The document discusses trends in the future of work over the next 20 years. Key points include:
1) Traditional careers will be replaced by short-term freelance and contract work, with workers having hundreds of assignments over their lifetime rather than long-term jobs.
2) Mobility, flexibility, and the ability to work remotely from anywhere will be important as the concept of only working 9-5 in an office disappears.
3) Small businesses and entrepreneurship will see significant growth, leading to more opportunities but also requiring workers to pay for their own benefits and insurance.
4) Future managers will need strong communication and collaboration skills to effectively oversee distributed global teams working on various short-term projects
2. Congratulations! You are the Largest Generation of the Work Force
How do you define Success? Its different today
Future of Work Trends for Business Leaders
Work Places and Organizations are evolvingAre you?
Mobile Worker
Freelancing is the new Black
The Future of Work in a Global Economy
Are you ready to be Boss? MaybeMaybe Not?
When you Run the Show
The Future is Yours!
Todays Topics
3. How do you Define Success?
"Paying your dues, moving up slowly and getting the
corner office that's going away. In 10 years, it will be
"Instead, success will be defined not by rank or seniority
but by getting what matters to you personally,"
Whether that's the chance to lead a new-product
launch or being able to take winters off for
"Companies already want more short-term
independent contractors and consultants and fewer
traditional employees.
Seniority matters less and less as time goes on, because
it's about the past, not the future."
5. Throw away the briefcase;
youre not going to the OFFICE.
You can kiss your BENEFITS
goodbye too! Your NEW BOSS
wont look much like your old
one. Theres no longer a
Corporate Ladder. You may
NEVER RETIRE, buts theres a
World of OPPORTUNITY; IF you
figure out a new Path
When it comes to the
future of work there are a
few key trends which
business leaders need to
pay attention to.
Understanding these trends
will allow organizations to
better prepare and adapt to
the changes which are
impacting the way we
7. Future Trends Are
Changing behaviors which are being shaped by social media
entering the enterprise.
New collaborative techniques
and technologies
Flexible Workplaces
Support your Personal Mission
A shift to the cloud for your
work effort
Mobility and connecting to
8. Behaviors Shaped by Social Media
We are seeing inside our organizations as it relates to
social collaboration is being fueled by what is
happening on the web.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare and many
others have given rise to more robust and business
oriented counterparts such as Jive, Yammer, Chatter,
and dozens of others.
The web helps encourage and support new
behaviors such as creating communities, being open
and transparent, sharing information and ideas,
easily being able to find people and information,
and collaboration.
These behaviors (and technologies) are now making
their way into our organizations and are helping
shape the future of work.
9. Workplaces Must Empower Collaboration and Innovation
The millennial generation
essentially demands a corporate
culture anchored in collaboration.
Recent studies show 82 percent of
millennials believe collaboration is
the key to innovation and aspire to
work in companies that agree.
This means organizations should invest in technology and spaces that
encourage and drive collaboration while also enabling the type of work
their people need to get done.
10. New collaborative technologies
New collaborative technologies are dramatically
impacting the way we work.
These technologies give us the freedom and
flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime.
Being able to find subject matter experts and
connect with colleagues (known or unknown)
across the globe is now a possibility that didnt
Hierarchies are being flattened regardless of
seniority and information is being opened up
instead of being locked down.
Systems are being connected and opportunities
for business process improvement, customer
experience, and overall efficiency improvement
11. Workplaces must be flexible
When it comes to where and how work gets done,
the millennial generation loves freedom of choice.
Able to get work done on laptops, smartphones
and tablets, employees are no longer tethered to
their desks as they were a decade ago.
Employers need to offer flexible workspaces that
allow people to move, change positions and work
in different areas throughout the day.
Organizations at the forefront of responding to
this demand are introducing hubs of flexible
office space that can offer up to 10 different types
of work settings.
These hubs then allow employees to sit, stand,
lean, gain privacy and move around throughout
the day as they feel necessary.
12. Companies Must Support Your Mission
The millennial generation believes business should
do more than generate profit, it should also
change the world.
The 2014 Millennial Impact survey indicates that
97 percent of millennials want to use their skills to
help a cause.
This means organizations must do more than
simply draft new values and mission statements,
they should also consider aligning their workspace
around their mission.
13. Shift to the cloud Virtually every collaboration platform
today has a cloud-based deployment
option. This means that the barrier
to entry is virtually zero.
Business units no longer need to wait
for corporate approval or the blessing
of IT to make investments in these
This is a huge shift inside of
organizations which traditionally had
to rely on IT to deploy any type of
new technology, the costs used to be
high and the deployments
14. Mobility and Connecting to work
Mobility is not just about being able to work
and get access to people and information
from a mobile device.
Its also about being a mobile worker which
means you can work from anywhere,
anytime, and on any device.
The idea of connecting to work is become
more prevalent within organizations as they
are starting to allow for more flexible work
The notion of having to work 9-5 and
commuting to an office is dead.
16. Traditional Work is Dying
Weve seen glimpses of the looming changes
already: freelancers now make up 34%that's 53
million peopleof the U.S. workforce, according
to a 2014 survey by Edelman Berland.
In the next 20 years, this shift will accelerate in a
major way towards entrepreneurship,
independent contracting, and "peer-to-peer"
work on platforms like TaskRabbit or TopTechJobs.
There will be major diversification of
entrepreneurship as new platforms like
crowdfunding and relocalized production become
increasingly popular.
17. Work Will Consist Of Many "Short-Term" Assignments
A career will be hundreds of short-term assignments spread out over a lifetime.
By 2040, the job market will consist of part-time assignments, portfolio careers, and
Instead of day-in, day-out work consisting of much of the same responsibilities, a "career,
then, will be composed of hundreds of [short-term] assignments spread out over a
In other words, workers will work on short-term assignments ranging from several days
to multiple years, and will become employees for their own firms.
As this becomes the norm, the vast majority of job growth in 2040 will come from small
18. There Will Be More Talent Agencies
Looking For The Standard Worker
In the past, talent agencies were
reserved for performing artists and
athletes, but in the next economy, talent
agencies and headhunting firms will
start to play a bigger role in the lives of
the everyday professionals looking to
further their career.
It is evident that the profoundly
different nature of jobs and work in the
emerging new economy will require
profoundly different platforms for
organizing work and careers.
19. Small-Business Growth Will Lead To
A Boost In Wages
The rise in self-employment will inevitably
increase wages.
Additionally, as the aging population retires and
with a birthrate below replacement, the labor
supply will decrease, which will also play a role
in boosting wages.
Just remember, now you are paying for your own
insurance, benefits, PTO, 401k, training, etc.
20. The New Boss in a Global Economy
Businesses have the ability to grow insanely fast
these days, going from relative obscurity to viral
status sometimes overnight.
Managers need the ability to act quickly when it
comes to putting together the perfect team
needed to tackle whatever new challenge is at
A leader is going to identify a new projectmaybe
it's entering a new line of business or a new part
of the worldand this is going to require a team
with a new skillset.
Cobbling together the leanest, most experienced
team of people will require not just hiring, but
overseeing a mixture of full-time and freelance
21. What Will Be Their Traits?
Finding More Immediate Ways To Communicate
Managers will need to be far savvier about
how they connect and communicate.
Collaboration platforms like Yammer, Chatter,
and Slack are starting to make their way into
workplaces as the main form of
communication, replacing email.
This population of employees think email is
That means the boss of the future must
prioritize and be hypersensitive to how they
adapt the technology themselves.
With employees scattered around the world
and often working remotely, making sure
everyone is on the same page will become
increasingly tricky and important.
22. A Whole New Way of Hiring
Managers are starting to be held more
publicly accountable for their hiring
practice and the need to be more
sensitive to diversity in the workplace.
There is growing responsibility and
accountability managers will have to
their employees in the future.
We are beginning to see leaders
looking at their employees with the
same lens you might look at a
customer. That requires leaders to
have an empathy in how they view
their team.
23. The Boss will answer to EveryoneYay!
In five years, no one will be able to escape the immediacy and
accountability that social media and online reviews have created for
businesses. How transparent you are is increasingly important.
The boss of the future must be well adept at leading under a
microscope, taking people's feedbackharsh as it may beand
responding to it in their stride.
Transparency will also require bosses to include their
team in big decisions rather than just taking a top-down
approach to leadership. People look at leadership as a
side-by-side relationship or a partnership relationship.
Managers need to be much better listeners rather than
talkers. They need to be much better servant leaders."
24. Everyone Is Responsible For Their Own Success
Your career success relies solely on you.
Workers will be forced to think constantly about
their next assignment, the skills required for
that assignment, and the education and
credentials required to gain those skills.
To be successful, individuals will have to be
more entrepreneurial in thinking and planning
their lives, meaning constantly selling
themselves, defining ones own work, and
educating themselves for future assignments.