This ppt is a part of my seminar, video is uploaded here >
AI, Big Data, Machine learning these are big words but are you aware what is happening? Most importantly are you ready for what's coming?
If not, the future is scary. If yes, the future is exciting!
In this project, I try to condense the overwhelming amount of data and information available on the future of work into a 20 minutes digestible talk. This is based on my 2 years of experience of leading Agile transformations and 6 months of research on the Future of Work.
Clearly, only this will not get you ready but I promise you that it will get you started on the journey of embracing the 4th revolution. Which is not coming but it is already 'here.'
15. In the past Customers used to go where the Banks were,
now the Banks go where the Customers are.
Aalok Gupta
Business & Individual Growth Strategist
43. The Future is scary for those,
who are resisting the change.
Exciting for those,
who are embracing the change.
Aalok Gupta
Business & Individual Growth Strategist