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Supporting Fundraising Young Life Committee Weekend August 2009 Frank McKay [email_address]
10 Laws of Fundraising People give to people People give because they are asked 80 percent of the money comes from 20 percent of the donors People will give to a winning cause People give in relation to the person who asks Giving is contagious Previous donors make the best prospective donors High sights plus managed expectations result in success Personal visits result in larger gifts Correlation between number of requests and number of gifts
Fundraising in the Bible Matt 6: 1-4 (practice giving in secret) Matt 26 6-13 (Jesus recognizes woman & her gift of oil) Mark 12: 41-44 (Widows Mite) Phil 4: 14-20 (Paul shows gratitude for Philippians support) 1 Chron 29: 1-9 (David gives leadership gift for temple)
Henry Nouwen on FR: From the perspective of the Gospel, fundraising is first and foremost a form of ministry. It is about meeting needs, sharing the love of God and strategizing for changes toward justice. It is a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission. It helps answer the questions of what is our vision and who owns our mission.
Henry Nouwen on FR: Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the Kingdom. To raise funds is to offer people the chance to invest what they have in the work of God.
Relational Fundraising Fundraising is most successful when: People feel cared for People understand and relate to a vision People have the chance to be involved -------------------- Consider 3Is: Informed, Involved, Invested
Donor Cultivation Cycle Identify Ask Research Steward Cultivate
Committee Support? My struggles in development work: Board not invested in fundraising Giving Assisting Asking for help Volunteer management Encouragement Spreading the Vision Work  WITH  staff
Economy  (collective groan!) From Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis: Fundraisers for arts, culture, and humanities organizations and human services nonprofits also are less confident about the current conditions for giving than other types of nonprofits.  Development officers from educational and religious organizations were the most optimistic about the present climate.油 Expectations for improvement in the fundraising climate in the next six months are highest among religious, education and health organizations, and consultants . Public society benefit, environment/animal and international organizations, arts groups and human services organizations have the lowest expectations for the immediate future.
Religious Giving in Recessions Historically, recessions have had little effect on religious giving Even in recessions, religious organizations remain the #1 recipient of all household dollars given to charity Over 50% of all household charitable giving goes to religion In times of recession, decline in religious giving, adj. for inflation, has been -0.1%, compared with average growth of 2.8% in non-recession years Religious giving fell in 6 of 12 recession years and did not fall in any non-recession year
Giving USA Stats for 2008 Estimated $307.65 billion in giving Individual giving = 75% of total Bequests (indivs) = 7% of total Corporate giving = 5% of total Foundation grants = 13% of total Religion is largest sector at $106.89 billion, or 35% of total This is the second year that giving to religion has exceeded $100 billion. Giving to religion increased an estimated 5.5 percent (1.6 percent adjusted for inflation).
Fundraising Wisdom in Economic Uncertainty Maximize good fundraising practices Stewardship, thank you, recruit new members Tell stories about the difference Young Life is making in your community Remember, your donors are also experiencing tough times Be a share the vision org. rather than a meet the budget org. (emphasize the needs you  meet  rather than the needs you have) Do not use guilt to raise money Remember, people want to give to meet human needs, not buildings or bureaucracies In this time, religious orgs cannot be selfish and self-centered. We need to reach out and address those who are hurting in our communities
Recommended Reading Books: Ask Without Fear, Marc Pitman Blogs / Online Resources: Donorpowerblog.com Fundraisingcoach.com Nptimes.com (NonProfit Times) Raise-funds.com
Bibliography Books/Institutions: Ask Without Fear, Marc Pitman Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Essential Principles for Fundraising Success, Douglass Alexander Articles/Presentations: Enjoy the Ride!  How to effectively raise funds in a roller-coaster economy, Mary Ellen Collins Fund Raising in a Difficult Economic Climate, Derval Costello The NonProfit Times (Henry Nouwen quotations) Fundraising in the Bible, Marc Pitman  Non-Profit Fund-Raising Demystified, Tony Poderis Growing and Nurturing Your Donors: Cultivation Tools for Today and Tomorrow, Frank McKay Fundraising and Stewardship, Frank McKay
Supporting Fundraising Young Life Committee Weekend August 2009 Frank McKay [email_address]

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Fundraising for Young Life Committee

  • 1. Supporting Fundraising Young Life Committee Weekend August 2009 Frank McKay [email_address]
  • 2. 10 Laws of Fundraising People give to people People give because they are asked 80 percent of the money comes from 20 percent of the donors People will give to a winning cause People give in relation to the person who asks Giving is contagious Previous donors make the best prospective donors High sights plus managed expectations result in success Personal visits result in larger gifts Correlation between number of requests and number of gifts
  • 3. Fundraising in the Bible Matt 6: 1-4 (practice giving in secret) Matt 26 6-13 (Jesus recognizes woman & her gift of oil) Mark 12: 41-44 (Widows Mite) Phil 4: 14-20 (Paul shows gratitude for Philippians support) 1 Chron 29: 1-9 (David gives leadership gift for temple)
  • 4. Henry Nouwen on FR: From the perspective of the Gospel, fundraising is first and foremost a form of ministry. It is about meeting needs, sharing the love of God and strategizing for changes toward justice. It is a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission. It helps answer the questions of what is our vision and who owns our mission.
  • 5. Henry Nouwen on FR: Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the Kingdom. To raise funds is to offer people the chance to invest what they have in the work of God.
  • 6. Relational Fundraising Fundraising is most successful when: People feel cared for People understand and relate to a vision People have the chance to be involved -------------------- Consider 3Is: Informed, Involved, Invested
  • 7. Donor Cultivation Cycle Identify Ask Research Steward Cultivate
  • 8. Committee Support? My struggles in development work: Board not invested in fundraising Giving Assisting Asking for help Volunteer management Encouragement Spreading the Vision Work WITH staff
  • 9. Economy (collective groan!) From Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis: Fundraisers for arts, culture, and humanities organizations and human services nonprofits also are less confident about the current conditions for giving than other types of nonprofits. Development officers from educational and religious organizations were the most optimistic about the present climate.油 Expectations for improvement in the fundraising climate in the next six months are highest among religious, education and health organizations, and consultants . Public society benefit, environment/animal and international organizations, arts groups and human services organizations have the lowest expectations for the immediate future.
  • 10. Religious Giving in Recessions Historically, recessions have had little effect on religious giving Even in recessions, religious organizations remain the #1 recipient of all household dollars given to charity Over 50% of all household charitable giving goes to religion In times of recession, decline in religious giving, adj. for inflation, has been -0.1%, compared with average growth of 2.8% in non-recession years Religious giving fell in 6 of 12 recession years and did not fall in any non-recession year
  • 11. Giving USA Stats for 2008 Estimated $307.65 billion in giving Individual giving = 75% of total Bequests (indivs) = 7% of total Corporate giving = 5% of total Foundation grants = 13% of total Religion is largest sector at $106.89 billion, or 35% of total This is the second year that giving to religion has exceeded $100 billion. Giving to religion increased an estimated 5.5 percent (1.6 percent adjusted for inflation).
  • 12. Fundraising Wisdom in Economic Uncertainty Maximize good fundraising practices Stewardship, thank you, recruit new members Tell stories about the difference Young Life is making in your community Remember, your donors are also experiencing tough times Be a share the vision org. rather than a meet the budget org. (emphasize the needs you meet rather than the needs you have) Do not use guilt to raise money Remember, people want to give to meet human needs, not buildings or bureaucracies In this time, religious orgs cannot be selfish and self-centered. We need to reach out and address those who are hurting in our communities
  • 13. Recommended Reading Books: Ask Without Fear, Marc Pitman Blogs / Online Resources: Donorpowerblog.com Fundraisingcoach.com Nptimes.com (NonProfit Times) Raise-funds.com
  • 14. Bibliography Books/Institutions: Ask Without Fear, Marc Pitman Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Essential Principles for Fundraising Success, Douglass Alexander Articles/Presentations: Enjoy the Ride! How to effectively raise funds in a roller-coaster economy, Mary Ellen Collins Fund Raising in a Difficult Economic Climate, Derval Costello The NonProfit Times (Henry Nouwen quotations) Fundraising in the Bible, Marc Pitman Non-Profit Fund-Raising Demystified, Tony Poderis Growing and Nurturing Your Donors: Cultivation Tools for Today and Tomorrow, Frank McKay Fundraising and Stewardship, Frank McKay
  • 15. Supporting Fundraising Young Life Committee Weekend August 2009 Frank McKay [email_address]