) 2. Population can mobilized and protect itself from destruction. 3. It functions as a support feelings of egalitarianism * EGALITARIANISM a belief in human equality. 4. It contributes to the everyday institutional operations in the society. 2 FUNCTIONS OF MASS COMMUNICATED NEWS Paul Lazersfeld and Robert Merton 1. STATUS CONFERRAL news reports about members of any society enhance their prestige. 2. ETHICIZING or ENFORCEMENT OF NORMS strengthens social control by exposing deviant behaviour to public view and possible censure.
  • 43. Group/ Macro Level 1. Uncensored news about the world threatens the structure of any society 2. It pressures for social change. 3. It can result to widespread panic. Individual/ Micro Level 1. It heightens anxieties of an individual 2. It can result to privatization Privitazation the individual overwhelmed by the data brought to his attention reacts by turning to matters in his private life, over which he has greater control . 3. It leads to individual apathy about civic activity. 4. It can lead to narcotization. Narcotization equating an informed citizen into an active citizen.
  • 44. 1. It helps to prevent an even greater flood of mass-communicated news. 2. It helps us to be more aware of such taken-for-granted management of the news when it is not provided 3. It prevents undue public anxiety about news of impending danger.
  • 45. 1. Needed social change may not get media support but social conformism does. 2. It is weakening peoples critical ability to find, sift, sort, interpret, and evaluate news for themselves. (Weakening of one critical faculties; Consumption of Pre-digested Ideas and Concepts)
  • 46. 1. It may help unify the society and increase social cohesion by providing a broad base of common social norms, values, and collective experiences to be shared by its members. 2. Individuals might be helped in their integration into the society through exposure to common social norms and other cultural matters.
  • 47. 1. The presentation of a more or less standardized view of culture through mass communication could result in a loss of regional, ethnic, and other subcultural variety and could discourage cultural diversity and creativity. 2.It also depersonalize the process of socialization
  • 48. It offers diversion, amusement and relaxation for everybody. (Macro or Micro Level of the Society)
  • 49. 1. Too much escapism, may distract people from important social issues and divert them from useful social participation and action. 2. If people became so dependent on mass communication for entertainment that they no longer were able to entertain themselves and became permanent mass media spectators.