The document discusses future-proof investments and sustainable power sources. It lists many potential future businesses and industries that could thrive with investment, including food forests, permaculture, renewable energy like solar and wind, water purification, agriculture, and more. It also examines sustainable energy generation sources for the 21st century, highlighting solar power systems, wind power, water power, and eventually fusion power as clean energy sources when achieved. Energy storage systems are also discussed as important for storing renewable energy into the future.
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Future-Proof Investments
1. My Ever-changing Predictions of Future-Proof Businesses
January 2, 2014 -David Spoey (@omnispo / JCB)
And Now I have the pleasure of presenting my predicted list of future-proof investments!!
information technology - evolving software - ubiquitous computing - robots - 鍖ber-optics - 3D printers
internet of Spo-Transportation - electro-magnets / self-driving cars
HEMP - hemp paper, hemp plastics, hemp 鍖bers, hemp polymers, hemp fuels, hemplastics / hemphibers / hempolymers
Hemp Foods - protein, oil, fatty acids, GLA
atmospheric water generators AWGs / air wells / dew ponds / dew mesh nets /
COPPER alloys! for antimicrobial , anticorrosive, biocidal, sanitizing, aesthetic qualities
Copperware / copper (bronze / brass) mouthpieces / pushplates / aquaculture mesh
FOOD FOREST Franchise - The SunRoom Corporate Chain of Franchises! -Solaroofs
FOOD!! organics / veganics / grass-fed / natural / permaculture / edible gardens / polyculture
local agriculture - polyculture - Worm castings (for integrated pest management)
biological energy: all food crops/staples - community gardens / community supported agriculture
-agriculture / permaculture / biodynamic gardens / greenhouse
aeroponics / hydroponics / aquaculture
common and rare fruits and veggies and fungi and natural living products
Examples: Coffee - Hemp - Flax - Oats - Granolas - Algae
Cultivate the most valuable living organisms in humane eco-sea-stems
smart shelters / domes / homes / castles / businesses / rooms / buildings / skyscrapers
eco-domes / spomes / biodomes / geo-domes / seadomes
food forests / permaculture classes - sustainable real estate development
WASSER - aqua -Dihydrogen Monoxide - H2O - EAU - AGUA - WATER - nutritious fresh mineralized pure water
-desalination / atmospheric water generation
solar energy - renewable/sustainable energy industry harvests the fusion energy of our Sun
desert oases / atmospheric water collection (dehumidi鍖ers)
world ocean power - aqua-hydrosea-hygrocean energy
-seawater greenhouses - seasteading
low and high altitude wind energy
hydrogen energy / fuel cells / alternative energy storages / tri-generation / co-generation
all types of batteries / fuel cells / supercapacitors
offshore oceanic-sea-power generation installations
OGEC energy / Sea Energy / Fusion energy Fusionergy
geothermal energy
wastergy = waste energy = we are the wizards of nature's westerly wastergy
plasmarc gasi鍖cation = land鍖ll mining ---> even PhiCell Phical matter Management /redistribution
--> Waste (after molecular dissociation and separation) is Money and a good future investment
waternut bars / nitroxygen bars / laughing bars / laughteargas bars
PARADISE - tourism / travel / cruising to tropical islands (or simulation thereof)
community centers, hospitals, hospices, nursing home, daycare, schools, therapy centers
pharmaceuticals / neuroscience / telemedicine / telearning
biomedical research - genetics robotics informatics picotechnology
electronic cigarettes - herbal electromagnetic vaporizers replacing smoking and combustion
Precious metals - silver copper gold palladium platinum titanium rhodium - MONEY - metal assets
2. the following lists my opinion of future-proof investments
Future Businesses to thrive with deserved future-focused investment:
autobarcafedelivery --> omnispodelivery BuckAid Sposicles OmniMoniCaSeaWater
electronic cigarettes
COPPER alloys & of course precious metals
food forests / permaculture classes - sustainable real estate development
Worm castings (for integrated pest management) Composts and super soils
H2O - EAU - AGUA - WATER - nutritious fresh mineralized pure water
all food crops/staples
-agriculture / permaculture / biodynamic gardens / greenhouse
American made products
solar energy - renewable/sustainable energy industry harvests the fusion energy of our Sun
low and high altitude wind energy
world ocean power - aqua-hydrosea-hygrocean energy
atmospheric water collection (dehumidi鍖ers)
seawater greenhouses
aeroponics / hydroponics - hemplastics / hemphibers / hempolymers
plasmarc gasi鍖cation = land鍖ll mining --->
even PhiCell Phical matter Management /redistribution
--> Waste (after molecular dissociation and separation) is Money and a good future investment
self-driving cars
community centers
community gardens / community supported agriculture
domes / spomes / biodomes
organics / veganics / grass-fed / natural biodynamic producers
rare fruits and veggies and fungi and natural living products
evolving software
robots / drones / A.I. / evolving systems
OGEC energy / Sea Energy / Fusion energy Fusionergy
weapons / ammo / arms?? maybe not?
Investigating Sustainable Power Sources & Renewable Energy Storage Systems
Let's Reimagine humanity's Future-Proof Power Sources & Sinks (Storage Systems). A. SOURCES A. Sustainable Energy
Generation Systems (SEGS)
AND B. SINKS B. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs)
What will be Humanity's Main SOURCES of Sustainable Power in the 21st Century?
SOURCES A. Sustainable Energy Generation Systems (SEGS)
1. Solar Power Systems convert sunlight into usable forms produces electricity, heat, water AND -cooling (through adsorption
chillers), hydrogen, pure water, clean air & many usable bio-鍖bers
>Thermal Solar Collectors produce usable heat for heating buildings AND making hot water >Standard Photovoltaic PV Panel
Systems >Concentrated photovoltaics CPV using multifunction 40+% super-ef鍖cient cells/modules/panels/systems
3. >Concentrating solar Power CSP --> solar energy transformed into heat converted to electricity with steam turbine
-->concentrated Fresnel-->Stirling, Rankine, --> generates electricity >Other solar powered systems - thermophotovoltaics,
thermoelectric, co-trigeneration, satellite space-bourne PV systems,
holographic lenses, smart windows, biological organisms (like trees), passive solar architectural systems, daylighting 2. Wind
Power Systems - onshore wind farms & offshore wind farms @ Low Altitude & High Altitudes
>Ground Level- HAWTs (standard wind turbines) & VAWTs (spiral aero-turbine) arrays >High Altitude Wind Power
installations - ram air turbines, windbelt generators (piezoelectric / triboelectric / inductive)
-auto-bots spinning high altitude aero-power installations (domes & kites) 3. Water Power Systems = Hydroelectric Power
Generating Dams, Tidal Generators, Hydro-kinetic Current Generators,
Wave Power Systems, Ocean Thermal Energy conversion OTEC plants, Osmotic Power & OGES Sea-Stems 4.
>Flora Plant Powered - growing crops like miscanthus, poplar, switchgrass, hemp, corn, straw, grains, nut trees -harnesses
PhotoSynthetic power to produce biobased feedstocks, biobased plastics, biofuels like butanol and ethanol,
>Fauna / Animal / Human Powered - Humanergy --> muscle power of the human body, brainpower & muscle motion piezoelectric generators, triboelectric generators magnetostrictive humanergic inductive generators
5. Fossil Fuels = natural gas, coal, oil, & shale --> we all know how these work :) 6. Nuclear Fission Power Generation - 4th
and 5th generation nuclear reactors, no waste breeder reactors & thorium cycle 7. Geothermal Power Generating Installations tap heat of the Earth's core cooperating with the Sun 8. Fusion Power Production- when achieved, will be the ultimate clean
source of energy,-inspired by solar processes --> Sology - the study of the Sun
What will be our systems of Power Storage? How will Humanity STORE renewable energy in the 21st Century?
Future Proof Energy Storage SINKS B. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs)
What will be Humanity's Main Energy Storage Systems in the 21st Century?
Fossil Fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal, Shale), hydrogen, methane, Biofuels (ethanol / butanol / biodiesel / biogas), biological organisms,
Battery banks, super-capacitors, fuel cells, 鍖ywheels, Thermal energy storage banks, compressed air storage systems (CEGS),
Raised Weight energy storage systems, Pumped Storage Systems - standard onshore systems & Offshore AGES deep-sea
pumped storage sustainable power generation platforms
What are the different types / kinds / categories of Energy Storage Systems?
1. physicochemical energy stores (ESS) - barrels of fossil fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal, Shale)
2. thermal energy storage systems - molten salt thermal energy battery system 3. gravitational energy storage systems - raised
weight systems + pumped storage power stations (AGES)
4. electrical energy storage systems - huge battery banks, super-capacitors, fuel cells, 鍖ywheels 5. biochemical energy carriersbiofuels (ethanol / butanol / biodiesel / biogas), bodies of biological organisms, 6. physical energy storage systems - compressed
air storage systems, tri-generation, 鍖ywheels, raised weight 7. atomic / nuclear energy storage systems - enriched 鍖ssionable
isotopes AND fusion power generation systems
Sustainable Sources of Power
Fusion Power Production- when achieved, will be the ultimate clean source of energy, remaining solar processes --> Sology - the study of the Sun
Solar Power Systems use the power of the sun's radiation to produce electricity, heat, cooling (through adsorption chillers), hydrogen, pure water, clean air, and usable bio鍖bers
>Thermal Solar Collectors produce usable heat for heating buildings AND making hot water
>Standard Photovoltaic PV Panel Systems
>Concentrated photovoltaics CPV using multifunction 40+% super-efficient cells/modules/panels/systems
>Concentrating solar Power CSP --> solar energy transformed into thermal energy which is converted to electricity through a steam turbine
-->concentrated Fresnel-->Stirling, Rankine, --> generates electricity
>Other solar powered systems - thermophotovoltaic, thermoelectric, co-trigeneration, geosynchronous satellite space-bourne PV systems, holographic lens, smart windows, biological organisms
(like trees)
-passive solar architectural systems -> daylighting --> redirecting sunlight
Wind Power Systems are producing power from onshore wind farms & offshore wind farms @ Low Altitude & High Altitudes
>Ground Level- HAWTs (standard wind turbines) & VAWTs (spiral aero-turbine) arrays
>High Altitude Wind Power installations - ram air turbines, windbelt (piezoelectric / triboelectric / inductive) aero-generators
-auto-bots spinning high altitude aero-power installations (domes & kites)
Water Power Systems = Hydroelectric Power Generating Dams, Tidal Generators, Hydro-kinetic Current Generators, Wave Power Systems, Ocean Thermal Energy conversion OTEC
plants, Osmotic Power & AGES/OGES Sea-Stems
Geothermal Power Generating Installations - tap heat of the Earth's core cooperating with the Sun's Electro-Gravitational Energy Well
Biomaterial Energy Sources include Plant Tissue & Animal Bodies / Flora & Fauna Energy Storage Systems
4. >Flora croPlantree Powered growing crops like miscanthus, poplar, switchgrass, hemp, corn, soybean, peanut, grains, legumes, straw,
-harnesses PhotoSynthetic power to produce biobased feedstocks, biobased plastics, biofuels like butanol and ethanol,
>Fauna / Animal / Human Powered - Humanergy --> muscle power of the human body brainerve brain and nerve / muscle power
-piezoelectric generators, triboelectric generators magnetostrictive humanergic inductive generators
Nuclear FIssion Power Generation - 4th and 5th generation nuclear reactors --> no waste breeder reactors --> thorium cycle
Fossil Fuels = natural gas, coal, oil, & shale
2. What will be Humanity's Main Energy Storage Systems in the 21st Century? SINKS 2. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs)
What are our main methods of solar Power storage? What are our Energy carriers / energetic SINKS / Energy Storage Systems/Modules?
>>huge battery banks, super-capacitors, fuel cells, 鍖ywheels, raised weight energy storage systems, thermal energy storage banks, compressed air storage systems (CEGS),
>>fossil fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal, Shale), hydrogen, methane, biofuels (ethanol / butanol / biodiesel / biogas), the bodily tissues of living species of biological organisms,
>>onshore pumped storage power stations AND offshore AGES deep-sea pumped storage plants
Re-Imagining we are humanity's Future-Proof Power Sources & Sinks (Storage Systems).
SOURCES 1. Sustainable Energy Generation Systems (SEGS)
SINKS 2. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs)
1. What will be Humanity's Main Sources of Power in the 21st Century?
SOURCES 1. Sustainable Energy Generation Systems (SEGS)
Sustainable Power Sources (SPS) = Sustainable Energy Generation Systems (SEGS)
Sustainable Power Sources (SPS) = S
2. What will be Humanity's Main Energy Storage Systems in the 21st Century? SINKS 2. Energy Storage Systems (ESSs)
Additional Personal Notes @omnispo
We love to write our stories.
We all live to love our lives.
We all swim in the same OmniSea
composed of our planet's World Ocean
interacting with Earth's atmospheric geodomes
of hydro-sol-air weather bio-spomes (intrigued yet?).
All day I breathe in the wet air of the OmniSea, and 鍖ow
into futuristic imagination of hydro-sol-air seawater greenhouses
and land-based geomnifunctional anti-pollution clean power stations.
Dear Sir Sposalot, Dr. Spomedico, Mr. Spoey,
You now Startup the 鍖rst company based upon the concepts for these intuitively inventive and innovative inventions
intended to spark vertically/horizontally integrated business ventures.
spirituality - banking - 鍖nances - writing - electronic
internet of Spo-Transportation - electro-magnets / self-driving cars
materials of the future --> silk, copper, graphene, CNTs, ligno-cellulose, hydrogens, silver, gold (other PMs)
bioglasstic, biopolymers, hempolymers
artists might use silk as a transparent painting canvas (one which you could eat)!
I want to make tiny silk micro-bubbles 鍖lled with every biomineral / biovitamin / biochemical / bioceutical necessary