This document outlines strategies for effective fundraising. It discusses preparing fundraising proposals, initial monitoring guidelines, progress reports, and final reports. It emphasizes planning ahead by considering donor priorities, unique selling points of projects, and proper budgets. It also recommends researching donors, packaging projects well, and organizing information for proposals. Finally, it lists potential youth-focused grant bodies and discusses fundraising opportunities on the internet.
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Exiting Fundraising Strategy
1. Messrs G Owen & Co Exiting Fundraising Strategy Ideas for Today and Tomorrow
2. WELCOME to Messrs G Owen & Co Exiting Fundraising Strategy TRAINER: GORDON OWEN VOLUNTARY SECTOR & FUNDRAISING CONSULTANT Please turn off or put on silent/vibration all mobiles.
3. Preparation ? Linking ? 1 Training Group Funder GO & Co
4. Preparation ? Linking ? 2 Learning Group Funder Preparing Grant-application Proposal Budget Projections Gathering evidence of need & the benefits to those served GO & Co
17. Guidelines for Final Report ? 1 The Purpose of the Final Report: As a supportive document for alternative funding As a tool to assist with determining funding beyond 31 March, if further application is made to the [Insert Name of Project]. The Process:- 1. You make comments against the given headings 2. Return the form (with your comments) to the [Insert Name of Project] 3. We make our comments, based on what you have written and on our experience of working with you 4. We return our comments to you 5. You comment on what we have said 6a If you agree, we both sign it off 6b If we don't agree, then a meeting will be arranged between us 7. We both sign it off 8. This form should be completed before application for funding takes place Each category listed is made up of several questions and will be graded as 'target met', 'partially met' or 'not met'. The grading will take into consideration that the first Quarter will be more of a learning time, however it would be expected that the following Quarters should be producing the expected outcomes. Where this is not the case, there may be good reason for any variation and this will be noted in the comments and reflected in the grading. If you have any concerns with the grading, you can book a meeting to discuss the paper and any necessary changes will be made accordingly. This sheet should however, accurately reflect the overall comments and discussions from your past Monitoring Reports. The [Insert Name of Project] will clearly indicate the basis for any grading of 'partially met' or 'not met'.
22. Getting Beyond the Wastepaper Bin - Plan Ahead PLAN AHEAD Think in terms of months not weeks - ? Trusts may meet only twice a year. ? Funding may be committed 18 months ahead.
23. Getting Beyond the Wastepaper Bin - Research Donor RESEARCH THE DONOR Read up on their policy and priorities. How much do they normally give? Find out the right contact name When is the best time to apply? Do they issue guidelines How do they like to be approached?
24. Getting Beyond the Wastepaper Bin - Package your Project PACKAGE YOUR PROJECT Identify unique selling points Package specific needs Prepare a proper budget Consider unit costs or a choice of costs
25. Getting Beyond the Wastepaper Bin - Plan your proposal PLAN THE PROPOSAL Organise your information Gather supporting documents Decide on a format
27. Where to Get More Information ? Help ? Support Gordon Owen e-Mail: [email_address] Web Site: [Striving to Create Provisions for Tomorrows Organisations]