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Future Group Competition: Ground Zero
However, HomeTown also exists in an age which sees 2 additional dimensions:
≒ Desire to make your own home, with things as personalised as possible
≒ Retail is out, e-tail is in.
Hometown Wants To Sell More Than Just
Furniture. It Wants To Give You A
Complete Home Solution.
So, the question posed is, In a time where everyone and everything is online, how does
HomeTown rede鍖ne a saturated category?
We need to attract consumers, provide them relevant value, while still keeping an
eye on the bottom line.
Shift from collectivistic to
individualistic society
This means that individuals are going
to leave behind the notion of joint
families, and set up their nest earlier,
and on their own.
This means more homes to
Consumers today want
They are spoilt for choice, and are
鍖ckle, so loyalty levels are low.
The TG is tech savvy.
This means that we need to
actively involve the consumer, and
we need to move fast!
Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality
through Holograms are no more an
idea of the future. The future is now!
This means that there are pieces of
technology that by themselves may
be irrelevant, but put together may
create some magic!
Reigning Trends
Based on:
An interview with
an industry
Seasonal trend is from July to October
This period has 60% of the entire years sale
Season from Independence Day sale,
dhanteras and ends after Diwali
During this season, consumers get conscious about
how their home looks
Main categories: Soft furnishing and hard furnishing
Majority of sales: Hard Furniture  sofa sets, beds, etc
Bulk purchases are characteristic of this season
S p e a k i n g t o A n d I n t e r v i e w i n g H o m e O w n e r s
Digital Audit of HomeTown
In Depth research into VR/AR
The APAC region is the fastest-growing market because of the growing
consumer market in
countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and others.油
The market is dominated by major players such as Google, Metaio, Oculus
VR, Samsung, -CyberGlove Systems and Microsoft among others.
The Global AR
Is expected to reach
by 2022, at a CAGR of
between 2016 to
2022 The Global VR Market
Is expected to reach
by 2022, at a CAGR of
between 2016 to
New want for their own feel
in terms of colour, size
They want to touch and feel
only chairs, and sofas.
Beds are seen, but not touched, or sat on
as the mattresses are sold separately
Customers dont listen to the
recommendations of the store
managers; Ulterior motive of
suggesting a brand
Customers only want their own design
Unsold pieces
High warehouse costs, high
store rental costs
Make a home,
even if its rented
Pe r so n al i se d
Friends and family play
large role
Word of mouth is
the strongest
Stores Complain:
go online to
No nice
Time taken
at a store is
What you see
is not what
you may get
Customers complain
they cant see if two
purchases will match
each other
I cant see if it
will match my
Connected Sociology, Technology, Anthropology,
This helps in forming a holistic solution by accessing
multiple points in the consumers life .
Experience over Technology.
Customer experience was our prime
motivation. Everything else was just
a tool to achieve that.
25-45 YO, Upper middle class, with DINK, DIOK,
Young married couples renting a flat and buying a few
People buying a house,
People redoing/refurnishing their entire house.
Female led category
Females have better aesthetic opinion
and consider their home their identity
Starting point for newly married
Based on:
Primary Research
S e a s o n a l
a s p i r a t i o n s ,
Redoing home,
S h i f t i n g a n d
Future Group has
covered consumer
wants and needs in
this category, either
through acquisition,
or development
We have ensured that our
offerings trigger both store
visits and home visits; both
points of purchase in this
c a t e g o r y h a v e b e e n
Increased methods of evaluation
for better consumer experience.
Every point in our solution aids
product comparison, and aided-
comparison. SEO, SEM needs to
be good so we can be present at
every point the consumer is	
Store representatives will
enable and fuel purchase,
while increasing attach rate.
Further, ticket sizes are
maximised by offering a lager,
more relevant basket to
choose from
We have enabled sharing on every
device at our end, so it can reach
every device on their end. Complete
e n d - t o - e n d s h a r i n g f r o m
HomeTown to Consumer. This will
be further driven by marketing
activities, shaped and re鍖ned by a
communication idea
N o M a p p i n g
at Store
at Store
Log of selection
& changes
with Store
Virtual selection
Shareable with
Friends & Family
Easy to Use;
. . .
Video Link 1: h#ps://youtu.be/iMeBxiUnwC0
M a p p i n g2.
360 degree video
of Room/House
Mapping of
at Store
Customizable to
鍖t into House
Log of selection &
with Store Attendant
Virtual selection
Shareable with
Friends & Family
Easy to Use;
Consumer Video Link 2: h#ps://youtu.be/yHyTEPddjt8
As the number of items increase, or the complexity of the solution increases, or the ticket size
increases, so to must the sophistication of the solution, and the customer experience be
W e C o m e t o Y o u
Appointment &
then we come to
Furniture Fit
Data Stored
through Data
Capturing GlovesHolographic selection,
Virtually Shareable
with Friends & Family
Easy to Use;
Video Link 3: h#ps://youtu.be/-足q_MbOmNimA
Signi鍖cant point of advantage: Salesmen can recommend more items on the basis of
items at home and the d辿cor, and increase ticket size
By combining these pieces of technology, we will be able to rede鍖ne the category for
consumers, and give them something no one else has.
Microsoft Holo Lens
This will provide a
b a s e f o r t h e
holographic features
Oculus VR
T o p r o v i d e t h e V R
experience in store, and to
customers at their homes
Eye tracking, Face tracking & Data
Capturing Gloves
To capture any motion the consumer
makes, right down to subtle body
language readings.
Off the shelf Cost
Basic components required
to build and augmented
reality system:
Small projector
Devices in Market with cost:
Google Holo Lens- $3000
Oculus Rift price: $599
Meta- $667-$3650
Laster SeeThru:
Online shop in virtual or augmented reality:
$15 000  $25 000;
Data Capturing Gloves:
$750; (VMG 30)Trends and Technology alone doesn't
make sense. It is only when things are
put together that they become usable
and give value
Technology possible, but not yet
being done large scale
Market will boom
Technology possible, but not
yet being done large scale
Ecosystem being
created slowly
First-mover advantage
Highly engaging
Easy to set differentiation
Brand strategy, communication
strategy possible
Breaks clutter of the market
Simple to use technology,
and easy to train staff
Lowers warehousing costs
Lowers store rent cost
Decreases unsold pieces &
increases inventory turnover
What is
about this
Why could
these ideas
NOT work?
Not for those who
seek quick cash
Will require long
term planning to
Recovery cycle for
investments may
be long
Requires mettle
and grit to enter
The B2B Market
From the perspective of a B2B extension, this model is extremely sound.
If hotels can give us a mapped area of a room, we can provide solutions to them. Since
they have 鍖xed room architecture, this will be easy to execute
Styles, colours, themes, models can be quickly seen, approved and purchased.

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Future Group Competition: Ground Zero

  • 2. However, HomeTown also exists in an age which sees 2 additional dimensions: ≒ Desire to make your own home, with things as personalised as possible ≒ Retail is out, e-tail is in. Hometown Wants To Sell More Than Just Furniture. It Wants To Give You A Complete Home Solution. So, the question posed is, In a time where everyone and everything is online, how does HomeTown rede鍖ne a saturated category? We need to attract consumers, provide them relevant value, while still keeping an eye on the bottom line. Exploring Opportunities
  • 3. Shift from collectivistic to individualistic society This means that individuals are going to leave behind the notion of joint families, and set up their nest earlier, and on their own. This means more homes to decorate! Consumers today want personalisation. They are spoilt for choice, and are 鍖ckle, so loyalty levels are low. The TG is tech savvy. This means that we need to actively involve the consumer, and we need to move fast! Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality through Holograms are no more an idea of the future. The future is now! This means that there are pieces of technology that by themselves may be irrelevant, but put together may create some magic! CONSUMER TRENDS SOCIETAL TRENDS TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS Reigning Trends
  • 4. Category Characteristics Based on: An interview with an industry specialist Seasonal trend is from July to October This period has 60% of the entire years sale Season from Independence Day sale, dhanteras and ends after Diwali During this season, consumers get conscious about how their home looks Main categories: Soft furnishing and hard furnishing Majority of sales: Hard Furniture sofa sets, beds, etc Bulk purchases are characteristic of this season
  • 5. S p e a k i n g t o A n d I n t e r v i e w i n g H o m e O w n e r s Digital Audit of HomeTown In Depth research into VR/AR The APAC region is the fastest-growing market because of the growing consumer market in countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and others.油 The market is dominated by major players such as Google, Metaio, Oculus VR, Samsung, -CyberGlove Systems and Microsoft among others. The Global AR Market Is expected to reach 117.4BN by 2022, at a CAGR of 75.72% between 2016 to 2022 The Global VR Market Is expected to reach 33.9BN by 2022, at a CAGR of 57.84% between 2016 to 2022
  • 6. New want for their own feel in terms of colour, size They want to touch and feel only chairs, and sofas. Beds are seen, but not touched, or sat on as the mattresses are sold separately Customers dont listen to the recommendations of the store managers; Ulterior motive of suggesting a brand PRIMARY RESEARCH S T O R E S Customers only want their own design Unsold pieces High warehouse costs, high store rental costs
  • 7. PRIMARY RESEARCH Make a home, even if its rented C O N S U M E R S Experience matters Pe r so n al i se d Friends and family play large role Word of mouth is the strongest influencer
  • 8. Stores Complain: Customers go online to shop Consumers Complain: No nice options Time taken at a store is high CONSUMER PAIN POINTS What you see is not what you may get Customers complain they cant see if two purchases will match each other I cant see if it will match my home ?
  • 9. Connected Sociology, Technology, Anthropology, Psychology This helps in forming a holistic solution by accessing multiple points in the consumers life . Experience over Technology. Customer experience was our prime motivation. Everything else was just a tool to achieve that. IDEATION
  • 10. 25-45 YO, Upper middle class, with DINK, DIOK, formats Young married couples renting a flat and buying a few things, People buying a house, People redoing/refurnishing their entire house. Female led category Females have better aesthetic opinion and consider their home their identity Starting point for newly married couples Consumer Characteristics Based on: Primary Research
  • 11. Consumer Decision Making Journey S e a s o n a l a s p i r a t i o n s , Redoing home, S h i f t i n g a n d moving TRIGGER Future Group has covered consumer wants and needs in this category, either through acquisition, or development NEEDS We have ensured that our offerings trigger both store visits and home visits; both points of purchase in this c a t e g o r y h a v e b e e n touched VISIT Increased methods of evaluation for better consumer experience. Every point in our solution aids product comparison, and aided- comparison. SEO, SEM needs to be good so we can be present at every point the consumer is 油 油 EVALUATE Store representatives will enable and fuel purchase, while increasing attach rate. Further, ticket sizes are maximised by offering a lager, more relevant basket to choose from BUY We have enabled sharing on every device at our end, so it can reach every device on their end. Complete e n d - t o - e n d s h a r i n g f r o m HomeTown to Consumer. This will be further driven by marketing activities, shaped and re鍖ned by a communication idea SHARE
  • 12. SCENARIO PLANNING N o M a p p i n g VIRTUAL CATALOGUE at Store VIRTUALLY Customizable at Store Log of selection & changes with Store Attendant Virtual selection Shareable with Friends & Family Easy to Use; Satis鍖ed Consumer . . . 1. Video Link 1: h#ps://youtu.be/iMeBxiUnwC0
  • 13. SCENARIO PLANNING M a p p i n g2. 360 degree video of Room/House Mapping of Room/House VIRTUAL CATALOGUE at Store Customizable to 鍖t into House Layout Log of selection & changes with Store Attendant Virtual selection Shareable with Friends & Family Easy to Use; Satis鍖ed Consumer Video Link 2: h#ps://youtu.be/yHyTEPddjt8 As the number of items increase, or the complexity of the solution increases, or the ticket size increases, so to must the sophistication of the solution, and the customer experience be enhanced.
  • 14. SCENARIO PLANNING W e C o m e t o Y o u Appointment & then we come to you! Holographic Furniture Fit Data Stored through Data Capturing GlovesHolographic selection, Virtually Shareable with Friends & Family Easy to Use; Satis鍖ed Consumer 3. Video Link 3: h#ps://youtu.be/-足q_MbOmNimA Signi鍖cant point of advantage: Salesmen can recommend more items on the basis of items at home and the d辿cor, and increase ticket size
  • 15. By combining these pieces of technology, we will be able to rede鍖ne the category for consumers, and give them something no one else has. TECHNOLOGICAL PROTOTYPE Microsoft Holo Lens This will provide a b a s e f o r t h e holographic features Oculus VR T o p r o v i d e t h e V R experience in store, and to customers at their homes Eye tracking, Face tracking & Data Capturing Gloves To capture any motion the consumer makes, right down to subtle body language readings.
  • 16. THE COST ASPECT Off the shelf Cost $350 Basic components required to build and augmented reality system: Camera Small projector Smartphone Mirror Devices in Market with cost: Google Holo Lens- $3000 Oculus Rift price: $599 Meta- $667-$3650 Laster SeeThru: $399 Online shop in virtual or augmented reality: $15 000 $25 000; Data Capturing Gloves: $750; (VMG 30)Trends and Technology alone doesn't make sense. It is only when things are put together that they become usable and give value
  • 17. Technology possible, but not yet being done large scale Market will boom Technology possible, but not yet being done large scale Ecosystem being created slowly First-mover advantage Highly engaging Easy to set differentiation Brand strategy, communication strategy possible Breaks clutter of the market Simple to use technology, and easy to train staff Lowers warehousing costs Lowers store rent cost Decreases unsold pieces & increases inventory turnover What is DIFFERENT about this idea?
  • 18. Why could these ideas NOT work? Not for those who seek quick cash Will require long term planning to execute Recovery cycle for investments may be long Requires mettle and grit to enter into
  • 19. SCALABILITY The B2B Market From the perspective of a B2B extension, this model is extremely sound. Hotels: If hotels can give us a mapped area of a room, we can provide solutions to them. Since they have 鍖xed room architecture, this will be easy to execute Styles, colours, themes, models can be quickly seen, approved and purchased.