Inventors and Entrepreneurs don't stand a chance in the USA securing funding. If your a 'White' American
We have to go over seas!
Is this right? NO
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Funding prove yourself v cs no
1. Investors/Funders/Angels:
Unless you can prove you are accredited and in good
standing with the SEC
I will NOT work with anyone!
I have my IARD/FINRA/CRD number and have been in
good standings for five years
The ONLY person I will work must PROVE who they
The inventors/entrepreneur's since 2007 don't stand a
chance in securing funding
99% of us refuse to work with a VC
And 90% of them are 'Shovel Ready- ONLY'
Leaving 99% of us stuck since we require funding for
I've learned my lesson
I've turned into the SEC/DOJ/FBI/Intelligence agencies
worldwide over a hundred of scamming ID/Fraud