Freight forwarders coordinate complex logistics activities involved in cargo shipping, including arranging transportation, handling documentation and payments, and providing recommendations to clients on cost-effective shipping options. They negotiate rates for inland and ocean shipping, offer cargo custody and control during transit, and assist with various export documents. Freight forwarders essentially serve as logistics managers and advisors for cargo moving between overseas locations.
Freight forwarders coordinate the complexity of
financial, transport, and other service activities.
They can be thought of as travel agents for cargo
shipped to overseas locations.
Freight forwarding agents negotiate inland and
ocean rates besides offering valuable ideas on
optimal and the most cost-effective shipping
A freight forwarder makes recommendations
regarding receiving payments for exports.
These forwarding agents provide custody and
control of material in transit.
They assist or prepare commercial invoice,
packing list, draft, transmittal letters, consular
invoices, export license, drawback forms, and
shipper's export declaration.