Drew Fustini is a software developer and embedded systems engineer seeking a new opportunity where he can apply his expertise in Linux, software development, and embedded systems. He has over 15 years of experience developing software and working with technologies like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, and Linux. His experience includes roles at element14, Subnetworx, eMvoy Search Engine, UIC, and other companies where he has developed applications, maintained infrastructure, and provided technical support.
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1. Drew Fustini
4749 N Spaulding Ave | Chicago, IL 60625 | 7737107131 | drew@pdp7.com
I seek an opportunity to join an innovative team where I can apply my expertise in Linux and software development
and my passion for embedded systems and Open Source Hardware.
● Advanced: C, CSS, HTML, FreeMarker, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, Shell, Soy, SQL, XML
● Intermediate: C++, node.js, PHP, Python
● Basic: Assembly (PIC, x86), CoffeeScript, VHDL
Operating Systems:
GNU/Linux: CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ubuntu; Android, FreeBSD, Solaris
● Advanced: Atmel AVR, Arduino, Apache, Ant, bash, BeagleBone, Eclipse, GCC, git, GitHub, JBoss,
jQuery, Linux kernel, Make, Maven, Microchip PIC, MySQL, RPi, SSH, SVN, Tomcat, VMWware
● Intermediate: CadSoft EAGLE, Microchip MPLAB, Postgres, soldering, VirtualBox
● Basic: Buildroot, FPGA (Altera, Xilinx), GDB, KiCAD, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Smatch, Qt, Yocto
Software Developer, element14 [2009Present]
● Improved productivity by migrating from Subversion server to GitHub and trained team to use git
● Developed PCB quote feature to integrate CadSoft EAGLE with element14 Community
● Implemented popup to identify Open Source Hardware products based on supplier data
● Developed feature to allow users to embed GitHub Gists in element14 Community content
● Integrated CadSoft EAGLE newsgroup with element14 Community by developing NNTP gateway
● Automated creation of Google sitemaps for Community content
● Provided development support for global ecommerce platform
● Produced patches to resolve production issues according to ITIL change management processes
● Assisted Marketing, Product and Technical Support departments with Linux support and driver compatibility
testing for Single Board Computers like BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi & Freescale boards
◦ Tested beta Raspberry Pi to validate WiFi adapters and other accessories prior to product launch
◦ Coordinated with suppliers to ensure compatible accessories for BeagleBone launch
◦ Advised marketing on creation of product bundles for Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone
◦ Advised management to add Adafruit on as a key supplier of Raspberry Pi accessories
● Designed electronics projects to promote element14 products and services
◦ Created Pumpkin Pi and RaspiWatt projects which were featured in email campaign to all customers
◦ Increased registrations and sales with element14 Community blog posts for projects and events
● Provided support to element14 Community members for Arduino, Beaglebone, Linux and Raspberry Pi
● Created BeagleBone & Raspberry Pi demos and workshops at conferences, meetups & Maker Faires
◦ Represented element14 at DESIGN West for the launch of the BeagleBone Black including creation of
booth demos and handson workshop
◦ Performed Raspberry Pi demos for internal departments including the executive management team
Linux Systems Engineer, element14 [20072009]
● Supported global ecommerce operations including web, application and database servers
● Maintained development build system and version control server
● Developed a Java web application to automate the patch build process
Software Developer, Subnetworx [2007]
● Developed custom Java and PHP web applications for clients
2. Software Developer, eMvoy Search Engine [20052007]
● Designed and implemented features for Java fulltext search engine and rating system
● Managed technical infrastructure including Internet crawling operations
Student employee , UIC Academic Computing & Comm Center [20032004]
● Software developer and hardware technician
Software Consultant, PerlCoders Group [2002]
● Developed account creation and billing systems
Software Developer & System Administrator, RCN Corp [19982001]
● Developed cable modem provisioning, customer billing and account creation
● FreeBSD and Solaris admin, Cisco router admin, datacenter buildout
Web developer, Batavia School District [19971998]
● Eudyptula Challenge for Linux Kernel Programming [2015]
● Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Embedded Systems Development certificate program [2008]
● DeVry University, Electronics Engineering [20082010]
● DePaul University, Java Development certificate program [2008]
● University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Computer Science [20032005]
Volunteer Organizations:
● BeagleBoard.org Foundation
◦ embedded Linux developer: fbtft framebuffer & eQEP drivers, booth demos, tutorials, workshops
◦ platform evangelist at conferences and Maker Faire events
● Open Source Hardware Association
◦ Founding member
◦ Speaker selection committee for Open Hardware Summit
● Pumping Station: One (Chicago Hackerspace)
◦ Coorganizer of biweekly embedded systems meetup called NERP
◦ Founded Biosensor Array embedded development team
Demos, Talks and Workshops:
● 2015
◦ Talks for Chicago Open Source meetup: Linux Kernel Development, C.H.I.P. Open Source computer
◦ Maker Faire Bay Area: BeagleBoard.org booth
● 2014
◦ Talks for Chicago embedded systems meetup: Embedded Linux Primer; MinnowBoard MAX
◦ BeagleBone Black talk for Chicago GNU/Linux User Group
◦ BeagleBone workshop in element14 Booth at Maker Faire Detroit
◦ BeagleBoard.org booth and demos at Maker Faire Bay Area
● 2013
◦ Tested beta BeagleBone Black and created demos for product launch at DesignWest conf
◦ Getting Started with BeagleBone Black talk at Maker Faire New York & MakerFest Milwaukee
◦ Raspberry Pi demos for National Engineers Week expo and Pi Day at IIT
◦ Raspberry Pi webinar for PiFace and Gertboard daughter boards
● 2012
◦ Arduino workshop for Engineer Tech Support employees
◦ Linux workshop for Engineer Tech Support employees
◦ Raspberry Pi talks and demos for the office staff and the Executive Management Team
◦ Raspberry Pi talk and demo at IIT for OSMOCES (STEM education symposium)
● 2011, 2010
◦ Maker Faire Bay Area & NYC: organized & ran soldering workshop with Open Source Hardware kits
◦ Embedded Systems Conference (ESC): technical expert in element14 booth